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作者 谢式南 《山东海洋学院学报》 1984年第1期9-10,共2页
关键词 海洋化学 科学研究 资源环境 实验仪器 海水淡化
海洋资源的化学——Ⅷ THN对海水体系中钾离子的富集性能 被引量:1
作者 孙玉善 孙汉章 +1 位作者 王薇 牟蔚 《山东海洋学院学报》 1987年第1期71-77,共7页
关键词 THN 钾离子 海水化学 富集性能 沉积-转化反应
海洋环境地球化学——Ⅱ.海水中汞的存在形态及其在海水—底质间相互交换研究 被引量:5
作者 周家义 潜琬英 +2 位作者 符瑞文 赵云英 唐永明 《山东海洋学院学报》 1980年第4期33-41,共9页
关键词 海水化学 存在形态 海水-底质交换
海洋环境地球化学Ⅲ胶卅湾表层海水中砷的存在形态 被引量:1
作者 李静 张敏秀 +3 位作者 徐潮 赫崇利 周家义 潜琬英 《山东海洋学院学报》 1981年第3期32-38,共7页
关键词 胶州湾 海水化学 存在形态 毒性效应
海洋资源的化学 Ⅻ、O,O_-'邻苯二酚二乙酸—甲醛树脂的合成及其对低浓溶液中钾离子的吸着性能 被引量:1
作者 彭启强 孙玉善 +1 位作者 孙汉章 梁卫民 《山东海洋学院学报》 1987年第3期53-59,共7页
本文报导了在多聚磷酸作用下,0,0’-邻苯二酚二乙酸同三聚甲醛缩聚生成具有对钾离子吸着作用的树脂的反应。探讨了摩尔配比、反应温度和反应时间等影响树脂性能的因素。提出了合成0,0’-邻苯二酚二乙酸—甲醛树脂的最宜条件: CH_2O:CDAH... 本文报导了在多聚磷酸作用下,0,0’-邻苯二酚二乙酸同三聚甲醛缩聚生成具有对钾离子吸着作用的树脂的反应。探讨了摩尔配比、反应温度和反应时间等影响树脂性能的因素。提出了合成0,0’-邻苯二酚二乙酸—甲醛树脂的最宜条件: CH_2O:CDAH_2=1:4(摩尔); (CH_2O+CDAH_2):PPA=1:4(重量); 温度=120—130℃;时间=1小时。树脂产率为84—91%。树脂在380PPm氯化钾水溶液中(相当于海水中的钾离子浓度)对钾离子的吸着容量是28—30毫克钾离子/克(干树脂)[动态法]。富集因数是73—78。 展开更多
关键词 多聚磷酸 钾离子 甲醛树脂 合成工艺 沉淀转化反应 海水化学
海洋资源的化学 Ⅹ.钾离子交换剂—半水合磷酸氢钛在酸溶液和海水中的溶解度
作者 王薇 孙玉善 +1 位作者 王军 赵文浩 《山东海洋学院学报》 1988年第2期31-39,共9页
本文从溶损角度研究半水合磷酸氢钛Ti(HPO_4)_2·1/2H_O用于海水提钾的可行性,为了估算Ti(HPO_1)_2·1/2H_2O在海水提钾过程中的溶损,我们用比色法测定了它在盐酸、硝酸、硫酸、磷酸、混合酸溶液和海水中的溶解度,同时得到溶解... 本文从溶损角度研究半水合磷酸氢钛Ti(HPO_4)_2·1/2H_O用于海水提钾的可行性,为了估算Ti(HPO_1)_2·1/2H_2O在海水提钾过程中的溶损,我们用比色法测定了它在盐酸、硝酸、硫酸、磷酸、混合酸溶液和海水中的溶解度,同时得到溶解度随酸浓度和温度变化的规律。通过在两组实验中Ti(HPO_4)_2·1/2H_2O的实际溶损量与按溶解度计算的溶损量的比较,相对误差分别为+3%和+13%。结果表明,我们测得的Ti(HPO_4)_2·1/2H_2O的溶解度可以作为定量估算实际过程溶损量的依据。 展开更多
关键词 钾离子交换剂 半水合磷酸氢钛 溶解度 海水化学
海洋资源的化学 Ⅴ.芳基碘盐及聚苯乙烯型碘盐对海水中碘离子的吸着性能研究
作者 孙汉章 孙玉善 赵鸿本 《山东海洋学院学报》 1984年第4期39-50,共12页
关键词 海洋化学 V.芳基 聚苯乙烯 碘盐 吸着性能 JA-2
海洋资源的化学 XIV.CDAH_2—甲醛树脂的合成及其在地下盐水和天然海水中对钾离子的吸着性能
作者 彭启强 孙玉善 +1 位作者 孙汉章 梁卫民 《山东海洋学院学报》 1988年第2期83-84,共2页
关键词 甲醛树脂 海洋化学 钾离子 多聚磷酸 吸着性能
黄河口地区沉积物中若干地球化学参数及地球化学环境 被引量:7
作者 黄薇文 张经 杨作升 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第2期112-120,共9页
This paper is concerned with the distibuticn of seme geochemical factors in sediments from Huanghe River Estuary,such as Eh,pH,Fe/Fe and the ratio of elementsp which show the characteristics of sedimentation in the e... This paper is concerned with the distibuticn of seme geochemical factors in sediments from Huanghe River Estuary,such as Eh,pH,Fe/Fe and the ratio of elementsp which show the characteristics of sedimentation in the estuary.According to the physical-chemistry principle the diagram of FeS2-Fe3O4-Fe2O3 system is made to indicate the coexistence and the tranform among minerals. 展开更多
关键词 黄河口 海洋沉积物 地球化学参数 沉积环境 EH
作者 王庆璋 王维新 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第1期107-112,共6页
Model DF-1 electrochemical analyzer is a many-purpose electrochemical instrumentation with following five functional select switches for operating conditions: cathodic /anodie polarization; single/cycle sean;two/thre... Model DF-1 electrochemical analyzer is a many-purpose electrochemical instrumentation with following five functional select switches for operating conditions: cathodic /anodie polarization; single/cycle sean;two/three electrodes system;direct/derivative output;normal/differential mode. Consequently they can be combined into several working manners, result in different experimental methods as consistent with desire. This instrument has manifold compensator and adjuster with a wide-range, so that the sensitivity and the signal graph have been able to improve. In addition, the instrument incorporates a strip-chart recorder and an exact timer. It is