部编版初中语文教材中,名著导读部分一共设计安排了十二本名著,其中中国现当代文学作品有四部,分别是《朝花夕拾》《骆驼祥子》《傅雷家书》和《艾青诗选》。基于作品本身,以散文、小说、诗歌和应用文体不同体裁为切入点,探究作品本身...部编版初中语文教材中,名著导读部分一共设计安排了十二本名著,其中中国现当代文学作品有四部,分别是《朝花夕拾》《骆驼祥子》《傅雷家书》和《艾青诗选》。基于作品本身,以散文、小说、诗歌和应用文体不同体裁为切入点,探究作品本身独特的个性化教学价值。结合教育部的理念指导,通过对作品文本的研读以及对一线语文教师的教学笔记分析,能够知晓落实初中语文“名著导读”整本书阅读的教学对学生核心素养发展和传承中国精神文化瑰宝都具有重要价值意义。There are twelve famous works in the Chinese Language Textbook for Junior High School compiled by the Ministry of Education. Four of them are modern and contemporary Chinese literary works: “Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk”, “Rickshaw Boy”, “Fulei’s Family Letters” and “Selected Poems of Ai Qing”. Based on these works, taking different genres like prose, novels, poetry and practical writing as starting points, we explore their unique teaching values. Combined with the guiding ideology of the Ministry of Education, through the study of the texts and the analysis of teaching notes of front-line Chinese language teachers, it’s known that implementing the whole-book reading teaching of “Famous Works Guidance Reading” is of great significance for students’ core literacy development and the inheritance of China’s spiritual and cultural treasures.展开更多
文摘部编版初中语文教材中,名著导读部分一共设计安排了十二本名著,其中中国现当代文学作品有四部,分别是《朝花夕拾》《骆驼祥子》《傅雷家书》和《艾青诗选》。基于作品本身,以散文、小说、诗歌和应用文体不同体裁为切入点,探究作品本身独特的个性化教学价值。结合教育部的理念指导,通过对作品文本的研读以及对一线语文教师的教学笔记分析,能够知晓落实初中语文“名著导读”整本书阅读的教学对学生核心素养发展和传承中国精神文化瑰宝都具有重要价值意义。There are twelve famous works in the Chinese Language Textbook for Junior High School compiled by the Ministry of Education. Four of them are modern and contemporary Chinese literary works: “Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk”, “Rickshaw Boy”, “Fulei’s Family Letters” and “Selected Poems of Ai Qing”. Based on these works, taking different genres like prose, novels, poetry and practical writing as starting points, we explore their unique teaching values. Combined with the guiding ideology of the Ministry of Education, through the study of the texts and the analysis of teaching notes of front-line Chinese language teachers, it’s known that implementing the whole-book reading teaching of “Famous Works Guidance Reading” is of great significance for students’ core literacy development and the inheritance of China’s spiritual and cultural treasures.