Background: Oxygen saturation refers to the quantity of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood, that is to say the level of oxygen measurable in the red blood cells when they have passed through the lungs. The aim of this...Background: Oxygen saturation refers to the quantity of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood, that is to say the level of oxygen measurable in the red blood cells when they have passed through the lungs. The aim of this study was to describe the management of early postoperative hypoxemia after abdominal surgery at the Yaounde General Hospital (YGH). Method: This is a quantitative, observational study, with a descriptive aim, which took place in the anesthesiology department of the YGH, over a period of 2 months from August 1st to October 1st, 2023. The study included all the patients ≥18 years, of both sexes who had abdominal surgery under general anesthesia and were willing to participate during the time of data collection. The variables studied were the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, risk factors for oxygen desaturation, postoperative variations in SPO2 and therapeutic tools. Results: We collected 30 patients among whom 11 presented with early postoperative hypoxemia i.e. a frequency of 36.7%. The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 63 years and the mean was 42.47 ± 13.5 years on average. The sex ratio was 0.5. Hysterectomy was the most commonly performed surgery (23.3%). The most common comorbidity was high blood pressure (30%). Half of the patients had midline incision. Supra-umbilical surgery predominated (56.7%), intraoperative blood loss ≥500 ml in 46.7% of cases. Upper abdominal surgery with, subcostal incision and blood loss ≥500 ml are statistically significant risk factors for the occurrence of early postoperative hypoxemia (P Conclusion: Hypoxemia is the result of impaired respiratory function favored by the conditions encountered during the early postoperative period.展开更多
Introduction: About 10 to 15% of couples in the world and 20 to 30% in Cameroon consult for infertility problems. Infertility is of male origin in 40% of cases. Our objective was to evaluate the epidemiological and cl...Introduction: About 10 to 15% of couples in the world and 20 to 30% in Cameroon consult for infertility problems. Infertility is of male origin in 40% of cases. Our objective was to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects of male infertility in our setting. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study, with retrospective data collection from the files of patients received for male infertility, over 5 years and 6 months (from January 1<sup>st</sup>, 2016 to April 30<sup>th</sup>, 2021) at the Urology Department of the Yaounde Central Hospital. Phone calls were made to patients with incomplete records for completion following a verbal consent. Data reported on data collection forms were entered into a data entry form designed on CSPro software version 7.2. The database was later exported for descriptive statistics using the IBM SPSS software version 23. Qualitative variables were summarized in frequencies and percentages while quantitative variables were summarized in means with their standard deviations for normally distributed data, or medians and interquartile ranges otherwise. Results: Out of 110 patients whose records were analyzed, the median age was 37.0 years, with an interquartile range of 8.3, with 55.5% in the age group 30 to 39 years. Of these 95 (86.4%) were married, 58 (52.7%) were from the West region, 76 (69.1%) were employed. Past history was dominated by mumps 40 (36.4%), varicocele surgery 25 (22.7%), alcoholism 87 (79.1%) and smoking 15 (13.6%). A disorder of spermatogenesis was found in all our patients: 37 (33.6%) azoospermia, 27 (24.6%) asthenospermia and 26 (23.7%) oligospermia patients. Paraclinical evidence of chlamydia and gonococcal infections were found respectively in 38 (34.5%) and 14 (12.7%) patients, varicocele and testicular dystrophy respectively in 95 (86.4%) and 38 (34.5%) patients. Infertility was primary in 67 (60.9%) patients. Conclusion: Most patients with infertility were in their thirties, had risky social habits and comorbidities. An early start of health promotion activities, comorbidities prevention and early detection of spermogram abnormalities would make it possible to reduce the frequency of male infertility.展开更多
Background: The incidence of intracranial metastases (ICMET) has been steadily rising, and its frequency with respect to primary brain tumours is relatively high. Objective: The objectives of this study were to elucid...Background: The incidence of intracranial metastases (ICMET) has been steadily rising, and its frequency with respect to primary brain tumours is relatively high. Objective: The objectives of this study were to elucidate the current epidemiology and describe the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features of ICMET in Yaounde. Method and findings: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done in the neurosurgery departments of the General and Central Hospitals of Yaounde during the period from January 2016 to December 2022. We included all medical booklets of patients admitted for a tumoral intracranial expansive process with our target population being patients with histological evidence of ICMET, and did a retrospective inclusion of data using a pre-established technical form aimed at collecting sociodemographic data, clinical data, paraclinical data, and the treatment procedures. Analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software. A total of 614 cases of intracranial tumors were included among whom 35 presented histological evidence of ICMET. This gives a frequency of 5.7%. The sex ratio was 0.94, the mean age was 55.68 +/- 14.4 years, extremes 28 and 86 years and the age range 50 - 59 was affected in 28.57% of cases. The clinical presentation included signs of raised intracranial pressure (headache, blurred vision, vomiting) in 26 cases (74.3%), motor deficit 48.6%, seizures 17.1%. The mode of onset was metachronous in 71.4% and synchronous in 28.6%. The imaging techniques were cerebral CT scan in 82.9%, cerebral MRI in 40%, TAP scan in 22.9%. The metastatic lesions were supratentorial in 94.3% and single in 62.9%. The primary cancers found were breast cancer (31.4%), lung cancer (25.7%), prostate cancer (17.1%), thyroid cancer (5.7%), colon cancer (2.9%), and melanoma (2.9%). The therapeutic modalities were total resection (68.6%), radiotherapy (37.1%). Conclusion: Intracranial metastases are relatively frequent. There is a female sex predominance and the age group 50 - 59 years is the most affected. Brain metastases mostly occur in patients with a history of known primary tumor. The clinical signs mainly include signs of raised intracranial pressure, motor deficit, seizures and mental confusion. Cerebral CT Scan is the main imaging technique used. Most of the lesions are single and supratentorially located. The primary cancers most represented include breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Surgery is the main treatment procedure. The adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy) was limited.展开更多
Introduction: The treatment of panfacial fractures is complex and constitutes a challenge for the maxillofacial surgeon, who, despite therapeutic progress, frequently suffers functional and aesthetic sequelae. This st...Introduction: The treatment of panfacial fractures is complex and constitutes a challenge for the maxillofacial surgeon, who, despite therapeutic progress, frequently suffers functional and aesthetic sequelae. This study aimed to describe the treatment and evaluate the functional and aesthetic sequelae of panfacial fractures in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of the Treichville University Hospital. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study over a 6 years in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of Treichville University Hospital. Forty-two patients with panfacial fractures were included in the study. Results: Forty-two patients were registered. The average time to osteosynthesis was 12.4 days. Nasotracheal intubation was used most often (88%), and in the majority of cases, mixed osteosynthesis combining a screwed plate and steel wire was performed (64.29%). The “Bottom-up and Outside-in” surgical sequence was the most commonly used (64.29%). All patients had at least one functional and/or cosmetic sequela after treatment. Functional sequelae were dominated by occlusal problems and aesthetic sequelae by nasal deformities. Discussion: Panfacial fractures are characterised by their complexity, presenting maxillo-facial surgeons with a therapeutic and evolutionary challenge. The quality of the initial, often multidisciplinary, management of panfacial fractures is an essential factor in both functional and aesthetic prognosis. Conclusion: The treatment of panfacial fractures, even if well managed, is sometimes a source of sequelae, requiring often complex secondary management.展开更多