also equipped with electrochemical bench and a set of electrodes including the rotating glassy carbon electrode, gold plate electrode, silver plate electrode, mercury coated silver base electrode, hanging mercury electrode etc. In order to broaden the field of its application, all units of the instrument can be unitized, but each and every can be also used independently. The instrument is applicable to polarography, voltammetry, potentiometric stripping, potentiostatic electrolysis,differential technique, coulometry, linear polarization method, cycle voltammetry, passivation curve, and some other electrochemical technique, which have need for electrochemical cell with two, three,or four electrodes. This paper describes the design fundament, feature and specification of the electrochemical analyzer, and finally gives laboratory application some experimental examples. 展开更多
关键词 DF—1 电化学分析仪 极谱-伏安法 参数调节 工作状态
海水及海洋底质中镉的测定 碘化钾—甲异丁酮—双硫腙分光光度法
《环境科学研究》 EI CAS 1978年第7期52-60,共9页
<正> 海水及海洋底质中镉的测定,近年来多用原子吸收分光光度法和极谱法,但比色法和分光光度法因其易于普及仍是目前必要的方法。如PAN法和双硫腙萃取分光光度法。这两种方法,在显色时均须严格控制酸度,手续繁杂。双硫腙法应用在... <正> 海水及海洋底质中镉的测定,近年来多用原子吸收分光光度法和极谱法,但比色法和分光光度法因其易于普及仍是目前必要的方法。如PAN法和双硫腙萃取分光光度法。这两种方法,在显色时均须严格控制酸度,手续繁杂。双硫腙法应用在海水分析上已有二十多年的历史,虽有灵敏度高,克分子消光系数大(8×10~4)等优点。 展开更多
关键词 萃取分光光度法 克分子消光系数 双硫腙 水样分析 阴离子交换柱 极谱法 比色法 中性络合物 分液漏斗 淋洗液
作者 赵鸿本 孙汉章 《山东海洋学院学报》 1982年第2期39-46,共8页
有关氯化银一海水系统问题,以往一般局限于氯化银电极在海水电化学研究测定中的应用,其它有关相间平衡,银与海水中某些成份的相互作用等方面均未见有报道。自从1977年我们发现颗粒状氯化银对海水中的碘、溴有很高的选择性富集能力以... 有关氯化银一海水系统问题,以往一般局限于氯化银电极在海水电化学研究测定中的应用,其它有关相间平衡,银与海水中某些成份的相互作用等方面均未见有报道。自从1977年我们发现颗粒状氯化银对海水中的碘、溴有很高的选择性富集能力以后,引起了我们对这方面的注意。 展开更多
关键词 氯化银-海水系统 电化学研究 富集性能 溶解度 交换作用
作者 佘敬曾 高新生 《山东海洋学院学报》 1984年第2期20-26,共7页
硅和碳是同族元素,但属不同周期。它们之间有共性,亦各有特殊性。由碳-碳双键可以形成品种繁多的稳定的化合物,而硅-硅双键是否存在或是不是真正的双键曾是长期悬而未决的问题。四十年代末和五十年代初,Pitzer 和Mulliken所作的长... 硅和碳是同族元素,但属不同周期。它们之间有共性,亦各有特殊性。由碳-碳双键可以形成品种繁多的稳定的化合物,而硅-硅双键是否存在或是不是真正的双键曾是长期悬而未决的问题。四十年代末和五十年代初,Pitzer 和Mulliken所作的长期悬而未决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 硅-硅双键 量子化学 乙硅烯 相对稳定性 强度计算
黄河口底质中重金属的存在形式 被引量:14
作者 黄薇文 张经 +2 位作者 刘敏光 邱丽璇 陈长景 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第1期137-145,共9页
Ten samples from the Huanghe River Estuary were analysed to separate the heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cd) into following phases: (1) adsorbed to materials, (2) bound to carbonates, (3) Fe-Mn oxides, (4) o... Ten samples from the Huanghe River Estuary were analysed to separate the heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cd) into following phases: (1) adsorbed to materials, (2) bound to carbonates, (3) Fe-Mn oxides, (4) organic matters, (5) residual. The contents of the heavy metals in residue fraction account to the main part of the total concentrations. The concentrations of the heavy metals adsorbed on the materials are very low, and the heavy metals bound to Fe-Mn oxides are relatively stable, making up 10-20 percent of the t otal concentrations, which indicates that there is almost no heavy metal pollution in the estuary. The content of Pb, Mn bound to carbonates are rather high, Pb makes up 18-42 percent, Mn 22-63 percent of the total concentration, which are caused by geological process and coincide with the high content of carbonates in the loess. Cu is concentrated in organic matter indicating the strong complexation abilily of copper with organic matter. The distribution of all the eight elements are not all the same. The order of their progressive decreasing are written as follows: (1) Cu, Cr, Hi, Fe, Zn: Ⅴ>Ⅳ≥Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅰ; (2) Pb, Cd: Ⅴ>Ⅱ>Ⅲ≥Ⅳ Ⅰ;(3) Mn:Ⅱ>Ⅴ>Ⅲ>Ⅳ>Ⅰ. 展开更多
