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Methods for a blind analysis of isobar data collected by the STAR collaboration 被引量:7
作者 J.Adam L.Adamczyk +366 位作者 J.R.Adams J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderon de la Barca Sanchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanad M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal X.Gou D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He Y.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.Ji J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Md.Nasim K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pinter J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Y.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip Y.Yu H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak STAR Collaboration Abilene 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期43-50,共8页
In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar ... In 2018,the STAR collaboration collected data from^(96)_(44)Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr at√^(S)NN=200 Ge V to search for the presence of the chiral magnetic effect in collisions of nuclei.The isobar collision species alternated frequently between 9644 Ru+^(96)_(44)Ru and^(96)_(40)Zr+^(96)_(40)Zr.In order to conduct blind analyses of studies related to the chiral magnetic effect in these isobar data,STAR developed a three-step blind analysis procedure.Analysts are initially provided a"reference sample"of data,comprised of a mix of events from the two species,the order of which respects time-dependent changes in run conditions.After tuning analysis codes and performing time-dependent quality assurance on the reference sample,analysts are provided a species-blind sample suitable for calculating efficiencies and corrections for individual≈30-min data-taking runs.For this sample,species-specific information is disguised,but individual output files contain data from a single isobar species.Only run-by-run corrections and code alteration subsequent to these corrections are allowed at this stage.Following these modifications,the"frozen"code is passed over the fully un-blind data,completing the blind analysis.As a check of the feasibility of the blind analysis procedure,analysts completed a"mock data challenge,"analyzing data from Au+Au collisions at√^(S)NN=27 Ge V,collected in 2018.The Au+Au data were prepared in the same manner intended for the isobar blind data.The details of the blind analysis procedure and results from the mock data challenge are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Blind analysis Chiral magnetic effect Heavy-ion collisions
Determination of Gamma Angular Distribution from the Shape of Spectral Line for the First Excited State of Carbon Nucleus
作者 K. Rusiecka A. Wrońska +11 位作者 P. Bednarczyk D. Böckenhoff A. Bubak S. Feyen L. Kelleter A. Konefał K. Laihem J. Leidner A. Magiera G. Obrzud A. Stahl M. Ziębliński 《World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》 2016年第1期63-70,共8页
An experiment investigating gamma emission in hadron therapy was performed at Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB), Cracow, Poland, using two different phantom materials—carbon and poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA. The mea... An experiment investigating gamma emission in hadron therapy was performed at Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB), Cracow, Poland, using two different phantom materials—carbon and poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA. The measurements were carried out at 70 MeV proton beam energy and the gamma quanta were registered with the use of HP Ge detector with scintillation anti-Compton shielding. Although the primary aim was to establish a solid experimental data base for future applications in prompt gamma imaging, the data have also been analyzed with regards to the position and shape of the spectral line stemming from deexcitation of the carbon excited state 4.44 MeV. Measurements potentially useful to determine the cross section were performed only at 90° laboratory polar angle. However, benefiting from the very good energy resolution it turned out possible to extract information on angular distribution of the C* (4.44 MeV) deexcitation by analyzing the associated line shape. This paper presents the scheme of model calculations assuming the whole process can be divided into two stages: excitation of carbon nuclei by impinging protons and deexcitation of the C* (4.44 MeV) state. 展开更多
关键词 Prompt Gamma Radiation Proton Range Monitoring Proton Therapy RADIOTHERAPY Angular Distribution
Description of Weakly Bound and Resonant Nuclei with the Gamow Shell Model using Effective and Realistic Hamiltonians
作者 N.Michel Zuo Wei +6 位作者 Xu Furong Hu Baishan Li Jianguo M.Ploszajczak H.M.Aktulga Y.Jaganathen A.Mercenne 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2019年第1期12-13,共2页
We investigate the theoretical description of nuclei at drip-lines.For this,the Gamow shell model has been developed to study the properties of weakly bound and resonance nuclei.
