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Report on the INFN—GRID Globus Evaluation
作者 R.Alfieri C.Anglano 《International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics》 2001年第1期716-719,共4页
This article summarizes the activities and the results of the Globus software evaluation,which was carried out in the framework of the INFN-GRID project.
关键词 软件工具 Globus规划 核物理实验
作者 谢浈 李景行 +6 位作者 郑华 张文超 朱励霖 刘星泉 谭志光 周代梅 Bonasera Aldo 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期98-111,共14页
末态粒子的平均横动量T>是高能重离子碰撞实验中的一个重要观测量.它反映了软质强子的特性和热核物质的性质,对其研究有助于获取碰撞系统的演化信息与规律.基于相对论重离子对撞机(RHIC)上的STAR、PHENIX实验组和大型强子对撞机(LHC)... 末态粒子的平均横动量T>是高能重离子碰撞实验中的一个重要观测量.它反映了软质强子的特性和热核物质的性质,对其研究有助于获取碰撞系统的演化信息与规律.基于相对论重离子对撞机(RHIC)上的STAR、PHENIX实验组和大型强子对撞机(LHC)的ALICE实验组提供的金核-金核(Au+Au)和铅核-铅核(Pb+Pb)碰撞中心快度区实验数据,唯象公式能很好地描述不同碰撞能量下,鉴别粒子平均横动量T>随碰撞中心度、每核子对的平均碰撞次数、每核子对平均产生的带电粒子多重数赝快度密度及每次碰撞平均产生的带电粒子多重数赝快度密度的依赖关系.结果表明,鉴别粒子平均横动量T>与碰撞中心度呈线性关系,而与每核子对的平均碰撞次数2N_(coll)/N_(part)、每核子对平均产生的带电粒子多重数赝快度密度2/N_(part)dN_(ch)/dη及每次碰撞平均产生的带电粒子多重数赝快度密度1/N_(coll)dN_(ch)/dη呈幂律关系.同时,发现鉴别粒子平均横动量T>与碰撞中心度以及每核子对的平均碰撞次数唯象公式中的拟合参数与碰撞能量呈现非常好的幂律函数关系.因此,碰撞中心度及每核子对的平均碰撞次数是研究鉴别粒子平均横动量的优选物理量.本文结果可用于对实验上在其他碰撞能量下鉴别粒子平均横动量的预测. 展开更多
关键词 重离子碰撞 平均横动量 鉴别粒子 中心快度区
作者 韦锐 周厚兵 +34 位作者 王思成 丁兵 强赟华 贾晨旭 陈红星 郭松 C.M.Petrache D.Mengoni A.Astier E.Dupont 吕冰锋 D.Bazzacco A.Boso A.Goasduff F.Recchia D.Testov F.Galtarossa G.Jaworski D.R.Napoli S.Riccetto M.Siciliano J.J.Valiente-Dobon C.Andreoiu F.H.Garcia K.Ortner K.Whitmore A.Ataç-Nyberg T.Bäck B.Cederwall E.A.Lawrie I.Kuti D.Sohler T.Marchlewski J.Srebrny A.Tucholski 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期89-100,共12页
利用意大利Legnaro实验室串列静电加速器提供的65 MeV^(13)C束流与122Sn靶的熔合蒸发反应布居了^(131)Ba的高自旋态,并搭建了新的能级纲图.新的能级纲图由15条转动带组成,包括三对手征双重带,其中两对正宇称手征带为赝自旋-手征四重带.... 利用意大利Legnaro实验室串列静电加速器提供的65 MeV^(13)C束流与122Sn靶的熔合蒸发反应布居了^(131)Ba的高自旋态,并搭建了新的能级纲图.新的能级纲图由15条转动带组成,包括三对手征双重带,其中两对正宇称手征带为赝自旋-手征四重带.正负宇称手征带通过一系列增强的E1跃迁连接,表明它们之间存在八极关联.在低自旋区域搭建了一条新的转动带,通过一系列γ跃迁向νh1_(1/2)晕带退激.这种能级结构与摇摆带相似,但基于现有的实验证据还难以将它确认为摇摆带,不能排除其他集体激发机制,如γ振动的影响. 展开更多
关键词 高自旋态 手征带 赝自旋 八极关联 摇摆运动
Measurement of integrated luminosity of data collected at 3.773 GeV by BESIII from 2021 to 2024
作者 M.Ablikim M.N.Achasov +659 位作者 P.Adlarson O.Afedulidis X.C.Ai R.Aliberti A.Amoroso Q.An Y.Bai O.Bakina I.Balossino Y.Ban H.-R.Bao V.Batozskaya K.Begzsuren N.Berger M.Berlowski M.Bertani D.Bettoni F.Bianchi E.Bianco A.Bortone I.Boyko R.A.Briere A.Brueggemann H.Cai X.Cai A.Calcaterra G.F.Cao N.Cao S.A.Cetin J.F.Chang G.R.Che G.Chelkov C.Chen C.H.Chen Chao Chen G.Chen H.S.Chen H.Y.Chen M.L.Chen S.J.Chen S.L.Chen S.M.Chen T.Chen X.R.Chen X.T.Chen Y.B.Chen Y.Q.Chen Z.J.Chen Z.Y.Chen S.K.Choi G.Cibinetto F.Cossio J.J.Cui H.L.Dai J.P.Dai A.Dbeyssi R.E.de Boer D.Dedovich C.Q.Deng Z.Y.Deng A.Denig I.Denysenko M.Destefanis F.De Mori B.Ding X.X.Ding Y.Ding Y.Ding J.Dong L.Y.Dong M.Y.Dong X.Dong M.C.Du S.X.Du Y.Y.Duan Z.H.Duan P.Egorov Y.H.Fan J.Fang J.Fang S.S.Fang W.X.Fang Y.Fang Y.Q.Fang R.Farinelli L.Fava F.Feldbauer G.Felici C.Q.Feng J.H.Feng Y.T.Feng M.Fritsch C.D.Fu J.L.Fu Y.W.Fu H.Gao X.B.Gao Y.N.Gao Yang Gao S.Garbolino I.Garzia L.Ge P.T.Ge Z.W.Ge C.Geng E.M.Gersabeck A.Gilman K.Goetzen L.Gong W.X.Gong W.Gradl S.Gramigna M.Greco M.H.Gu Y.T.Gu C.Y.Guan A.Q.Guo L.B.Guo M.J.Guo R.P.Guo Y.P.Guo A.Guskov J.Gutierrez K.L.Han T.T.Han F.Hanisch X.Q.Hao