Soil physicochemical parameters are the physical and chemical characteristics of soil such as pH, bulk density, organic carbon, nitrogen content, and nutrient levels at different soil depths. These parameters vary fro...Soil physicochemical parameters are the physical and chemical characteristics of soil such as pH, bulk density, organic carbon, nitrogen content, and nutrient levels at different soil depths. These parameters vary from one vegetation to the other and from one soil to the other. The study assessed the variations in soil physicochemical parameters of the natural forest and plantations in Agu Eke (Eke bush) in Etti village, Nanka and Umunnebo village, Ufuma both located in Orumba North Local Government Area, Anambra State. The experimental research design and stratified random sampling methods were used for the study and a total of 12 soil samples were collected at 30 cm depth from the selected locations of natural forest, cashew and palm plantations. The samples were analyzed using laboratory Varian AA240 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, after which the result was subjected to statistical analysis—Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study found that there was no significant difference (variation) between the moisture contents of natural forests and the plantations;that is, the moisture contents were the same. It was also found that there was no significant variation between the bulk densities of the natural forest, oil plantation, and cashew plantation, meaning that the bulk densities were significantly the same. However, there were significant variations in nitrogen, potassium and phosphates, with p-values: sig = .000 < .05, sig = .010 < .05 and sig = .000 < .05, respectively. That is, the nitrogen and phosphate contents of the natural forest significantly vary more than those of the oil palm and cashew plantations, which probably means that by reducing natural forest to plantation, the nitrogen and phosphate contents of the natural forest reduced from what it used to be when the lands were mere forests. This shows that plantations do not have the same function of maintaining or improving soil quality as natural forests. The study recommended adopting a sustainable plantation agricultural system, such as using diverse nutrient sources (manure and compost), in order to maintain the desired soil quality.展开更多
This paper assessed the dynamics in the land use/land cover (LULC) within patterns of the land use/land cover (LULC) in Calabar metropolis. The thermal imageries for 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 were ob...This paper assessed the dynamics in the land use/land cover (LULC) within patterns of the land use/land cover (LULC) in Calabar metropolis. The thermal imageries for 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 were obtained and processed using remote sensing and Arc GIS software package in order to determine the changes that have occurred in the LULC in study area. The result of the LULC thematic maps overall accuracies was computed above 80 percent, which indicates an almost perfect agreement. The findings of this study reveal that, LULC classes by the year 2016 have assumed different dimensions of change from the sizes of their previous sizes in comparison to their current sizes. Land-use pattern changes in the study area were characterized by an increase in the built up class, waterbody (though with a slightly negative change from 2010 to 2012) and a predominant negative trend in dense vegetation and bare land classes;thus, indicating that the future changing trends will pose a depleting threat to the overall LULC. This study has shown that, the changing land use pattern of the area is capable affecting certain characteristics of the environment such as surface temperature. The study recommends that effort should be made by the government to increase urban vegetation around city centers and outliers by embarking on reforestation.展开更多
Forest reserves are expected to host a wide array of biodiversity and provide refuge for rare species that may be threatened in nearby forest landscapes. While this is the guiding protocol for most reserves across the...Forest reserves are expected to host a wide array of biodiversity and provide refuge for rare species that may be threatened in nearby forest landscapes. While this is the guiding protocol for most reserves across the tropics, such as Nigeria, the extent to which they host biodiversity and act as potential stores for carbon are quite uncertain. This study used a four hectare randomly selected forest plots to verify the biodiversity of the reserve, its stand structure and potentials for carbon storage. Species importance value was used to summarize the composition of the landscape. Both the diversity (mean diversity = 0.85) and species richness (eleven species) were low. Biodiversity in the area was quite poor and was mostly composed of Elaeis guineensis and Gmelina arborea, which had relative densities of 74.6% and 11.96%, respectively. Over exploitation and preference for fast-growing exotic species explained the poor stand structure and composition of the landscape, respectively. Very few tree stands were found in the mature structural class, and its capacity to facilitate regeneration and resilience seemed low. Its ability to store carbon in its biomass is equally low;since the forest landscape was much degraded. Maximizing the vast land of the reserve for targeted carbon storage (through mass tree planting) is a potential step that could forestall carbon sequestration across the region, especially because, such vast and available (forest) land cannot be guaranteed in most other forest landscapes.展开更多
Most water and sanitation projects in poor neighbourhood of urban Nigeria are executed through self-supply option. This is defined as an incremental improvement of WASH products e.g. water and sanitation structures by...Most water and sanitation projects in poor neighbourhood of urban Nigeria are executed through self-supply option. This is defined as an incremental improvement of WASH products e.g. water and sanitation structures by a household or small group of households which are financed by their own effort and investment. It is indeed a concept which complements conventional water supply and sanitation funded by government. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the extent of the use of innovative financing especially group saving approach to improve water and sanitation projects in Awka town, Nigeria. Towards achieving the aim, data were collected through questionnaires which were designed and administered on the respondents between January and April, 2016 and from other secondary sources. Data were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis and Component scores to establish the extent of the use of this option in the 9 component quarters of the town. Result shows that some quarters have perfected using the self-supply option while in others, it is yet to be widely accepted. It is finally recommended among others that the urban water policy as well as urban water safety plan should be revised to include the option as a way of improving domestic water supply and sanitation in the town.展开更多
