Introduction: Evaluating the quality of care offered is a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of a health system. Developing countries are still lagging behind in implementing these principles. This work aims to e...Introduction: Evaluating the quality of care offered is a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of a health system. Developing countries are still lagging behind in implementing these principles. This work aims to evaluate the satisfaction of patients operated on and hospitalized in the surgery department at the municipality’s reference health center over a period of 6 months (June 2020 to December 2020). Materials and Methods: This is a quantitative, qualitative, transversal and evaluative study over a period of 6 months based on a self-administered questionnaire to patients who underwent surgery and were hospitalized in the surgery department of the reference health center of commune I upon leaving their hospitalization. The questions are structured around welcome, respect and privacy, care, accommodation conditions as well as overall satisfaction. Results: The survey included 260 patients, 60.8% of whom were male. The 31 - 40 year old age group was in the majority and the majority had completed primary education (42.3%). Married patients were the majority, i.e. 60.4% of cases. Patients were not insured in 66.5% of cases. Almost all of the patients surveyed found that the welcome, care, waiting time, respect and privacy were satisfactory. On the other hand, patients found the rooms and beds uncomfortable. Conclusion: The satisfaction survey reveals worrying data regarding the comfort of patients who must challenge caregivers in healthcare structures. Decision-makers should find useful information there to improve the quality of care.展开更多
Introduction: Uterine fibroid is a mixed mesenchymal tumor, developing from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium, separated by connective tissue. The majority of fibroids are asymptomatic and do not require any inter...Introduction: Uterine fibroid is a mixed mesenchymal tumor, developing from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium, separated by connective tissue. The majority of fibroids are asymptomatic and do not require any intervention or other exploratory measures. However, in some cases fibroids are symptomatic, their treatment should aim to improve symptoms and quality of life. Objectives: Describe the epidemiological-clinical aspects of uterine fibroids in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the reference health center of commune VI of the Bamako district. Methodology: This was a retrospective descriptive study carried out over a period of one year. It concerns all patients seen in consultation in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the reference health center of commune VI. Results: during the study period, the uterine fibroid frequency was 1.80%. During this same period, fibroids represented 5.59% of gyneco-obstetric pathologies operated on in the department. The 30 - 45 year old age group was the most represented with a frequency of 75.63%. The average age was 36.87 years ± 6.2 years with extremes of 25 and 63 years. Married women were the most represented 97.48%. The vast majority of our patients 95.8% were not postmenopausal. The multigravidas were the most represented, i.e. 37.50% with a large part of the pauciparous 41.29%. In our patients, 96.64% had a clinical symptom on their fibroid with the main reason for consultation being the sensation of a pelvic mass in 97.48%. We recorded three cases of infertility as associated factors. Ultrasound was performed in all patients. The location of the myxomatous nuclei was subserosal in the majority in 42.86% and with multiple nodules in 84.85% of cases. The main indication for myomectomy was the failure of medical treatment in 86.49% of cases. Surgical treatment was mainly a myomectomy 93.30%, a hysterectomy was indicated in 6.70%. No cases of death were recorded. Conclusion: Uterine fibroid is a gynecological pathology that exists in our department;its frequency is estimated at 5.59%. For better management of fibroids, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the factors favoring the occurrence of uterine fibroids, their growth and the symptoms to prevent the appearance of it or even at best to operate. This prevention must be a concern for public health because fibromatous pathology is frequent, costly and hampers quality of life.展开更多
Introduction: Maternal mortality constitutes a public health problem and its rate is an indicator of a country’s development. Among the causes of maternal and perinatal death, high blood pressure associated with preg...Introduction: Maternal mortality constitutes a public health problem and its rate is an indicator of a country’s development. Among the causes of maternal and perinatal death, high blood pressure associated with pregnancy occupies a significant part. It represents 5% of direct maternal deaths. Objective: to study the maternal and perinatal prognosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy in the Tenenkou reference health center in Mali. Methodology: This was a descriptive, analytical and retrospective cross-sectional study over a period of twelve months from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 and involving 144 cases of high blood pressure associated with pregnancy. Results: We obtained a frequency of 11.75%. The majority of patients 70.9% were aged between 20 - 35 years. The important risk factor found was young age. During our study, 46.5% of patients had performed at least one CPN and only 13.9% performed 04 CPN. Pre-eclampsia was the most common type of high blood pressure during pregnancy, i.e. 61.1%. Eclampsia and retroplacental hematoma were the most common maternal complications, respectively 27.8% and 11.1%. The most common fetal complications were premature births and fetal distress with 20.9% and 17.4% respectively. Conclusion: Hypertension associated with pregnancy still remains a major cause of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality in our context where diagnosis is often late. The main clinical form was preeclampsia. Eclampsia and retroplacental hematoma were the most frequent maternal complications. Fetal complications were mainly prematurity and fetal distress.展开更多