F.A.Harris K.K.He K.L.He F.H.Heinsius C.H.Heinz Y.K.Heng C.Herold T.Holtmann P.C.Hong G.Y.Hou X.T.Hou Y.R.Hou Z.L.Hou B.Y.Hu H.M.Hu J.F.Hu S.L.Hu T.Hu Y.Hu G.S.Huang K.X.Huang L.Q.Huang X.T.Huang Y.P.Huang Y.S.Huang T.Hussain F.Hölzken N.Hüsken N.in der Wiesche J.Jackson S.Janchiv J.H.Jeong Q.Ji Q.P.Ji W.Ji X.B.Ji X.L.Ji Y.Y.Ji X.Q.Jia Z.K.Jia D.Jiang H.B.Jiang P.C.Jiang S.S.Jiang T.J.Jiang X.S.Jiang Y.Jiang J.B.Jiao J.K.Jiao Z.Jiao S.Jin Y.Jin M.Q.Jing X.M.Jing T.Johansson S.Kabana N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki X.L.Kang X.S.Kang M.Kavatsyuk B.C.Ke V.Khachatryan A.Khoukaz R.Kiuchi O.B.Kolcu B.Kopf M.Kuessner X.Kui N.Kumar A.Kupsc W.Kühn J.J.Lane L.Lavezzi T.T.Lei Z.H.Lei M.Lellmann T.Lenz C.Li C.Li C.H.Li Cheng Li D.M.Li F.Li G.Li H.B.Li H.J.Li H.N.Li Hui Li J.R.Li J.S.Li K.Li L.J.Li L.K.Li Lei Li M.H.Li P.R.Li Q.M.Li Q.X.Li R.Li S.X.Li T.Li W.D.Li W.G.Li X.Li X.H.Li X.L.Li X.Y.Li X.Z.Li Y.G.Li Z.J.Li Z.Y.Li C.Liang H.Liang H.Liang Y.F.Liang Y.T.Liang G.R.Liao Y.P.Liao J.Libby A.Limphirat C.C.Lin D.X.Lin T.Lin B.J.Liu B.X.Liu C.Liu C.X.Liu F.Liu F.H.Liu Feng Liu G.M.Liu H.Liu H.B.Liu H.H.Liu H.M.Liu Huihui Liu J.B.Liu J.Y.Liu K.Liu K.Y.Liu Ke Liu L.Liu L.C.Liu Lu Liu M.H.Liu P.L.Liu Q.Liu S.B.Liu T.Liu W.K.Liu W.M.Liu X.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Y.Liu Y.B.Liu Z.A.Liu Z.D.Liu Z.Q.Liu X.C.Lou F.X.Lu H.J.Lu J.G.Lu X.L.Lu Y.Lu Y.P.Lu Z.H.Lu C.L.Luo J.R.Luo M.X.Luo T.Luo X.L.Luo X.R.Lyu Y.F.Lyu F.C.Ma H.Ma H.L.Ma J.L.Ma L.L.Ma L.R.Ma M.M.Ma Q.M.Ma R.Q.Ma T.Ma X.T.Ma X.Y.Ma Y.Ma Y.M.Ma F.E.Maas M.Maggiora S.Malde Y.J.Mao Z.P.Mao S.Marcello Z.X.Meng J.G.Messchendorp G.Mezzadri H.Miao T.J.Min R.E.Mitchell X.H.Mo B.Moses N.Yu.Muchnoi J.Muskalla Y.Nefedov F.Nerling L.S.Nie I.B.Nikolaev Z.Ning S.Nisar Q.L.Niu W.D.Niu Y.Niu S.L.Olsen Q.Ouyang S.Pacetti X.Pan Y.Pan A.Pathak Y.P.Pei M.Pelizaeus H.P.Peng Y.Y.Peng K.Peters J.L.Ping R.G.Ping S.Plura V.Prasad F.Z.Qi H.Qi H.R.Qi M.Qi T.Y.Qi S.Qian W.B.Qian C.F.Qiao X.K.Qiao J.J.Qin L.Q.Qin L.Y.Qin X.P.Qin X.S.Qin Z.H.Qin J.F.Qiu Z.H.Qu C.F.Redmer K.J.Ren A.Rivetti M.Rolo G.Rong Ch.Rosner S.N.Ruan N.Salone A.Sarantsev Y.Schelhaas K.Schoenning M.Scodeggio K.Y.Shan W.Shan X.Y.Shan Z.J.Shang J.F.Shangguan L.G.Shao M.Shao C.P.Shen H.F.Shen W.H.Shen X.Y.Shen B.A.Shi H.Shi H.C.Shi J.L.Shi J.Y.Shi Q.Q.Shi S.Y.Shi X.Shi J.J.Song T.Z.Song W.M.Song Y.J.Song Y.X.Song S.Sosio S.Spataro F.Stieler Y.J.Su G.B.Sun G.X.Sun H.Sun H.K.Sun J.F.Sun K.Sun L.Sun S.S.Sun T.Sun W.Y.Sun Y.Sun Y.J.Sun Y.Z.Sun Z.Q.Sun Z.T.Sun C.J.Tang G.Y.Tang J.Tang M.Tang Y.A.Tang L.Y.Tao Q.T.Tao M.Tat J.X.Teng V.Thoren W.H.Tian Y.Tian Z.F.Tian I.Uman Y.Wan S.J.Wang B.Wang B.L.Wang Bo Wang D.Y.Wang F.Wang H.J.Wang J.J.Wang J.P.Wang K.Wang L.L.Wang M.Wang N.Y.Wang S.Wang S.Wang T.Wang T.J.Wang W.Wang W.Wang W.P.Wang W.P.Wang X.Wang X.F.Wang X.J.Wang X.L.Wang X.N.