Revisit to Two-Proton Radioactivity of 19Mg and Observation of Two-Proton Decay of 30Ar 被引量:1
作者 徐晓栋 I.Mukha +44 位作者 L.Acosta E.Casarejos A.A.Ciemny W.Dominik J.Duénas-Díaz V.Dunin J.M.Espino A.Estradé F.Farinon H.Geissel A.Fomichev T.A.Golubkova A.Gorshkov L.V.Grigorenko Z.Janas G.Kamiński O.Kiselev R.Knbel S.Krupko M.Kuich Yu.A.Litvinov G.Marquinez-Dur'an I.Martel C.Mazzocchi C.Nociforo A.K.Ord'uz M.Pfützner S.Pietri M.Pomorski A.Prochazka S.Rymzhanova A.M.S'anchez-Benítez C.Scheidenberger P.Sharov H.Simon B.Sitar R.Slepnev M.Stanoiu P.Strmen I.Szarka M.Takechi Y.K.Tanaka H.Weick M.Winkler J.S.Winfield 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期197-202,共6页
An experiment aimed to investigate the two-proton(2p) decay of the previously unknown nucleus ^(30)Ar was performed at GSI. By tracking the decay products in-flight with silicon micro-strip detectors, the 2p decays of... An experiment aimed to investigate the two-proton(2p) decay of the previously unknown nucleus ^(30)Ar was performed at GSI. By tracking the decay products in-flight with silicon micro-strip detectors, the 2p decays of ^(30)Ar were observed for the first time. For the calibration purpose, 2p decays of ^(19)Mg were also remeasured by tracking the coincident ^(17)Ne+p+p trajectories. By comparing the measured angular p-17 Ne correlations with those obtained from the corresponding Monte Carlo simulations,the simultaneous 2p decay of ^(19)Mg ground state and the sequential 2p emission of several known excited states of ^(19)Mg were confirmed. One new excited state in ^(19)Mg and two new excited states in ^(18)Na were observed. 展开更多
关键词 proton drip line decay by proton emission nuclear energy level
Measurement of away-side broadening with self-subtraction of flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV 被引量:2
作者 L.Adamczyk J.R.Adams +359 位作者 J.K.Adkins G.Agakishiev M.M.Aggarwal Z.Ahammed I.Alekseev D.M.Anderson A.Aparin E.C.Aschenauer M.U.Ashraf F.G.Atetalla A.Attri G.S.Averichev V.Bairathi K.Barish A.Behera R.Bellwied A.Bhasin J.Bielcik J.Bielcikova L.C.Bland I.G.Bordyuzhin J.D.Brandenburg A.V.Brandin J.Butterworth H.Caines M.Calderón de la Barca Sánchez D.Cebra I.Chakaberia P.Chaloupka B.K.Chan F-H.Chang Z.Chang N.Chankova-Bunzarova A.Chatterjee D.Chen J.H.Chen X.Chen Z.Chen J.Cheng M.Cherney M.Chevalier S.Choudhury W.Christie X.Chu H.J.Crawford M.Csanád M.Daugherity T.G.Dedovich I.M.Deppner A.A.Derevschikov L.Didenko X.Dong J.L.Drachenberg J.C.Dunlop T.Edmonds N.Elsey J.Engelage G.Eppley S.Esumi O.Evdokimov A.Ewigleben O.Eyser R.Fatemi S.Fazio P.Federic J.Fedorisin C.J.Feng Y.Feng P.Filip E.Finch Y.Fisyak A.Francisco L.Fulek C.A.Gagliardi T.Galatyuk F.Geurts A.Gibson K.Gopal D.Grosnick W.Guryn A.I.Hamad A.Hamed S.Harabasz J.W.Harris S.He W.He X.H.He S.Heppelmann S.Heppelmann N.Herrmann E.Hoffman L.Holub Y.Hong S.Horvat Y.Hu H.Z.Huang S.L.Huang T.Huang X.Huang T.J.Humanic P.Huo G.Igo D.Isenhower W.W.Jacobs C.Jena A.Jentsch Y.JI J.Jia K.Jiang S.Jowzaee X.Ju E.G.Judd S.Kabana M.L.Kabir S.Kagamaster D.Kalinkin K.Kang D.Kapukchyan K.Kauder H.W.Ke D.Keane A.Kechechyan M.Kelsey Y.V.Khyzhniak D.P.Kikoła C.Kim B.Kimelman D.Kincses T.A.Kinghorn I.Kisel A.Kiselev M.Kocan L.Kochenda L.K.Kosarzewski L.Kramarik P.Kravtsov K.Krueger N.Kulathunga Mudiyanselage L.Kumar S.Kumar R.Kunnawalkam Elayavalli J.H.Kwasizur R.Lacey S.Lan J.M.Landgraf J.Lauret A.Lebedev R.Lednicky J.H.Lee Y.H.Leung C.Li W.Li W.Li X.Li Y.Li Y.Liang R.Licenik T.Lin Y.Lin M.A.Lisa F.Liu H.Liu P.Liu P.Liu T.