Introduction: Cleft lip, palate and alveolar (CLPA) are congenital malformations of the face due to a defect in the fusion of embryonic buds during the first weeks of embryogenesis. These malformations affect the uppe...Introduction: Cleft lip, palate and alveolar (CLPA) are congenital malformations of the face due to a defect in the fusion of embryonic buds during the first weeks of embryogenesis. These malformations affect the upper lip, the alveolar bone and the palate. The incidence in Africa ranges from 1/2000 to 1/500 births. Their multidisciplinary management is long and costly. Thus, the help provided by humanitarian organisations during free care campaigns is welcome. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study conducted from August 2014 to July 2016 in the Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology Department of the Treichville University Hospital in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The objective was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of CLPA during a humanitarian campaign for free care. Results: 51 cases of CLPA were operated on. Males were involved in 54.9% of the cases, i.e. a sex ratio of 1.2. The average age of the patients at the time of the operation was 3.44 years with extremes of 3 months and 52 years. Patients with low socioeconomic status represented 84.3% of the cases. Cleft lips (31.4%) and cleft palates (33.33%) predominated. For cleft lips, unilateral forms were the most frequent (73.5%) and the left side was most often affected (59.2%). The most common surgical techniques used were MILLARD cheiloplasty for cleft lips (79.36%) and Dorrance pushback for cleft palates (78.05%). The postoperative course was simple in the majority of cases (80.47%). Patients and/or parents were satisfied with the postoperative results in over 90% of cases. Discussion: Cleft lip and palate are common. Their management by humanitarian missions through mass campaigns allows us to receive a large number of patients affected by this pathology who are treated with a high satisfaction rate. Conclusion: The characteristics of cleft lip and palate in this study are in many respects identical to those described in the literature, but with some differences specific to Africa, notably the absence of antenatal diagnosis and the advanced age at the time of treatment.展开更多
Background: Elbow dislocations in pediatric patients are rare injuries. This is a therapeutic emergency because a delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences on the functional level of the upper limb. Objectiv...Background: Elbow dislocations in pediatric patients are rare injuries. This is a therapeutic emergency because a delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences on the functional level of the upper limb. Objective: To present the management of elbow dislocation in children in cases of limited resources. Presentation of the Cases: These were 2 older male children aged 7 and 9 years old, admitted to the emergency room for painful functional impotence of the right elbow after a fall and landing on the right hand. Clinical and radiological examinations were in favor of posterior elbow dislocations. The reductions were carried out under sedation and immobilization in Jersey. According to Robert’s criteria, the functional result was excellent in both patients. Conclusion: Emergency reduction and immobilization whatever the means ensure an excellent functional prognosis even in cases of limited resources.展开更多
Background: Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the most frequent cancers and the leading cause of death from gynecological cancer in Low and middle income countries, Cameroon inclusive. Surgery is the primary treatment mo...Background: Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the most frequent cancers and the leading cause of death from gynecological cancer in Low and middle income countries, Cameroon inclusive. Surgery is the primary treatment modality when the disease is diagnosed at early stage. Radical hysterectomy in cervical cancer has not been evaluated in recent years in Cameroon. The purpose of this study is thus to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical features and short term outcomes of patients who underwent surgery. Patients and methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Douala Gynaeco-obstetric and Pediatric Hospital and the Douala General Hospital. Cervical cancer patients who underwent Radical hysterectomy between January 2015 and December 2020 were included. A pre-established data collection tool was used to record socio-demographic, clinical and outcomes information from patients’ files;additional outcome information was obtained from phone calls. Descriptive analysis was done using the SPSS version 26. Bivariate analysis was used to determine associations between disease and patients characteristics and occurrence of adverse postoperative outcome. P value of 0.05 was considered. Results: Sixty one patients were enrolled. Their ages ranged from 33 to 74 years with a mean age of 51.95 ± 10.29 years. Over 85% of women were married, 65.57% were unemployed and 86.88% were multiparous. Only 28% had never done cervical cancer screening. Most patients had stage IB1 to IB2 stage disease (57.1%). Less than 9% underwent radical hysterectomy and 8 of those (13.11%) suffered intraoperative complications. Twenty-five patients (40.98%) presented immediate and short term complications. There was no significant association between the disease or patients’ characteristics and adverse outcomes. Conclusion: Cervical cancer patients are relatively young in our settings and only 9% of them reach the hospital at early stage. Postoperative adverse outcomes rate is higher than that reported in the literature. Sensitization on screening and awareness of early symptoms can reverse the situation.展开更多
Introduction and Objectives: Urethral stricture is a reduction in the caliber of the urethral lumen impeding the outflow of urine. It predominantly affects males. The disease burden is severe in our milieu where acces...Introduction and Objectives: Urethral stricture is a reduction in the caliber of the urethral lumen impeding the outflow of urine. It predominantly affects males. The disease burden is severe in our milieu where access to specialized care is limited. Our goal was therefore to assess the management and outcome of male urethral stricture at two tertiary hospitals in Douala, Cameroon. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital-based retrospective study of patients managed for urethral stricture over 5 years (January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2021) at the Douala General and Laquintinie Hospitals. Data on sociodemographic, clinical, paraclinical, and treatment options were extracted using pre-structured forms. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28. Statistical significance was set at p-value Results: We exploited 130 medical records. The mean age of patients was 46.5 years. Dysuria and weak urine stream were the major presenting complaints (63.8% and 23.8% respectively). The etiology of urethral stricture was iatrogenic in 42.3% of cases. The strictures were mostly single (89.8%), and the bulbar urethra was most affected (46.9%). 28 patients had urinary tract infections and the most frequently isolated germ was E. coli in 29.6%. Direct visual internal urethrotomy (DVIU) was performed in 42.3% of cases. Surgery, especially excision and primary anastomosis (EPA) was done in 28.5% of cases. Major complications were wound infection, acute kidney injury (AKI), and urethrocutaneous fistulae affecting 3.1, 2.3, and 1.5% of cases respectively. The recurrence rate was 17% with a mortality rate of 0.08%. Conclusion: Urethral stricture is common in our adult male population. The cause is mainly iatrogenic and the bulbar urethra is most affected. Minimally invasive and open reconstruction are frequently used treatment options with significant recurrence rates in the long term.展开更多
<strong>Aim:</strong> To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intraluminal lithotripsy with a pneumatic lithotripter (EMS, Switzerland) and laser Holmium YAG in retrograde rigid ureteroscopy for proximal an...<strong>Aim:</strong> To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intraluminal lithotripsy with a pneumatic lithotripter (EMS, Switzerland) and laser Holmium YAG in retrograde rigid ureteroscopy for proximal and distal ureteric calculi. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This was a retrospective study carried out from January 2015 to December 2019 including 175 patients with ureteric calculi who presented with ureteric colic at a mini-invasive surgical urological center in Douala, Cameroon. All the patients underwent retrograde ureteroscopy with a 7F rigid ureteroscope, and fragmentation was done with either a pneumatic lithotripter or a laser holmium YAG. Six patients who had urinary tract infection benefited from double J stent placement before retrograde ureteroscopy. The study variables included age, clinical symptoms, size and location of the stone, the type of lithotripsy, operating time, and the results of lithotripsy. <strong>Results:</strong> We included a total of 175 patients with a mean age of 40.95 ± 12.50 years. Seventy-six (43.43%) of our participants were females and all patients had at least one calculus confirmed by a CT scan. Stone sizes ranged from 5 - 26 mm (median of 12 mm). Fifteen (8.57%) stones were located in the upper ureter (pyeloureteric junction), 64 in the middle ureter, 20 in the iliac ureter, 43 in the pelvic ureter, and 33 at the vesico-ureteric orifice. The success rate was 100% for stones located in the iliac ureter, pelvic ureter and the ureteric orifice. For those in the middle and upper ureter, the success rate was 92.18% and 60%, respectively. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Rigid ureteroscopy is an excellent treatment modality for ureteral calculi, especially those located at the distal part of the ureter. The procedure is associated with a shorter operation time and a shorter post-operative hospitalization period, in addition to its safety and effectiveness compared to open surgery.展开更多
Introduction: The diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma has been found to be more prevalent in low risk countries like Cameroon. The objective of this study was to determine the most frequent histological type of gas...Introduction: The diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma has been found to be more prevalent in low risk countries like Cameroon. The objective of this study was to determine the most frequent histological type of gastric cancer found in Yaoundé and its association to the Helicobacter pylori infection. Materials and Methods: The registries of histopathology laboratories of 4 reference hospitals in Yaoundé, Cameroon have been reviewed for registered primitive gastric malignancies from July 2009 to May 2014. Paraffin blocks mounted on slides and stained with Hematoxylyn and Eosin of gastric cancer cases were re-stained Giemsa to search for Helicobacter pylori and they were classified using the criteria of Lauren in intestinal type or diffuse type. Results: Forty-two cases were reviewed: 25 (59.5%) of them were intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma, 11 (26.2%) were diffuse type, 4 (9.5%) were malignant gastric lymphoma, 1 (2.4%) was a stromal tumor, and 1 (2.4%) was a colloid carcinoma. The most common site of location was the proximal gastric portion (52.2%). The overall prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was 88.1%, most common with the intestinal type (100%) and malignant lymphoma (100%) than with the diffuse type (72.2%) (p = 0.007). Conclusion: The most common type of gastric adenocarcinoma in Cameroon is the intestinal type and Helicobacter pylori infection is more common in the intestinal type and malignant gastric lymphoma than in the diffuse type. The Helicobacter pylori eradication campaigns are needed.展开更多
