This article explores the dead universe theory as a novel interpretation for the origin and evolution of the universe, suggesting that our cosmos may have originated from the remnants of a preceding universe. This per...This article explores the dead universe theory as a novel interpretation for the origin and evolution of the universe, suggesting that our cosmos may have originated from the remnants of a preceding universe. This perspective challenges the conventional Big Bang theory, particularly concerning dark matter, the expansion of the universe, and the interpretation of phenomena such as gravitational waves.展开更多
Olbers’s paradox, known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. Big-Bang theory was used ...Olbers’s paradox, known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. Big-Bang theory was used to partially explain this paradox, while introducing new problems. Hereby, we propose a better theory, named Sun Matters Theory, to explain this paradox. Moreover, this unique theory supports and extended the Einstein’s static universe model proposed by Albert Einstein in 1917. Further, we proposed our new universe model, “Sun Model of Universe”. Based on the new model and novel theory, we generated innovative field equation by upgrading Einstein’s Field Equation through adding back the cosmological constant, introducing a new variable and modifying the gravitationally-related concepts. According to the Sun Model of Universe, the dark matter and dark energy comprise the so-called “Sun Matters”. The observed phenomenon like the red shift is explained as due to the interaction of ordinary light with Sun Matters leading to its energy and frequency decrease. In Sun Model, our big universe consists of many universes with ordinary matter at the core mixed and surrounded with the Sun Matters. In those universes, the laws of physics may be completely or partially different from that of our ordinary universe with parallel civilizations. The darkness of night can be easily explained as resulting from the interaction of light with the Sun Matters leading to the sharp decrease in the light intensity. Sun Matters also scatter the light from a star, which makes it shining as observed by Hubble. Further, there is a kind of Sun Matters named “Sun Waters”, surrounding every starts. When lights pass by the sun, the Sun Waters deflect the lights to bend the light path. According to the Sun Model, it is the light bent not the space bent that was proposed in the theory of relativities.展开更多
Fast Radio Bursts from far away galaxies have travelled through the IGM and provide a tool to study its composition. Presently there are 23 FRB’s whose host galaxies have been identified and the redshift found. This ...Fast Radio Bursts from far away galaxies have travelled through the IGM and provide a tool to study its composition. Presently there are 23 FRB’s whose host galaxies have been identified and the redshift found. This gives us the opportunity to test Dispersion Measure versus redshift predictions made by two models. The Macquart relation for an expanding Universe and the New Tired Light relationship in a static universe. In New Tired Light, redshifts are produced when a photon is absorbed and re-emitted by the electrons in the IGM which recoil on both occasions. Some of the energy of the photon has been transferred to the kinetic energy of the recoiling electron. The photon has less energy, a lower frequency and a longer wavelength. It has been redshifted. Since dispersion is due to an interaction between radio signals and these same electrons one would expect a direct relationship between DM and redshift in the New Tired light model. The relation is DM=(mec/2hre)ln(1+z)and contains no adjustable parameters—just a combination of universal constants related to the electron and photon. Notice that the relation is independent of the electron number density ne since a change in ne affects both the DM and redshift equally. A graph of DM versus ln(1 + z) will be a straight line of gradient (mec/2hre)and, using SI units, substituting for the constants gives 7.318 × 1025 m−2. Using the data from the 23 well localized FRB’s, with the weighting of the DM’s for expansion removed (so that the data corresponds to a static universe), a graph of DM versus ln(1 + z) has a gradient of 6.7 × 1025 m−2—9% below the predicted (mec/2hre). The Macquart relation involves highly processed data and adjustable parameters to allow for “dark energy” and “dark matter” (neither of which has yet been found) and can be reduced to DM = 850z (in units of pc∙cm−3). Using the data from this set of localized FRB’s gives a trendline with gradient 1.10 × 103 pc∙cm−3—almost 30% higher than that predicted in an expanding universe model. The FRB data clearly comes down in favour of a static universe rather than an expanding one. Combining the DM-z relationship for the 23 well localized FRB’s, with the Hubble diagram, drawn using the NED-D compilation of redshift independent extragalactic distances, produces a value of “ne” the mean electron number density of the IGM, of ne=0.48 m−3close to the value ne=0.5 m−3, long since predicted by NTL.展开更多
The article considers a conceptual universe model as a periodic lattice (network) with nodes defined by the wave function in a background-independent Hamiltonian based on their relations and interactions. This model g...The article considers a conceptual universe model as a periodic lattice (network) with nodes defined by the wave function in a background-independent Hamiltonian based on their relations and interactions. This model gives rise to energy bands, similar to those in semiconductor solid-state models. In this context, valence band holes are described as dark matter particles with a heavy effective mass. The conducting band, with a spontaneously symmetry-breaking energy profile, contains particles with several times lighter effective mass, which can represent luminous matter. Some possible analogies with solid-state physics, such as the comparison between dark and luminous matter, are discussed. Additionally, tiny dark energy, as intrinsic lattice Casimir energy, is calculated for a lattice with a large number of lattice nodes.展开更多
Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about pos...Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about possible states of nature, in order to make a better judgment while taking new evidence into account. Such a scientific model proposed for the general theory of decision-making, like all others in general, whether in statistics, economics, operations research, A.I., data science or applied mathematics, regardless of whether they are time-dependent, have in common a theoretical basis that is axiomatized by relying on related concepts of a universe of possibles, especially the so-called universe (or the world), the state of nature (or the state of the world), when formulated explicitly. The issue of where to stand as an observer or a decision-maker to reframe such a universe of possibles together with a partition structure of knowledge (i.e. semantic formalisms), including a copy of itself as it was initially while generalizing it, is not addressed. Memory being the substratum, whether human or artificial, wherein everything stands, to date, even the theoretical possibility of such an operation of self-inclusion is prohibited by pure mathematics. We make this blind spot come to light through a counter-example (namely Archimedes’ Eureka experiment) and explore novel theoretical foundations, fitting better with a quantum form than with fuzzy modeling, to deal with more than a reference universe of possibles. This could open up a new path of investigation for the general theory of decision-making, as well as for Artificial Intelligence, often considered as the science of the imitation of human abilities, while being also the science of knowledge representation and the science of concept formation and reasoning.展开更多