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.F.Wang Y.L.Wang Y.N.Wang Y.Q.Wang Yaqian Wang Yi Wang Z.Wang Z.L.Wang Z.Y.Wang Ziyi Wang D.H.Wei F.Weidner S.P.Wen Y.R.Wen U.Wiedner G.Wilkinson M.Wolke L.Wollenberg C.Wu J.F.Wu L.H.Wu L.J.Wu X.Wu X.H.Wu Y.Wu Y.H.Wu Y.J.Wu Z.Wu L.Xia X.M.Xian B.H.Xiang T.Xiang D.Xiao G.Y.Xiao S.Y.Xiao Y.L.Xiao Z.J.Xiao C.Xie X.H.Xie Y.Xie Y.G.Xie Y.H.Xie Z.P.Xie T.Y.Xing C.F.Xu C.J.Xu G.F.Xu H.Y.Xu M.Xu Q.J.Xu Q.N.Xu W.Xu W.L.Xu X.P.Xu Y.C.Xu Z.S.Xu F.Yan L.Yan W.B.Yan W.C.Yan X.Q.Yan H.J.Yang H.L.Yang H.X.Yang T.Yang Y.Yang Y.F.Yang Y.F.Yang Y.X.Yang Z.W.Yang Z.P.Yao M.Ye M.H.Ye J.H.Yin Junhao Yin Z.Y.You B.X.Yu C.X.Yu G.Yu J.S.Yu T.Yu X.D.Yu Y.C.Yu C.Z.Yuan J.Yuan J.Yuan L.Yuan S.C.Yuan Y.Yuan Z.Y.Yuan C.X.Yue A.A.Zafar F.R.Zeng S.H.Zeng X.Zeng Y.Zeng Y.J.Zeng Y.J.Zeng X.Y.Zhai Y.C.Zhai Y.H.Zhan A.Q.Zhang B.L.Zhang B.X.Zhang D.H.Zhang G.Y.Zhang H.Zhang H.Zhang H.C.Zhang H.H.Zhang H.H.Zhang H.Q.Zhang H.R.Zhang H.Y.Zhang J.Zhang J.Zhang J.J.Zhang J.L.Zhang J.Q.Zhang J.S.Zhang J.W.Zhang J.X.Zhang J.Y.Zhang J.Z.Zhang Jianyu Zhang L.M.Zhang Lei Zhang P.Zhang Q.Y.Zhang R.Y.Zhang S.H.Zhang Shulei Zhang X.D.Zhang X.M.Zhang X.Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.T.Zhang Y.H.Zhang Y.M.Zhang Yan Zhang Z.D.Zhang Z.H.Zhang Z.L.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang Z.Z.Zhang G.Zhao J.Y.Zhao J.Z.Zhao L.Zhao Lei Zhao M.G.Zhao N.Zhao R.P.Zhao S.J.Zhao Y.B.Zhao Y.X.Zhao Z.G.Zhao A.Zhemchugov B.Zheng B.M.Zheng J.P.Zheng W.J.Zheng Y.H.Zheng B.Zhong X.Zhong H.Zhou J.Y.Zhou L.P.Zhou S.Zhou X.Zhou X.K.Zhou X.R.Zhou X.Y.Zhou Y.Z.Zhou A.N.Zhu J.Zhu K.Zhu K.J.Zhu K.S.Zhu L.Zhu L.X.Zhu S.H.Zhu T.J.Zhu W.D.Zhu Y.C.Zhu Z.A.Zhu J.H.Zou J.Zu 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第12期1-10,共10页
We present a measurement of the integrated luminosity of e^(+)e^(-)collision data collected by the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider at a center-of-mass energy of Ecm=3.773 GeV.The integrated luminosities of the ... We present a measurement of the integrated luminosity of e^(+)e^(-)collision data collected by the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider at a center-of-mass energy of Ecm=3.773 GeV.The integrated luminosities of the datasets taken from December 2021 to June 2022,from November 2022 to June 2023,and from October 2023 to February 2024 were determined to be 4.995±0.019 fb^(-1),8.157±0.031 fb^(-1),and 4.191±0.016 fb^(-1),respectively,by analyzing large angle Bhabha scattering events.The uncertainties are dominated by systematic effects,and the statistical uncertainties are negligible.Our results provide essential input for future analyses and precision measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Bhabha scattering events integrated luminosity CROSS-SECTION
A novel encoding mechanism for particle physics
作者 Zhi‑Guang Tan Sheng‑Jie Wang +2 位作者 You‑Neng Guo Hua Zheng Aldo Bonasera 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期153-166,共14页
This study proposes a novel particle encoding mechanism that seamlessly incorporates the quantum properties of particles,with a specific emphasis on constituent quarks.The primary objective of this mechanism is to fac... This study proposes a novel particle encoding mechanism that seamlessly incorporates the quantum properties of particles,with a specific emphasis on constituent quarks.The primary objective of this mechanism is to facilitate the digital registration and identification of a wide range of particle information.Its design ensures easy integration with different event generators and digital simulations commonly used in high-energy experiments.Moreover,this innovative framework can be easily expanded to encode complex multi-quark states comprising up to nine valence quarks and accommodating an angular momentum of up to 99/2.This versatility and scalability make it a valuable tool. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-quark state Encoding mechanism Constituent quark Particle physics
