The Langat River Basin in Malaysia is vulnerable to soil erosion risks because of its exposure to intensive land use activities and its topography,which primarily consists of steep slopes and mountainous areas.Further...The Langat River Basin in Malaysia is vulnerable to soil erosion risks because of its exposure to intensive land use activities and its topography,which primarily consists of steep slopes and mountainous areas.Furthermore,climate change frequently exposes this basin to drought,which negatively affects soil and water conservation.However,recent studies have rarely shown how soil reacts to drought,such as soil erosion.Therefore,the purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between drought and soil erosion in the Langat River Basin.We analyzed drought indices using Landsat 8 satellite images in November 2021,and created the normalized differential water index(NDWI)via Landsat 8 data to produce a drought map.We used the revised universal soil loss equation(RUSLE)model to predict soil erosion.We verified an association between the NDWI and soil erosion data using a correlation analysis.The results revealed that the southern and northern regions of the study area experienced drought events.We predicted an average annual soil erosion of approximately 58.11 t/(hm^(2)·a).Analysis of the association between the NDWI and soil erosion revealed a strong positive correlation,with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.86.We assumed that the slope length and steepness factor was the primary contributor to soil erosion in the study area.As a result,these findings can help authorities plan effective measures to reduce the impacts of drought and soil erosion in the future.展开更多
The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin...The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin covering a spatial area of 56.7 Km2 in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria to estimate annual soil loss using the RUSLE model. Satellite images of Landsat OLI for December 2014, 2016, 2018, February, July and November 2022;soil data, rainfall data from 2010 to 2022, and DEM of 30-meter resolution were utilized for the study. All factors of the RUSLE model were calculated for the basin using assembled data. The erosivity (R-factor) was discovered to be 553.437 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1∙yr−1. The average erodibility (K-factor) value was 0.1 Mg∙h∙h∙ha−1∙MJ−1∙mm−1∙yr−1. The Slope Length and Steepness factor (LS-factor) in the basin ranged between 0% and 13.47%. The Crop Management Factor (C-factor) values were obtained from a rescaling of the NDVI values derived for the study area and ranged from 0.26 to 0.55. Support practice (P-factors) were computed from the prevalent tillage practice in the basin and ranged from 0.27 to 0.40. The soil loss amount for the Kubanni basin was found to be 28441.482 tons∙ha−1∙yr−1, while the annual soil loss for the entire Kubanni drainage basin was found to be 49780.257 tons∙yr−1. The study has demonstrated the viability of coupling RUSLE model and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for the estimation of soil loss in the Kubanni drainage basin.展开更多
The research progress of soil loss under the dual structure of southwest karst is systematically studied. The results show that the research of the soil erosion in karst mountainous area started late, and the basic re...The research progress of soil loss under the dual structure of southwest karst is systematically studied. The results show that the research of the soil erosion in karst mountainous area started late, and the basic research is lagging. Most of the existing research results focus on the present situation, causes and control measures of surface erosion. The view of underground soil loss in the context of karst diploid structure has been recognized by most scholars. However, limited to the research methods and the lack of observational data, the way of underground soil loss, the amount of loss and its harm are still unclear. Therefore, seeking the necessary technical means to carry out the necessary field observation from the way and process of loss is the focus of the study of soil loss under karst structure in the future.展开更多
A comprehensive methodology that integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques was adopted to determine the soil erosion vulner- ability of a fore...A comprehensive methodology that integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques was adopted to determine the soil erosion vulner- ability of a forested mountainous sub-watershed in Kerala, India. The spatial pattern of annual soil erosion rate was obtained by integrating geo-environmental variables in a raster based GIS method. GIS data layers including, rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodability (K), slope length and steepness (LS), cover management (C) and conservation practice (P) factors were computed to determine their effects on average annual soil loss in the area. The resultant map of annual soil erosion shows a maximum soil loss of 17.73 t h-1 y i with a close relation to grass land areas, degraded forests and deciduous forests on the steep side-slopes (with high LS ). The spatial erosion maps generated with RUSLE method and GIS can serve as effective inputs in deriving strategies for land planning and management in the environmentally sensitive mountainous areas.展开更多
Understanding the relationship between hillslope soil loss with ephemeral gully and rainfall regime is important for soil loss prediction and erosion control. Based on 12-year field observation data, this paper quanti...Understanding the relationship between hillslope soil loss with ephemeral gully and rainfall regime is important for soil loss prediction and erosion control. Based on 12-year field observation data, this paper quantified the rainfall regime impacts on soil loss at loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully. According to three rainfall parameters including precipitation (P), rainfall duration (t), and maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity (I30), 115 rainfall events were classified by using K-mean clustering method and Discriminant Analysis. The results showed that 115 rainfall events could be divided into three rainfall regimes. Rainfall Regime 1 (RR1) had large I30 values with low precipitation and short duration, while the three rainfall parameters of Rainfall Regime 3 (RR3) were inversely different compared with those of RR1; for Rainfall Regime 2 (RR2), the precipitation, duration and Iso values were all between those of RR1 and RR3. Compared with RR2 and RR3, RR1 was the dominant rainfall regime for causing soil loss at the loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully, especially for causing extreme soil loss events. PI30 (Product of P and Izo) was selected as the key index of rainfall characteristics to fit soil loss equations. Two sets of linear regression equations between soil loss and Plzo with and without rainfall regime classification were fitted. Compared with the equation without rainfall regime classification, the cross validation results of the equations with rainfall regime classification was satisfactory. These results indicated that rainfall regime classification could not only depict rainfall characteristics precisely, but also improve soil loss equation prediction accuracy at loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully.展开更多