关键词 黄河口 重金属 存在形式 底质 悬浮颗粒 海水化学
夏季渤海西南部及黄河口海域营养盐分布特征 被引量:16
作者 吕小乔 祝陈坚 +1 位作者 张爱斌 史致丽 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第1期146-158,共13页
There are few papers dealing with nutrients distribution in the mixing region of the Huanghe River Estuary, although the Huanghe River is one of the largest rivers in China. We investigated nutrients (nitrate nitrite,... There are few papers dealing with nutrients distribution in the mixing region of the Huanghe River Estuary, although the Huanghe River is one of the largest rivers in China. We investigated nutrients (nitrate nitrite, phosphate and silicate) at 81 stations in the southwest Bohai Sea and the Huanghe River Estuary in July, 1984. The concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate are higher in the estuary and offshore than those in the centre of the Bohai Sea. They are 44.3ug-at/L for nitrate, 0.31ug-at/L for nitrite, 0.36ug-at/L for phosphate and 60.4ug-at/L for silicate. There are negative correlations between nutrients and salinity in this region. The correlation coefficients in surface layer are:γSiO3-si=-0.963(n=81) γPO4-P=-0.829(n=81) γNO3-N=-0.971(n=81) γNO2-N=-0.553(n=81) The correlation coefficients show that, in the surface layer, there are no obvious removal of nutrients during mixing river-water and seawater in the Huanghe River Estuary. 展开更多
关键词 夏季 渤海 黄河口 营养盐 分布特征 调查方法
四苯硼酸钠季铵盐容量法测定钾的改进 被引量:6
作者 王薇 杨新浩 +2 位作者 陈卫卫 何粤 陈文明 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第2期25-33,共9页
This paper is based uPon the principles of volumetric method for determination of potassium with sodium tetraphenylboron and quaternary ammonium salt. A linear equation was found between volume (V) of quaternary ammon... This paper is based uPon the principles of volumetric method for determination of potassium with sodium tetraphenylboron and quaternary ammonium salt. A linear equation was found between volume (V) of quaternary ammonium salt and quantity (K) of potassium in sample. On the basis of this equation,the use of working curves has been suggested. The results of the experiments indicated that the linear relation between V and K is very good when the quantity of potassium in sample is more than 0.Smg. This method is also suitable for determination of potassium in various salt solution. With the increase of concentration of the salt solution, Which has the same amount of potassium, The volume of quaternary ammonium salt solution decreases regularly. The influence of co-existance and interference ions can be eliminated by using this working curve method.As compared with the original method,this method is not only accurate and precise but also rapid, simple and convenient. It has been tested by the determination of potassium in a sea water sample and the standard deviation is found to be≤±0.001mg/ml. 展开更多
关键词 四苯硼酸钠季铵盐容量法 海水化学 测定实验 工作曲线法
黄河口及邻近海域中悬浮体的分布特征和季节性变化 被引量:7
作者 张经 黄薇文 刘敏光 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第2期96-104,共9页