One-neutron stripping process in the^(209)Bi(^(6)Li,^(5)Li)^(210)Bi*reaction reaction
作者 Gao-Long Zhang Zhen-Wei Jiao +35 位作者 Guang-Xin Zhang E.N.Cardozo B.Paes Shi-Peng Hu Jian-Qiang Qian Daniele Mengoni Wei-Wei Qu Cong-Bo Li Yun Zheng Huan-Qiao Zhang Hui-Bin Sun Nan Wang Chun-Lei Zhang J.J.Valiente-Dobón D.Testov M.Mazzocco A.Gozzelino C.Parascandolo D.Pierroutsakou M.La Commara A.Goasduff D.Bazzacco D.R.Napoli F.Galtarossa F.Recchia A.Illana S.Bakes I.Zanon S.Aydin Gde Angelis M.Siciliano R.Menegazzo S.M.Lenzi S.Akkoyun L.F.Canto J.Lubian 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期120-129,共10页
One-neutron stripping process between^(6)Li and^(209)Bi was studied at 28,30,and 34 MeV using the in-beamγ-ray spectroscopy method.Theγ-γcoincident analysis clearly identified twoγ-rays feeding the ground and long... One-neutron stripping process between^(6)Li and^(209)Bi was studied at 28,30,and 34 MeV using the in-beamγ-ray spectroscopy method.Theγ-γcoincident analysis clearly identified twoγ-rays feeding the ground and long-lived isomeric states,which were employed to determine the cross section.The one-neutron stripping cross sections were similar to the cross sections of complete fusion in the^(6)Li+^(209)Bi system,but the one-neutron stripping cross sections decreased more gradually at the sub-barrier region.A coupled-reaction-channel calculation was performed to study the detailed reaction mechanism of the one-neutron stripping process in^(6)Li.The calculations indicated that the first excited state of 5 Li is critical in the actual one-neutron transfer mechanism,and the valence proton of 209Bi can be excited to the low-lying excited state in(^(6)Li,^(5)Li)reaction,unlike in the(d,p)reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Transfer reaction Weakly bound nuclei Cross section
Radioisotope production using lasers:From basic science to applications 被引量:1
作者 M.R.D.Rodrigues A.Bonasera +37 位作者 M.Scisciò J.A.Pérez-Hernández M.Ehret F.Filippi P.L.Andreoli M.Huault H.Larreur D.Singappuli D.Molloy D.Raffestin M.Alonzo G.G.Rapisarda D.Lattuada G.L.Guardo C.Verona Fe.Consoli G.Petringa A.McNamee M.La Cognata S.Palmerini T.Carriere M.Cipriani G.Di Giorgio G.Cristofari R.De Angelis G.A.P.Cirrone D.Margarone L.Giuffrida D.Batani P.Nicolai K.Batani R.Lera L.Volpe D.Giulietti S.Agarwal M.Krupka S.Singh Fa.Consoli 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第3期31-44,共14页
The discovery of chirped pulse amplification has led to great improvements in laser technology,enabling energetic laser beams to be compressed to pulse durations of tens of femtoseconds and focused to a few micrometer... The discovery of chirped pulse amplification has led to great improvements in laser technology,enabling energetic laser beams to be compressed to pulse durations of tens of femtoseconds and focused to a few micrometers.Protons with energies of tens of MeV can be accelerated using,for instance,target normal sheath acceleration and focused on secondary targets.Under such conditions,nuclear reactions