Based on the new algorithm for GIS image pixel topographic factors in remote sensing monitoring ofsoil losses, a software was developed for microcomputer to carry out computation at a medium river basin(county). This ...Based on the new algorithm for GIS image pixel topographic factors in remote sensing monitoring ofsoil losses, a software was developed for microcomputer to carry out computation at a medium river basin(county). This paper lays its emphasis on algorithmic skills and programming techniques as well as applicationof the software.展开更多
Improved understanding of the effect of shrub cover on soil erosion process will provide valuable information for soil and water conservation programs.Laboratory rainfall simulations were conducted to determine the ef...Improved understanding of the effect of shrub cover on soil erosion process will provide valuable information for soil and water conservation programs.Laboratory rainfall simulations were conducted to determine the effects of shrubs on runoff and soil erosion and to ascertain the relationship between the rate of soil loss and the runoff hydrodynamic characteristics.In these simulations a 20° slope was subjected to rainfall intensities of 45,87,and 127 mm/h.The average runoff rates ranged from 0.51 to 1.26 mm/min for bare soil plots and 0.15 to 0.96 mm/min for shrub plots.Average soil loss rates varied from 44.19 to 114.61 g/(min·m^2) for bare soil plots and from 5.61 to 84.58 g/(min·m^2) for shrub plots.There was a positive correlation between runoff and soil loss for the bare soil plots,and soil loss increased with increased runoff for shrub plots only when rainfall intensity is 127 mm/h.Runoff and soil erosion processes were strongly influenced by soil surface conditions because of the formation of erosion pits and rills.The unit stream power was the optimal hydrodynamic parameter to characterize the soil erosion mechanisms.The soil loss rate increased linearly with the unit stream power on both shrub and bare soil plots.Critical unit stream power values were 0.004 m/s for bare soil plots and 0.017 m/s for shrub plots.展开更多
The observations from 14-yr long-term investigation on the soil-water losses in the sloping red-earth (slope 8°- 15°) showed that soil-water losses were closely correlated with land slope and vegetative cove...The observations from 14-yr long-term investigation on the soil-water losses in the sloping red-earth (slope 8°- 15°) showed that soil-water losses were closely correlated with land slope and vegetative coverage. Runoff rate in sloping red-earth could be reduced doubly by exploitation, while the soil erosion was enhanced doubly during the first two years after exploitation. Subsequently, it tended to be stable. Soil erosion was highly positively correlated with land slope, i. e. soil erosion increased by 120 t km-2 yr-1 with a slope increase of 1°. On the contrary, soil erosion was highly negatively correlated with vegetative coverage, i. e. soil erosion was limited at 200 t km-2 yr-1 below as the vegetative coverage exceeded 60%. Furthermore, soil erosion was highly related with planting patterns, i. e. soil erosion in contour cropping pattern would be one sixth of that in straight cropping. Based on the view of soil nutrient balance and test data, it was first suggested that the soil loss tolerance in Q2 red clay derived red-earth should be lower than 300 t km-2 yr-1.展开更多
Six types of runoff plots were set up and an experimental study was carried out to examine natural rate of soil and water loss in the granite gneiss region of northern Jiangsu Province in China. Through correlation an...Six types of runoff plots were set up and an experimental study was carried out to examine natural rate of soil and water loss in the granite gneiss region of northern Jiangsu Province in China. Through correlation analysis of runoff and soil loss during 364 rainfall events, a simplified and convenient mathematical formula suitable for calculating the rainfall erosivity factor (R) for the local region was established. Other factors of the universal soil loss equation (USLE model) were also determined. Relative error analysis of the soil loss of various plots calculated by the USLE model on the basis of the observed values showed that the relative error ranged from -3.5% to 9.9% and the confidence level was more than 90%. In addition, the relative error was 5.64% for the terraced field and 12.36% for the sloping field in the practical application. Thus, the confidence level was above 87.64%. These results provide a scientific basis for forecasting and monitoring soil and water loss, for comprehensive management of small watersheds, and for soil and water conservation planning in the region.展开更多
Soil erosion induced by inappropriate tillage remains a serious problem on many agricultural fields in the humid tropics. Studies were conducted between 2004 and 2006, on an Alfisol in Ogbomoso in the Southern Guinea ...Soil erosion induced by inappropriate tillage remains a serious problem on many agricultural fields in the humid tropics. Studies were conducted between 2004 and 2006, on an Alfisol in Ogbomoso in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria to evaluate the effectiveness of Vetiver Grass(Vetiveria nigritana) Strips(VGS) under different tillage systems. The experiment was split-plot laid out in a randomized complete block design with two replications on 6% slope with 18 runoff plots. Main plot treatments were tillage systems; Manual Clearing(MC), Ploughing(P) and Ploughing plus Harrowing(PH). Subplot treatments were VGS spaced at intervals of 5 m(eight strips) and 10 m(four strips) with the control(no-vetiver). Runoffs and soil losses were collected after each major storm. Chemical analyses of eroded sediments and runoff were determined. Data were analyzed using ANOVA at p<0.05. The results showed that tillage had no significant reduction in runoffs and soil losses, but they were reduced with MC compared with P and PH. Mean total runoff on 5 and 10 m VGS plots were significantly(p<0.05) lower than that of the control by 74.4% and 45.0%, respectively. Corresponding soils loss on 5 and 10 m VGS plots were 27.1% and 53.5%, respectively. Mean NO3-N levels in runoff water were lower under PH plots than those under MC plots by 79.0% and 66.5%, respectively in 2004 and 2006 growing seasons. VGS spaced at 5 m significantly(p<0.05) reduced NO3-N loss than the control by 108.8% in 2004. Nutrients loads of eroded sediments were consistently higher for the control(no-vetiver) plots and least for 5 m VGS plot. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents of eroded sediments were 90%-92.4%, 83%-83.6% and 97%-97.8%, respectively, and were lower on 5 m than other treatments. Maize grain yield was significantly(p<0.05) affected by both tillage and VGS spacing only in 2005 growing season. P plot produced higher grain yield than MC and PH by 79.9% and 99.1%, respectively. Also, grain yield on VGS plot was significantly(p<0.05) higher on 5 and 10 m VGS plots than the control by 82.2% and 85.4%, respectively. The significant beneficial effect of PH in producing higher yields was dwarfed by the potential danger of soil erosion in the absence of a soil erosion control measure. The results showed that a balance needed to be struck between mechanical clearance and protective measure against soil erosion.展开更多
Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention.The C-factor of the RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI,ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelan...Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention.The C-factor of the RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI,ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelands of Kyrgyzstan.Time series of C-factor,precipitation and temperature were decomposed into seasonal and trend components with STL(seasonal decomposition by loess) to assess their interrelations.C-factor,precipitation and temperature trend components indicated significant lagged correlation,whereas seasonal components indicated more complex relations with climate factors which can be promoting as well as limiting factors for vegetation development,depending on the season.Rainy springs and hot summers may increase soil loss dramatically,whereas warm and dry springs with rainy summers can decrease it.Steep slopes indicated higher soil loss ratio,whereas flat areas were better protected by vegetation.展开更多
Soil erosion is a growing problem especially in areas of agricultural activity where soil erosion not only leads to decreased agricultural productivity but also reduces water availability. Universal Soil Loss Equation...Soil erosion is a growing problem especially in areas of agricultural activity where soil erosion not only leads to decreased agricultural productivity but also reduces water availability. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most popular empirically based model used globally for erosion prediction and control. Remote sensing and GIS techniques have become valuable tools specially when assessing erosion at larger scales due to the amount of data needed and the greater area coverage. The present study area is a part of Chotanagpur plateau with undulating topography, with a very high risk of soil erosion. In the present study an attempt has been made to assess the annual soil loss in Upper South Koel basin using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in GIS framework. Such information can be of immense help in identifying priority areas for implementation of erosion control measures. The soil erosion rate was determined as a function of land topography, soil texture, land use/land cover, rainfall erosivity, and crop management and practice in the watershed using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (for Indian conditions), remote sensing imagery, and GIS techniques. The rainfall erosivity R-factor of USLE was found as 546 MJ mm/ha/hr/yr and the soil erodibility K-factor varied from 0.23 - 0.37. Slopes in the catchment varied between 0% and 42% having LS factor values ranging from 0 - 21. The C factor was computed from NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetative Index) values derived from Landsat-TM data. The P value was computed from existing cropping patterns in the catchment. The annual soil loss estimated in the watershed using USLE is 12.2 ton/ha/yr.展开更多
Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most comprehensive technique available to predict the long term average annual rate of erosion on a field slope. USLE was governed by five factors include soil erodibility fa...Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most comprehensive technique available to predict the long term average annual rate of erosion on a field slope. USLE was governed by five factors include soil erodibility factor (K), rainfall and runoff erodibility index (R), crop/vegetation and management factor (C), support practice factor (P) and slope length-gradient factor (LS). In the past, K, R and LS factors are extensively studied. But the impacts of factors C and P to outfall Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and % reduction of TSS are not fully studied yet. Therefore, this study employs Buffer Zone Calculator as a tool to determine the sediment removal efficiency for different C and P factors. The selected study areas are Santubong River, Kuching, Sarawak. Results show that the outfall TSS is increasing with the increase of C values. The most effective and efficient land use for reducing TSS among 17 land uses investigated is found to be forest with undergrowth, followed by mixed dipt. forest, forest with no undergrowth, cultivated grass, logging 30, logging 10^6, wet rice, new shifting agriculture, oil palm, rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea and lastly settlement/cleared land. Besides, results also indicate that the % reduction of TSS is increasing with the decrease of P factor. The most effective support practice to reduce the outfall TSS is found to be terracing, followed by contour-strip cropping, contouring and lastly not implementing any soil conservation practice.展开更多
Water erosion remains the major problem in many countries, especially those with an extension in the arid and semi-arid area and those marked by a long dry season. The intensification of land degradation which is a re...Water erosion remains the major problem in many countries, especially those with an extension in the arid and semi-arid area and those marked by a long dry season. The intensification of land degradation which is a result of the strong erosive dynamics on a global scale has stimulated the initiative of multidisciplinary researchers investigate the issue of water erosion from its various facets [1] [2]. The goal is to preserve water and soil, two resources threatened. Multiple attempts were made to diagnose and implement empirical and experimental methods for quantitative estimation of soil loss caused by diffuse erosion. Indeed, the Eastern slope of the high mountains of Asir (Saudi Arabia), formerly worn and cut by the depression of rivers and undeniable branching of the river system, deserves to be studied in detail given the release of a huge erosive potential that is responsible for soil losses that are increasing gradually and continuously. The purpose of this paper was to validate the suitability of agricultural terraces in terms of soil preservation, using the results of the soil loss application as an indicator of the state of function of these latter. Many studies have addressed the agricultural terraces, however, only a few of them have focused on the relationship between erosion and agricultural terraces through an experimental approach. Previous work has concentrated mainly on their socio-economic impact;whilst the knowledge of their environmental impact remained scarce. In terms of the climate change context, soil erosion is becoming a central problem in Asir region. Thus, in this way, the application of the universal equation of soil loss was very helpful to explain and predict the role of each factor. Nevertheless, extreme caution and great care must be taken because of the application of this model outside its frame.展开更多
Soil degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious and continuous environmental problem in Jabi Tehinan Woreda. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, overgrazing and exploitation of biomass fo...Soil degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious and continuous environmental problem in Jabi Tehinan Woreda. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, overgrazing and exploitation of biomass for firewood, construction and other household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil erosion. The impact of natural hazards like erosion can be minimized and ultimately controlled by disaster preparedness maps. Therefore, the overall objective of this paper is to quantify and map an estimated soil loss by examining different topographic and anthropogenic factors for the planning and implementations of sustainable soil conservation and management system in the study area. This study had integrated Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques to quantify and map erosion vulnerable areas using RUSLE model. Slope gradient, slope length, soil type, soil conservations techniques, cover management and rainfall variables were used as input model parameters/variables. The data had been collected and analyzed from different land sat imageries, SRTM data, topomaps and point interpolations of primary data. Finally, the aggregated effects of all parameters had been analyzed and soil loss from the area was calculated using RUSEL models. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. Quantitatively, an estimated annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 t/ha/yr in steeply sloping mountainous areas of the north and north-eastern parts of the catchments.展开更多
Soil erosion is one of the most important environmental problems, and it remains as a major threat to the land use of hilly regions of Tripura. The present study aims at estimating potential and actual soil loss (t...Soil erosion is one of the most important environmental problems, and it remains as a major threat to the land use of hilly regions of Tripura. The present study aims at estimating potential and actual soil loss (t·h-1·y-1) as well as to indentify the major erosion prone sub-watersheds in the study area. Average annual soil loss has been estimated by multiplying five parameters, i.e.: R (the rainfall erosivity factor), K (the soil erodibility factor), LS (the topographic factor), C (the crop management factor) and P (the conservation support practice). Such estimation is based on the principles de- fined in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with some modifications. This intensity of soil erosion has been divided into different priority classes. The whole study area has been subdivided into 23 sub watersheds in order to identify the priority areas in terms of the intensity of soil erosion. Each sub-watershed has further been studied intensively in terms of rainfall, soil type, slope, land use/land cover and soil erosion to determine the dominant factor leading to higher erosion. The average annual predicted soil loss ranges between 11 and 836 t·h-1·y-1. Low soil loss areas (·h-1·y-1) have mostly been recorded under densely forested areas.展开更多
The Lobo watershed is highly anthropogenic since it has become the main production area for cocoa and coffee in C?te d’Ivoire. It therefore seems important to quantify soil loss by water erosion in this region. The W...The Lobo watershed is highly anthropogenic since it has become the main production area for cocoa and coffee in C?te d’Ivoire. It therefore seems important to quantify soil loss by water erosion in this region. The Wischmeier modeling was used to model the main factors involved in erosive phenomena. Crosscutting of thematic maps and the application of the USLE formulas made possible to evaluate the erosion rate at the watershed scale in 1986 and 2014. Although soil is susceptible to erosion and erosivity is increased, the results indicate a growth in soil loss estimated at 90.12%. Some agroforestry efforts are still possible to help reducing those soil losses.展开更多
Global climate change and overgrazing are driving shifts in the plant composition of grassland com-munities,which may profoundly affect the function of grassland ecosystems in regulating runoff and soil erosion.Here,w...Global climate change and overgrazing are driving shifts in the plant composition of grassland com-munities,which may profoundly affect the function of grassland ecosystems in regulating runoff and soil erosion.Here,we examined the shift effects of normal hillslope alpine meadow to shrub and severely degraded meadow states on runoff and sediment generation under natural rainfall conditions,and determined the contributions of plant and soil properties changes to soil erodibility,runoff and sediment generation by in situ rainfall experiment and monitoring on the hillslope of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.The results showed that normal meadow shift into severely degraded meadow state,mean weight diameter,soil saturated hydraulic conductivity,soil cohesion and soil erodibility K-factor at the topsoil decreased by 70.3%,73.1%,80.3%and-13.1%,respectively,and when normal meadows shift into shrub meadow state,they reduced by 49.1%,-1.3%,49.4%,and-8.3%,respectively.Runoff and soil loss significantly changed by-40.0%and 177.8%when normal meadow shifted into a severely degraded meadow state,while runoff and soil loss significantly changed by+65.0%and+77.8%when normal meadow shifted into a shrub meadow state.Our findings highlight that the two divergent shifts both increased soil loss compared to the normal hillslope alpine meadows.Overall,our results indicate that the divergent shifts of normal alpine meadows exacerbated soil erodibility and soil loss of hillslope alpine meadows.These results obtained here offer a novel perspective on the regulation of runoff and soil erosion in the alpine meadow ecosystem.展开更多
Cassava is a major food crop for farmers and especially small holder farmers and cultivated under low input other than the irrigation.It is cultivated as mono crop or intercrop at early stage and cultivating throughou...Cassava is a major food crop for farmers and especially small holder farmers and cultivated under low input other than the irrigation.It is cultivated as mono crop or intercrop at early stage and cultivating throughout the year.It is harvested carefully because of cyanogenic glucosides and consumed with in day.Easy and un-damageable uprooting of the tuber mainly depends on soil moisture,texture and agronomic practices.The study was focused with the objectives of the assessment of soil loss due to the harvesting of cassava roots tubers under low input agriculture,and to estimate the amount of plant nutrients loss due to crop harvest for cassava.Also the observation was made the correlation between the soil loss and physical characters of the tuber,soil texture and agronomic practices.Average plant specific soil loss due to crop harvesting was 80.7 g root−1 and crop specific soil loss due to crop harvesting was 7.64 kg ha−1 harvest−1 loss in Valliagmam area in Jaffna,Sri Lanka.Soil moisture content at harvesting time was a significant factor that explained the variations in the soil lost at cassava harvesting.Soil moisture has linear positive relationship with average plant specific soil loss due to crop harvesting.Soil nutrient loss during cassava harvesting by removal of adhering soil with root tuber was 1.15 kg of N,1.99 kg of P and 2.91 kg of K ha−1 harvest−1.Application of fertilizer is important since considerable amount nutrient loss was observed due to soil loss due to crop harvest.展开更多
Soil erosion and nutrient loss due to erosion are world-wide problems. Similar to soil loss by erosion, soil nitrogen (N) loss by erosion in small catchments is affected by vegetation coverage. The practice of compreh...Soil erosion and nutrient loss due to erosion are world-wide problems. Similar to soil loss by erosion, soil nitrogen (N) loss by erosion in small catchments is affected by vegetation coverage. The practice of comprehensive management for catchments mainly by adjusting cropland, grassland and woodland areas was widely adopted to reduce soil and water loss in catchments of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Three experiments under natural and artificial rainfall conditions on N loss by erosion for a model catchment and for an actual catchment in Zhifanggou of Ansai County in China was performed to determine the relationships between comprehensive management and N loss by runoff in small catchments. The results for vegetation coverage of 60%, 40%, 20% and 0 show that runoff loss of ammonium, nitrate, and total N were 87.08, 44.31, 25.16, 13.71 kg/km(2); 85.50, 74.06, 63.95, 56.23 kg/km(2); and 0.18, 1.18, 1.98, 7.51 t/ km(2), respectively. Due to reduction in the size of cropped area on steeply sloping land, soil N loss by erosion in the catchments was decreased by 15.8% as compared with that in 1992, i.e., from 8 758.5 kg in 1992 to 7 562.2 kg in 1998. Whereas, catchments act as a filter for ammonium and nitrate in rain, the catchment filtering effects on nitrate is remarkably higher than that on ammonium. The enrichment of < 20 mum aggregate in sediment results in the enrichment of organic matter and total N in flood sediment. Greater vegetation coverage can effectively decrease soil erosion and total N loss. However, soil mineral N loss increased as vegetation coverage increased.展开更多
文摘The Langat River Basin in Malaysia is vulnerable to soil erosion risks because of its exposure to intensive land use activities and its topography,which primarily consists of steep slopes and mountainous areas.Furthermore,climate change frequently exposes this basin to drought,which negatively affects soil and water conservation.However,recent studies have rarely shown how soil reacts to drought,such as soil erosion.Therefore,the purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between drought and soil erosion in the Langat River Basin.We analyzed drought indices using Landsat 8 satellite images in November 2021,and created the normalized differential water index(NDWI)via Landsat 8 data to produce a drought map.We used the revised universal soil loss equation(RUSLE)model to predict soil erosion.We verified an association between the NDWI and soil erosion data using a correlation analysis.The results revealed that the southern and northern regions of the study area experienced drought events.We predicted an average annual soil erosion of approximately 58.11 t/(hm^(2)·a).Analysis of the association between the NDWI and soil erosion revealed a strong positive correlation,with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.86.We assumed that the slope length and steepness factor was the primary contributor to soil erosion in the study area.As a result,these findings can help authorities plan effective measures to reduce the impacts of drought and soil erosion in the future.
文摘The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin covering a spatial area of 56.7 Km2 in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria to estimate annual soil loss using the RUSLE model. Satellite images of Landsat OLI for December 2014, 2016, 2018, February, July and November 2022;soil data, rainfall data from 2010 to 2022, and DEM of 30-meter resolution were utilized for the study. All factors of the RUSLE model were calculated for the basin using assembled data. The erosivity (R-factor) was discovered to be 553.437 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1∙yr−1. The average erodibility (K-factor) value was 0.1 Mg∙h∙h∙ha−1∙MJ−1∙mm−1∙yr−1. The Slope Length and Steepness factor (LS-factor) in the basin ranged between 0% and 13.47%. The Crop Management Factor (C-factor) values were obtained from a rescaling of the NDVI values derived for the study area and ranged from 0.26 to 0.55. Support practice (P-factors) were computed from the prevalent tillage practice in the basin and ranged from 0.27 to 0.40. The soil loss amount for the Kubanni basin was found to be 28441.482 tons∙ha−1∙yr−1, while the annual soil loss for the entire Kubanni drainage basin was found to be 49780.257 tons∙yr−1. The study has demonstrated the viability of coupling RUSLE model and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for the estimation of soil loss in the Kubanni drainage basin.
基金Supported by the National Science&Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth FiveYear Plan Period of China(2012BAD05B06)the Fund Program for Science and Technology of Guizhou in 2012(Qiankehe Code J LKS[2012]No.27~~
文摘The research progress of soil loss under the dual structure of southwest karst is systematically studied. The results show that the research of the soil erosion in karst mountainous area started late, and the basic research is lagging. Most of the existing research results focus on the present situation, causes and control measures of surface erosion. The view of underground soil loss in the context of karst diploid structure has been recognized by most scholars. However, limited to the research methods and the lack of observational data, the way of underground soil loss, the amount of loss and its harm are still unclear. Therefore, seeking the necessary technical means to carry out the necessary field observation from the way and process of loss is the focus of the study of soil loss under karst structure in the future.
文摘A comprehensive methodology that integrates Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques was adopted to determine the soil erosion vulner- ability of a forested mountainous sub-watershed in Kerala, India. The spatial pattern of annual soil erosion rate was obtained by integrating geo-environmental variables in a raster based GIS method. GIS data layers including, rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodability (K), slope length and steepness (LS), cover management (C) and conservation practice (P) factors were computed to determine their effects on average annual soil loss in the area. The resultant map of annual soil erosion shows a maximum soil loss of 17.73 t h-1 y i with a close relation to grass land areas, degraded forests and deciduous forests on the steep side-slopes (with high LS ). The spatial erosion maps generated with RUSLE method and GIS can serve as effective inputs in deriving strategies for land planning and management in the environmentally sensitive mountainous areas.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41271299)by the Opening Fund of MWR Laboratory of Soil and Water Loss Process and Control in the Loess Plateau of China(Grant NO.2017001)
文摘Understanding the relationship between hillslope soil loss with ephemeral gully and rainfall regime is important for soil loss prediction and erosion control. Based on 12-year field observation data, this paper quantified the rainfall regime impacts on soil loss at loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully. According to three rainfall parameters including precipitation (P), rainfall duration (t), and maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity (I30), 115 rainfall events were classified by using K-mean clustering method and Discriminant Analysis. The results showed that 115 rainfall events could be divided into three rainfall regimes. Rainfall Regime 1 (RR1) had large I30 values with low precipitation and short duration, while the three rainfall parameters of Rainfall Regime 3 (RR3) were inversely different compared with those of RR1; for Rainfall Regime 2 (RR2), the precipitation, duration and Iso values were all between those of RR1 and RR3. Compared with RR2 and RR3, RR1 was the dominant rainfall regime for causing soil loss at the loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully, especially for causing extreme soil loss events. PI30 (Product of P and Izo) was selected as the key index of rainfall characteristics to fit soil loss equations. Two sets of linear regression equations between soil loss and Plzo with and without rainfall regime classification were fitted. Compared with the equation without rainfall regime classification, the cross validation results of the equations with rainfall regime classification was satisfactory. These results indicated that rainfall regime classification could not only depict rainfall characteristics precisely, but also improve soil loss equation prediction accuracy at loessial hillslope with ephemeral gully.
文摘Based on the new algorithm for GIS image pixel topographic factors in remote sensing monitoring ofsoil losses, a software was developed for microcomputer to carry out computation at a medium river basin(county). This paper lays its emphasis on algorithmic skills and programming techniques as well as applicationof the software.
基金Under the auspices of National Basic Research Program of China(No.2011CB403303)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41571276)+1 种基金Innovation Scientists and Technicians Troop Construction Projects of Henan Province(No.162101510004)Foundation of Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research of China(No.HKY-JBYW-2016-33)
文摘Improved understanding of the effect of shrub cover on soil erosion process will provide valuable information for soil and water conservation programs.Laboratory rainfall simulations were conducted to determine the effects of shrubs on runoff and soil erosion and to ascertain the relationship between the rate of soil loss and the runoff hydrodynamic characteristics.In these simulations a 20° slope was subjected to rainfall intensities of 45,87,and 127 mm/h.The average runoff rates ranged from 0.51 to 1.26 mm/min for bare soil plots and 0.15 to 0.96 mm/min for shrub plots.Average soil loss rates varied from 44.19 to 114.61 g/(min·m^2) for bare soil plots and from 5.61 to 84.58 g/(min·m^2) for shrub plots.There was a positive correlation between runoff and soil loss for the bare soil plots,and soil loss increased with increased runoff for shrub plots only when rainfall intensity is 127 mm/h.Runoff and soil erosion processes were strongly influenced by soil surface conditions because of the formation of erosion pits and rills.The unit stream power was the optimal hydrodynamic parameter to characterize the soil erosion mechanisms.The soil loss rate increased linearly with the unit stream power on both shrub and bare soil plots.Critical unit stream power values were 0.004 m/s for bare soil plots and 0.017 m/s for shrub plots.
文摘The observations from 14-yr long-term investigation on the soil-water losses in the sloping red-earth (slope 8°- 15°) showed that soil-water losses were closely correlated with land slope and vegetative coverage. Runoff rate in sloping red-earth could be reduced doubly by exploitation, while the soil erosion was enhanced doubly during the first two years after exploitation. Subsequently, it tended to be stable. Soil erosion was highly positively correlated with land slope, i. e. soil erosion increased by 120 t km-2 yr-1 with a slope increase of 1°. On the contrary, soil erosion was highly negatively correlated with vegetative coverage, i. e. soil erosion was limited at 200 t km-2 yr-1 below as the vegetative coverage exceeded 60%. Furthermore, soil erosion was highly related with planting patterns, i. e. soil erosion in contour cropping pattern would be one sixth of that in straight cropping. Based on the view of soil nutrient balance and test data, it was first suggested that the soil loss tolerance in Q2 red clay derived red-earth should be lower than 300 t km-2 yr-1.
文摘Six types of runoff plots were set up and an experimental study was carried out to examine natural rate of soil and water loss in the granite gneiss region of northern Jiangsu Province in China. Through correlation analysis of runoff and soil loss during 364 rainfall events, a simplified and convenient mathematical formula suitable for calculating the rainfall erosivity factor (R) for the local region was established. Other factors of the universal soil loss equation (USLE model) were also determined. Relative error analysis of the soil loss of various plots calculated by the USLE model on the basis of the observed values showed that the relative error ranged from -3.5% to 9.9% and the confidence level was more than 90%. In addition, the relative error was 5.64% for the terraced field and 12.36% for the sloping field in the practical application. Thus, the confidence level was above 87.64%. These results provide a scientific basis for forecasting and monitoring soil and water loss, for comprehensive management of small watersheds, and for soil and water conservation planning in the region.
文摘Soil erosion induced by inappropriate tillage remains a serious problem on many agricultural fields in the humid tropics. Studies were conducted between 2004 and 2006, on an Alfisol in Ogbomoso in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria to evaluate the effectiveness of Vetiver Grass(Vetiveria nigritana) Strips(VGS) under different tillage systems. The experiment was split-plot laid out in a randomized complete block design with two replications on 6% slope with 18 runoff plots. Main plot treatments were tillage systems; Manual Clearing(MC), Ploughing(P) and Ploughing plus Harrowing(PH). Subplot treatments were VGS spaced at intervals of 5 m(eight strips) and 10 m(four strips) with the control(no-vetiver). Runoffs and soil losses were collected after each major storm. Chemical analyses of eroded sediments and runoff were determined. Data were analyzed using ANOVA at p<0.05. The results showed that tillage had no significant reduction in runoffs and soil losses, but they were reduced with MC compared with P and PH. Mean total runoff on 5 and 10 m VGS plots were significantly(p<0.05) lower than that of the control by 74.4% and 45.0%, respectively. Corresponding soils loss on 5 and 10 m VGS plots were 27.1% and 53.5%, respectively. Mean NO3-N levels in runoff water were lower under PH plots than those under MC plots by 79.0% and 66.5%, respectively in 2004 and 2006 growing seasons. VGS spaced at 5 m significantly(p<0.05) reduced NO3-N loss than the control by 108.8% in 2004. Nutrients loads of eroded sediments were consistently higher for the control(no-vetiver) plots and least for 5 m VGS plot. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents of eroded sediments were 90%-92.4%, 83%-83.6% and 97%-97.8%, respectively, and were lower on 5 m than other treatments. Maize grain yield was significantly(p<0.05) affected by both tillage and VGS spacing only in 2005 growing season. P plot produced higher grain yield than MC and PH by 79.9% and 99.1%, respectively. Also, grain yield on VGS plot was significantly(p<0.05) higher on 5 and 10 m VGS plots than the control by 82.2% and 85.4%, respectively. The significant beneficial effect of PH in producing higher yields was dwarfed by the potential danger of soil erosion in the absence of a soil erosion control measure. The results showed that a balance needed to be struck between mechanical clearance and protective measure against soil erosion.
基金project “The Impact of the Transformation Process on Human-Environment Interactions in Southern Kyrgyzstan”funded by the Volkswagen Foundation,Hannover,Germany
文摘Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention.The C-factor of the RUSLE(Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI,ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelands of Kyrgyzstan.Time series of C-factor,precipitation and temperature were decomposed into seasonal and trend components with STL(seasonal decomposition by loess) to assess their interrelations.C-factor,precipitation and temperature trend components indicated significant lagged correlation,whereas seasonal components indicated more complex relations with climate factors which can be promoting as well as limiting factors for vegetation development,depending on the season.Rainy springs and hot summers may increase soil loss dramatically,whereas warm and dry springs with rainy summers can decrease it.Steep slopes indicated higher soil loss ratio,whereas flat areas were better protected by vegetation.
文摘Soil erosion is a growing problem especially in areas of agricultural activity where soil erosion not only leads to decreased agricultural productivity but also reduces water availability. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most popular empirically based model used globally for erosion prediction and control. Remote sensing and GIS techniques have become valuable tools specially when assessing erosion at larger scales due to the amount of data needed and the greater area coverage. The present study area is a part of Chotanagpur plateau with undulating topography, with a very high risk of soil erosion. In the present study an attempt has been made to assess the annual soil loss in Upper South Koel basin using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in GIS framework. Such information can be of immense help in identifying priority areas for implementation of erosion control measures. The soil erosion rate was determined as a function of land topography, soil texture, land use/land cover, rainfall erosivity, and crop management and practice in the watershed using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (for Indian conditions), remote sensing imagery, and GIS techniques. The rainfall erosivity R-factor of USLE was found as 546 MJ mm/ha/hr/yr and the soil erodibility K-factor varied from 0.23 - 0.37. Slopes in the catchment varied between 0% and 42% having LS factor values ranging from 0 - 21. The C factor was computed from NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetative Index) values derived from Landsat-TM data. The P value was computed from existing cropping patterns in the catchment. The annual soil loss estimated in the watershed using USLE is 12.2 ton/ha/yr.
文摘Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most comprehensive technique available to predict the long term average annual rate of erosion on a field slope. USLE was governed by five factors include soil erodibility factor (K), rainfall and runoff erodibility index (R), crop/vegetation and management factor (C), support practice factor (P) and slope length-gradient factor (LS). In the past, K, R and LS factors are extensively studied. But the impacts of factors C and P to outfall Total Suspended Solid (TSS) and % reduction of TSS are not fully studied yet. Therefore, this study employs Buffer Zone Calculator as a tool to determine the sediment removal efficiency for different C and P factors. The selected study areas are Santubong River, Kuching, Sarawak. Results show that the outfall TSS is increasing with the increase of C values. The most effective and efficient land use for reducing TSS among 17 land uses investigated is found to be forest with undergrowth, followed by mixed dipt. forest, forest with no undergrowth, cultivated grass, logging 30, logging 10^6, wet rice, new shifting agriculture, oil palm, rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea and lastly settlement/cleared land. Besides, results also indicate that the % reduction of TSS is increasing with the decrease of P factor. The most effective support practice to reduce the outfall TSS is found to be terracing, followed by contour-strip cropping, contouring and lastly not implementing any soil conservation practice.
文摘Water erosion remains the major problem in many countries, especially those with an extension in the arid and semi-arid area and those marked by a long dry season. The intensification of land degradation which is a result of the strong erosive dynamics on a global scale has stimulated the initiative of multidisciplinary researchers investigate the issue of water erosion from its various facets [1] [2]. The goal is to preserve water and soil, two resources threatened. Multiple attempts were made to diagnose and implement empirical and experimental methods for quantitative estimation of soil loss caused by diffuse erosion. Indeed, the Eastern slope of the high mountains of Asir (Saudi Arabia), formerly worn and cut by the depression of rivers and undeniable branching of the river system, deserves to be studied in detail given the release of a huge erosive potential that is responsible for soil losses that are increasing gradually and continuously. The purpose of this paper was to validate the suitability of agricultural terraces in terms of soil preservation, using the results of the soil loss application as an indicator of the state of function of these latter. Many studies have addressed the agricultural terraces, however, only a few of them have focused on the relationship between erosion and agricultural terraces through an experimental approach. Previous work has concentrated mainly on their socio-economic impact;whilst the knowledge of their environmental impact remained scarce. In terms of the climate change context, soil erosion is becoming a central problem in Asir region. Thus, in this way, the application of the universal equation of soil loss was very helpful to explain and predict the role of each factor. Nevertheless, extreme caution and great care must be taken because of the application of this model outside its frame.
文摘Soil degradation in the form of soil erosion is a serious and continuous environmental problem in Jabi Tehinan Woreda. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, overgrazing and exploitation of biomass for firewood, construction and other household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil erosion. The impact of natural hazards like erosion can be minimized and ultimately controlled by disaster preparedness maps. Therefore, the overall objective of this paper is to quantify and map an estimated soil loss by examining different topographic and anthropogenic factors for the planning and implementations of sustainable soil conservation and management system in the study area. This study had integrated Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS) and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques to quantify and map erosion vulnerable areas using RUSLE model. Slope gradient, slope length, soil type, soil conservations techniques, cover management and rainfall variables were used as input model parameters/variables. The data had been collected and analyzed from different land sat imageries, SRTM data, topomaps and point interpolations of primary data. Finally, the aggregated effects of all parameters had been analyzed and soil loss from the area was calculated using RUSEL models. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. Quantitatively, an estimated annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 t/ha/yr in steeply sloping mountainous areas of the north and north-eastern parts of the catchments.