There has been an increase in carbon assessments across global ecosystems, but some ecosystem types remain woefully understudied-freshwater swamp forests are one such ecosystem. Results of the above ground carbon esti...There has been an increase in carbon assessments across global ecosystems, but some ecosystem types remain woefully understudied-freshwater swamp forests are one such ecosystem. Results of the above ground carbon estimates are derived from 16, one-hectare forest plots divided evenly across four forest sites. Results on carbon storage are compared with results on forest use and ownership from interviews with communities living in the area. Since forest use determined the composition, structure and the capacity of the ecosystem to sequester carbon;its above ground carbon decreased from the undisturbed forest plots to the disturbed (modified) sites across the sites. Forest units under communal ownership demonstrated possibilities of actualizing targeted/ restricted use of tree species, as well as targeted carbon storage capacities. Even though joint ownership and management schemes are likely to regulate the use of the ecosystem, and possibly enhance better carbon sequestration, achieving this still seems elusive due to a long existing land tenure system and generational inheritance of (forest) lands across the region. Carbon sequestration across the region will remain under threat unless suitable awareness on forest management is backed up with alternative sources of livelihood, incentives and compensation to the custodians of the forest resources.展开更多
The aim of this paper is to assess the importance of Water Demand Management (WDM) strategy to the improvement of water supply and sanitation in Nigeria. Persistent water supply shortages and poor sanitation have sinc...The aim of this paper is to assess the importance of Water Demand Management (WDM) strategy to the improvement of water supply and sanitation in Nigeria. Persistent water supply shortages and poor sanitation have since remained important features of the Nigerian urban and rural communities. Most often governmental solution to these problems has been to develop and exploit the available water resources and the level of sanitation for the people. This predominant approach which is also known as augmentation method is supply driven with the primary purpose being how best to meet the perceived water and sanitation demand. One of the major disadvantages of this approach is the huge financial involvement associated with it. Conversely, quite recently water resource managers have begun to direct attention on how consumers can be motivated to regulate the amount and manner in which they use and dispose water to alleviate pressure on freshwater supplies. This new approach is known as water demand management. It is demand driven in that consumers determine their own water need. Employment of WDM by consumers especially in water scarce areas as was discussed in the paper will decrease the amount of water use, thereby limiting unnecessary financial expenditure in exploiting new sources to meet the ever increasing demand.展开更多
Tropical forest ecosystems are generally seen as diverse ecosystems with rich biodiversity. However, how this applies to the freshwater swamp forests (especially in West Africa) is largely unknown. To verify how diver...Tropical forest ecosystems are generally seen as diverse ecosystems with rich biodiversity. However, how this applies to the freshwater swamp forests (especially in West Africa) is largely unknown. To verify how diverse this ecosystem is and how its structure varies in an intact forest landscape, one hectare forest plots were set up at 8 different points. This was used to collect information on the diversity and structure of the ecosystem. Consistent with the findings from other freshwater swamp forests, the ecosystem was seen to have a low species occurrence which ranged from 4 to 19 (mean value = 11 species) across the forest plots. Its diversity was equally low (mean = 1.66), unlike other tropical forest ecosystems. Stem heights varied as in mature tropical forest ecosystems;with the middle stratum recording the highest proportion of trees (54.63%) and the emergent layer having the least (0.83%). Its basal area, biomass and relative density were similar with other tropical ecosystems and equally had its highest species contribution from Leguminosae as in some other ecosystems as well. The ecosystem was seen to have features and characteristics that were common and similar with other tropical forest ecosystems, apart from its low diversity. Ensuring that effective and appropriate forest-tree species conservation measures are enhanced across the landscape are vital steps to securing the already existing (few) species and preventing species extinction across the ecosystem.展开更多
Freshwater swamp forests are wetland ecosystems with poorly understood ecology. With increasing degradation across the Niger basin (where it is the most extensive across West Africa), it is deemed important to underst...Freshwater swamp forests are wetland ecosystems with poorly understood ecology. With increasing degradation across the Niger basin (where it is the most extensive across West Africa), it is deemed important to understand its distribution, patterns and composition. This is aimed at both increasing botanical inventories in the ecosystem and also elucidate vital steps that could guide its effective conservation. This study assessed the floristic composition and diversity across 16 one hectare forest plots and sought to show how varied the sites were in terms of diversity, stem density and basal area. The survey showed that the area had 116 species within 82 genera and 36 families. The number of species found in each of the disturbed sites was generally higher than the intact forest sites, which was not diverse but comprised many trees with higher basal area. While the stem density which ranged from 94 - 409 stems·ha-1 is comparable with that of other tropical forests, species richness was low (ranging from 8.65 - 0.52). Diversity ranged from 3.38 - 0.98 and was higher in disturbed sites than in intact locations. Species richness was generally low and implies that loss of species in the ecosystem could threaten species’ existence and conservation in the ecosystem. Disturbed locations had more species than the intact zones and as such show the importance of targeted conservation not only in the undisturbed locations but also in the disturbed locations with a higher species value and potential for species stability of the ecosystem.展开更多
This paper is aimed at identifying the land use/cover types in Awka in relation to their temporal dynamics, the extent of land use change in the city and effects of land use change on surface temperature. Multitempora...This paper is aimed at identifying the land use/cover types in Awka in relation to their temporal dynamics, the extent of land use change in the city and effects of land use change on surface temperature. Multitemporal Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI imageries were obtained at 15 years interval for 1986, 2000 and 2015 respectively. Image classification was conducted using supervised classification method. The result showed that built-up area has been on the increase, expanding from 9.55 sqkm in 1986 to 21.3 sqkm in 2000 and 21.45 sqkm in 2015. Cultivated lands have maintained a steady decline since 2000 having lost about 3.29 sqkm of its area. Similarly, vegetation, made up of dense, savanna and riparian, has been on a decline from a total of 33.69sqkm in 1986 to 21.407 sqkm losing about 12.29 sqkm of its area and increased by a mere 4.07 sqkm in 2015. These alterations had given rise to an average increase of 2.2°C in surface radiant temperature. This study recommends that relevant government planning agencies (ACTDA, ASHDC, etc.) should factor in the concept of greening and green spaces into their development policies and strategies to ensure that fair, conducive microclimate and sustainable environment is maintained in the Awka urban area.展开更多