can occur,with the production of radioisotopes suitable for medical application.The use of high-repetition lasers to produce such isotopes is competitive with conventional methods mostly based on accelerators.In this paper,we study the production of^(67)Cu,^(63)Zn,^(18)F,and^(11)C,which are currently used in positron emission tomography and other applications.At the same time,we study the reactions^(10)B(p,α)^(7)Be and^(70)Zn(p,4n)^(67)Ga to put further constraints on the proton distributions at different angles,as well as the reaction^(11)B(p,α)^(8)Be relevant for energy production.The experiment was performed at the 1 PW laser facility at VegaⅢin Salamanca,Spain.Angular distributions of radioisotopes in the forward(with respect to the laser direction)and backward directions were measured using a high purity germanium detector.Our results are in reasonable agreement with numerical estimates obtained following the approach of Kimura and Bonasera[Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res.,Sect.A 637,164–170(2011)]. 展开更多
上海光源X射线成像实验站相位衬度CT初步结果 被引量:11
作者 陈荣昌 杜国浩 +11 位作者 谢红兰 邓彪 朱佩平 佟亚军 胡雯 薛艳玲 陈灿 任玉琦 周光照 王玉丹 肖体乔 徐洪杰 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期241-245,共5页
X射线相位衬度CT能获得样品内部结构的边缘增强图像,可观察到传统X射线吸收CT无法观察到的生物软组织内部微细结构,具有巨大发展潜力。经初步调试,上海光源X射线成像实验站的8-72.5keV单色X射线输出已能用于实验研究。本文在X射线成像... X射线相位衬度CT能获得样品内部结构的边缘增强图像,可观察到传统X射线吸收CT无法观察到的生物软组织内部微细结构,具有巨大发展潜力。经初步调试,上海光源X射线成像实验站的8-72.5keV单色X射线输出已能用于实验研究。本文在X射线成像实验站上开展生物样品(蝗虫)同轴X射线相位衬度CT研究,获得蝗虫样品的切片重构图像和三维重建图像。结果图像中,蝗虫样品的翅膀、表面纹理和内部组织分布情况清晰可见。 展开更多
关键词 CT 相位衬度成像 X射线 同步辐射
Yb∶YAG晶体的闪烁特性 被引量:7
作者 杨培志 邓佩珍 +1 位作者 徐军 BELOGUROVS 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期723-726,共4页
通过不同Yb3+掺杂浓度(5%~30%,原子数分数)的Yb∶YAG晶体的阴极射线发光谱、衰减时间、光输出及其温度依赖关系的测量,研究了Yb∶YAG晶体的闪烁性能。不同Yb3+掺杂浓度的Yb∶YAG晶体具有不同的光输出和猝灭温度,光输出随Yb3+掺杂浓度的... 通过不同Yb3+掺杂浓度(5%~30%,原子数分数)的Yb∶YAG晶体的阴极射线发光谱、衰减时间、光输出及其温度依赖关系的测量,研究了Yb∶YAG晶体的闪烁性能。不同Yb3+掺杂浓度的Yb∶YAG晶体具有不同的光输出和猝灭温度,光输出随Yb3+掺杂浓度的增大而降低,猝灭温度则随掺杂浓度的增大而升高。室温下Yb∶YAG晶体的发光衰减时间较短,均小于50 ns。Yb3+掺杂浓度为5%的Yb∶YAG晶体具有较高的光输出和较低的猝灭温度。 展开更多
关键词 YB:YAG 闪烁性能 中微子 光产额 浓度猝灭
一总线在北京谱仪实验模型BESⅢ Slow Control中的应用 被引量:2
作者 谢小希 谢嵩 +8 位作者 高翠山 聂振东 张银鸿 陈锡辉 刘国明 高路 谢一冈 Fabrizio Murtas Paolo Valente 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期475-480,共6页
介绍了北京正负电子对撞机国家重点工程中,BESⅢS low Con tro l在全新北京谱仪中的重要性,并对通过在三个探测器:M uon RPC、量能器EM C、漂移室M DC实验模型中的具体实例应用,介绍了慢控制主要采用的一总线技术。
关键词 北京谱仪BESⅢ 慢控制 一总线 慢控制巡检仪
定量因果原理对变分原理和相互作用的局域性因果原理的统一 被引量:3
作者 黄永畅 X.G.Li 《自然杂志》 北大核心 2001年第4期241-242,共2页
关键词 定量因果原理 物质相互作用 变分原理 局域性 因果原理 物理学
作者 张晓梅 A.Budano +1 位作者 F.Ruggieri 郭义庆 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1409-1413,共5页
为了ARGO物理用户可以方便高效地在网格环境下完成大批量的ARGO数据处理作业的提交和管理,论文采用了数据库技术和封装技术,设计和实现了ARGO网格作业管理系统。该系统已经成功地完成在ARGO实验网格上的ARGO重建和模拟作业提交测试,初... 为了ARGO物理用户可以方便高效地在网格环境下完成大批量的ARGO数据处理作业的提交和管理,论文采用了数据库技术和封装技术,设计和实现了ARGO网格作业管理系统。该系统已经成功地完成在ARGO实验网格上的ARGO重建和模拟作业提交测试,初步验证了系统的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 ARGO 网格 作业提交和管理
作者 李志常 A.Andrighetto +2 位作者 C.Signrini L.Muller F.Soramel 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期9-13,共5页
在意大利 L NL实验室 ,研制了两种新型反冲质量谱仪 (RMS)焦面探测器 :灵敏面积均为70 mm× 140 mm的 Padova型和 Argonne型位置灵敏 -平板雪崩计数器 (PS- PPAC)。详细描述了紧密结构的特点及主要特性 ,各自的性能测试方法及结果... 在意大利 L NL实验室 ,研制了两种新型反冲质量谱仪 (RMS)焦面探测器 :灵敏面积均为70 mm× 140 mm的 Padova型和 Argonne型位置灵敏 -平板雪崩计数器 (PS- PPAC)。详细描述了紧密结构的特点及主要特性 ,各自的性能测试方法及结果。对α源 (能量为 5 .5 Me V) ,Padova型 PPAC的 X、Y位置分辨分别为 1.0和 0 .8mm,对应的探测效率分别为 4 9%和 85 % ,Argonne型 PPAC的 X、Y位置分辨分别为 1.8和 1.0 mm,对应的探测效率分别为 12 .7%和 4 .5 %。 展开更多