Why cannot Newton’s theory of gravitation be used to describe the motion of micro particles? This article summarizes and clarifies that Newton’s theory of gravitation is subjectively a statistical description for na...Why cannot Newton’s theory of gravitation be used to describe the motion of micro particles? This article summarizes and clarifies that Newton’s theory of gravitation is subjectively a statistical description for natural phenomena, while its essence is the expansion tendency of particles in the new universe formed after the orthogonal collision (the Big Bang) of objects in the old universe. The new particles formed by the Big Bang exhibit the accelerating expansion and local convergence in the spacetime of the new universe. The force of the accelerating expansion for the new particles comes from the shear stress produced by the orthogonal collision. There is only a one-way conversion from the mass in the old universe to the energy in the new universe without any exchange of information between them. Orthogonal collision forms maximum energy density and accelerates motion of new particles. The theory that orthogonal collision produces a new universe can be used to explain the phenomena of three scales. On the cosmic scale, it can explain the Big Bang, the early celestial formation, and their movements. On the macro scale, it can explain the early Earth’s surface mountain uplift and current atmospheric vortices. At the micro scale, it can explain aurora and other astronomical optical phenomena as well as the generation of new particles. The idea of orthogonal collision attempts to use shear stress and particle potential energy to find a theory of everything that can fully explain all aspects of the universe.展开更多
The article collectively proposes a revolutionary perspective on the universe, intertwining concepts of time, spatial positioning, and cosmic dynamics. We introduce the idea of a rotating universe centered around Mega...The article collectively proposes a revolutionary perspective on the universe, intertwining concepts of time, spatial positioning, and cosmic dynamics. We introduce the idea of a rotating universe centered around Mega Central Energy Pools (MCEPs), where time varies relative to the distance from the universe’s center, potentially enabling time travel. This model challenges conventional notions of time and cosmology, suggesting that black holes and white holes act as cosmic recycling factories. Additionally, this model unveils a novel theory of dark matter, positing photons as its constituents and highlighting their role in energy transfer across the cosmos. Furthermore, the investigation into Venus’s unique day-length-to-year-length ratio unveils a microscopic mechanism involving swirling energy droplets, charged particles, and field interactions, offering insights into planetary dynamics on both micro and macro scales.展开更多
The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal ...The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant, besides having a finite speed constant (speed of light in vacuum c). A finite universal age constant b is introduced. Namely, this paper shows that the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time support the hypothesis of the age of the universe correlating with a maximum number of orbital revolutions constant. Neglecting the gravitational influence of other cosmological entities in the proximity of the Earth, the constant maximum number of revolutions is herewith determined solely by the Earth’s orbital revolutions around the Sun. The value of the universal age constant b is calculated to be around 13.8 billion orbital revolutions, derived out of an equation related to the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time and the so-called Hubble tension. The above-mentioned calculated value b correlates well with the best fit to measured data of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) by the Planck spacecraft, the age of the observed universe is measured to be approximately 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years (2018 final data release). Developing a theory with this 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant b, being covariant with respect to the Lorentz transformations when time spans are large, gives results such as: A confirmation of the measured CMBR value of 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years. Correlating well with the observed expansion rate of the universe (dark energy). The universe’s expansion accelerating over the last four to five billion years.展开更多
The black hole model of the Universe evolution, accompanied by matter creation, already successfully accounting for many features of the past is discussed and further justified. It is once more stressed that even a ve...The black hole model of the Universe evolution, accompanied by matter creation, already successfully accounting for many features of the past is discussed and further justified. It is once more stressed that even a very large object but with a big mass is in its own right a black hole. As a consequence, the extrapolation of the past predicts for the future no big crunch, nor big bounce but a steady expansion with smaller matter density.展开更多
The main aim of the paper is to present (and at the same time offer) a differ-ent perspective for the analysis of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. A perspective that can surely be considered as being “in pa...The main aim of the paper is to present (and at the same time offer) a differ-ent perspective for the analysis of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. A perspective that can surely be considered as being “in parallel” to the tradition-al ones, such as those based, for example, on the hypotheses of “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy”, or better as a “com-possible” perspective, because it is not understood as being “exclusive”. In fact, it is an approach that, when con-firmed by experimental results, always keeps its validity from an “operative” point of view. This is because, in analogy to the traditional perspectives, on the basis of Popper’s Falsification Principle the corresponding “Generative” Logic on which it is based has not the property of the perfect induction. The basic difference then only consists in the fact that the Evolution of the Universe is now modeled by considering the Universe as a Self-Organizing System, which is thus analyzed in the light of the Maximum Ordinality Principle.展开更多