Introduction: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a public health problem especially in developing countries due to its incidence and severity. It is responsible for high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Accordingly,...Introduction: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a public health problem especially in developing countries due to its incidence and severity. It is responsible for high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, the objective of this work was to study the factors associated with the occurrence of maternal and perinatal complications of preeclampsia. Method: This was an analytical cross-sectional study with prospective and retrospective data collection including all patients, pregnant or postpartum, admitted for pre-eclampsia to the maternity ward of the Yaoundé Central Hospital. It took place over a period of seven (07) months. The data collected was analyzed using CS Pro 7.4, SPSS 20.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. We compared the group with complications to the group without complications. We calculated the odds ratio to look for associations between variables and their 95% confidence intervals. The threshold for statistical significance was set at p Results: We recruited 214 cases of preeclampsia in our series. There were maternal complications in 44.4% of cases, dominated by eclampsia (31.8%). We recorded 07 maternal deaths, representing a maternal lethality of 3.3%. We had at least one perinatal complication in 105 cases (49.1%). The predominant perinatal complication was prematurity. We recorded 32 cases of intrauterine fetal demise and 13 cases of early neonatal death, giving a perinatal lethality of 21%. After logistic regression, the factors associated with maternal complications were residing in a rural area (OR = 2.217 [1.054 - 3.09];p < 0.036);a nurse-aid as prenatal consultation provider (PNC) (OR = 5.059 [2.175 - 36.162];p - 4.029]). Conclusion: Complications of preeclampsia are very common in our setting. Several identified factors are associated with the occurrence of these complications. We suggest building the capacity of providers of PNC and sensitization of women on the use of PNC services.展开更多
Background: Pelvic fractures constitute about 2% - 8% of all fractures. This incidence may rise up to 25% in poly-traumatised patients. These fractures have a high mortality rate due to the fact that they occur usuall...Background: Pelvic fractures constitute about 2% - 8% of all fractures. This incidence may rise up to 25% in poly-traumatised patients. These fractures have a high mortality rate due to the fact that they occur usually as a result of high energy trauma, and most of the injured are poly-traumatised with concomitant haemodynamic instability. The aim of this study is to describe the patterns of injury and complications of unstable pelvic fractures treated in a level III hospital in Cameroon. Methodology: This was a hospital based retrospective analysis of files of patients admitted and treated for unstable pelvic fractures at the Regional Hospital Limbe within a period of 10 years (from 1<sup>st</sup> of January 2009 to 31<sup>st</sup> of December 2018). Results: A total of 139 cases of pelvic fractures were identified, amongst which 77 were unstable;68 were finally analyzed. The ages ranged from 18 to 80 years with a mean of 39 ± 5 years. The age group from 20 - 40 years was most represented (58.88%, n = 40). There were 45 males and 23 females giving a sex-ratio of 2:1. Road traffic injuries accounted for most of the cases (73.53%, n = 50). Forty-five (66.2%) were classified Tile B and 23 (33.82%) were Tile C, and 15 cases were open fractures (22.06%). Associated lesions were recorded in 30 cases, fractures of the lower extremity being the most common (33.33%, n = 10). Most of the cases were definitively treated surgically (80.89%, n = 55). The most common complications were surgical site infections (23.64%, n = 13). Conclusion: Unstable pelvic fractures are relatively common. Young males in the age group 20 - 40 years are the most affected, and the most common cause of injury was road traffic accident. Surgical site infections, pressure ulcers, severe anaemia and thrombo-embolism are common complications.展开更多
Penis amputations are rare, they are most often observed in a criminal context or in the context of self-mutilation. We present the case of a partial amputation of the shaft in the context of a domestic accident. This...Penis amputations are rare, they are most often observed in a criminal context or in the context of self-mutilation. We present the case of a partial amputation of the shaft in the context of a domestic accident. This is a 53-year-old patient received in the emergency department for partial amputation of the penis occurred, whose mechanism of occurrence would be the fall of a sheet metal from the roof of his house, with reception on the proximal end of the shaft leading to a partial rupture of it—here, with total urethral section. He has no medical-surgical history. The physical examination finds a good general condition, a partial tearing of the ventral face of the penis associated with a total rupture of the urethra followed by a hemorrhage, the rest of the examination was without particularity. The emergency assessment carried out was without particularity. The treatment consisted initially of catheterizing the urethra by a urinary tube ch 20, then a urethral replacement, followed by a Peno plastie. The surgical suites were enamelled with parietal suppuration plus necrosis at J 14 post-operative. A more bidaily dressing debridement followed with a favorable evolution at 2 months. Subsequently, a penile graft was performed more urethrolastic, with removal of the flap on the inner side of the thigh, the surgical suites were favorable on the sexual plane gradual resumption of night erections.展开更多
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the results of the laparoscopic treatment of high and intra-abdominal undescended testes. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2021 at the Centre medico-chirugi...Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the results of the laparoscopic treatment of high and intra-abdominal undescended testes. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2021 at the Centre medico-chirugicale d’urologie in Douala. We consulted the clinical records of 27 patients aged 6 - 15 years who underwent laparoscopic orchiopexy at our hospital. We included patients with unilateral or bilateral undescended testes as detected by palpation and excluded patients with incomplete clinical records. The data collected were entered into Microsoft Excel 2016 and exported to Epi info 7 for analysis. Continuous variables were presented as mean values and standard deviations while categorical variables were presented as frequencies and percentages. The threshold for statistical significance was set at p Results: The ages of the 27 participants ranged from 6 years to 15 years, with a mean age of 10.22 ± 2.68 years. Hypospadias was an associated abnormality in 7.41% of participants. The mean duration of the surgical procedure was 80.56 ± 30.30 minutes. The overall success rate of the laparoscopic procedure was 95.83%. The mean duration of postoperative hospital stay was 26.67 ± 7.69 hours. The only postoperative complication we encountered was testicular atrophy, which occurred in 7.41% of participants. All our patients underwent single-stage laparoscopic procedures. Conclusion: Laparoscopy, which is the technique of choice for the diagnosis and management of undescended testis, is more rapid, more effective, and characterized by a shorter hospital stay and fewer postoperative complications compared to open surgery. Single-stage procedures are as effective and safe as two-stage procedures.展开更多
Aim: This study aimed to determine the demographic, clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic, and evolutive characteristics of patients with bladder tumors who underwent transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT) at...Aim: This study aimed to determine the demographic, clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic, and evolutive characteristics of patients with bladder tumors who underwent transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT) at a urology center in Douala, Cameroon. Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective study carried out from 2015 to 2019 on 32 patients with bladder tumors that were managed at the Centre medico-chirugical d’urologie in Douala, Cameroon. The relevant data were obtained from patients’ clinical records. Results: A total of 32 patients (25 men and 7 women) aged 29 - 75 years were included in this study. The mean age of the study participants was 58.63 ± 11.00 years. Among our study participants, there were 10 smokers (31.25%). Eight (25%) of them had occupational exposure while 2 (6.25%) had residential exposure to bladder cancer. Thirty (93.75%) presented with hematuria, 2 (6.25%) presented with recurrent urinary tract infections, and 1 (3.13%) presented with acute urinary colic. Nineteen (59.38%) of them were anemic, with 4 (12.5%) requiring blood transfusions. Twenty-seven (84.38%) of them had pedunculated tumors while 5 (15.62%) had sessile tumors. The tumor diameters ranged from 1 cm to 5 cm, with a mean diameter of 2.75 ± 1.22 cm. Complete resection was performed in 27 (84.38%) participants while partial resection was performed in 5 (15.62%) patients. The early single instillation of intravesical chemotherapy with mitomycin was performed in 8 (25%) patients. Only one (3.13%) patient had a postoperative complication, and seven (21.88%) patients experienced tumor recurrence and underwent a second TURBT. Two (6.25%) of the 32 patients died and 30 (93.75%) survived. Conclusion: TURBT is the gold standard method of managing bladder tumors. This procedure is at the same time diagnostic and therapeutic for tumors that do not invade the walls of the urinary bladder.展开更多