关键词 焦面探测器 平板雪崩计数器 位置分辨 探测效率 LNL 反冲质量谱仪 结构
重离子碰撞中的矢量介子自旋排列 被引量:7
作者 盛欣力 梁作堂 王群 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期127-137,共11页
在非对心相对论重离子碰撞中,参与反应的系统具有巨大的轨道角动量,从而使产生的夸克胶子等离子体具有极强涡旋场,并通过自旋-轨道相互作用导致部分子的自旋极化,经过强子化导致重子的自旋极化以及矢量介子的自旋排列等可观测效应.矢量... 在非对心相对论重离子碰撞中,参与反应的系统具有巨大的轨道角动量,从而使产生的夸克胶子等离子体具有极强涡旋场,并通过自旋-轨道相互作用导致部分子的自旋极化,经过强子化导致重子的自旋极化以及矢量介子的自旋排列等可观测效应.矢量介子的自旋排列是指其自旋密度矩阵的00元素ρ00偏离1/3.在矢量介子衰变到两个赝标介子的过程中,衰变产物的极角分布只与ρ00有关,以此可以对自旋排列进行测量.理论研究表明,重离子碰撞过程中,重子的自旋极化反映了夸克自旋极化的时空平均效应,而矢量介子自旋排列则反映了夸克反夸克自旋极化的局域相空间关联.本文回顾了相对论重离子碰撞中矢量介子自旋排列的相关理论工作.重点以非相对论夸克融合模型为例,明确地计入夸克极化的相空间依赖性,展示了矢量介子自旋排列与夸克反夸克自旋极化特别是它们之间相空间关联的关系.本文还讨论了涡旋、电磁场、有效ø介子场以及它们的局域涨落对ø介子自旋排列的贡献,结果显示强作用场的时空关联效应是导致ø介子自旋排列的主要因素.矢量介子自旋排列为探索强相互作用物质和强相互作用场的性质提供了新途径. 展开更多
关键词 整体极化效应 矢量介子自旋排列 自旋轨道耦合 夸克融合模型 重离子碰撞
费米子的相对论自旋输运理论 被引量:3
作者 高建华 盛欣力 +1 位作者 王群 庄鹏飞 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期27-36,共10页
在重离子碰撞中,自旋轨道耦合可以导致整体极化现象.自从2017年,STAR工作中发现超子Λ在Au+Au碰撞中的整体极化,整体极化效应引起了学术界的广泛关注.整体极化效应的微观产生机制可以利用粒子之间非定域的散射过程来描述:在重离子碰撞... 在重离子碰撞中,自旋轨道耦合可以导致整体极化现象.自从2017年,STAR工作中发现超子Λ在Au+Au碰撞中的整体极化,整体极化效应引起了学术界的广泛关注.整体极化效应的微观产生机制可以利用粒子之间非定域的散射过程来描述:在重离子碰撞中产生了热密物质,热密物质中的粒子之间通过非定域的碰撞过程实现了轨道角动量向自旋角动量的转换,从而导致散射后的粒子自旋极化.为了描述这一微观过程,在相空间描述自旋轨道耦合更加方便,而自旋轨道耦合又是一种量子效应,所以基于协变维格纳函数的量子动理学理论将是描述整体极化现象的有力工具.本文介绍了基于维格纳函数的量子动理学理论以及自旋输运理论.近期自旋输运理论的发展为以后数值模拟自旋极化现象的时空演化提供了理论基础. 展开更多
关键词 维格纳函数 量子输运 自旋输运理论
Numerical simulation of time delay interferometry for TAIJI and new LISA 被引量:4
作者 Gang Wang Wei-Tou Ni 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期95-108,共14页
The success of LISA Pathfinder in demonstrating the LISA drag-free requirement paved the way for using space interferometers to detect low-frequency and middle-frequency gravitational waves(GWs). The TAIJI GW mission ... The success of LISA Pathfinder in demonstrating the LISA drag-free requirement paved the way for using space interferometers to detect low-frequency and middle-frequency gravitational waves(GWs). The TAIJI GW mission and the new LISA GW mission propose using an arm length of 3 Gm(1 Gm = 10~6 km) and an arm length of 2.5 Gm respectively. For a space laser-interferometric GW antenna,due to astrodynamical orbit variation, time delay interferometry(TDI) is needed to achieve nearly equivalent equal-arms for suppressing the laser frequency noise below the level of optical path noise, acceleration noise, etc in order to attain the requisite sensitivity. In this paper, we simulate TDI numerically for the TAIJI mission and the new LISA mission. To do this, we work out a set of 2200-day(6-year) optimized science orbits for each mission starting on 2028 March 22 using the CGC 2.7.1 ephemeris framework. Then we use the numerical method to calculate the residual optical path differences of the first-generation TDI configurations and the selected second-generation TDI configurations. The resulting optical path differences of the second-generation TDI configurations calculated for TAIJI, new LISA and eLISA are well below their respective requirements for laser frequency noise cancelation. However, for the first-generation TDI configurations, the original requirements need to be relaxed by 3 to 30 fold to be satisfied. For TAIJI and the new LISA, about one order of magnitude relaxation would be good and recommended; this could be borne on the laser stability requirement in view of recent progress in laser stability, or the GW detection sensitivities of the second-generation TDIs have to be used in the diagnosis of the observed data instead of the commonly used X, Y and Z TDIs. 展开更多