The article hypothesizes that DE and DM (UCM) are a “Form of Motion of a Special Nature”, where “Form of Motion” means “Eternal Motion” as the power of dynamics of different levels and varying degrees of self-su...The article hypothesizes that DE and DM (UCM) are a “Form of Motion of a Special Nature”, where “Form of Motion” means “Eternal Motion” as the power of dynamics of different levels and varying degrees of self-sufficiency, and by “Special Nature”, gravitational and two other properties of matter, “tied” to the “Eternal Movement” and completely dependent on it. Carriers of key properties of a “Special Nature” have been established: “0”-DE particles and “3”-DM particles (UDM). The unity of their inherent “motionally-gravitational” properties and the peculiarity of the relationship between “motion” and “gravity” are revealed: the higher the intensity of “Eternal Motion”, the stronger the gravitational properties of matter are manifested (and vice versa). The relationship of “time” with the “vibration frequency” and the “mass” of photons with the “degree of bonding and deformation properties of the field” is shown. The maximum level of gravity has been determined, which allows Nature to successfully create the Universe: such a landmark is the proximity to the property of the Primary Source—the “pure graviton” of the OSP space, the most powerful “motionally-gravitational” particle of the Universe. The reasons for the emergence of such an identity of the gravitational properties of particles with the indicators of a “pure graviton” are established: for “0”-DE particles, this is the acquisition of the function of “freedom of movement”;for “3”-DM particles (UDM), the creation of a special structure—a “double field” (“Main” and “Small”). The presence in the “double field” of specific “tools” for the creation of the worlds of the Universe—gravitational “waves” gives rise to impulses (shocks) of varying intensity and shape. A list of functions performed by “waves” in the “Main” and “Small” fields has been compiled. The specific conditions for the formation of “UDM Streams”, their transformation into a “Vortex” and, under the influence of a powerful Initial Impulse (push), sending them to the “place” of the creation of galaxies, are shown. It is suggested that there is a “Cycle of Matter in Nature” in the closed structure of our Universe due to the “work” of “waves” and the functioning of special “factories” in the form of exotic space objects—Black holes.展开更多
The two universes multi-granularity fuzzy rough set model is an effective tool for handling uncertainty problems between two domains with the help of binary fuzzy relations. This article applies the idea of neighborho...The two universes multi-granularity fuzzy rough set model is an effective tool for handling uncertainty problems between two domains with the help of binary fuzzy relations. This article applies the idea of neighborhood rough sets to two universes multi-granularity fuzzy rough sets, and discusses the two-universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model. Firstly, the upper and lower approximation operators are defined in the two universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model. Secondly, the properties of the upper and lower approximation operators are discussed. Finally, the properties of the two universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model are verified through case studies.展开更多
In aluminum electrolytic process, the variables affect the current efficiency and the stability of electrolysis cells. AIF3 addition and aluminum tapping volume are two important factors that affect economic benefits ...In aluminum electrolytic process, the variables affect the current efficiency and the stability of electrolysis cells. AIF3 addition and aluminum tapping volume are two important factors that affect economic benefits of aluminum electrolytic production. Fuzzy logic provides a suitable mechanism to describe the relationship between the process variables and the current efficiency. Fuzzy expert system based on Mamdani fuzzy inference process for aluminum electrolysis was adopted to adjust A1F3 addition and aluminum tapping volume. A novel variable universe approach was applied in the system to solve the problem that different electrolysis cells have different universes of variables. The system was applied to 300 kA aluminum electrolysis cells in a aluminum plant. Experimental results showed that the electrolyte temperature was kept stably between 945 and 955℃, the current efficiency reached 93.5%, and the DC power consumption was 13 000 kW.h per ton aluminum.展开更多
Universe life includes the universe realm, the life realm, human society and man-made materials. Each life has four grades.There are four different “me” in each life: true me, Yang me, Yin me and conscious me. True ...Universe life includes the universe realm, the life realm, human society and man-made materials. Each life has four grades.There are four different “me” in each life: true me, Yang me, Yin me and conscious me. True me never dies while Yang me, Yin meand conscious me all appear and go. The heart of life is also a system consisting of four grades (true heart + Yang me heart + Yin meheart + conscious heart). Life is a four-seasonal whole dominated by heart. True me is true while Yang me, Yin me and conscious meare false. The general law of the universe is an operating body of general rules. Both the operating body of general rules and the lifebody are combination of the true and the false. The operating body of general rules is a body with two aspects and the combinationand an autonomous operation of movement with stillness, gathering with parting and rising with falling. The operating body ofgeneral rules dominated by true me is the universe body. The essential features of the universe body include: 1) it is empty;2) it isabsolutely quiet;3) it exists forever;4) it contains seeds for everything;5) it generates everything in the universe;6) it is solid andwill never break;7) its power is King Kong power. The zero-state of the galaxy is its basic state and the giant blank zone of theuniverse. The galaxy’s turning from zero-state into one-state is getting something from nothing. The operating of general rule ispresented as the four-seasonal movement or metabolism of life. It is a continuity of movement and stillness (life and death) and aprocess of something interacting with nothing. The modes of reproduction of life consist of self-generation, generation byaugmentation and generation by transformation. The Milky Way Galaxy, the solar system and the earth are inorganic life withreproductive system and reproductive capacity. In the positive-going evolution, their inner morality power gradually decreases andundergoes different states and structures. Internal intercourse generates different lives. In the early days of the earth, the temperaturewas high and inorganic lives first appeared: humans, animals, plants and bacteria. When the temperature dropped to a proper degree,organic lives then appeared: bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Now, new lives are still appearing on the earth.展开更多
This article discusses the gravitational stability of anti-de Sitter universe.It turns out that anti-de Sitter universe with closed timelike curves is unstable to gravitational perturbations.