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Z.Liu T.Ljubicic W.J.Llope R.S.Longacre N.S.Lukow S.Luo X.Luo G.L.Ma L.Ma R.Ma Y.G.Ma N.Magdy R.Majka D.Mallick S.Margetis C.Markert H.S.Matis J.A.Mazer N.G.Minaev S.Mioduszewski B.Mohanty I.Mooney Z.Moravcova D.A.Morozov M.Nagy J.D.Nam Nasim Md K.Nayak D.Neff J.M.Nelson D.B.Nemes M.Nie G.Nigmatkulov T.Niida L.V.Nogach T.Nonaka A.S.Nunes G.Odyniec A.Ogawa S.Oh V.A.Okorokov B.S.Page R.Pak A.Pandav Y.Panebratsev B.Pawlik D.Pawlowska H.Pei C.Perkins L.Pinsky R.L.Pintér J.Pluta J.Porter M.Posik N.K.Pruthi M.Przybycien J.Putschke H.Qiu A.Quintero S.K.Radhakrishnan S.Ramachandran R.L.Ray R.Reed H.G.Ritter O.V.Rogachevskiy J.L.Romero L.Ruan J.Rusnak N.R.Sahoo H.Sako S.Salur J.Sandweiss S.Sato W.B.Schmidke N.Schmitz B.R.Schweid F.Seck J.Seger M.Sergeeva R.Seto P.Seyboth N.Shah E.Shahaliev P.V.Shanmuganathan M.Shao A.I.Sheikh F.Shen W.Q.Shen S.S.Shi Q.Y.Shou E.P.Sichtermann R.Sikora M.Simko J.Singh S.Singha N.Smirnov W.Solyst P.Sorensen H.M.Spinka B.Srivastava T.D.S.Stanislaus M.Stefaniak D.J.Stewart M.Strikhanov B.Stringfellow A.A.P.Suaide M.Sumbera B.Summa X.M.Sun X.Sun Y.Sun Y.Sun B.Surrow D.N.Svirida P.Szymanski A.H.Tang Z.Tang A.Taranenko T.Tarnowsky J.H.Thomas A.R.Timmins D.Tlusty M.Tokarev C.A.Tomkiel S.Trentalange R.E.Tribble P.Tribedy S.K.Tripathy O.D.Tsai Z.Tu T.Ullrich D.G.Underwood I.Upsal G.Van Buren J.Vanek A.N.Vasiliev I.Vassiliev F.Videbæk S.Vokal S.A.Voloshin F.Wang G.Wang J.S.Wang P.Wang Y.Wang Y.Wang Z.Wang J.C.Webb P.C.Weidenkaff L.Wen G.D.Westfall H.Wieman S.W.Wissink R.Witt Y.Wu Z.G.Xiao G.Xie W.Xie H.Xu N.Xu Q.H.Xu Y.F.Xu Y.Xu Z.Xu Z.Xu C.Yang Q.Yang S.Yang Y.Yang Z.Yang Z.Ye Z.Ye L.Yi K.Yip H.Zbroszczyk W.Zha C.Zhang D.Zhang S.Zhang S.Zhang X.P.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Z.J.Zhang Z.Zhang Z.Zhang J.Zhao C.Zhong C.Zhou X.Zhu Z.Zhu M.Zurek M.Zyzak 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第10期59-67,共9页
High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has b... High transverse momentum(pT)particle production is suppressed owing to the parton(jet)energy loss in the hot dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Redistribution of energy at low-to-modest pT has been difficult to measure,owing to large anisotropic backgrounds.We report a data-driven method for background evaluation and subtraction,exploiting the away-side pseudorapidity gaps,to measure the jetlike correlation shape in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV in the STAR experiment.The correlation shapes,for trigger particles pT>3GeV/c and various associated particle pT ranges within 0.5<pT<10GeV/c,are consistent with Gaussians,and their widths increase with centrality.The results indicate jet broadening in the medium created in central heavy-ion collisions. 展开更多
关键词 di-hadron correlations jet HEAVY-ION
News on PHOTOS Monte Carlo:γ~*→π^+π^-(γ) and K~±→π^+π^-e~±ν(γ)
作者 徐庆君 Z.Was 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期889-895,共7页