关键词 GRAVITATIONAL WAVES methods:numerical techniques:interferometric
Competition between fusion-evaporation and multifragmentation in central collisions in ^(58)Ni+^(48)Ca at 25A MeV 被引量:2
The experimental data concerning the58Ni+48Ca reaction at Elab(Ni)=25A MeV,collected by using the CHIMERA 4π device,have been analyzed in order to investigate the competition among different reaction mechanisms for c... The experimental data concerning the58Ni+48Ca reaction at Elab(Ni)=25A MeV,collected by using the CHIMERA 4π device,have been analyzed in order to investigate the competition among different reaction mechanisms for central collisions in the Fermi energy domain.As a main criterion for centrality selection we have chosen the flow angle(flow) method,making an event-by-event analysis that considers the shape of events,as it is determined by the eigenvectors of the experimental kinetic-energy tensor.For the selected central events(flow >60°) some global variables,good to characterize the pattern of central collisions have been constructed.The main features of the reaction products were explored by using different constraints on some of the relevant observables,like mass and velocity distributions and their correlations.Much emphasis was devoted,for central collisions,to the competition between fusion-evaporation processes with subsequent identification of a heavy residue and a possible multifragmentation mechanism of a well defined(if any) transient nuclear system.Dynamical evolution of the system and pre-equilibrium emission were taken into account by simulating the reactions in the framework of transport theories.Different approaches have been envisaged(dynamical stochastic BNV calculations + sequential SIMON code,QMD,CoMD,etc.).Preliminary comparison of the experimental data with BNV calculations shows reasonable agreement with the assumption of sequential multifragmentation emission in the mass region of IMFs close to the heavy residues.Possible deviations from sequential processes were found for those IMFs in the region of masses intermediate between the mass of heavy residues and the mass of light IMFs.Further simulations are in progress.The experimental analysis will be enriched also by information obtained inspecting the IMF-IMF correlation function,in order to elucidated the nature of space-time decay property of the emitting source associated with events having the largest IMF multiplicity. 展开更多
关键词 多重碎裂 中心碰撞 蒸发过程 MEV 竞争 熔合 国际货币基金组织 事件分析
Phase Transition Study Meets Machine Learning 被引量:7
作者 马余刚 庞龙刚 +1 位作者 王睿 周凯 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第12期34-39,共6页
In recent years, machine learning(ML) techniques have emerged as powerful tools for studying many-body complex systems, and encompassing phase transitions in various domains of physics. This mini review provides a con... In recent years, machine learning(ML) techniques have emerged as powerful tools for studying many-body complex systems, and encompassing phase transitions in various domains of physics. This mini review provides a concise yet comprehensive examination of the advancements achieved in applying ML to investigate phase transitions, with a primary focus on those involved in nuclear matter studies. 展开更多
Gappy POD方法重构湍流数据的研究 被引量:3
作者 李天一 Buzzicotti Michele +2 位作者 Biferale Luca 万敏平 陈十一 《力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期2703-2711,共9页
Gappy POD是一种基于本征正交分解(proper orthogonal decomposition,POD)的数据重构方法.本文研究了gappy POD在湍流数据重构中的应用,主要关注了以下两个因素的影响:第一,数据本身的复杂程度,即构成流场的POD模态数量;第二,破损区域... Gappy POD是一种基于本征正交分解(proper orthogonal decomposition,POD)的数据重构方法.本文研究了gappy POD在湍流数据重构中的应用,主要关注了以下两个因素的影响:第一,数据本身的复杂程度,即构成流场的POD模态数量;第二,破损区域的面积大小和几何形状.考虑到上述因素,本文重新严格地表述了gappy POD的重构过程,并推导出gappy POD重构误差的公式.论文选取旋转湍流数据为案例进行了gappy POD重构的研究,并解释了构成gappy POD重构误差的两个部分.第一部分来自流场POD展开的截断误差,该截断误差会被POD基函数在已知点上的值组成的矩阵的最小特征值放大.这部分误差主要取决于流场的复杂程度,当流场复杂程度较低时,相应误差随采用的POD模态数目增大而减小.当流场复杂程度较高时,很小的POD截断误差也会导致很大的重构误差,此时需要采用流场所有的POD模态进行重构以消除截断误差.重构误差的第二部分来自POD基函数在已知点上的值组成的矩阵的非列满秩性,它主要取决于破损区域的面积大小和几何形状.破损区域的面积越大,或者破损面积相同时,破损区域内信息所包含的相关性越大,第二部分的重构误差越大. 展开更多
关键词 有缺失本征正交分解 流场重构 旋转湍流
Strategies for accurate response assessment of radiochromic film using flatbed scanner for beam quality assurance 被引量:2
作者 Xu-Dong Zhang Yuan-Hao Liu +7 位作者 Xiao-Bin Tang Ming-Chen Hsiao Wei-Lin Chen Chang-Ran Geng Wen-Cheng Shao Chun-Hui Gong Silva Bortolussi Di-Yun Shu 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期1-9,共9页
Radiochromic film is a useful tool for beam quality assurance, but accurate response assessment of the film is still a problem. In this study, the response uncertainties of HDV2 film were investigated using a flatbed ... Radiochromic film is a useful tool for beam quality assurance, but accurate response assessment of the film is still a problem. In this study, the response uncertainties of HDV2 film were investigated using a flatbed scanner from both the scanning settings and interscan variability. Scanning settings are fixed conditions for scanning, including scanning resolution and focus setting.In this study, multipeak distributions of pixel values were found under some dots-per-inch values, which should be avoided, and the optimal setting of 2000 dpi without this problem was selected. By changing the focus setting, the relative standard deviation of pixel values was reduced by 36–50%. The influence of the interscan variability induced by three factors was investigated, including the outside illumination intensity, film homogeneity, and operating temperature. Scanning the film before and after irradiation at the same position was recommended. Moreover, the suitable operating temperature range for the scanner was found to be 15–24 °C, which results in stable film responses. Regarding the studied factors, correction methods and strategies were proposed, and the accurate response assessment of HDV2 film was realized. Finally, a standard operating procedure for response assessment of films was introduced. It can help other researchers study more scanners, films, and particle types. 展开更多
关键词 Radiochromic film Response assessment SCANNING SETTING Interscan VARIABILITY Standard operating procedure
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