We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict ...We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict its ultimate fate. Results provide further support to our recent proposal that the accelerating expansion of the universe is due to a scalar space field which has become known as Dark Energy. In our model, the universe started from high energy space quanta which were triggered by quantum fluctuations that caused the Big Bang. It then expanded and cooled undergoing phase transitions to radiation, fundamental particles, and matter. Matter agglomerated and grew into stars, galaxies, etc. and was eventually consolidated by gravity into Black Holes, which finally ended in a Big Crunch in a state of deep freeze inside the Black hole at 1.380 trillion years. Fluctuations, quantum tunneling, or some other mechanisms caused a new Bang to start another cycle in its life. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of a cyclic universe by Steinhardt and his associates, and by Penrose. Space and energy are equivalent as embodied in the Planck energy equation. They give rise to the two principal long range forces in the universe: the gravitational force and the space force. The latter may be the fifth force in the universe. The two forces could provide the clockwork mechanism operating our cyclic universe. If the Law of Conservation of Energy is universal, then the cosmos is eternal.展开更多
In the common theory of the Universe, the redshift of the light wavelength from distant stars indicates the speed of the star. In this study, the model of the Universe is the surface volume of the four-dimensional sph...In the common theory of the Universe, the redshift of the light wavelength from distant stars indicates the speed of the star. In this study, the model of the Universe is the surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere, and the shape of the Universe results in the most of the redshift of light wavelength. Therefore, there is no dark energy accelerating the Universe. The surface of the four-dimensional sphere is a volume, and this volume is a good model for the Universe. The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere has been explained by a model of four-dimensional cube, within which the forming of surface volume can be easily shown. The model of four-dimensional cube containing six side cubes is ingenious for explaining the structure of the four-dimensional Universe, but it is not enough because the four-dimensional cube has not six side cubes, but eight side cubes. Therefore, in this study a better method has been created to construct the four-dimensional cube. Our three-dimensional Universe is the surface of the four-dimensional sphere Universe. The volume of our three-dimensional Universe is finite, and beneath it is the infinite volume four-dimensional Super Universe. Two important basic formulae have been derived: The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere is π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>3</sup> in which R is the radius of the sphere, and the fourth-power volume of the four-dimensional sphere is 1/4 π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>4</sup>. The volume of the Universe has been calculated π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>3</sup> = 62 × 10<sup>30</sup> ly<sup>3</sup>. Time as the fourth dimension of the space takes effect only near the speed of light, and therefore it has been ignored in this study.展开更多
In recent years, it has been thought that the expansion of the universe has begun to accelerate. However, there are other views against this. Here we propose a new theory based on the three-dimensional spherical (S<...In recent years, it has been thought that the expansion of the universe has begun to accelerate. However, there are other views against this. Here we propose a new theory based on the three-dimensional spherical (S<sup>3</sup>) universe wherein the same observations as the present universe can also be found by the accelerated contraction of the universe. According to our theory, the expansion velocity of the S<sup>3</sup> universe slowed down after the Big Bang, and all the kinetic energy was converted into potential energy to reach the great sphere. After that, accelerated contraction begins, and the universe finally converges to an original single point. In the S<sup>3</sup> universe, the passage of time (referred to as “proper time”) changes depending on its expansion velocity. The frequency of light emitted from celestial bodies is determined by their proper time on emission, and when the light is observed by observers having different proper time, a redshift or blueshift is observed. Observers in the expansion phase observe redshifts, because the proper time of the observer progresses faster than that of emitted light, but observers in the contraction phase observe an accelerated delay of the proper time, so the progress of the proper time is reversed based upon its order from nearby celestial bodies, a blueshift is observed, and its range of observable distance increases. The results of this early contraction phase are consistent with the observations of the current universe. In conclusion, the S<sup>3</sup> universe may be able to explain the geometrical structure of the current universe.展开更多
This work extends the author’s two previous works (2015), Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 78-87, and 1360-1370, by obtaining the index of refraction n of the dark energy for additional values of the cosmological densit...This work extends the author’s two previous works (2015), Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 78-87, and 1360-1370, by obtaining the index of refraction n of the dark energy for additional values of the cosmological density parameters, and for the two methods of obtaining n: least squares fit, and electromagnetic theory. Comparison of the alternative model with the accelerating universe for the new values of the density parameters and n is given in two tables. The new values for n are used to obtain a range of ages for the Einstein de Sitter (EdS) universe. It is shown that the EdS universe must be older than the comparison accelerating universe. This requirement is met for the Planck 2015 value of the Hubble constant, corrected for the speed of light reduction by n. A supporting measurement as well as a disagreeing measurement is also discussed. Possible support from a stellar age determination is also discussed. It is shown that the expression obtained earlier for the increased apparent magnitude of the SNe Ia provides as good a fit for a closed universe with Ω(tot = 1.005) , as it does for the flat EdS universe. Comparison is presented in a third table. An upper bound on Ω<sub>Λ</sub> is given for a closed universe that eventually collapses back on itself that is too small for the value needed for the accelerating universe.展开更多
文摘This article explores the dead universe theory as a novel interpretation for the origin and evolution of the universe, suggesting that our cosmos may have originated from the remnants of a preceding universe. This perspective challenges the conventional Big Bang theory, particularly concerning dark matter, the expansion of the universe, and the interpretation of phenomena such as gravitational waves.