Wetlands are essential components of our global ecosystem. They have important functions which include maintenance of the environment through mitigating the degree of flooding, regulating the local and global climate ...Wetlands are essential components of our global ecosystem. They have important functions which include maintenance of the environment through mitigating the degree of flooding, regulating the local and global climate and lessening the degree of erosion by trapping sediments. The aim of this research is therefore to investigate how relevant wetland parameters mitigate flood in Apiti wetland soil of middle River Mamu basin of Nigeria. For the purpose of the study, the wetland was divided into three;A (the upland region), B (the flood plain), and C (the raffia palm area). The soil flood mitigation parameters examined are bulk weight, moisture content, and saturation water content. These were employed to calculate the volume of flood mitigation within three sub-sites of the wetland. The statistical methods employed were One Way ANOVA and Students t-Test to see whether differences occur in the flood mitigating ability of the soil. Results obtained show that flood mitigation was highest within study site B (flood plain) with 6.4 × 106 m3 volume of flood mitigation and lowest in site A (upland region) with 1.5 × 106 m3. In conclusion we recommended that the study be scaled up to other wetlands in Nigeria.展开更多
This study investigated the relationship between topographic information and trends in rainfall in Aba urban, South Eastern Nigeria. GIS data were applied to generate topographical information on?runoff characteristic...This study investigated the relationship between topographic information and trends in rainfall in Aba urban, South Eastern Nigeria. GIS data were applied to generate topographical information on?runoff characteristics, the slope, the contour, the aspect and the digital elevation model. The Mann-Kendall Trend was applied to the rainfall data to show if a monotonic increase, decrease or stability trend exist for the rainfall data of Aba metropolis for the period 2000-2010. Results showed that virtually all parts of Aba were liable to floods expect Ogbor hill axis. The flood vulnerability map indicated that 71.65% of the study area was vulnerable to flood. Rainfall trend showed a decrease in six out of the ten year period. Since within this period, flood intensity had generally remained the same, we concluded that topography, poor drainage infrastructure and non-compliance with building, planning and environmental regulations rather than rainfall trend were the key cause of flood problem in the study area.展开更多
Land use change affects soil functions and its capacity to provide ecosystem services. Though much of the tropics are experiencing accelerated increases in land use change, associated impacts of such changes are poorl...Land use change affects soil functions and its capacity to provide ecosystem services. Though much of the tropics are experiencing accelerated increases in land use change, associated impacts of such changes are poorly understood and studied. This study assessed the extent to which land use changes affect the soil ecosystem functions in a rainforest zone of south eastern Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from 24 sample locations in selected natural forest, cashew and palm plantations. Samples were analyzed in triplicate in the laboratory for geochemical analysis, after which the result was subjected to statistical analysis—ANOVA, correlation and regression. Forest carbon had higher % mean carbon content;though there was no significant difference (F (2, 21) = .246, p = .784) in carbon level across land uses. R value of .301 showed low correlation between % carbon, organic matter and % loss in ignition. Furthermore, R<sup>2</sup> value of 9.1% total variation in the dependent variable could only be explained by the independent variables. CEC, Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus content of the land uses did not differ significantly: CEC (F (2, 21) = .844, p (.44);Nitrogen (.243), p (.79), Potassium (.140), p (.87), Phosphorus (.783), p (.47). This showed that there was no significant variation in soil fertility of the land uses, although natural forest had higher concentrations for these variables. Across the land uses, soil texture equally had no significant variations: % sand (F (2, 21) = .320, p (.729) % clay (.430), p (.656), % silt (.043), p (.958). Soil carbon was seen to be more enhanced in natural forest ecosystems than other land uses. Though plantations had reduced capacities to provide ecosystem functions, establishing such in modified landscapes is still advocated as they can coexist with such and yet ensure ecosystem functions.展开更多
Global temperature has been increasing causing differences in precipitation response in different physiographic regions as feedback mechanism. The aim of this work is to model the implications of the global warming co...Global temperature has been increasing causing differences in precipitation response in different physiographic regions as feedback mechanism. The aim of this work is to model the implications of the global warming conditions on precipitation occurrences in the valley and highland areas of Nigeria. Harmonic analysis on the average monthly rainfall observations was performed for 56 years (1961-2016) using the Turbo Pascal for windows programming language in order to implement the computation. This was carried out by fitting a periodic function of sinusoidal character to enhance the determination of the contribution of each harmonic, the amplitude of each harmonic and the time at which each harmonic is maximum. The result of harmonic plots of the grand average monthly rainfall for the valley area of Makurdi and highland area of Jos shows that there exists a similarity in the trend of variations of harmonic series plots of the data as either plots exhibit single rainfall maxima or peak, meaning that rainfall patterns are mono-modal in nature. Modeled result of average monthly rainfall for the valley area of Makurdi shows an increase in rainfall occurrences from the month of January to August but a decrease from September to December, meaning an expectation of more rains immediately after onsets and lesser rains before cessations. The modeled result for the highland area of Jos however shows a decrease in the occurrence of rainfall in the months of January and February but an increase from the month of March to December. The implication is that there will be water deficiency for late crops and aquifer recharge in the valley areas while highland areas will experience delayed onset of agricultural calendar. The study recommends timely release and adherence to weather/climate forecasts.展开更多
The aim of this study was to analyse the cycles and periodicities of annual rainfall over Awka region, Nigeria. This is necessitated by the fact that, despite the fact that wet years contribute greatly to annual flood...The aim of this study was to analyse the cycles and periodicities of annual rainfall over Awka region, Nigeria. This is necessitated by the fact that, despite the fact that wet years contribute greatly to annual flooding and gully erosion observed in the area, researches on cycles and periodicities of rainfall in the area are obviously lacking. This research is, therefore, an attempt to close this gap in knowledge. 35 years rainfall data (1975-2010) were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) Lagos from which harmonic calculation was made using Harmonic Analytical Technique. The model produced 13 harmonics (cycles) of which those of 1, 6 and 11 with amplitudes of 181.66 mm, 149.42 mm and 126.63 mm and periodicities of 35, 5.20 and 2.84 were isolated as most important. All calculations were performed using MINITAB version 16 statistical programme running under PC/Windows 98. Following from the findings, it was suggested that Urban and Regional Planners, Geomophologists and Engineers could use the result to develop a flood and erosion management plan for the area.展开更多