Introduction: A penile fracture is the traumatic rupture of the turnica albuginea of one of both cavernous bodies of an erect penis. It is a urologic emergency in young adults. The objective of our study is to determi...Introduction: A penile fracture is the traumatic rupture of the turnica albuginea of one of both cavernous bodies of an erect penis. It is a urologic emergency in young adults. The objective of our study is to determine the epidemiologic, clinical, and therapeutic aspects and evaluate the complications at the Yaounde Central Hospital (YCH). Methodology: It was a cross-sectional retrospective and descriptive study, carried out for a period of five years, from 2015 to 2020, followed by a prospective phase for a period of 1 year, from December 2020 to 2021 at the Urology Unit of Yaounde Central Hospital. Results: Our study involved 23 patients. The mean age was 34 ± 4 years with extremes of 23 - 65 years. Married men were the most involved, with 16 cases (69.6%). The majority of patients presented for consultation within the first 6 hours (60.9%). The mean delay time before the consultation was 5 [3 - 24] hours, with extreme values of 1 - 72 hours. Sitting position during sexual intercourse was mainly found (56.5% of cases), while alcohol consumption was the main environmental risk factor found (47.8% of cases). Penile pain (100.0%) and deformation of the penile shaft (91.3%) were the most encountered symptom during admission. The frequency of cavernosa involement was 87.0%. The injury was partial in the majority of cases (95.0%), involving both corpus cavernosa (55.0%) and mostly on the right (60.0%). The mean management delay was 5 hours standard deviation [5 - 7], with extremes of 2 - 48 hours. The intra-cavernous hematoma was the essential per-operative finding in all the operated cases (100.0%). Most patients resumed sexual intercourse 2 - 3 months following management (65.3% of cases). After one year of treatment, 78.3% of patients declared satisfactory sexual activity. Conclusion: Penile fracture is an anthological emergency in young adults. The management is essentially surgical. Functional prognosis depends on the promptitude of surgical intervention.展开更多
Context: Generally in Africa, BO remains the leading cause of acute abdomen. We therefore sought to study the current etiological factors of intestinal obstruction on a virgin abdomen or unhealed abdomen at the centra...Context: Generally in Africa, BO remains the leading cause of acute abdomen. We therefore sought to study the current etiological factors of intestinal obstruction on a virgin abdomen or unhealed abdomen at the central hospital of Yaoundé in order to better understand the main causes and to better anticipate and improve the diagnosis, management and the evolution of intestinal obstruction on a virgin abdomen. Method: The patients were prospectively included from June 2021 to May 2022, these patients were recruited from the digestive and emergency surgery units of the Yaoundé Central Hospital during the study period and who met the inclusion criteria, with suspicion of partial or total intestinal obstruction or those with an intraoperative confirmed diagnosis were enrolled. Results: We recruited 73 patients including 43 (60.3%) men and 29 (39.7%) women whose mean age was 42.5 years with extremes ranging from 16 to 70 years. Most of them consulted after 72 hours, i.e. 65.2% of cases due to self-medication or even prior consultations in the lower level center at the Central Hospital of Yaoundé. The patients retained for this work presented in majority the symptoms according to the abdominal pains, the stop of the materials and gases;meteorism and vomiting. Abdominal wall hernias with incarcerated intestinal loops were the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in an unscarred abdomen in adults at 38.4% of cases, followed by digestive tumors 23.3% and adhesions 17.8%. Exceptionally, a cluster of roundworms was found as the cause of intestinal obstruction in two of our patients. Complications occurred in 25 patients or 31.5% of cases and were dominated respectively by nausea and hematoma (36%), local infections (24%) and malaria (24%). Death occurred in 5 of our patients, or 6.8% of cases, and was mostly caused by hypovolemic shock (40%) and pulmonary embolism (40%). Conclusion: Intestinal obstructions on the abdomen without scarring remain the prerogative of young adults and are caused by strangulated hernias with incarcerated intestinal loops, tumors and adhesions. The rate of complications remains high and they are dominated by infectious pathology. Their mortality is clearly improving.展开更多
<b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Intr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">oduction:</span></b><span><span style="font-family:Verdana;&quo...<b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Intr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">oduction:</span></b><span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b> </b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">The installation of a digestive stoma involves changes affecting all aspects of the patients’ lives. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of a digestive stoma on the quality of life of patients operated on at the Yaounde Central Hospital (YCH).</span><b> </b></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Patients and Methodology:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">We conducted a prospective descriptive study over a period of 12 months from J</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">une 2018 to May 2019 in all patients with a digestive stoma for at least 3 months operated on at the YCH. The follow-up was done within 12 months. Quality of life was assessed using the stoma QOL (quality of life) and self-image using the BIS (Body Image Scale). </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Results:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b><span> </span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">We collected a total of 34 pa</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tients, of whom 22 were male, giving an M/F sex ratio of 1.8. The average age of the patients was 42.8 years. The indications were tumoral in 44.11% of cases (n</span></span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">15) and non-tumoral in 55.88% of cases (n</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">19). The colon was the most frequently ablated organ (n</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">26) with 76.5% of colostomies. The complicatio</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">n rate was 67.6%. Stomal oedema was the most common early complication with 38.2% of cases. All patients used colostomy bags. The average time to return to sexual activity was 8 months for men and 9 months for women. 85.</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3% of the patients had an average impairment of quality of life according to the Stoma Quality of Life Scale. According to the Body Image Scale, 73.5% of the patients had a moderate dissatisfaction with their self-image. <b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Conclusion:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b> </b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">The realization of a digestive stoma imposes a long-term follow-up especially on the psychological level in order to allow the empowerment of the patients who all have a modification of their quality of life and their self-image.</span></span>展开更多
Caesarean section (CS) is a surgical procedure performed to remove a fetus from the mother’s uterus through an incision on the abdominal wall, then on the uterine wall. The indications of CS vary not only between cou...Caesarean section (CS) is a surgical procedure performed to remove a fetus from the mother’s uterus through an incision on the abdominal wall, then on the uterine wall. The indications of CS vary not only between countries, but also from one hospital to another and from one team to another within the same hospital. Despite advances in asepsis and anesthesia/resuscitation technics, there are still complications of varying severity inherent to the gravid-puerperal state on one hand and the technics used on the other, irrespective of the operative indication. Thus, the present study was carried out with the objectives of determining the prevalence, identifying the indications, and evaluating the morbidity linked to caesarean sections in our environment. Cameroon has also set up a health voucher program in its northern region, aimed at reducing maternal and fetus morbidity and mortality. The program aims to improve financial access in antenatal care and deliveries, including caesarean sections, in this low-income region of the country. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection, from February 1, 2022, to May 31, 2022. We included all women who gave birth by caesarean section. In our study series, out of 905 parturient admissions into the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 226 were caesarian cases. The overall frequency of CS during our study period was 25%. Fetal indications were dominated by cephalopelvic disproportion and non-reassuring fetal heart in 17.3% and 13.7% of cases respectively. Intraoperative complications were dominated by hemorrhage (15.5%). In our study, we noted an 11.1% of prevalence perinatal mortality. Cameroon is a low-income country with limited financial resources, especially in the Northern region. The health voucher program has improved financial access to caesarean sections for parturient in northern Cameroon, and consequently to emergency obstetric and neonatal care.展开更多