文摘Olbers’s paradox, known as the dark night paradox, is an argument in astrophysics that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. Big-Bang theory was used to partially explain this paradox, while introducing new problems. Hereby, we propose a better theory, named Sun Matters Theory, to explain this paradox. Moreover, this unique theory supports and extended the Einstein’s static universe model proposed by Albert Einstein in 1917. Further, we proposed our new universe model, “Sun Model of Universe”. Based on the new model and novel theory, we generated innovative field equation by upgrading Einstein’s Field Equation through adding back the cosmological constant, introducing a new variable and modifying the gravitationally-related concepts. According to the Sun Model of Universe, the dark matter and dark energy comprise the so-called “Sun Matters”. The observed phenomenon like the red shift is explained as due to the interaction of ordinary light with Sun Matters leading to its energy and frequency decrease. In Sun Model, our big universe consists of many universes with ordinary matter at the core mixed and surrounded with the Sun Matters. In those universes, the laws of physics may be completely or partially different from that of our ordinary universe with parallel civilizations. The darkness of night can be easily explained as resulting from the interaction of light with the Sun Matters leading to the sharp decrease in the light intensity. Sun Matters also scatter the light from a star, which makes it shining as observed by Hubble. Further, there is a kind of Sun Matters named “Sun Waters”, surrounding every starts. When lights pass by the sun, the Sun Waters deflect the lights to bend the light path. According to the Sun Model, it is the light bent not the space bent that was proposed in the theory of relativities.
文摘Fast Radio Bursts from far away galaxies have travelled through the IGM and provide a tool to study its composition. Presently there are 23 FRB’s whose host galaxies have been identified and the redshift found. This gives us the opportunity to test Dispersion Measure versus redshift predictions made by two models. The Macquart relation for an expanding Universe and the New Tired Light relationship in a static universe. In New Tired Light, redshifts are produced when a photon is absorbed and re-emitted by the electrons in the IGM which recoil on both occasions. Some of the energy of the photon has been transferred to the kinetic energy of the recoiling electron. The photon has less energy, a lower frequency and a longer wavelength. It has been redshifted. Since dispersion is due to an interaction between radio signals and these same electrons one would expect a direct relationship between DM and redshift in the New Tired light model. The relation is DM=(mec/2hre)ln(1+z)and contains no adjustable parameters—just a combination of universal constants related to the electron and photon. Notice that the relation is independent of the electron number density ne since a change in ne affects both the DM and redshift equally. A graph of DM versus ln(1 + z) will be a straight line of gradient (mec/2hre)and, using SI units, substituting for the constants gives 7.318 × 1025 m−2. Using the data from the 23 well localized FRB’s, with the weighting of the DM’s for expansion removed (so that the data corresponds to a static universe), a graph of DM versus ln(1 + z) has a gradient of 6.7 × 1025 m−2—9% below the predicted (mec/2hre). The Macquart relation involves highly processed data and adjustable parameters to allow for “dark energy” and “dark matter” (neither of which has yet been found) and can be reduced to DM = 850z (in units of pc∙cm−3). Using the data from this set of localized FRB’s gives a trendline with gradient 1.10 × 103 pc∙cm−3—almost 30% higher than that predicted in an expanding universe model. The FRB data clearly comes down in favour of a static universe rather than an expanding one. Combining the DM-z relationship for the 23 well localized FRB’s, with the Hubble diagram, drawn using the NED-D compilation of redshift independent extragalactic distances, produces a value of “ne” the mean electron number density of the IGM, of ne=0.48 m−3close to the value ne=0.5 m−3, long since predicted by NTL.