文摘Introduction: Evaluating the quality of care offered is a reliable indicator of the effectiveness of a health system. Developing countries are still lagging behind in implementing these principles. This work aims to evaluate the satisfaction of patients operated on and hospitalized in the surgery department at the municipality’s reference health center over a period of 6 months (June 2020 to December 2020). Materials and Methods: This is a quantitative, qualitative, transversal and evaluative study over a period of 6 months based on a self-administered questionnaire to patients who underwent surgery and were hospitalized in the surgery department of the reference health center of commune I upon leaving their hospitalization. The questions are structured around welcome, respect and privacy, care, accommodation conditions as well as overall satisfaction. Results: The survey included 260 patients, 60.8% of whom were male. The 31 - 40 year old age group was in the majority and the majority had completed primary education (42.3%). Married patients were the majority, i.e. 60.4% of cases. Patients were not insured in 66.5% of cases. Almost all of the patients surveyed found that the welcome, care, waiting time, respect and privacy were satisfactory. On the other hand, patients found the rooms and beds uncomfortable. Conclusion: The satisfaction survey reveals worrying data regarding the comfort of patients who must challenge caregivers in healthcare structures. Decision-makers should find useful information there to improve the quality of care.
文摘Introduction: Uterine fibroid is a mixed mesenchymal tumor, developing from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium, separated by connective tissue. The majority of fibroids are asymptomatic and do not require any intervention or other exploratory measures. However, in some cases fibroids are symptomatic, their treatment should aim to improve symptoms and quality of life. Objectives: Describe the epidemiological-clinical aspects of uterine fibroids in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the reference health center of commune VI of the Bamako district. Methodology: This was a retrospective descriptive study carried out over a period of one year. It concerns all patients seen in consultation in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the reference health center of commune VI. Results: during the study period, the uterine fibroid frequency was 1.80%. During this same period, fibroids represented 5.59% of gyneco-obstetric pathologies operated on in the department. The 30 - 45 year old age group was the most represented with a frequency of 75.63%. The average age was 36.87 years ± 6.2 years with extremes of 25 and 63 years. Married women were the most represented 97.48%. The vast majority of our patients 95.8% were not postmenopausal. The multigravidas were the most represented, i.e. 37.50% with a large part of the pauciparous 41.29%. In our patients, 96.64% had a clinical symptom on their fibroid with the main reason for consultation being the sensation of a pelvic mass in 97.48%. We recorded three cases of infertility as associated factors. Ultrasound was performed in all patients. The location of the myxomatous nuclei was subserosal in the majority in 42.86% and with multiple nodules in 84.85% of cases. The main indication for myomectomy was the failure of medical treatment in 86.49% of cases. Surgical treatment was mainly a myomectomy 93.30%, a hysterectomy was indicated in 6.70%. No cases of death were recorded. Conclusion: Uterine fibroid is a gynecological pathology that exists in our department;its frequency is estimated at 5.59%. For better management of fibroids, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the factors favoring the occurrence of uterine fibroids, their growth and the symptoms to prevent the appearance of it or even at best to operate. This prevention must be a concern for public health because fibromatous pathology is frequent, costly and hampers quality of life.
文摘Introduction: Maternal mortality constitutes a public health problem and its rate is an indicator of a country’s development. Among the causes of maternal and perinatal death, high blood pressure associated with pregnancy occupies a significant part. It represents 5% of direct maternal deaths. Objective: to study the maternal and perinatal prognosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy in the Tenenkou reference health center in Mali. Methodology: This was a descriptive, analytical and retrospective cross-sectional study over a period of twelve months from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 and involving 144 cases of high blood pressure associated with pregnancy. Results: We obtained a frequency of 11.75%. The majority of patients 70.9% were aged between 20 - 35 years. The important risk factor found was young age. During our study, 46.5% of patients had performed at least one CPN and only 13.9% performed 04 CPN. Pre-eclampsia was the most common type of high blood pressure during pregnancy, i.e. 61.1%. Eclampsia and retroplacental hematoma were the most common maternal complications, respectively 27.8% and 11.1%. The most common fetal complications were premature births and fetal distress with 20.9% and 17.4% respectively. Conclusion: Hypertension associated with pregnancy still remains a major cause of maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality in our context where diagnosis is often late. The main clinical form was preeclampsia. Eclampsia and retroplacental hematoma were the most frequent maternal complications. Fetal complications were mainly prematurity and fetal distress.