Tropical ecosystems are bio-diverse ecosystems that differ according to varied environmental features.This work assessed the tree diversity and environmental variables that define a rainforest ecosystem in southeast N...Tropical ecosystems are bio-diverse ecosystems that differ according to varied environmental features.This work assessed the tree diversity and environmental variables that define a rainforest ecosystem in southeast Nigeria.30 forest plots were used to identify trees≥10 cm(DBH measured at 130 cm).Soil samples were collected up to 30 cm deep at four edges and middle of each plot,and bulked for analysis.The survey recorded a total of 2414 trees that belonged to 102 species and 32 families.Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index(H’)of 3.67,Inverse Simpson’s index(C)of 1.06,species evenness of 0.79 and Margalef’s index of species richness(M)of 12.97 were recorded.Fabaceae family recorded the highest number(1037)of individual tree(being 43%of total)observations,while Burseraceae had the least number(1).Species abundance status showed 2.9%of species as“Abundant”,73.5%as“Endangered”,2.9%as“Frequent”and 20.6%of species as“Rare”.Soil variables namely phosphorus,magnesium,potassium,particle sizes(sand,silt and clay),CEC,calcium,pH,and aluminium,influenced the distribution of the vegetation in decreasing order.Edaphic factors(soil)determined the distribution of tree stems,growth and abundance of the species within the region.Efforts on conserving the ecosystem along environmental gradients and according to species status and indices are advocated.展开更多
Climate variability as occasioned by conditions such as extreme rainfall and temperature, rainfall cessation, and irregular temperatures has considerable impact on crop yield and food security. This study develops a p...Climate variability as occasioned by conditions such as extreme rainfall and temperature, rainfall cessation, and irregular temperatures has considerable impact on crop yield and food security. This study develops a predictive model for cassava yield (Manihot esculenta Crantz) amidst climate variability in rainfed zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. This study utilized data of climate variables and tonnage of cassava yield spanning from 1971 to 2012;as well as information from a questionnaire and focus group discussion from farmers across two seasons in 2023 respectively. Regression analysis was employed to develop the predictive model equation for seasonal climate variability and cassava yield. The rainfall and temperature anomalies, decadal change in trend of cassava yield and opinion of farmers on changes in rainfall season were also computed in the study. The result shows the following relationship between cassava and all the climatic variables: R2 = 0.939;P = 0.00514;Cassava and key climatic variables: R2 = 0.560;P = 0.007. The result implies that seasonal rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, sunshine hours and radiation parameters are key climatic variables in cassava production. This is supported by computed rainfall and temperature anomalies which range from −478.5 to 517.8 mm as well as −1.2˚C to 2.3˚C over the years. The questionnaire and focus group identified that farmers experienced at one time or another, late onset of rain, early onset of rain or rainfall cessation over the years. The farmers are not particularly sure of rainfall and temperature characteristics at any point in time. The implication of the result of this study is that rainfall and temperature parameters determine the farming season and quantity of productivity. Hence, there is urgent need to address the situation through effective and quality weather forecasting network which will help stem food insecurity in the study area and Nigeria at large. The study made recommendations such as a comprehensive early warning system on climate variability incidence which can be communicated to local farmers by agro-meteorological extension officers, research on crops that can grow with little or no rain, planning irrigation scheme, and improving tree planting culture in the study area.展开更多
Forest ecosystems are vital not only for the ecosystem and biogeochemical processes, but also for the livelihood of forest dependent communities for which its continual existence is a necessity. This study explored th...Forest ecosystems are vital not only for the ecosystem and biogeochemical processes, but also for the livelihood of forest dependent communities for which its continual existence is a necessity. This study explored the pattern of forest use in the hinterlands of the Niger Delta and sought to elucidate the drivers of forest loss and how the ownership and management of the forest plots influenced the changes in the forest ecosystem. Ecosystem services reduction and forest loss/degradation were found to be increasing over the years due to crude oil activities, urbanization/developments, population increase, agricultural activities and natural causes like flood. While each factor contributed to forest loss directly and indirectly, and varied from community to community, agricultural activities and population growth were responsible for most of the losses across the landscape. Even though agricultural activities were essential and thrived in the region, sustainable forest (land) uses could have reduced the associated implications of such land uses;but this was however hampered by the farming practises (shifting cultivation) across most of the communities. Lack of proper, effective and sustainable forest management structures, poor individual commitment and monitoring of forest activities were found to encourage forest loss at different spatial scales. Provision of alternative sources of livelihood and ensuring that suitable guidelines on forest abstraction and harvest are enforced across the region, are steps to promoting biodiversity conservation and resource management.展开更多
Some physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters were analyzed for in the water samples of four different ponds located in Awka town both prior and after the rain to ascertain the impact of flood in these ponds an...Some physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters were analyzed for in the water samples of four different ponds located in Awka town both prior and after the rain to ascertain the impact of flood in these ponds and to establish whether the pollution was significant. Four samples were collected from each pond both before the rain and after making it a total of thirty-two samples. Twenty-seven parameters were analyzed for in each of the samples. The result revealed that twelve parameters exceeded WHO standard before the rain while fourteen exceeded after the rain. There was significant increment in the values of the analyzed parameters after the rain when compared with the value before the rain as revealed by the Anova statistical tool. It was discovered that there was a major increase in the bacteriological parameters after the rain which implied the serious health impact. It was recommended that users who utilized these ponds for squeezing bitter leaf, processing cassava and washing meats etc. should do so with the caution so as not to expose people to health problems.展开更多
Nigerian standard for drinking water quality 2007 emphasized that all water service providers including State Water Agencies and Community Water Committees shall develop a water safety plan. This ensures the minimizat...Nigerian standard for drinking water quality 2007 emphasized that all water service providers including State Water Agencies and Community Water Committees shall develop a water safety plan. This ensures the minimization of contamination of water supply from source, reduction or removal of contamination through treatment processes and prevention of contamination during storage, distribution and handling of drinking water. The aim of this study is to explain the meaning of water safety plan and highlight its importance including the ways it can be employed to achieve enhanced piped distribution of drinking water of good quality. The assessment of its level of development in Nigeria, the extent it can be employed to improve the present low health status of Nigerian urban populace, as well as its implication to general urban development in the country were discussed. It is concluded that an articulate and urgent water safety plan are necessary for the sustainability of urban water supply.展开更多