文摘The article considers a conceptual universe model as a periodic lattice (network) with nodes defined by the wave function in a background-independent Hamiltonian based on their relations and interactions. This model gives rise to energy bands, similar to those in semiconductor solid-state models. In this context, valence band holes are described as dark matter particles with a heavy effective mass. The conducting band, with a spontaneously symmetry-breaking energy profile, contains particles with several times lighter effective mass, which can represent luminous matter. Some possible analogies with solid-state physics, such as the comparison between dark and luminous matter, are discussed. Additionally, tiny dark energy, as intrinsic lattice Casimir energy, is calculated for a lattice with a large number of lattice nodes.
文摘Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about possible states of nature, in order to make a better judgment while taking new evidence into account. Such a scientific model proposed for the general theory of decision-making, like all others in general, whether in statistics, economics, operations research, A.I., data science or applied mathematics, regardless of whether they are time-dependent, have in common a theoretical basis that is axiomatized by relying on related concepts of a universe of possibles, especially the so-called universe (or the world), the state of nature (or the state of the world), when formulated explicitly. The issue of where to stand as an observer or a decision-maker to reframe such a universe of possibles together with a partition structure of knowledge (i.e. semantic formalisms), including a copy of itself as it was initially while generalizing it, is not addressed. Memory being the substratum, whether human or artificial, wherein everything stands, to date, even the theoretical possibility of such an operation of self-inclusion is prohibited by pure mathematics. We make this blind spot come to light through a counter-example (namely Archimedes’ Eureka experiment) and explore novel theoretical foundations, fitting better with a quantum form than with fuzzy modeling, to deal with more than a reference universe of possibles. This could open up a new path of investigation for the general theory of decision-making, as well as for Artificial Intelligence, often considered as the science of the imitation of human abilities, while being also the science of knowledge representation and the science of concept formation and reasoning.
文摘Why cannot Newton’s theory of gravitation be used to describe the motion of micro particles? This article summarizes and clarifies that Newton’s theory of gravitation is subjectively a statistical description for natural phenomena, while its essence is the expansion tendency of particles in the new universe formed after the orthogonal collision (the Big Bang) of objects in the old universe. The new particles formed by the Big Bang exhibit the accelerating expansion and local convergence in the spacetime of the new universe. The force of the accelerating expansion for the new particles comes from the shear stress produced by the orthogonal collision. There is only a one-way conversion from the mass in the old universe to the energy in the new universe without any exchange of information between them. Orthogonal collision forms maximum energy density and accelerates motion of new particles. The theory that orthogonal collision produces a new universe can be used to explain the phenomena of three scales. On the cosmic scale, it can explain the Big Bang, the early celestial formation, and their movements. On the macro scale, it can explain the early Earth’s surface mountain uplift and current atmospheric vortices. At the micro scale, it can explain aurora and other astronomical optical phenomena as well as the generation of new particles. The idea of orthogonal collision attempts to use shear stress and particle potential energy to find a theory of everything that can fully explain all aspects of the universe.
文摘The article collectively proposes a revolutionary perspective on the universe, intertwining concepts of time, spatial positioning, and cosmic dynamics. We introduce the idea of a rotating universe centered around Mega Central Energy Pools (MCEPs), where time varies relative to the distance from the universe’s center, potentially enabling time travel. This model challenges conventional notions of time and cosmology, suggesting that black holes and white holes act as cosmic recycling factories. Additionally, this model unveils a novel theory of dark matter, positing photons as its constituents and highlighting their role in energy transfer across the cosmos. Furthermore, the investigation into Venus’s unique day-length-to-year-length ratio unveils a microscopic mechanism involving swirling energy droplets, charged particles, and field interactions, offering insights into planetary dynamics on both micro and macro scales.
文摘The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant, besides having a finite speed constant (speed of light in vacuum c). A finite universal age constant b is introduced. Namely, this paper shows that the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time support the hypothesis of the age of the universe correlating with a maximum number of orbital revolutions constant. Neglecting the gravitational influence of other cosmological entities in the proximity of the Earth, the constant maximum number of revolutions is herewith determined solely by the Earth’s orbital revolutions around the Sun. The value of the universal age constant b is calculated to be around 13.8 billion orbital revolutions, derived out of an equation related to the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time and the so-called Hubble tension. The above-mentioned calculated value b correlates well with the best fit to measured data of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) by the Planck spacecraft, the age of the observed universe is measured to be approximately 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years (2018 final data release). Developing a theory with this 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant b, being covariant with respect to the Lorentz transformations when time spans are large, gives results such as: A confirmation of the measured CMBR value of 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years. Correlating well with the observed expansion rate of the universe (dark energy). The universe’s expansion accelerating over the last four to five billion years.
文摘The black hole model of the Universe evolution, accompanied by matter creation, already successfully accounting for many features of the past is discussed and further justified. It is once more stressed that even a very large object but with a big mass is in its own right a black hole. As a consequence, the extrapolation of the past predicts for the future no big crunch, nor big bounce but a steady expansion with smaller matter density.
文摘The main aim of the paper is to present (and at the same time offer) a differ-ent perspective for the analysis of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. A perspective that can surely be considered as being “in parallel” to the tradition-al ones, such as those based, for example, on the hypotheses of “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy”, or better as a “com-possible” perspective, because it is not understood as being “exclusive”. In fact, it is an approach that, when con-firmed by experimental results, always keeps its validity from an “operative” point of view. This is because, in analogy to the traditional perspectives, on the basis of Popper’s Falsification Principle the corresponding “Generative” Logic on which it is based has not the property of the perfect induction. The basic difference then only consists in the fact that the Evolution of the Universe is now modeled by considering the Universe as a Self-Organizing System, which is thus analyzed in the light of the Maximum Ordinality Principle.