The results of the suspended material measurement in the Huanghe River Estuary show that the silt movement in the estuary is different during summer and winter. The centric water-mass in Bohai Sea enters the Laizhou B... The results of the suspended material measurement in the Huanghe River Estuary show that the silt movement in the estuary is different during summer and winter. The centric water-mass in Bohai Sea enters the Laizhou Bay, which makes the fresh water occupy the head of Laizhou Bay and prevents the silt from spveading to the sea.The disturbing of wind in winter makes the sediment resuspend which results in the high content of suspended materials in the water. The distribution of suspended materials and salinity in summer indicate that because of its own momentum, the silt from the Huanghe River will go ahead out of the river mouth and the effect of centric water-mass in the middle Bohai Sea is relatively small in summer. The distributions of suspended materials in the mid and bottom layer water during different seasons show that the primary direction of the siltl movement in the estuary is towards NE, whice coincides with the movement of residual current.Our paper also presents the size distribution of suspended materials.According to the data, we consider that the silt from Huanghe River moves mainly in the surface layer and the Huanghe River Estuary belongs to weak mixing estuary. 展开更多
关键词 黄河口 悬浮体 分布特征 季节变化 采样实验
海水中碳水化合物测定方法研究——二、蒽酮法测定颗粒态碳水化合物总量 被引量:5
作者 唐思齐 宫明岗 陈德昌 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第4期47-54,共8页
海水中颗粒态有机质是指悬浮于海洋中的有生命和无生命的微粒,一般以0.45微米孔径滤膜过滤来区分溶解态和颗粒态,截留在滤膜上的为颗粒态物质。近年来在测定有机质时,则多用孔径为1—2微米的玻璃纤维滤膜来收集。海水中颗粒态有机... 海水中颗粒态有机质是指悬浮于海洋中的有生命和无生命的微粒,一般以0.45微米孔径滤膜过滤来区分溶解态和颗粒态,截留在滤膜上的为颗粒态物质。近年来在测定有机质时,则多用孔径为1—2微米的玻璃纤维滤膜来收集。海水中颗粒态有机质以无生命的有机碎屑为主,活物质(如浮游生物)仅为极少量。 展开更多
关键词 海水化学 碳水化合物 蒽酮法 测定精度 悬浮颗粒
海水中痕量苯系物的气相色谱测定的研究 被引量:2
作者 王中柱 崔仙舟 +1 位作者 张学华 朱潇杰 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第2期34-41,共8页
Domestic polymeric microbeads GDX-502 were used to concentrate benzene hydrocarbon from seawater. The absorbed benzene hydrocarbon was removed by thermal desorption and directly injected into gas chromatograph and det... Domestic polymeric microbeads GDX-502 were used to concentrate benzene hydrocarbon from seawater. The absorbed benzene hydrocarbon was removed by thermal desorption and directly injected into gas chromatograph and determined by FID detector. It was optimal for the rapid and precise determination of trace benzene hydrocarbon in seawater. In this Paper the investigation of benzene hydrocarbon in the coastal water of Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao) is reported as well. The data for benzene hydrocarbon are listed in table 3 for 1984 and the station locations are given in figure 6. 展开更多
关键词 海水化学 中痕量苯系物 气相色谱 测定实验 灵敏度
腐植酸树脂对Gr(Ⅲ)Zn(Ⅱ)的吸附研究 被引量:1
作者 田由芸 王恕昌 +3 位作者 李洪 耿学谦 李爱军 褚文华 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第1期31-39,共9页
This paper deals With the adsorption conditions of type FH1 humic acid resin on Cr^3+ and Zn^2+ With the different concentrations of Cr^3+ and Zn^2+, the optimum adsorption conditions of the resin including pH,tempera... This paper deals With the adsorption conditions of type FH1 humic acid resin on Cr^3+ and Zn^2+ With the different concentrations of Cr^3+ and Zn^2+, the optimum adsorption conditions of the resin including pH,temperature and amount of resin vary to some extent. When the concentration of Cr^3+≤100mg, adsorptivity of the resin is>98%, the amount of its saturation adsorption is about 50.2mg/g;when the concentration of Zn^2+ is≤100mg/l, the adsorptivity of the resin is>98% and the amount of its saturation adsorption is about 87.1mg/g. 展开更多
关键词 腐植酸树脂 吸附性能 废水净化
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