PHOTOS Monte Carlo is widely used for simulating QED effects in decay of intermediate particles and resonances. It can be easily connected to other main process generators. In this paper we consider decaying processes... PHOTOS Monte Carlo is widely used for simulating QED effects in decay of intermediate particles and resonances. It can be easily connected to other main process generators. In this paper we consider decaying processes γ*→π^+π^-(γ) and K^±→π^+π^-e^±υ(γ) in the framework of Scalar QED. These two processes are interesting not only for the technical aspect of PHOTOS Monte Carlo, but also for precision measurement of αED(Mz), g--2, as well as ππ scattering lengths. 展开更多
关键词 Monte Carlo generator QED radiative corrections Ze4 decay
作者 S.Manly B.Alver +56 位作者 B.B.Back M.D.Baker M.Ballintijn D.S.Barton R.R.Betts R.Bindel W.Busza Z.Chai V.Chetluru E.Garcfa T.Gburek K.Gulbrandsen J.Hamblen I.Harnarine C.Henderson D.J.Hofman R.S.Hollis R.Hoiynski B.Holzman A.Iordanova J.L.Kane P.Kulinich C.M.Kuo W.Li W.T.Lin C.Loizides S.Manly A.C.Mignerey R.Nouicer A.Olszewski R.Pak C.Reed E.Richardson C.Roland G.Roland J.Sagerer I.Sedykh C.E.Smith M.A.Stankiewicz P.Steinberg G.S.F.Stephans A.Sukhanov A.Szostak M.B.Tonjes A.Trzupek G.J.van Nieuwenhuizen S.S.Vaurynovich R.Verdier G.I.Veres P.Walters E.Wenger D.Willhelm F.L.H.Wolfs B.Wosiek K.Wozniak S.Wyngaardt B.Wyslouch 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1133-1136,共4页
Recent measurements of event-by-event elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at S_(NN)^(1/2)=200GeV exhibit large relative fluctuations of about 40%—50%.The data are well described by fluctuations in the shape of the init... Recent measurements of event-by-event elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at S_(NN)^(1/2)=200GeV exhibit large relative fluctuations of about 40%—50%.The data are well described by fluctuations in the shape of the initial collision region,as estimated event-by-event with the participant eccentricity using Glauber Monte Carlo.These results,combined with the demonstrated participant eccentricity scaling of the elliptic flow across nuclear species,constitute evidence of transverse granularity in the initial matter production in these collisions. 展开更多
关键词 横向定位 RHIC 相对论重离子碰撞 原始态 流量波动 椭圆流
β-delayed Multi-particle Emission From 31^Ar
作者 A. A. Ciemny C. Mazzocchi +38 位作者 W. Dominik Z. Janas M. Pfutzner M. Pomorski L. Acosta S. Baraeva E. Casarejos J. Duenas-Daz V. Dunin J. M. Espino A. Estrade F. Farinon A. Fomichev H. Geissel A. Gorshkov G. Kaminski O. Kiselev R. Knobel S. Krupko M. Kuich Yu. A. Litvinov G. Marquinez-Duran I. Martel I. Mukha C. Nociforo A. K. Orduz S. Pietri A. Prochazka A. M. Sanchez-Benitez H. Simon B. Sitar R. Slepnev M. Stanoiu P. Strmen I. Szarka M. Takechi Y. Tanaka H. Weick J. S. Winfield 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期221-224,共4页
The β^+ decay of ^(31)Ar was investigated in an experiment at the GSI-FRS spectrometer.The ions of interest have been produced in the fragmentation of a ^(36)Ar beam at 880 Me V/nucleon and implanted in a time projec... The β^+ decay of ^(31)Ar was investigated in an experiment at the GSI-FRS spectrometer.The ions of interest have been produced in the fragmentation of a ^(36)Ar beam at 880 Me V/nucleon and implanted in a time projection chamber with optical readout. In addition to β-delayed one and two proton emission, for the first time the emission of β-delayed 3 protons has been observed. The branching ratio for this decay mode is found to be(0.07 ± 0.02)%. 展开更多
关键词 31Ar beta-delayed protons OTPC
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