Background: The efficacy of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block has been demonstrated in postoperative analgesia, but few studies have evaluated its intraoperative effects. We aimed to describe the intraoperative ...Background: The efficacy of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block has been demonstrated in postoperative analgesia, but few studies have evaluated its intraoperative effects. We aimed to describe the intraoperative hemodynamic and analgesic effects of pre-incisional TAP block in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy. Methods: Seventy women proposed for total abdominal hysterectomy indicated for uterine fibroids, classified ASA I and II were randomized in a double-blinded model to Group A (n = 35) receiving bilateral ultrasound-guided TAP block with ropivacaine and Group B (n = 35) receiving bilateral ultrasound-guided TAP block with normal saline, followed by general anesthesia. The variations of the heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) and intraoperative fentanyl consumption were studied. Results: At the arrival in the operating room, there was no significant difference in heart rate and mean arterial pressure noted in both groups. (HR: 85.38 ± 8.44 pulsations/min versus 86.30 ± 10.05 pulsations/min, p = 0.621;MABP: 94.97 ± 13.46 mmHg versus 96.36 ± 12.41 mmHg, p = 0.533). Before surgical incision, no statistically significant difference was detected between the two groups regarding the heart rate and the mean arterial blood pressure. After surgical incision, both the heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly higher in the Group B. There was a significant decrease in intraoperative fentanyl requirements in the Group A compared to the Group B (293.58 ± 60.59 mcg versus 449.44 ± 71.31 mcg, p Conclusion: Pre-incisional TAP block attenuates hemodynamic responses to surgical stress and decreases intraoperative fentanyl requirements in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy.展开更多
文摘Background: Oxygen saturation refers to the quantity of oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood, that is to say the level of oxygen measurable in the red blood cells when they have passed through the lungs. The aim of this study was to describe the management of early postoperative hypoxemia after abdominal surgery at the Yaounde General Hospital (YGH). Method: This is a quantitative, observational study, with a descriptive aim, which took place in the anesthesiology department of the YGH, over a period of 2 months from August 1st to October 1st, 2023. The study included all the patients ≥18 years, of both sexes who had abdominal surgery under general anesthesia and were willing to participate during the time of data collection. The variables studied were the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, risk factors for oxygen desaturation, postoperative variations in SPO2 and therapeutic tools. Results: We collected 30 patients among whom 11 presented with early postoperative hypoxemia i.e. a frequency of 36.7%. The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 63 years and the mean was 42.47 ± 13.5 years on average. The sex ratio was 0.5. Hysterectomy was the most commonly performed surgery (23.3%). The most common comorbidity was high blood pressure (30%). Half of the patients had midline incision. Supra-umbilical surgery predominated (56.7%), intraoperative blood loss ≥500 ml in 46.7% of cases. Upper abdominal surgery with, subcostal incision and blood loss ≥500 ml are statistically significant risk factors for the occurrence of early postoperative hypoxemia (P Conclusion: Hypoxemia is the result of impaired respiratory function favored by the conditions encountered during the early postoperative period.
文摘Introduction: About 10 to 15% of couples in the world and 20 to 30% in Cameroon consult for infertility problems. Infertility is of male origin in 40% of cases. Our objective was to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects of male infertility in our setting. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study, with retrospective data collection from the files of patients received for male infertility, over 5 years and 6 months (from January 1<sup>st</sup>, 2016 to April 30<sup>th</sup>, 2021) at the Urology Department of the Yaounde Central Hospital. Phone calls were made to patients with incomplete records for completion following a verbal consent. Data reported on data collection forms were entered into a data entry form designed on CSPro software version 7.2. The database was later exported for descriptive statistics using the IBM SPSS software version 23. Qualitative variables were summarized in frequencies and percentages while quantitative variables were summarized in means with their standard deviations for normally distributed data, or medians and interquartile ranges otherwise. Results: Out of 110 patients whose records were analyzed, the median age was 37.0 years, with an interquartile range of 8.3, with 55.5% in the age group 30 to 39 years. Of these 95 (86.4%) were married, 58 (52.7%) were from the West region, 76 (69.1%) were employed. Past history was dominated by mumps 40 (36.4%), varicocele surgery 25 (22.7%), alcoholism 87 (79.1%) and smoking 15 (13.6%). A disorder of spermatogenesis was found in all our patients: 37 (33.6%) azoospermia, 27 (24.6%) asthenospermia and 26 (23.7%) oligospermia patients. Paraclinical evidence of chlamydia and gonococcal infections were found respectively in 38 (34.5%) and 14 (12.7%) patients, varicocele and testicular dystrophy respectively in 95 (86.4%) and 38 (34.5%) patients. Infertility was primary in 67 (60.9%) patients. Conclusion: Most patients with infertility were in their thirties, had risky social habits and comorbidities. An early start of health promotion activities, comorbidities prevention and early detection of spermogram abnormalities would make it possible to reduce the frequency of male infertility.
文摘Background: The incidence of intracranial metastases (ICMET) has been steadily rising, and its frequency with respect to primary brain tumours is relatively high. Objective: The objectives of this study were to elucidate the current epidemiology and describe the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic features of ICMET in Yaounde. Method and findings: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done in the neurosurgery departments of the General and Central Hospitals of Yaounde during the period from January 2016 to December 2022. We included all medical booklets of patients admitted for a tumoral intracranial expansive process with our target population being patients with histological evidence of ICMET, and did a retrospective inclusion of data using a pre-established technical form aimed at collecting sociodemographic data, clinical data, paraclinical data, and the treatment procedures. Analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software. A total of 614 cases of intracranial tumors were included among whom 35 presented histological evidence of ICMET. This gives a frequency of 5.7%. The sex ratio was 0.94, the mean age was 55.68 +/- 14.4 years, extremes 28 and 86 years and the age range 50 - 59 was affected in 28.57% of cases. The clinical presentation included signs of raised intracranial pressure (headache, blurred vision, vomiting) in 26 cases (74.3%), motor deficit 48.6%, seizures 17.1%. The mode of onset was metachronous in 71.4% and synchronous in 28.6%. The imaging techniques were cerebral CT scan in 82.9%, cerebral MRI in 40%, TAP scan in 22.9%. The metastatic lesions were supratentorial in 94.3% and single in 62.9%. The primary cancers found were breast cancer (31.4%), lung cancer (25.7%), prostate cancer (17.1%), thyroid cancer (5.7%), colon cancer (2.9%), and melanoma (2.9%). The therapeutic modalities were total resection (68.6%), radiotherapy (37.1%). Conclusion: Intracranial metastases are relatively frequent. There is a female sex predominance and the age group 50 - 59 years is the most affected. Brain metastases mostly occur in patients with a history of known primary tumor. The clinical signs mainly include signs of raised intracranial pressure, motor deficit, seizures and mental confusion. Cerebral CT Scan is the main imaging technique used. Most of the lesions are single and supratentorially located. The primary cancers most represented include breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. Surgery is the main treatment procedure. The adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy) was limited.
文摘Introduction: The treatment of panfacial fractures is complex and constitutes a challenge for the maxillofacial surgeon, who, despite therapeutic progress, frequently suffers functional and aesthetic sequelae. This study aimed to describe the treatment and evaluate the functional and aesthetic sequelae of panfacial fractures in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of the Treichville University Hospital. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study over a 6 years in the stomatology and maxillofacial surgery department of Treichville University Hospital. Forty-two patients with panfacial fractures were included in the study. Results: Forty-two patients were registered. The average time to osteosynthesis was 12.4 days. Nasotracheal intubation was used most often (88%), and in the majority of cases, mixed osteosynthesis combining a screwed plate and steel wire was performed (64.29%). The “Bottom-up and Outside-in” surgical sequence was the most commonly used (64.29%). All patients had at least one functional and/or cosmetic sequela after treatment. Functional sequelae were dominated by occlusal problems and aesthetic sequelae by nasal deformities. Discussion: Panfacial fractures are characterised by their complexity, presenting maxillo-facial surgeons with a therapeutic and evolutionary challenge. The quality of the initial, often multidisciplinary, management of panfacial fractures is an essential factor in both functional and aesthetic prognosis. Conclusion: The treatment of panfacial fractures, even if well managed, is sometimes a source of sequelae, requiring often complex secondary management.