Coronavirus is currently a huge threat to human health all over the globe. Even though it has no cure yet, it can be contained by proper personal and collective hygiene. This makes access to sufficient clean water sup...Coronavirus is currently a huge threat to human health all over the globe. Even though it has no cure yet, it can be contained by proper personal and collective hygiene. This makes access to sufficient clean water supply fundamental and indispensable. Since rural communities tend to be vulnerable to disease outbreaks due to poor standards of hygiene, this study examined the challenges of the rural communities in Enugu West Senatorial District in Nigeria over access to clean water supply and their preparedness to tackle COVID-19 pandemic, following the guidelines from world health experts. The survey showed general awareness of the pandemic in the selected communities. However, 71% neither have access to clean water supply, nor alternative to hand sanitizing agent. A large number of the respondents also acknowledged that availability and accessibility to clean water supply would improve the hygiene culture of the people and as a result curtail the spread of the disease. This study, therefore, recommends that government should intervene by extending water borehole projects and water treatment plants to various rural communities as well as providing maintenance services for non-functional ones.展开更多
文摘Soil physicochemical parameters are the physical and chemical characteristics of soil such as pH, bulk density, organic carbon, nitrogen content, and nutrient levels at different soil depths. These parameters vary from one vegetation to the other and from one soil to the other. The study assessed the variations in soil physicochemical parameters of the natural forest and plantations in Agu Eke (Eke bush) in Etti village, Nanka and Umunnebo village, Ufuma both located in Orumba North Local Government Area, Anambra State. The experimental research design and stratified random sampling methods were used for the study and a total of 12 soil samples were collected at 30 cm depth from the selected locations of natural forest, cashew and palm plantations. The samples were analyzed using laboratory Varian AA240 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, after which the result was subjected to statistical analysis—Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study found that there was no significant difference (variation) between the moisture contents of natural forests and the plantations;that is, the moisture contents were the same. It was also found that there was no significant variation between the bulk densities of the natural forest, oil plantation, and cashew plantation, meaning that the bulk densities were significantly the same. However, there were significant variations in nitrogen, potassium and phosphates, with p-values: sig = .000 < .05, sig = .010 < .05 and sig = .000 < .05, respectively. That is, the nitrogen and phosphate contents of the natural forest significantly vary more than those of the oil palm and cashew plantations, which probably means that by reducing natural forest to plantation, the nitrogen and phosphate contents of the natural forest reduced from what it used to be when the lands were mere forests. This shows that plantations do not have the same function of maintaining or improving soil quality as natural forests. The study recommended adopting a sustainable plantation agricultural system, such as using diverse nutrient sources (manure and compost), in order to maintain the desired soil quality.
文摘This paper assessed the dynamics in the land use/land cover (LULC) within patterns of the land use/land cover (LULC) in Calabar metropolis. The thermal imageries for 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 were obtained and processed using remote sensing and Arc GIS software package in order to determine the changes that have occurred in the LULC in study area. The result of the LULC thematic maps overall accuracies was computed above 80 percent, which indicates an almost perfect agreement. The findings of this study reveal that, LULC classes by the year 2016 have assumed different dimensions of change from the sizes of their previous sizes in comparison to their current sizes. Land-use pattern changes in the study area were characterized by an increase in the built up class, waterbody (though with a slightly negative change from 2010 to 2012) and a predominant negative trend in dense vegetation and bare land classes;thus, indicating that the future changing trends will pose a depleting threat to the overall LULC. This study has shown that, the changing land use pattern of the area is capable affecting certain characteristics of the environment such as surface temperature. The study recommends that effort should be made by the government to increase urban vegetation around city centers and outliers by embarking on reforestation.
文摘Forest reserves are expected to host a wide array of biodiversity and provide refuge for rare species that may be threatened in nearby forest landscapes. While this is the guiding protocol for most reserves across the tropics, such as Nigeria, the extent to which they host biodiversity and act as potential stores for carbon are quite uncertain. This study used a four hectare randomly selected forest plots to verify the biodiversity of the reserve, its stand structure and potentials for carbon storage. Species importance value was used to summarize the composition of the landscape. Both the diversity (mean diversity = 0.85) and species richness (eleven species) were low. Biodiversity in the area was quite poor and was mostly composed of Elaeis guineensis and Gmelina arborea, which had relative densities of 74.6% and 11.96%, respectively. Over exploitation and preference for fast-growing exotic species explained the poor stand structure and composition of the landscape, respectively. Very few tree stands were found in the mature structural class, and its capacity to facilitate regeneration and resilience seemed low. Its ability to store carbon in its biomass is equally low;since the forest landscape was much degraded. Maximizing the vast land of the reserve for targeted carbon storage (through mass tree planting) is a potential step that could forestall carbon sequestration across the region, especially because, such vast and available (forest) land cannot be guaranteed in most other forest landscapes.
文摘Most water and sanitation projects in poor neighbourhood of urban Nigeria are executed through self-supply option. This is defined as an incremental improvement of WASH products e.g. water and sanitation structures by a household or small group of households which are financed by their own effort and investment. It is indeed a concept which complements conventional water supply and sanitation funded by government. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the extent of the use of innovative financing especially group saving approach to improve water and sanitation projects in Awka town, Nigeria. Towards achieving the aim, data were collected through questionnaires which were designed and administered on the respondents between January and April, 2016 and from other secondary sources. Data were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis and Component scores to establish the extent of the use of this option in the 9 component quarters of the town. Result shows that some quarters have perfected using the self-supply option while in others, it is yet to be widely accepted. It is finally recommended among others that the urban water policy as well as urban water safety plan should be revised to include the option as a way of improving domestic water supply and sanitation in the town.
文摘There has been an increase in carbon assessments across global ecosystems, but some ecosystem types remain woefully understudied-freshwater swamp forests are one such ecosystem. Results of the above ground carbon estimates are derived from 16, one-hectare forest plots divided evenly across four forest sites. Results on carbon storage are compared with results on forest use and ownership from interviews with communities living in the area. Since forest use determined the composition, structure and the capacity of the ecosystem to sequester carbon;its above ground carbon decreased from the undisturbed forest plots to the disturbed (modified) sites across the sites. Forest units under communal ownership demonstrated possibilities of actualizing targeted/ restricted use of tree species, as well as targeted carbon storage capacities. Even though joint ownership and management schemes are likely to regulate the use of the ecosystem, and possibly enhance better carbon sequestration, achieving this still seems elusive due to a long existing land tenure system and generational inheritance of (forest) lands across the region. Carbon sequestration across the region will remain under threat unless suitable awareness on forest management is backed up with alternative sources of livelihood, incentives and compensation to the custodians of the forest resources.
文摘The aim of this paper is to assess the importance of Water Demand Management (WDM) strategy to the improvement of water supply and sanitation in Nigeria. Persistent water supply shortages and poor sanitation have since remained important features of the Nigerian urban and rural communities. Most often governmental solution to these problems has been to develop and exploit the available water resources and the level of sanitation for the people. This predominant approach which is also known as augmentation method is supply driven with the primary purpose being how best to meet the perceived water and sanitation demand. One of the major disadvantages of this approach is the huge financial involvement associated with it. Conversely, quite recently water resource managers have begun to direct attention on how consumers can be motivated to regulate the amount and manner in which they use and dispose water to alleviate pressure on freshwater supplies. This new approach is known as water demand management. It is demand driven in that consumers determine their own water need. Employment of WDM by consumers especially in water scarce areas as was discussed in the paper will decrease the amount of water use, thereby limiting unnecessary financial expenditure in exploiting new sources to meet the ever increasing demand.
文摘Tropical forest ecosystems are generally seen as diverse ecosystems with rich biodiversity. However, how this applies to the freshwater swamp forests (especially in West Africa) is largely unknown. To verify how diverse this ecosystem is and how its structure varies in an intact forest landscape, one hectare forest plots were set up at 8 different points. This was used to collect information on the diversity and structure of the ecosystem. Consistent with the findings from other freshwater swamp forests, the ecosystem was seen to have a low species occurrence which ranged from 4 to 19 (mean value = 11 species) across the forest plots. Its diversity was equally low (mean = 1.66), unlike other tropical forest ecosystems. Stem heights varied as in mature tropical forest ecosystems;with the middle stratum recording the highest proportion of trees (54.63%) and the emergent layer having the least (0.83%). Its basal area, biomass and relative density were similar with other tropical ecosystems and equally had its highest species contribution from Leguminosae as in some other ecosystems as well. The ecosystem was seen to have features and characteristics that were common and similar with other tropical forest ecosystems, apart from its low diversity. Ensuring that effective and appropriate forest-tree species conservation measures are enhanced across the landscape are vital steps to securing the already existing (few) species and preventing species extinction across the ecosystem.
文摘Freshwater swamp forests are wetland ecosystems with poorly understood ecology. With increasing degradation across the Niger basin (where it is the most extensive across West Africa), it is deemed important to understand its distribution, patterns and composition. This is aimed at both increasing botanical inventories in the ecosystem and also elucidate vital steps that could guide its effective conservation. This study assessed the floristic composition and diversity across 16 one hectare forest plots and sought to show how varied the sites were in terms of diversity, stem density and basal area. The survey showed that the area had 116 species within 82 genera and 36 families. The number of species found in each of the disturbed sites was generally higher than the intact forest sites, which was not diverse but comprised many trees with higher basal area. While the stem density which ranged from 94 - 409 stems·ha-1 is comparable with that of other tropical forests, species richness was low (ranging from 8.65 - 0.52). Diversity ranged from 3.38 - 0.98 and was higher in disturbed sites than in intact locations. Species richness was generally low and implies that loss of species in the ecosystem could threaten species’ existence and conservation in the ecosystem. Disturbed locations had more species than the intact zones and as such show the importance of targeted conservation not only in the undisturbed locations but also in the disturbed locations with a higher species value and potential for species stability of the ecosystem.
文摘This paper is aimed at identifying the land use/cover types in Awka in relation to their temporal dynamics, the extent of land use change in the city and effects of land use change on surface temperature. Multitemporal Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI imageries were obtained at 15 years interval for 1986, 2000 and 2015 respectively. Image classification was conducted using supervised classification method. The result showed that built-up area has been on the increase, expanding from 9.55 sqkm in 1986 to 21.3 sqkm in 2000 and 21.45 sqkm in 2015. Cultivated lands have maintained a steady decline since 2000 having lost about 3.29 sqkm of its area. Similarly, vegetation, made up of dense, savanna and riparian, has been on a decline from a total of 33.69sqkm in 1986 to 21.407 sqkm losing about 12.29 sqkm of its area and increased by a mere 4.07 sqkm in 2015. These alterations had given rise to an average increase of 2.2°C in surface radiant temperature. This study recommends that relevant government planning agencies (ACTDA, ASHDC, etc.) should factor in the concept of greening and green spaces into their development policies and strategies to ensure that fair, conducive microclimate and sustainable environment is maintained in the Awka urban area.
文摘Wetlands are essential components of our global ecosystem. They have important functions which include maintenance of the environment through mitigating the degree of flooding, regulating the local and global climate and lessening the degree of erosion by trapping sediments. The aim of this research is therefore to investigate how relevant wetland parameters mitigate flood in Apiti wetland soil of middle River Mamu basin of Nigeria. For the purpose of the study, the wetland was divided into three;A (the upland region), B (the flood plain), and C (the raffia palm area). The soil flood mitigation parameters examined are bulk weight, moisture content, and saturation water content. These were employed to calculate the volume of flood mitigation within three sub-sites of the wetland. The statistical methods employed were One Way ANOVA and Students t-Test to see whether differences occur in the flood mitigating ability of the soil. Results obtained show that flood mitigation was highest within study site B (flood plain) with 6.4 × 106 m3 volume of flood mitigation and lowest in site A (upland region) with 1.5 × 106 m3. In conclusion we recommended that the study be scaled up to other wetlands in Nigeria.
文摘This study investigated the relationship between topographic information and trends in rainfall in Aba urban, South Eastern Nigeria. GIS data were applied to generate topographical information on?runoff characteristics, the slope, the contour, the aspect and the digital elevation model. The Mann-Kendall Trend was applied to the rainfall data to show if a monotonic increase, decrease or stability trend exist for the rainfall data of Aba metropolis for the period 2000-2010. Results showed that virtually all parts of Aba were liable to floods expect Ogbor hill axis. The flood vulnerability map indicated that 71.65% of the study area was vulnerable to flood. Rainfall trend showed a decrease in six out of the ten year period. Since within this period, flood intensity had generally remained the same, we concluded that topography, poor drainage infrastructure and non-compliance with building, planning and environmental regulations rather than rainfall trend were the key cause of flood problem in the study area.
文摘Land use change affects soil functions and its capacity to provide ecosystem services. Though much of the tropics are experiencing accelerated increases in land use change, associated impacts of such changes are poorly understood and studied. This study assessed the extent to which land use changes affect the soil ecosystem functions in a rainforest zone of south eastern Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from 24 sample locations in selected natural forest, cashew and palm plantations. Samples were analyzed in triplicate in the laboratory for geochemical analysis, after which the result was subjected to statistical analysis—ANOVA, correlation and regression. Forest carbon had higher % mean carbon content;though there was no significant difference (F (2, 21) = .246, p = .784) in carbon level across land uses. R value of .301 showed low correlation between % carbon, organic matter and % loss in ignition. Furthermore, R<sup>2</sup> value of 9.1% total variation in the dependent variable could only be explained by the independent variables. CEC, Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus content of the land uses did not differ significantly: CEC (F (2, 21) = .844, p (.44);Nitrogen (.243), p (.79), Potassium (.140), p (.87), Phosphorus (.783), p (.47). This showed that there was no significant variation in soil fertility of the land uses, although natural forest had higher concentrations for these variables. Across the land uses, soil texture equally had no significant variations: % sand (F (2, 21) = .320, p (.729) % clay (.430), p (.656), % silt (.043), p (.958). Soil carbon was seen to be more enhanced in natural forest ecosystems than other land uses. Though plantations had reduced capacities to provide ecosystem functions, establishing such in modified landscapes is still advocated as they can coexist with such and yet ensure ecosystem functions.
文摘Global temperature has been increasing causing differences in precipitation response in different physiographic regions as feedback mechanism. The aim of this work is to model the implications of the global warming conditions on precipitation occurrences in the valley and highland areas of Nigeria. Harmonic analysis on the average monthly rainfall observations was performed for 56 years (1961-2016) using the Turbo Pascal for windows programming language in order to implement the computation. This was carried out by fitting a periodic function of sinusoidal character to enhance the determination of the contribution of each harmonic, the amplitude of each harmonic and the time at which each harmonic is maximum. The result of harmonic plots of the grand average monthly rainfall for the valley area of Makurdi and highland area of Jos shows that there exists a similarity in the trend of variations of harmonic series plots of the data as either plots exhibit single rainfall maxima or peak, meaning that rainfall patterns are mono-modal in nature. Modeled result of average monthly rainfall for the valley area of Makurdi shows an increase in rainfall occurrences from the month of January to August but a decrease from September to December, meaning an expectation of more rains immediately after onsets and lesser rains before cessations. The modeled result for the highland area of Jos however shows a decrease in the occurrence of rainfall in the months of January and February but an increase from the month of March to December. The implication is that there will be water deficiency for late crops and aquifer recharge in the valley areas while highland areas will experience delayed onset of agricultural calendar. The study recommends timely release and adherence to weather/climate forecasts.
文摘The aim of this study was to analyse the cycles and periodicities of annual rainfall over Awka region, Nigeria. This is necessitated by the fact that, despite the fact that wet years contribute greatly to annual flooding and gully erosion observed in the area, researches on cycles and periodicities of rainfall in the area are obviously lacking. This research is, therefore, an attempt to close this gap in knowledge. 35 years rainfall data (1975-2010) were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) Lagos from which harmonic calculation was made using Harmonic Analytical Technique. The model produced 13 harmonics (cycles) of which those of 1, 6 and 11 with amplitudes of 181.66 mm, 149.42 mm and 126.63 mm and periodicities of 35, 5.20 and 2.84 were isolated as most important. All calculations were performed using MINITAB version 16 statistical programme running under PC/Windows 98. Following from the findings, it was suggested that Urban and Regional Planners, Geomophologists and Engineers could use the result to develop a flood and erosion management plan for the area.
基金This work was funded by Tetfund-IBR grant received from the Federal Government of Nigeria.
文摘Tropical ecosystems are bio-diverse ecosystems that differ according to varied environmental features.This work assessed the tree diversity and environmental variables that define a rainforest ecosystem in southeast Nigeria.30 forest plots were used to identify trees≥10 cm(DBH measured at 130 cm).Soil samples were collected up to 30 cm deep at four edges and middle of each plot,and bulked for analysis.The survey recorded a total of 2414 trees that belonged to 102 species and 32 families.Shannon-Wiener’s diversity index(H’)of 3.67,Inverse Simpson’s index(C)of 1.06,species evenness of 0.79 and Margalef’s index of species richness(M)of 12.97 were recorded.Fabaceae family recorded the highest number(1037)of individual tree(being 43%of total)observations,while Burseraceae had the least number(1).Species abundance status showed 2.9%of species as“Abundant”,73.5%as“Endangered”,2.9%as“Frequent”and 20.6%of species as“Rare”.Soil variables namely phosphorus,magnesium,potassium,particle sizes(sand,silt and clay),CEC,calcium,pH,and aluminium,influenced the distribution of the vegetation in decreasing order.Edaphic factors(soil)determined the distribution of tree stems,growth and abundance of the species within the region.Efforts on conserving the ecosystem along environmental gradients and according to species status and indices are advocated.
文摘Climate variability as occasioned by conditions such as extreme rainfall and temperature, rainfall cessation, and irregular temperatures has considerable impact on crop yield and food security. This study develops a predictive model for cassava yield (Manihot esculenta Crantz) amidst climate variability in rainfed zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. This study utilized data of climate variables and tonnage of cassava yield spanning from 1971 to 2012;as well as information from a questionnaire and focus group discussion from farmers across two seasons in 2023 respectively. Regression analysis was employed to develop the predictive model equation for seasonal climate variability and cassava yield. The rainfall and temperature anomalies, decadal change in trend of cassava yield and opinion of farmers on changes in rainfall season were also computed in the study. The result shows the following relationship between cassava and all the climatic variables: R2 = 0.939;P = 0.00514;Cassava and key climatic variables: R2 = 0.560;P = 0.007. The result implies that seasonal rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, sunshine hours and radiation parameters are key climatic variables in cassava production. This is supported by computed rainfall and temperature anomalies which range from −478.5 to 517.8 mm as well as −1.2˚C to 2.3˚C over the years. The questionnaire and focus group identified that farmers experienced at one time or another, late onset of rain, early onset of rain or rainfall cessation over the years. The farmers are not particularly sure of rainfall and temperature characteristics at any point in time. The implication of the result of this study is that rainfall and temperature parameters determine the farming season and quantity of productivity. Hence, there is urgent need to address the situation through effective and quality weather forecasting network which will help stem food insecurity in the study area and Nigeria at large. The study made recommendations such as a comprehensive early warning system on climate variability incidence which can be communicated to local farmers by agro-meteorological extension officers, research on crops that can grow with little or no rain, planning irrigation scheme, and improving tree planting culture in the study area.
文摘Forest ecosystems are vital not only for the ecosystem and biogeochemical processes, but also for the livelihood of forest dependent communities for which its continual existence is a necessity. This study explored the pattern of forest use in the hinterlands of the Niger Delta and sought to elucidate the drivers of forest loss and how the ownership and management of the forest plots influenced the changes in the forest ecosystem. Ecosystem services reduction and forest loss/degradation were found to be increasing over the years due to crude oil activities, urbanization/developments, population increase, agricultural activities and natural causes like flood. While each factor contributed to forest loss directly and indirectly, and varied from community to community, agricultural activities and population growth were responsible for most of the losses across the landscape. Even though agricultural activities were essential and thrived in the region, sustainable forest (land) uses could have reduced the associated implications of such land uses;but this was however hampered by the farming practises (shifting cultivation) across most of the communities. Lack of proper, effective and sustainable forest management structures, poor individual commitment and monitoring of forest activities were found to encourage forest loss at different spatial scales. Provision of alternative sources of livelihood and ensuring that suitable guidelines on forest abstraction and harvest are enforced across the region, are steps to promoting biodiversity conservation and resource management.
文摘Some physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters were analyzed for in the water samples of four different ponds located in Awka town both prior and after the rain to ascertain the impact of flood in these ponds and to establish whether the pollution was significant. Four samples were collected from each pond both before the rain and after making it a total of thirty-two samples. Twenty-seven parameters were analyzed for in each of the samples. The result revealed that twelve parameters exceeded WHO standard before the rain while fourteen exceeded after the rain. There was significant increment in the values of the analyzed parameters after the rain when compared with the value before the rain as revealed by the Anova statistical tool. It was discovered that there was a major increase in the bacteriological parameters after the rain which implied the serious health impact. It was recommended that users who utilized these ponds for squeezing bitter leaf, processing cassava and washing meats etc. should do so with the caution so as not to expose people to health problems.
文摘Nigerian standard for drinking water quality 2007 emphasized that all water service providers including State Water Agencies and Community Water Committees shall develop a water safety plan. This ensures the minimization of contamination of water supply from source, reduction or removal of contamination through treatment processes and prevention of contamination during storage, distribution and handling of drinking water. The aim of this study is to explain the meaning of water safety plan and highlight its importance including the ways it can be employed to achieve enhanced piped distribution of drinking water of good quality. The assessment of its level of development in Nigeria, the extent it can be employed to improve the present low health status of Nigerian urban populace, as well as its implication to general urban development in the country were discussed. It is concluded that an articulate and urgent water safety plan are necessary for the sustainability of urban water supply.
文摘Coronavirus is currently a huge threat to human health all over the globe. Even though it has no cure yet, it can be contained by proper personal and collective hygiene. This makes access to sufficient clean water supply fundamental and indispensable. Since rural communities tend to be vulnerable to disease outbreaks due to poor standards of hygiene, this study examined the challenges of the rural communities in Enugu West Senatorial District in Nigeria over access to clean water supply and their preparedness to tackle COVID-19 pandemic, following the guidelines from world health experts. The survey showed general awareness of the pandemic in the selected communities. However, 71% neither have access to clean water supply, nor alternative to hand sanitizing agent. A large number of the respondents also acknowledged that availability and accessibility to clean water supply would improve the hygiene culture of the people and as a result curtail the spread of the disease. This study, therefore, recommends that government should intervene by extending water borehole projects and water treatment plants to various rural communities as well as providing maintenance services for non-functional ones.