文摘The article hypothesizes that DE and DM (UCM) are a “Form of Motion of a Special Nature”, where “Form of Motion” means “Eternal Motion” as the power of dynamics of different levels and varying degrees of self-sufficiency, and by “Special Nature”, gravitational and two other properties of matter, “tied” to the “Eternal Movement” and completely dependent on it. Carriers of key properties of a “Special Nature” have been established: “0”-DE particles and “3”-DM particles (UDM). The unity of their inherent “motionally-gravitational” properties and the peculiarity of the relationship between “motion” and “gravity” are revealed: the higher the intensity of “Eternal Motion”, the stronger the gravitational properties of matter are manifested (and vice versa). The relationship of “time” with the “vibration frequency” and the “mass” of photons with the “degree of bonding and deformation properties of the field” is shown. The maximum level of gravity has been determined, which allows Nature to successfully create the Universe: such a landmark is the proximity to the property of the Primary Source—the “pure graviton” of the OSP space, the most powerful “motionally-gravitational” particle of the Universe. The reasons for the emergence of such an identity of the gravitational properties of particles with the indicators of a “pure graviton” are established: for “0”-DE particles, this is the acquisition of the function of “freedom of movement”;for “3”-DM particles (UDM), the creation of a special structure—a “double field” (“Main” and “Small”). The presence in the “double field” of specific “tools” for the creation of the worlds of the Universe—gravitational “waves” gives rise to impulses (shocks) of varying intensity and shape. A list of functions performed by “waves” in the “Main” and “Small” fields has been compiled. The specific conditions for the formation of “UDM Streams”, their transformation into a “Vortex” and, under the influence of a powerful Initial Impulse (push), sending them to the “place” of the creation of galaxies, are shown. It is suggested that there is a “Cycle of Matter in Nature” in the closed structure of our Universe due to the “work” of “waves” and the functioning of special “factories” in the form of exotic space objects—Black holes.
文摘The two universes multi-granularity fuzzy rough set model is an effective tool for handling uncertainty problems between two domains with the help of binary fuzzy relations. This article applies the idea of neighborhood rough sets to two universes multi-granularity fuzzy rough sets, and discusses the two-universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model. Firstly, the upper and lower approximation operators are defined in the two universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model. Secondly, the properties of the upper and lower approximation operators are discussed. Finally, the properties of the two universes multi-granularity neighborhood fuzzy rough set model are verified through case studies.
基金Project (2009BAE85B00) supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of ChinaProject (PHR20100509) supported by Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality, China
文摘In aluminum electrolytic process, the variables affect the current efficiency and the stability of electrolysis cells. AIF3 addition and aluminum tapping volume are two important factors that affect economic benefits of aluminum electrolytic production. Fuzzy logic provides a suitable mechanism to describe the relationship between the process variables and the current efficiency. Fuzzy expert system based on Mamdani fuzzy inference process for aluminum electrolysis was adopted to adjust A1F3 addition and aluminum tapping volume. A novel variable universe approach was applied in the system to solve the problem that different electrolysis cells have different universes of variables. The system was applied to 300 kA aluminum electrolysis cells in a aluminum plant. Experimental results showed that the electrolyte temperature was kept stably between 945 and 955℃, the current efficiency reached 93.5%, and the DC power consumption was 13 000 kW.h per ton aluminum.
文摘Universe life includes the universe realm, the life realm, human society and man-made materials. Each life has four grades.There are four different “me” in each life: true me, Yang me, Yin me and conscious me. True me never dies while Yang me, Yin meand conscious me all appear and go. The heart of life is also a system consisting of four grades (true heart + Yang me heart + Yin meheart + conscious heart). Life is a four-seasonal whole dominated by heart. True me is true while Yang me, Yin me and conscious meare false. The general law of the universe is an operating body of general rules. Both the operating body of general rules and the lifebody are combination of the true and the false. The operating body of general rules is a body with two aspects and the combinationand an autonomous operation of movement with stillness, gathering with parting and rising with falling. The operating body ofgeneral rules dominated by true me is the universe body. The essential features of the universe body include: 1) it is empty;2) it isabsolutely quiet;3) it exists forever;4) it contains seeds for everything;5) it generates everything in the universe;6) it is solid andwill never break;7) its power is King Kong power. The zero-state of the galaxy is its basic state and the giant blank zone of theuniverse. The galaxy’s turning from zero-state into one-state is getting something from nothing. The operating of general rule ispresented as the four-seasonal movement or metabolism of life. It is a continuity of movement and stillness (life and death) and aprocess of something interacting with nothing. The modes of reproduction of life consist of self-generation, generation byaugmentation and generation by transformation. The Milky Way Galaxy, the solar system and the earth are inorganic life withreproductive system and reproductive capacity. In the positive-going evolution, their inner morality power gradually decreases andundergoes different states and structures. Internal intercourse generates different lives. In the early days of the earth, the temperaturewas high and inorganic lives first appeared: humans, animals, plants and bacteria. When the temperature dropped to a proper degree,organic lives then appeared: bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Now, new lives are still appearing on the earth.