文摘Introduction: Cleft lip, palate and alveolar (CLPA) are congenital malformations of the face due to a defect in the fusion of embryonic buds during the first weeks of embryogenesis. These malformations affect the upper lip, the alveolar bone and the palate. The incidence in Africa ranges from 1/2000 to 1/500 births. Their multidisciplinary management is long and costly. Thus, the help provided by humanitarian organisations during free care campaigns is welcome. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study conducted from August 2014 to July 2016 in the Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology Department of the Treichville University Hospital in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The objective was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of CLPA during a humanitarian campaign for free care. Results: 51 cases of CLPA were operated on. Males were involved in 54.9% of the cases, i.e. a sex ratio of 1.2. The average age of the patients at the time of the operation was 3.44 years with extremes of 3 months and 52 years. Patients with low socioeconomic status represented 84.3% of the cases. Cleft lips (31.4%) and cleft palates (33.33%) predominated. For cleft lips, unilateral forms were the most frequent (73.5%) and the left side was most often affected (59.2%). The most common surgical techniques used were MILLARD cheiloplasty for cleft lips (79.36%) and Dorrance pushback for cleft palates (78.05%). The postoperative course was simple in the majority of cases (80.47%). Patients and/or parents were satisfied with the postoperative results in over 90% of cases. Discussion: Cleft lip and palate are common. Their management by humanitarian missions through mass campaigns allows us to receive a large number of patients affected by this pathology who are treated with a high satisfaction rate. Conclusion: The characteristics of cleft lip and palate in this study are in many respects identical to those described in the literature, but with some differences specific to Africa, notably the absence of antenatal diagnosis and the advanced age at the time of treatment.
文摘Background: Elbow dislocations in pediatric patients are rare injuries. This is a therapeutic emergency because a delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences on the functional level of the upper limb. Objective: To present the management of elbow dislocation in children in cases of limited resources. Presentation of the Cases: These were 2 older male children aged 7 and 9 years old, admitted to the emergency room for painful functional impotence of the right elbow after a fall and landing on the right hand. Clinical and radiological examinations were in favor of posterior elbow dislocations. The reductions were carried out under sedation and immobilization in Jersey. According to Robert’s criteria, the functional result was excellent in both patients. Conclusion: Emergency reduction and immobilization whatever the means ensure an excellent functional prognosis even in cases of limited resources.
文摘Background: Cervical cancer (CC) is one of the most frequent cancers and the leading cause of death from gynecological cancer in Low and middle income countries, Cameroon inclusive. Surgery is the primary treatment modality when the disease is diagnosed at early stage. Radical hysterectomy in cervical cancer has not been evaluated in recent years in Cameroon. The purpose of this study is thus to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical features and short term outcomes of patients who underwent surgery. Patients and methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Douala Gynaeco-obstetric and Pediatric Hospital and the Douala General Hospital. Cervical cancer patients who underwent Radical hysterectomy between January 2015 and December 2020 were included. A pre-established data collection tool was used to record socio-demographic, clinical and outcomes information from patients’ files;additional outcome information was obtained from phone calls. Descriptive analysis was done using the SPSS version 26. Bivariate analysis was used to determine associations between disease and patients characteristics and occurrence of adverse postoperative outcome. P value of 0.05 was considered. Results: Sixty one patients were enrolled. Their ages ranged from 33 to 74 years with a mean age of 51.95 ± 10.29 years. Over 85% of women were married, 65.57% were unemployed and 86.88% were multiparous. Only 28% had never done cervical cancer screening. Most patients had stage IB1 to IB2 stage disease (57.1%). Less than 9% underwent radical hysterectomy and 8 of those (13.11%) suffered intraoperative complications. Twenty-five patients (40.98%) presented immediate and short term complications. There was no significant association between the disease or patients’ characteristics and adverse outcomes. Conclusion: Cervical cancer patients are relatively young in our settings and only 9% of them reach the hospital at early stage. Postoperative adverse outcomes rate is higher than that reported in the literature. Sensitization on screening and awareness of early symptoms can reverse the situation.
文摘Introduction and Objectives: Urethral stricture is a reduction in the caliber of the urethral lumen impeding the outflow of urine. It predominantly affects males. The disease burden is severe in our milieu where access to specialized care is limited. Our goal was therefore to assess the management and outcome of male urethral stricture at two tertiary hospitals in Douala, Cameroon. Materials and Methods: This was a hospital-based retrospective study of patients managed for urethral stricture over 5 years (January 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2021) at the Douala General and Laquintinie Hospitals. Data on sociodemographic, clinical, paraclinical, and treatment options were extracted using pre-structured forms. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28. Statistical significance was set at p-value Results: We exploited 130 medical records. The mean age of patients was 46.5 years. Dysuria and weak urine stream were the major presenting complaints (63.8% and 23.8% respectively). The etiology of urethral stricture was iatrogenic in 42.3% of cases. The strictures were mostly single (89.8%), and the bulbar urethra was most affected (46.9%). 28 patients had urinary tract infections and the most frequently isolated germ was E. coli in 29.6%. Direct visual internal urethrotomy (DVIU) was performed in 42.3% of cases. Surgery, especially excision and primary anastomosis (EPA) was done in 28.5% of cases. Major complications were wound infection, acute kidney injury (AKI), and urethrocutaneous fistulae affecting 3.1, 2.3, and 1.5% of cases respectively. The recurrence rate was 17% with a mortality rate of 0.08%. Conclusion: Urethral stricture is common in our adult male population. The cause is mainly iatrogenic and the bulbar urethra is most affected. Minimally invasive and open reconstruction are frequently used treatment options with significant recurrence rates in the long term.
文摘<strong>Aim:</strong> To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intraluminal lithotripsy with a pneumatic lithotripter (EMS, Switzerland) and laser Holmium YAG in retrograde rigid ureteroscopy for proximal and distal ureteric calculi. <strong>Materials and Methods:</strong> This was a retrospective study carried out from January 2015 to December 2019 including 175 patients with ureteric calculi who presented with ureteric colic at a mini-invasive surgical urological center in Douala, Cameroon. All the patients underwent retrograde ureteroscopy with a 7F rigid ureteroscope, and fragmentation was done with either a pneumatic lithotripter or a laser holmium YAG. Six patients who had urinary tract infection benefited from double J stent placement before retrograde ureteroscopy. The study variables included age, clinical symptoms, size and location of the stone, the type of lithotripsy, operating time, and the results of lithotripsy. <strong>Results:</strong> We included a total of 175 patients with a mean age of 40.95 ± 12.50 years. Seventy-six (43.43%) of our participants were females and all patients had at least one calculus confirmed by a CT scan. Stone sizes ranged from 5 - 26 mm (median of 12 mm). Fifteen (8.57%) stones were located in the upper ureter (pyeloureteric junction), 64 in the middle ureter, 20 in the iliac ureter, 43 in the pelvic ureter, and 33 at the vesico-ureteric orifice. The success rate was 100% for stones located in the iliac ureter, pelvic ureter and the ureteric orifice. For those in the middle and upper ureter, the success rate was 92.18% and 60%, respectively. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Rigid ureteroscopy is an excellent treatment modality for ureteral calculi, especially those located at the distal part of the ureter. The procedure is associated with a shorter operation time and a shorter post-operative hospitalization period, in addition to its safety and effectiveness compared to open surgery.
文摘Introduction: The diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma has been found to be more prevalent in low risk countries like Cameroon. The objective of this study was to determine the most frequent histological type of gastric cancer found in Yaoundé and its association to the Helicobacter pylori infection. Materials and Methods: The registries of histopathology laboratories of 4 reference hospitals in Yaoundé, Cameroon have been reviewed for registered primitive gastric malignancies from July 2009 to May 2014. Paraffin blocks mounted on slides and stained with Hematoxylyn and Eosin of gastric cancer cases were re-stained Giemsa to search for Helicobacter pylori and they were classified using the criteria of Lauren in intestinal type or diffuse type. Results: Forty-two cases were reviewed: 25 (59.5%) of them were intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma, 11 (26.2%) were diffuse type, 4 (9.5%) were malignant gastric lymphoma, 1 (2.4%) was a stromal tumor, and 1 (2.4%) was a colloid carcinoma. The most common site of location was the proximal gastric portion (52.2%). The overall prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was 88.1%, most common with the intestinal type (100%) and malignant lymphoma (100%) than with the diffuse type (72.2%) (p = 0.007). Conclusion: The most common type of gastric adenocarcinoma in Cameroon is the intestinal type and Helicobacter pylori infection is more common in the intestinal type and malignant gastric lymphoma than in the diffuse type. The Helicobacter pylori eradication campaigns are needed.