文摘Soil erosion is one of the most important environmental problems, and it remains as a major threat to the land use of hilly regions of Tripura. The present study aims at estimating potential and actual soil loss (t·h-1·y-1) as well as to indentify the major erosion prone sub-watersheds in the study area. Average annual soil loss has been estimated by multiplying five parameters, i.e.: R (the rainfall erosivity factor), K (the soil erodibility factor), LS (the topographic factor), C (the crop management factor) and P (the conservation support practice). Such estimation is based on the principles de- fined in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with some modifications. This intensity of soil erosion has been divided into different priority classes. The whole study area has been subdivided into 23 sub watersheds in order to identify the priority areas in terms of the intensity of soil erosion. Each sub-watershed has further been studied intensively in terms of rainfall, soil type, slope, land use/land cover and soil erosion to determine the dominant factor leading to higher erosion. The average annual predicted soil loss ranges between 11 and 836 t·h-1·y-1. Low soil loss areas (·h-1·y-1) have mostly been recorded under densely forested areas.
文摘The Lobo watershed is highly anthropogenic since it has become the main production area for cocoa and coffee in C?te d’Ivoire. It therefore seems important to quantify soil loss by water erosion in this region. The Wischmeier modeling was used to model the main factors involved in erosive phenomena. Crosscutting of thematic maps and the application of the USLE formulas made possible to evaluate the erosion rate at the watershed scale in 1986 and 2014. Although soil is susceptible to erosion and erosivity is increased, the results indicate a growth in soil loss estimated at 90.12%. Some agroforestry efforts are still possible to help reducing those soil losses.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC41930755,NSFC32230068)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB40000000)the Opening Project of State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau(A314021402-202105).
文摘Global climate change and overgrazing are driving shifts in the plant composition of grassland com-munities,which may profoundly affect the function of grassland ecosystems in regulating runoff and soil erosion.Here,we examined the shift effects of normal hillslope alpine meadow to shrub and severely degraded meadow states on runoff and sediment generation under natural rainfall conditions,and determined the contributions of plant and soil properties changes to soil erodibility,runoff and sediment generation by in situ rainfall experiment and monitoring on the hillslope of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.The results showed that normal meadow shift into severely degraded meadow state,mean weight diameter,soil saturated hydraulic conductivity,soil cohesion and soil erodibility K-factor at the topsoil decreased by 70.3%,73.1%,80.3%and-13.1%,respectively,and when normal meadows shift into shrub meadow state,they reduced by 49.1%,-1.3%,49.4%,and-8.3%,respectively.Runoff and soil loss significantly changed by-40.0%and 177.8%when normal meadow shifted into a severely degraded meadow state,while runoff and soil loss significantly changed by+65.0%and+77.8%when normal meadow shifted into a shrub meadow state.Our findings highlight that the two divergent shifts both increased soil loss compared to the normal hillslope alpine meadows.Overall,our results indicate that the divergent shifts of normal alpine meadows exacerbated soil erodibility and soil loss of hillslope alpine meadows.These results obtained here offer a novel perspective on the regulation of runoff and soil erosion in the alpine meadow ecosystem.
文摘Cassava is a major food crop for farmers and especially small holder farmers and cultivated under low input other than the irrigation.It is cultivated as mono crop or intercrop at early stage and cultivating throughout the year.It is harvested carefully because of cyanogenic glucosides and consumed with in day.Easy and un-damageable uprooting of the tuber mainly depends on soil moisture,texture and agronomic practices.The study was focused with the objectives of the assessment of soil loss due to the harvesting of cassava roots tubers under low input agriculture,and to estimate the amount of plant nutrients loss due to crop harvest for cassava.Also the observation was made the correlation between the soil loss and physical characters of the tuber,soil texture and agronomic practices.Average plant specific soil loss due to crop harvesting was 80.7 g root−1 and crop specific soil loss due to crop harvesting was 7.64 kg ha−1 harvest−1 loss in Valliagmam area in Jaffna,Sri Lanka.Soil moisture content at harvesting time was a significant factor that explained the variations in the soil lost at cassava harvesting.Soil moisture has linear positive relationship with average plant specific soil loss due to crop harvesting.Soil nutrient loss during cassava harvesting by removal of adhering soil with root tuber was 1.15 kg of N,1.99 kg of P and 2.91 kg of K ha−1 harvest−1.Application of fertilizer is important since considerable amount nutrient loss was observed due to soil loss due to crop harvest.
文摘Soil erosion and nutrient loss due to erosion are world-wide problems. Similar to soil loss by erosion, soil nitrogen (N) loss by erosion in small catchments is affected by vegetation coverage. The practice of comprehensive management for catchments mainly by adjusting cropland, grassland and woodland areas was widely adopted to reduce soil and water loss in catchments of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Three experiments under natural and artificial rainfall conditions on N loss by erosion for a model catchment and for an actual catchment in Zhifanggou of Ansai County in China was performed to determine the relationships between comprehensive management and N loss by runoff in small catchments. The results for vegetation coverage of 60%, 40%, 20% and 0 show that runoff loss of ammonium, nitrate, and total N were 87.08, 44.31, 25.16, 13.71 kg/km(2); 85.50, 74.06, 63.95, 56.23 kg/km(2); and 0.18, 1.18, 1.98, 7.51 t/ km(2), respectively. Due to reduction in the size of cropped area on steeply sloping land, soil N loss by erosion in the catchments was decreased by 15.8% as compared with that in 1992, i.e., from 8 758.5 kg in 1992 to 7 562.2 kg in 1998. Whereas, catchments act as a filter for ammonium and nitrate in rain, the catchment filtering effects on nitrate is remarkably higher than that on ammonium. The enrichment of < 20 mum aggregate in sediment results in the enrichment of organic matter and total N in flood sediment. Greater vegetation coverage can effectively decrease soil erosion and total N loss. However, soil mineral N loss increased as vegetation coverage increased.