文摘This article discusses the gravitational stability of anti-de Sitter universe.It turns out that anti-de Sitter universe with closed timelike curves is unstable to gravitational perturbations.
文摘We present a Quantum Space Model (QSM) of cosmic evolution based on the theory that space consists of energy quanta from which our universe came about. We used the Friedmann equations to trace its history and predict its ultimate fate. Results provide further support to our recent proposal that the accelerating expansion of the universe is due to a scalar space field which has become known as Dark Energy. In our model, the universe started from high energy space quanta which were triggered by quantum fluctuations that caused the Big Bang. It then expanded and cooled undergoing phase transitions to radiation, fundamental particles, and matter. Matter agglomerated and grew into stars, galaxies, etc. and was eventually consolidated by gravity into Black Holes, which finally ended in a Big Crunch in a state of deep freeze inside the Black hole at 1.380 trillion years. Fluctuations, quantum tunneling, or some other mechanisms caused a new Bang to start another cycle in its life. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of a cyclic universe by Steinhardt and his associates, and by Penrose. Space and energy are equivalent as embodied in the Planck energy equation. They give rise to the two principal long range forces in the universe: the gravitational force and the space force. The latter may be the fifth force in the universe. The two forces could provide the clockwork mechanism operating our cyclic universe. If the Law of Conservation of Energy is universal, then the cosmos is eternal.
文摘In the common theory of the Universe, the redshift of the light wavelength from distant stars indicates the speed of the star. In this study, the model of the Universe is the surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere, and the shape of the Universe results in the most of the redshift of light wavelength. Therefore, there is no dark energy accelerating the Universe. The surface of the four-dimensional sphere is a volume, and this volume is a good model for the Universe. The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere has been explained by a model of four-dimensional cube, within which the forming of surface volume can be easily shown. The model of four-dimensional cube containing six side cubes is ingenious for explaining the structure of the four-dimensional Universe, but it is not enough because the four-dimensional cube has not six side cubes, but eight side cubes. Therefore, in this study a better method has been created to construct the four-dimensional cube. Our three-dimensional Universe is the surface of the four-dimensional sphere Universe. The volume of our three-dimensional Universe is finite, and beneath it is the infinite volume four-dimensional Super Universe. Two important basic formulae have been derived: The surface volume of the four-dimensional sphere is π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>3</sup> in which R is the radius of the sphere, and the fourth-power volume of the four-dimensional sphere is 1/4 π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>4</sup>. The volume of the Universe has been calculated π<sup>3</sup>R<sup>3</sup> = 62 × 10<sup>30</sup> ly<sup>3</sup>. Time as the fourth dimension of the space takes effect only near the speed of light, and therefore it has been ignored in this study.
文摘In recent years, it has been thought that the expansion of the universe has begun to accelerate. However, there are other views against this. Here we propose a new theory based on the three-dimensional spherical (S<sup>3</sup>) universe wherein the same observations as the present universe can also be found by the accelerated contraction of the universe. According to our theory, the expansion velocity of the S<sup>3</sup> universe slowed down after the Big Bang, and all the kinetic energy was converted into potential energy to reach the great sphere. After that, accelerated contraction begins, and the universe finally converges to an original single point. In the S<sup>3</sup> universe, the passage of time (referred to as “proper time”) changes depending on its expansion velocity. The frequency of light emitted from celestial bodies is determined by their proper time on emission, and when the light is observed by observers having different proper time, a redshift or blueshift is observed. Observers in the expansion phase observe redshifts, because the proper time of the observer progresses faster than that of emitted light, but observers in the contraction phase observe an accelerated delay of the proper time, so the progress of the proper time is reversed based upon its order from nearby celestial bodies, a blueshift is observed, and its range of observable distance increases. The results of this early contraction phase are consistent with the observations of the current universe. In conclusion, the S<sup>3</sup> universe may be able to explain the geometrical structure of the current universe.
文摘This work extends the author’s two previous works (2015), Journal of Modern Physics, 6, 78-87, and 1360-1370, by obtaining the index of refraction n of the dark energy for additional values of the cosmological density parameters, and for the two methods of obtaining n: least squares fit, and electromagnetic theory. Comparison of the alternative model with the accelerating universe for the new values of the density parameters and n is given in two tables. The new values for n are used to obtain a range of ages for the Einstein de Sitter (EdS) universe. It is shown that the EdS universe must be older than the comparison accelerating universe. This requirement is met for the Planck 2015 value of the Hubble constant, corrected for the speed of light reduction by n. A supporting measurement as well as a disagreeing measurement is also discussed. Possible support from a stellar age determination is also discussed. It is shown that the expression obtained earlier for the increased apparent magnitude of the SNe Ia provides as good a fit for a closed universe with Ω(tot = 1.005) , as it does for the flat EdS universe. Comparison is presented in a third table. An upper bound on Ω<sub>Λ</sub> is given for a closed universe that eventually collapses back on itself that is too small for the value needed for the accelerating universe.