文摘Introduction: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a public health problem especially in developing countries due to its incidence and severity. It is responsible for high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, the objective of this work was to study the factors associated with the occurrence of maternal and perinatal complications of preeclampsia. Method: This was an analytical cross-sectional study with prospective and retrospective data collection including all patients, pregnant or postpartum, admitted for pre-eclampsia to the maternity ward of the Yaoundé Central Hospital. It took place over a period of seven (07) months. The data collected was analyzed using CS Pro 7.4, SPSS 20.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. We compared the group with complications to the group without complications. We calculated the odds ratio to look for associations between variables and their 95% confidence intervals. The threshold for statistical significance was set at p Results: We recruited 214 cases of preeclampsia in our series. There were maternal complications in 44.4% of cases, dominated by eclampsia (31.8%). We recorded 07 maternal deaths, representing a maternal lethality of 3.3%. We had at least one perinatal complication in 105 cases (49.1%). The predominant perinatal complication was prematurity. We recorded 32 cases of intrauterine fetal demise and 13 cases of early neonatal death, giving a perinatal lethality of 21%. After logistic regression, the factors associated with maternal complications were residing in a rural area (OR = 2.217 [1.054 - 3.09];p < 0.036);a nurse-aid as prenatal consultation provider (PNC) (OR = 5.059 [2.175 - 36.162];p - 4.029]). Conclusion: Complications of preeclampsia are very common in our setting. Several identified factors are associated with the occurrence of these complications. We suggest building the capacity of providers of PNC and sensitization of women on the use of PNC services.
文摘Background: Pelvic fractures constitute about 2% - 8% of all fractures. This incidence may rise up to 25% in poly-traumatised patients. These fractures have a high mortality rate due to the fact that they occur usually as a result of high energy trauma, and most of the injured are poly-traumatised with concomitant haemodynamic instability. The aim of this study is to describe the patterns of injury and complications of unstable pelvic fractures treated in a level III hospital in Cameroon. Methodology: This was a hospital based retrospective analysis of files of patients admitted and treated for unstable pelvic fractures at the Regional Hospital Limbe within a period of 10 years (from 1<sup>st</sup> of January 2009 to 31<sup>st</sup> of December 2018). Results: A total of 139 cases of pelvic fractures were identified, amongst which 77 were unstable;68 were finally analyzed. The ages ranged from 18 to 80 years with a mean of 39 ± 5 years. The age group from 20 - 40 years was most represented (58.88%, n = 40). There were 45 males and 23 females giving a sex-ratio of 2:1. Road traffic injuries accounted for most of the cases (73.53%, n = 50). Forty-five (66.2%) were classified Tile B and 23 (33.82%) were Tile C, and 15 cases were open fractures (22.06%). Associated lesions were recorded in 30 cases, fractures of the lower extremity being the most common (33.33%, n = 10). Most of the cases were definitively treated surgically (80.89%, n = 55). The most common complications were surgical site infections (23.64%, n = 13). Conclusion: Unstable pelvic fractures are relatively common. Young males in the age group 20 - 40 years are the most affected, and the most common cause of injury was road traffic accident. Surgical site infections, pressure ulcers, severe anaemia and thrombo-embolism are common complications.
文摘Penis amputations are rare, they are most often observed in a criminal context or in the context of self-mutilation. We present the case of a partial amputation of the shaft in the context of a domestic accident. This is a 53-year-old patient received in the emergency department for partial amputation of the penis occurred, whose mechanism of occurrence would be the fall of a sheet metal from the roof of his house, with reception on the proximal end of the shaft leading to a partial rupture of it—here, with total urethral section. He has no medical-surgical history. The physical examination finds a good general condition, a partial tearing of the ventral face of the penis associated with a total rupture of the urethra followed by a hemorrhage, the rest of the examination was without particularity. The emergency assessment carried out was without particularity. The treatment consisted initially of catheterizing the urethra by a urinary tube ch 20, then a urethral replacement, followed by a Peno plastie. The surgical suites were enamelled with parietal suppuration plus necrosis at J 14 post-operative. A more bidaily dressing debridement followed with a favorable evolution at 2 months. Subsequently, a penile graft was performed more urethrolastic, with removal of the flap on the inner side of the thigh, the surgical suites were favorable on the sexual plane gradual resumption of night erections.
文摘Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the results of the laparoscopic treatment of high and intra-abdominal undescended testes. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out from 2014 to 2021 at the Centre medico-chirugicale d’urologie in Douala. We consulted the clinical records of 27 patients aged 6 - 15 years who underwent laparoscopic orchiopexy at our hospital. We included patients with unilateral or bilateral undescended testes as detected by palpation and excluded patients with incomplete clinical records. The data collected were entered into Microsoft Excel 2016 and exported to Epi info 7 for analysis. Continuous variables were presented as mean values and standard deviations while categorical variables were presented as frequencies and percentages. The threshold for statistical significance was set at p Results: The ages of the 27 participants ranged from 6 years to 15 years, with a mean age of 10.22 ± 2.68 years. Hypospadias was an associated abnormality in 7.41% of participants. The mean duration of the surgical procedure was 80.56 ± 30.30 minutes. The overall success rate of the laparoscopic procedure was 95.83%. The mean duration of postoperative hospital stay was 26.67 ± 7.69 hours. The only postoperative complication we encountered was testicular atrophy, which occurred in 7.41% of participants. All our patients underwent single-stage laparoscopic procedures. Conclusion: Laparoscopy, which is the technique of choice for the diagnosis and management of undescended testis, is more rapid, more effective, and characterized by a shorter hospital stay and fewer postoperative complications compared to open surgery. Single-stage procedures are as effective and safe as two-stage procedures.
文摘Aim: This study aimed to determine the demographic, clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic, and evolutive characteristics of patients with bladder tumors who underwent transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT) at a urology center in Douala, Cameroon. Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective study carried out from 2015 to 2019 on 32 patients with bladder tumors that were managed at the Centre medico-chirugical d’urologie in Douala, Cameroon. The relevant data were obtained from patients’ clinical records. Results: A total of 32 patients (25 men and 7 women) aged 29 - 75 years were included in this study. The mean age of the study participants was 58.63 ± 11.00 years. Among our study participants, there were 10 smokers (31.25%). Eight (25%) of them had occupational exposure while 2 (6.25%) had residential exposure to bladder cancer. Thirty (93.75%) presented with hematuria, 2 (6.25%) presented with recurrent urinary tract infections, and 1 (3.13%) presented with acute urinary colic. Nineteen (59.38%) of them were anemic, with 4 (12.5%) requiring blood transfusions. Twenty-seven (84.38%) of them had pedunculated tumors while 5 (15.62%) had sessile tumors. The tumor diameters ranged from 1 cm to 5 cm, with a mean diameter of 2.75 ± 1.22 cm. Complete resection was performed in 27 (84.38%) participants while partial resection was performed in 5 (15.62%) patients. The early single instillation of intravesical chemotherapy with mitomycin was performed in 8 (25%) patients. Only one (3.13%) patient had a postoperative complication, and seven (21.88%) patients experienced tumor recurrence and underwent a second TURBT. Two (6.25%) of the 32 patients died and 30 (93.75%) survived. Conclusion: TURBT is the gold standard method of managing bladder tumors. This procedure is at the same time diagnostic and therapeutic for tumors that do not invade the walls of the urinary bladder.
文摘Introduction: A penile fracture is the traumatic rupture of the turnica albuginea of one of both cavernous bodies of an erect penis. It is a urologic emergency in young adults. The objective of our study is to determine the epidemiologic, clinical, and therapeutic aspects and evaluate the complications at the Yaounde Central Hospital (YCH). Methodology: It was a cross-sectional retrospective and descriptive study, carried out for a period of five years, from 2015 to 2020, followed by a prospective phase for a period of 1 year, from December 2020 to 2021 at the Urology Unit of Yaounde Central Hospital. Results: Our study involved 23 patients. The mean age was 34 ± 4 years with extremes of 23 - 65 years. Married men were the most involved, with 16 cases (69.6%). The majority of patients presented for consultation within the first 6 hours (60.9%). The mean delay time before the consultation was 5 [3 - 24] hours, with extreme values of 1 - 72 hours. Sitting position during sexual intercourse was mainly found (56.5% of cases), while alcohol consumption was the main environmental risk factor found (47.8% of cases). Penile pain (100.0%) and deformation of the penile shaft (91.3%) were the most encountered symptom during admission. The frequency of cavernosa involement was 87.0%. The injury was partial in the majority of cases (95.0%), involving both corpus cavernosa (55.0%) and mostly on the right (60.0%). The mean management delay was 5 hours standard deviation [5 - 7], with extremes of 2 - 48 hours. The intra-cavernous hematoma was the essential per-operative finding in all the operated cases (100.0%). Most patients resumed sexual intercourse 2 - 3 months following management (65.3% of cases). After one year of treatment, 78.3% of patients declared satisfactory sexual activity. Conclusion: Penile fracture is an anthological emergency in young adults. The management is essentially surgical. Functional prognosis depends on the promptitude of surgical intervention.
文摘Context: Generally in Africa, BO remains the leading cause of acute abdomen. We therefore sought to study the current etiological factors of intestinal obstruction on a virgin abdomen or unhealed abdomen at the central hospital of Yaoundé in order to better understand the main causes and to better anticipate and improve the diagnosis, management and the evolution of intestinal obstruction on a virgin abdomen. Method: The patients were prospectively included from June 2021 to May 2022, these patients were recruited from the digestive and emergency surgery units of the Yaoundé Central Hospital during the study period and who met the inclusion criteria, with suspicion of partial or total intestinal obstruction or those with an intraoperative confirmed diagnosis were enrolled. Results: We recruited 73 patients including 43 (60.3%) men and 29 (39.7%) women whose mean age was 42.5 years with extremes ranging from 16 to 70 years. Most of them consulted after 72 hours, i.e. 65.2% of cases due to self-medication or even prior consultations in the lower level center at the Central Hospital of Yaoundé. The patients retained for this work presented in majority the symptoms according to the abdominal pains, the stop of the materials and gases;meteorism and vomiting. Abdominal wall hernias with incarcerated intestinal loops were the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in an unscarred abdomen in adults at 38.4% of cases, followed by digestive tumors 23.3% and adhesions 17.8%. Exceptionally, a cluster of roundworms was found as the cause of intestinal obstruction in two of our patients. Complications occurred in 25 patients or 31.5% of cases and were dominated respectively by nausea and hematoma (36%), local infections (24%) and malaria (24%). Death occurred in 5 of our patients, or 6.8% of cases, and was mostly caused by hypovolemic shock (40%) and pulmonary embolism (40%). Conclusion: Intestinal obstructions on the abdomen without scarring remain the prerogative of young adults and are caused by strangulated hernias with incarcerated intestinal loops, tumors and adhesions. The rate of complications remains high and they are dominated by infectious pathology. Their mortality is clearly improving.
文摘<b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Intr</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">oduction:</span></b><span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b> </b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">The installation of a digestive stoma involves changes affecting all aspects of the patients’ lives. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of a digestive stoma on the quality of life of patients operated on at the Yaounde Central Hospital (YCH).</span><b> </b></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Patients and Methodology:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">We conducted a prospective descriptive study over a period of 12 months from J</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">une 2018 to May 2019 in all patients with a digestive stoma for at least 3 months operated on at the YCH. The follow-up was done within 12 months. Quality of life was assessed using the stoma QOL (quality of life) and self-image using the BIS (Body Image Scale). </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Results:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b><span> </span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">We collected a total of 34 pa</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">tients, of whom 22 were male, giving an M/F sex ratio of 1.8. The average age of the patients was 42.8 years. The indications were tumoral in 44.11% of cases (n</span></span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">15) and non-tumoral in 55.88% of cases (n</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">19). The colon was the most frequently ablated organ (n</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">=</span><span style="font-family:""> </span><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">26) with 76.5% of colostomies. The complicatio</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">n rate was 67.6%. Stomal oedema was the most common early complication with 38.2% of cases. All patients used colostomy bags. The average time to return to sexual activity was 8 months for men and 9 months for women. 85.</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">3% of the patients had an average impairment of quality of life according to the Stoma Quality of Life Scale. According to the Body Image Scale, 73.5% of the patients had a moderate dissatisfaction with their self-image. <b></span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Conclusion:</span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;"></b></span><b> </b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">The realization of a digestive stoma imposes a long-term follow-up especially on the psychological level in order to allow the empowerment of the patients who all have a modification of their quality of life and their self-image.</span></span>
文摘Caesarean section (CS) is a surgical procedure performed to remove a fetus from the mother’s uterus through an incision on the abdominal wall, then on the uterine wall. The indications of CS vary not only between countries, but also from one hospital to another and from one team to another within the same hospital. Despite advances in asepsis and anesthesia/resuscitation technics, there are still complications of varying severity inherent to the gravid-puerperal state on one hand and the technics used on the other, irrespective of the operative indication. Thus, the present study was carried out with the objectives of determining the prevalence, identifying the indications, and evaluating the morbidity linked to caesarean sections in our environment. Cameroon has also set up a health voucher program in its northern region, aimed at reducing maternal and fetus morbidity and mortality. The program aims to improve financial access in antenatal care and deliveries, including caesarean sections, in this low-income region of the country. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection, from February 1, 2022, to May 31, 2022. We included all women who gave birth by caesarean section. In our study series, out of 905 parturient admissions into the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 226 were caesarian cases. The overall frequency of CS during our study period was 25%. Fetal indications were dominated by cephalopelvic disproportion and non-reassuring fetal heart in 17.3% and 13.7% of cases respectively. Intraoperative complications were dominated by hemorrhage (15.5%). In our study, we noted an 11.1% of prevalence perinatal mortality. Cameroon is a low-income country with limited financial resources, especially in the Northern region. The health voucher program has improved financial access to caesarean sections for parturient in northern Cameroon, and consequently to emergency obstetric and neonatal care.
文摘Background: The efficacy of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block has been demonstrated in postoperative analgesia, but few studies have evaluated its intraoperative effects. We aimed to describe the intraoperative hemodynamic and analgesic effects of pre-incisional TAP block in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy. Methods: Seventy women proposed for total abdominal hysterectomy indicated for uterine fibroids, classified ASA I and II were randomized in a double-blinded model to Group A (n = 35) receiving bilateral ultrasound-guided TAP block with ropivacaine and Group B (n = 35) receiving bilateral ultrasound-guided TAP block with normal saline, followed by general anesthesia. The variations of the heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) and intraoperative fentanyl consumption were studied. Results: At the arrival in the operating room, there was no significant difference in heart rate and mean arterial pressure noted in both groups. (HR: 85.38 ± 8.44 pulsations/min versus 86.30 ± 10.05 pulsations/min, p = 0.621;MABP: 94.97 ± 13.46 mmHg versus 96.36 ± 12.41 mmHg, p = 0.533). Before surgical incision, no statistically significant difference was detected between the two groups regarding the heart rate and the mean arterial blood pressure. After surgical incision, both the heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly higher in the Group B. There was a significant decrease in intraoperative fentanyl requirements in the Group A compared to the Group B (293.58 ± 60.59 mcg versus 449.44 ± 71.31 mcg, p Conclusion: Pre-incisional TAP block attenuates hemodynamic responses to surgical stress and decreases intraoperative fentanyl requirements in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy.