The heavy metals pollution in poultry and livestock feeds and manures under intensive farming in Jiangsu Province was investigated. 97 feed and manure samples were sampled from 31 farming plants in 10 major cities of ...The heavy metals pollution in poultry and livestock feeds and manures under intensive farming in Jiangsu Province was investigated. 97 feed and manure samples were sampled from 31 farming plants in 10 major cities of Jiangsu. 14 metals, including Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Mo, Mn, Ba, Co, Sr, Ti, As and Hg, were analyzed after samples acid digestion. The results showed that the most feed samples contained high concentration of metals exceeding National Hygienical Standard for Feeds. Meanwhile, it was found that Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr concentrations in animal manures were also high, for example, Cu concentration in a manure sample reached to as much as 1726 3 mg/kg. Heavy metals loading quantities in soil per year were then calculated when metals contaminated organic fertilizers were applied, and its effects on soil environmental quality were further evaluated.展开更多
Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2...Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)e- thane (DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (α-,β-, γ-, and δ-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), endo- sulfan, dieldrin, and endrin were quantified to determine current levels of organochlorine pesticides, to assess the eco- toxicological potential, and to distin…展开更多
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and tempora...Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and temporal variabilities were analyzed with GIS to estimate the potential impacts of nutrient N, P and K surpluses or deficits to soil, water and air. At the national scale, the N and P balances from 1993 to 2001 showed a surplus, with the nitrogen surplus remaining relatively stable from 1997—2001. Although during this period the P surplus pattern was similar to N, it had smaller values and kept increasing as the use of phosphate fertilizer increased year by year. However, K was deficient from 1993 to 2001 even though from 1999 to 2001 the K deficit decreased. The spatial analysis revealed higher N surpluses in the more developed southeastern provinces and lowest in the western and northern provinces where there was less chemical fertilizer input. The serious K deficit mainly occurred in Shanghai and Beijing municipalities, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces, and Xinjiang autonomous regions. For the years 1992, 1996 and 2001, N surpluses and K deficits had significant positive spatial correlations with per capita gross domestic product (GDP), per capita gross industrial output value, and per capita net income of rural households. This showed that the level of economic development played an important role on nutrient balances in the agroecosystems.展开更多
Laboratory simulation studies and composting pilot study wereconducted to evaluate the capacity of three strains of fungi,indigenous fungus Fusarium sp. And Phanerochaete chrysosporium andCoriolus Versicolor, to remed...Laboratory simulation studies and composting pilot study wereconducted to evaluate the capacity of three strains of fungi,indigenous fungus Fusarium sp. And Phanerochaete chrysosporium andCoriolus Versicolor, to remediate petroleum-contaminated soils. Inlaboratory, the fungi were inoculated into a liquid Culture mediumand the petroleum-contaminated soil samples for incubation of 40 and50 days, respectively. In the 200-day pilot study, nutrient contentsand moisture were adjusted and maintained under aerobic Condition incomposting units using concrete container (118.5 cm×65.5 cm×12.5cm) designed specially For this study.展开更多
Dianchi Lake is one of the most eutrophic lakes in China. In order to understand this eutrophication and to help control the pollution, this research investigated the spatial distribution of Kjeldahl nitrogen (K-N) an...Dianchi Lake is one of the most eutrophic lakes in China. In order to understand this eutrophication and to help control the pollution, this research investigated the spatial distribution of Kjeldahl nitrogen (K-N) and total phosphorus(TP) through analysis of bottom water and sediment (3 depths) samples collected at 118 sites around Dianchi Lake. The concentrations of K-N and TP for the lake bottom water in the Caohai part of the lake were much higher than those in the Waihai part, generally decreasing from north to south. In the sediments, the K-N concentration was higher in the Caohai part and the middle of the Waihai part. On the other hand, TP in the sediments was greater in the southern and western parts. Both K-N and TP had similar spatial distributions for the sediment samples of three different depths.Vertically, the K-N and TP concentration in the sediments decreased with an increase in depth. This was evidence that eutrophication and pollution of Dianchi Lake was becoming gradually more severe. Exterior factors including uncontrolled input of domestic and industrial effluents as well as non-point pollution around the lake were the main reasons for serious eutrophication; therefore, controlling these was the first step in reducing eutrophication of Dianchi Lake.展开更多
In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs intropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stockswas determined in a basin of over 579 km^2...In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs intropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stockswas determined in a basin of over 579 km^2 in subtropical China from 1981to 2002. ArcGIS8.l softwarewas utilized for spatial analysis of semivariance, ordinary kriging (OK), and probability kriging(PK). Grid and hierarchical approaches were employed for the sampling scenario in 2002 with 106Global Position System (GPS) established spots sampled. Bulk topsoil samples (0—30 cm) werecollected at three random sites on each spot. The SOC content for 1981 came from the SOC map of theSecond National Soil Survey. Geostatistical results of the nugget to sill ratio (0.215-0.640)in therehabilitating ecosystem indicated a moderate spatial dependence for SOC on this large scale. Therange of SOC changed from 2.04 km in 1981 to 7.15 km in 2002. The mean topsoil SOC increased by 4.6%from 10.63 g kg^(-1) (1981) to 11.12 g kg^(-1)(2002). However, during this 21-year period 25.2% ofthe total basin area experienced a decrease in SOC. Also, the probability kriging results showedthat the geometric mean probabilities of SOC <= 6.0 g kg^(-1), <= 11.0 g kg^(-1) and > 15.0 gkg^(-1) were 0.188, 0.534 and 0.378, respectively in 2002, comparing to 0.234, 0.416 and 0.234 inthat order in 1981, respectively. The SOC storage in the topsoil increased by 17.0% during this timewith the main increase occurring in forests and cultivated land,which amounted to 82.5% and 17.0%of the total increase, respectively.展开更多
Ammonia volatilization was measured with a continuous air flow enclosure method from a winter wheat field in the Experimental Farm of Jurong Agricultural School to investigate its main influencing factors. The experim...Ammonia volatilization was measured with a continuous air flow enclosure method from a winter wheat field in the Experimental Farm of Jurong Agricultural School to investigate its main influencing factors. The experiment with five treatments in triplicate, no N (control), 100, 200 and 300 kg N ha-1 with rice straw cover at a rate of 1500 kg ha-1 and 200 kg N ha-1 without rice straw, started when the winter wheat was sown in 1994. Sixty percent of the total amount of N applied was hasal and 40% was top-dressed. The measurement of ammonia volatilization was immediately conducted after urea was top-dressed on soil surface at wheat elongation stage in spring of 1996 and 1997. The results showed that there was a diurnal variation of ammonia volatilization rate from the winter wheat field, which synchronized with air temperature. N losses through ammonia volatilization increased with increasing N application rate, but the ratio of N lost through ammonia volatilization to applied N was not significantly affected by N application rate. The coverage of rice straw had no significant effect on ammonia volatilization. Soil moisture and rain events after urea was top-dressed affected ammonia volatilization significantly.展开更多
A deep understanding of crop-water eco-physiological relations is the basis for quantifying plant physiological responses to soil water stress. Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the winter wheat crop-water...A deep understanding of crop-water eco-physiological relations is the basis for quantifying plant physiological responses to soil water stress. Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the winter wheat crop-water relations under both drought and waterlogging conditions in two sequential growing seasons from 2000 to 2002, and then the data were used to develop and validate models simulating the responses of winter wheat growth to drought and waterlogging stress. The experiment consisted of four treatments, waterlogging (keep 1 to 2 cm water layer depth above soil surface), control (70%-80% field capacity), light drought (40%-50% field capacity) and severe drought (30%-40% field capacity) with six replicates at five stages in the 2000-2001 growth season. Three soil water content treatments (waterlogging, control and drought) with two replicates were designed in the 2001-2002 growth season. Waterlogging and control treatments are the same as in the 2000-2001 growth season. For the drought treatment, no water was supplied and the soil moisture decreased from field capacity to wilting point. Leaf net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, predawn leaf water potential, soil water potential, soil water content and dry matter weight of individual organs were measured. Based on crop-water eco-physiological relations, drought and waterlogging stress factors for winter wheat growth simulation model were put forward. Drought stress factors integrated soil water availability, the sensitivity of different development stages and the difference between physiological processes (such as photosynthesis, transpiration and partitioning). The quantification of waterlogging stress factor considered different crop species, soil water status, waterlogging days and sensitivity at different growth stages. Data sets from the pot experiments revealed favorable performance reliability for the simulation sub-models with the drought and waterlogging stress factors.展开更多
Soil erosion accelerates soil degradation. Some natural soils and cultivated soils on sloping land in southern Jiangsu Province, China were chosen to study soil degradation associated with erosion. Soil erosion intens...Soil erosion accelerates soil degradation. Some natural soils and cultivated soils on sloping land in southern Jiangsu Province, China were chosen to study soil degradation associated with erosion. Soil erosion intensity was investigated using the 137Cs tracer method. Soil particle-size distribution, soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were measured, and the effects of erosion on soil physical and chemical properties were analyzed statistically using SYSTAT8.0. Results indicated that erosion intensity of cultivated soils was greater than that of the natural soils, suggesting that cultivation increased soil loss. Erosion also led to an increase of coarser soil particle proportion, especially in natural soils. In addition, silt was the primary soil particle lost due to erosion. However, in cultivated fields, coarser soil particles over time were attributed not only to soil erosion but also to mechanical eluviation as a result of farming activities. Moreover, erosion caused a decrease in soil OM, TN and TP as well as thinning of the soil layer.展开更多
To restore vegetation on metal mine tailings is very difficult because theyoften contain high concentrations of heavy metals, low nutrient content and low water retentioncapacity. This study involved 3 experiments tha...To restore vegetation on metal mine tailings is very difficult because theyoften contain high concentrations of heavy metals, low nutrient content and low water retentioncapacity. This study involved 3 experiments that evaluated the effects of 4 treatment amendments:montmorillonite, rice straw, organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the growth of ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) and willow (Salix viminalis L.) with Cu and Zn mine tailings from two miningareas. The results showed that ryegrass was the most tolerant of 4 crops to Cu toxicity. Also whenorganic manure, which contained high concentrations of inorganic salts, was added to the minetailings, it significantly hindered ryegrass growth (P = 0.05). Meanwhile, with ryegrass organicmanure significantly increased (P = 0.05) the extractable Cu concentration in both mine tailings.When montmorillonite was used as a mine tailings amendment with willow, the height and tress numberat the 1st cut were significantly greater (P = 0.05) than a control without montmorillonite. Howeverthere was no significant difference for height, tress number, dry weight or root dry weight at the2nd cut. So, amendment applications to reduce metal toxicity and increase nutrients retention inmine tailings were essential during revegetation of mine tailings.展开更多
A special kind of rice field exists in China that is flooded year-round. These rice fields have substantially large CH4 emissions during the rice-growing season and emit CH4 continuously in the non-rice growing season...A special kind of rice field exists in China that is flooded year-round. These rice fields have substantially large CH4 emissions during the rice-growing season and emit CH4 continuously in the non-rice growing season. CH4 emission factors were used to estimate the CH4 emissions from year-round flooded rice fields during the rice-growing season in China. The CH4 emissions for the year-round flooded rice fields in China for the rice growing season over a total area of 2.66 Mha were estimated to be 2.44 Tg CH…展开更多
Field experiments were conducted in a maize (Zea mays L.)field of a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil in North China Plain for studying the fate and ammonia loss of urea-N applied at seedling stage,as well as the effectiven...Field experiments were conducted in a maize (Zea mays L.)field of a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil in North China Plain for studying the fate and ammonia loss of urea-N applied at seedling stage,as well as the effectiveness of coated calcium carbide(CCC) in reducing N loss and in improving the yield efficiency of urea.Results show that:(1) For the surface-broadcast treatment ammonia volatilization (measured with micro-meteorological technique)took place quickly,reached the peak 20-26hr after application,and then declined gradually;the cumulative ammonia loss approached the maximum 188hr after application (30% of the N applied),and increased only to 32% 284 hr after application;the latter accounted for 71% of the total loss (45% of applied N).(2) In the case of point placement at a depth of 5-10 cm,ammonia loss 188hr after application was only 12% of the N applied,accounting for 40% of the total loss.(3) There was no difference in total loss between the application depths of 6cm and 10 cm,the loss of them was 30% and 29%,respectively.(4) Total loss of N applied at lower rate (40kg N/ha)with point deep placement at 6cm depth was found only 4% of the N applied,it rose up to 30% when the rate of application increased to 80kg N/ ha.(5) The nitrification inhibitor,CCC,seemed to enhance N loss of urea rather than reduce it,and did not show any benefit effect in improving the yield efficiency of urea,which is presumably due to the high potential of ammonia volatilization in the soil and climatic conditions under investigation.展开更多
Spatial distribution of organic carbon in soils is difficult to estimatebecause of inherent spatial variability and insufficient data. A soil-landscape model for a region,based on 151 samples for parent material and t...Spatial distribution of organic carbon in soils is difficult to estimatebecause of inherent spatial variability and insufficient data. A soil-landscape model for a region,based on 151 samples for parent material and topographic factors, was established using a GISspatial analysis technique and a digital elevation model (DEM) to reveal spatial distributioncharacteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC). Correlations between organic carbon and topographicfactors were analyzed and a regression model was established to predict SOC content. Results forsurface soils (0-20 cm) showed that the average SOC content was 12.8 g kg^(-1), with the SOC contentbetween 6 and 12 g kg^(-1) occupying the largest area and SOC over 24 g kg^(-1) the smallest. Also,soils derived from phyllite were the highest in the SOC content and area, while soils developed onpurple shale the lowest. Although parent material, elevation, and slope exposure were allsignificant topographic variables (P < 0.01), slope exposure had the highest correlation to SOCcontent (r = 0.66). Using a multiple regression model (R^2 = 0.611) and DEM (with a 30 m X 30 mgrid), spatial distribution of SOC could be forecasted.展开更多
The spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, China were studied using multi-period remote sensing images and GIS. The results indicated that the soil erosion status of the reg...The spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, China were studied using multi-period remote sensing images and GIS. The results indicated that the soil erosion status of the region has been improving, particularly since the 1980s, with the erosion rate showing an evident decline over the past 30 years. The improvement showed not only in the decline of eroded soil area, but also with the reduction in the extent of erosion. The extent of erosion mainly changed by one level, and the change primarily occurred with the severely or moderately eroded soil types. However, in general, soil erosion was still an overriding problem in the region with some areas becoming more serious, especially those with large quantities of granite.展开更多
The interaction of Pb Cd can be observed not only in the uptake process of elements by plants and in their influence on the growth, but also in rhizosphere. The changes in extractable Cd and Pb concentrations in the ...The interaction of Pb Cd can be observed not only in the uptake process of elements by plants and in their influence on the growth, but also in rhizosphere. The changes in extractable Cd and Pb concentrations in the rhizosphere soil of rice plants, root exudates from wheat and wheat plant and their complexing capacity with Pb and Cd were investigated under different Pb and Cd treatments. Results showed that the concentration of extractable Cd in the rhizosphere of rice in red soil was markedly increased by Pb Cd interaction. It increased by 56% in the treatment with Pb and Cd added against that in the treatment with only Cd added in soil. The considerable differences in both composition and amount of root exudate from wheat and rice were found among different treatments. Pb and Cd might be complexed by root exudates. The concentrations of free Pb and Cd in the solution were increased markedly by adding root exudate from wheat and decreased by that from rice due to Pb Cd interaction. The distribution patterns of Pb and Cd in roots were affected by Pb Cd interaction, which accelerated transport of Pb into internal tissue and retarded accumulation of Cd in external tissue.展开更多
A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate nitrous oxide(N 2O) emission and reduction in a paddy soil(Stagnic Anthrosol) response to the pretreatment of water regime. The paddy soil was maintaine...A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate nitrous oxide(N 2O) emission and reduction in a paddy soil(Stagnic Anthrosol) response to the pretreatment of water regime. The paddy soil was maintained under either air dried(sample D) or submerged(sample F) conditions for 110 d before the soil was adjusted into soil moisture of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% water holding capacity(WHC) respectively, and then incubated with or without 10%(v/v) acetylene for 138 h at 25℃. At lower soil water content (≤60% WHC), N 2O emission from the sample F was 2 29 times higher than that from the sample D( P <0 01). While, N 2O emission from the sample F was only 29 and 14 percent of that from the sample D at the soil moisture of 80% and 100% WHC, respectively( P <0 01). The maximal N 2O emissions observed at soil moisture of 80% WHC were about 24 and 186 times higher than the minima obtained at the soil moisture of 20% WHC for the sample F and D, respectively. But at the soil moisture of 80% and 100% WHC, N 2O emission from the sample F with acetylene(F+ACE) was comparable to that of the sample D with acetylene (D+ACE). The results showed that the F sample produced N 2O ability in denitrification was similar to the sample D, however, the sample F was in the better reduction of N 2O to N 2 than the sample D even after the soil moisture was adjusted into the same level of 80% or 100% WHC. Therefore, the pretreatment of water regime influenced the strength and product composition of denitrification and N 2O emission from the paddy soil.展开更多
The Taihu Region in eastern China is one of China's most intensive agricultural regions and also one of the economically most developed areas. High nitrogen balance surpluses in the summer rice-winter wheat double...The Taihu Region in eastern China is one of China's most intensive agricultural regions and also one of the economically most developed areas. High nitrogen balance surpluses in the summer rice-winter wheat double-cropping systems are leading to large-scale non-point source pollution of aquifers. In an interdisciplinary approach, four-year (1995-1998) field trials were carried out in two representative areas (Jurong County and Wuxi City) of the Taihu Region. Five farmers' field sites were chosen in each of the 2 locations, with each site divided into 'standard' (farmers' practice) and 'reduced' (by 30%-40%) N fertilization. For both fertilization intensities, N balance surpluses and monetary returns from grain sales minus fertilizer expenditures were calculated in an economic assessment. Based on the field trials, the mineral N fertilizer application rates reduced by about 10% for rice and 20%-30% for wheat were recommended in 1999. Since 1999, the research focused on the trends in N fertilizer application rates and changes in grain and agricultural commodities prices.Summer rice N fertilizer use, in Wuxi City as of 2001, dropped by roughly 25%, while for winter wheat it decreased by 10%-20%, compared to the 1995-1998 period. This has been achieved not only by grain policy and price changes, but also by an increased environmental awareness from government officials. Nitrogen balance surpluses in Anzhen Town (of Wuxi City) have consequently diminished by 50%-75% in rice and by up to 40% in wheat, with reductions being achieved without concomitant decreases in physical grain yields or returns from sales minus fertilizer costs.展开更多
Ammonia volatilization losses from urea applied as a basal fertilizer and a top dressing at tillering stage in a wheat field of Taihu Region, China, were measured with a micrometeorological technique. Urea as fertiliz...Ammonia volatilization losses from urea applied as a basal fertilizer and a top dressing at tillering stage in a wheat field of Taihu Region, China, were measured with a micrometeorological technique. Urea as fertilizer was surface broadcast at 81 (low N) and 135 (high N) kg N ha-1 as basal at the 3-leaf stage of the wheat seedling on December 2002, and 54 (low N) and 90 (high N) kg N ha-1 as top dressing on February 2003. Ammonia volatilization losses occurred mainly in the first week after applying N fert…展开更多
Results showed that ammonia loss from urea broadcast into floodwater and incorporated into soil at transplanting was as high as 40% of applied N,and the corresponding total nitrogen (N) loss was 56%.Ammonia loss was m...Results showed that ammonia loss from urea broadcast into floodwater and incorporated into soil at transplanting was as high as 40% of applied N,and the corresponding total nitrogen (N) loss was 56%.Ammonia loss was measured with simplified micrometeorological method (ammonia sampler),and total N loss was concurrently measured using ^15N balance technique.The experiment was conducted under strong sunshine conditions on acid paddy soil derived from Quaternary red clay.The ammonia loss in this particular condition was much greater than those obtained from previous studies when urea was also applied to acid paddy soil but under cloudy conditions.It is concluded that the strong sunshine conditions with high temperature and shallow floodwater during the period of present experiment favoured ammonia volatilization.Application of stearyl alcohol on the surface of the floodwater reduced ammonia loss to 23% of applied N.However,the effect of stearyl alcohol was short-lived,probably due to the microbiological decomposition.展开更多
In order to improve the precision of soil organic carbon (SOC) estimates, the sources of uncertainty in soil organic carbon density (SOCD) estimates and SOC stocks were examined using 363 soil profiles in Hebei Provin...In order to improve the precision of soil organic carbon (SOC) estimates, the sources of uncertainty in soil organic carbon density (SOCD) estimates and SOC stocks were examined using 363 soil profiles in Hebei Province, China, with three methods: the soil profile statistics (SPS), GIS-based soil type (GST), and kriging interpolation (KI). The GST method, utilizing both pedological professional knowledge and GIS technology, was considered the most accurate method of the three estimations, with SOCD estimates for SPS 10% lower and KI 10% higher. The SOCD range for GST was 84% wider than KI as KI smoothing effect narrowed the SOCD range. Nevertheless, the coefficient of variation for SOCD with KI (41.7%) was less than GST and SPS. Comparing SOCD’s lower estimates for SPS versus GST, the major sources of uncertainty were the conflicting area of proportional relations. Meanwhile, the fewer number of soil profiles and the necessity of using the smoothing effect with KI were its sources of uncertainty. Moreover, for local detailed variations of SOCD, GST was more advantageous in reflecting the distribution pattern than KI.展开更多
文摘The heavy metals pollution in poultry and livestock feeds and manures under intensive farming in Jiangsu Province was investigated. 97 feed and manure samples were sampled from 31 farming plants in 10 major cities of Jiangsu. 14 metals, including Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Mo, Mn, Ba, Co, Sr, Ti, As and Hg, were analyzed after samples acid digestion. The results showed that the most feed samples contained high concentration of metals exceeding National Hygienical Standard for Feeds. Meanwhile, it was found that Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr concentrations in animal manures were also high, for example, Cu concentration in a manure sample reached to as much as 1726 3 mg/kg. Heavy metals loading quantities in soil per year were then calculated when metals contaminated organic fertilizers were applied, and its effects on soil environmental quality were further evaluated.
基金1Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation (NKBRSF) of China (No. 2002CB410805)and the Outstanding Youth Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40325001).
文摘Selected persistent organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and its principal metabolites 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)e- thane (DDD), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and its isomers (α-,β-, γ-, and δ-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), endo- sulfan, dieldrin, and endrin were quantified to determine current levels of organochlorine pesticides, to assess the eco- toxicological potential, and to distin…
基金1Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-413).
文摘Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and temporal variabilities were analyzed with GIS to estimate the potential impacts of nutrient N, P and K surpluses or deficits to soil, water and air. At the national scale, the N and P balances from 1993 to 2001 showed a surplus, with the nitrogen surplus remaining relatively stable from 1997—2001. Although during this period the P surplus pattern was similar to N, it had smaller values and kept increasing as the use of phosphate fertilizer increased year by year. However, K was deficient from 1993 to 2001 even though from 1999 to 2001 the K deficit decreased. The spatial analysis revealed higher N surpluses in the more developed southeastern provinces and lowest in the western and northern provinces where there was less chemical fertilizer input. The serious K deficit mainly occurred in Shanghai and Beijing municipalities, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces, and Xinjiang autonomous regions. For the years 1992, 1996 and 2001, N surpluses and K deficits had significant positive spatial correlations with per capita gross domestic product (GDP), per capita gross industrial output value, and per capita net income of rural households. This showed that the level of economic development played an important role on nutrient balances in the agroecosystems.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.49831070) the ChineseAcademy of Sciences(No.KZ951-B1-207-01-03).
文摘Laboratory simulation studies and composting pilot study wereconducted to evaluate the capacity of three strains of fungi,indigenous fungus Fusarium sp. And Phanerochaete chrysosporium andCoriolus Versicolor, to remediate petroleum-contaminated soils. Inlaboratory, the fungi were inoculated into a liquid Culture mediumand the petroleum-contaminated soil samples for incubation of 40 and50 days, respectively. In the 200-day pilot study, nutrient contentsand moisture were adjusted and maintained under aerobic Condition incomposting units using concrete container (118.5 cm×65.5 cm×12.5cm) designed specially For this study.
文摘Dianchi Lake is one of the most eutrophic lakes in China. In order to understand this eutrophication and to help control the pollution, this research investigated the spatial distribution of Kjeldahl nitrogen (K-N) and total phosphorus(TP) through analysis of bottom water and sediment (3 depths) samples collected at 118 sites around Dianchi Lake. The concentrations of K-N and TP for the lake bottom water in the Caohai part of the lake were much higher than those in the Waihai part, generally decreasing from north to south. In the sediments, the K-N concentration was higher in the Caohai part and the middle of the Waihai part. On the other hand, TP in the sediments was greater in the southern and western parts. Both K-N and TP had similar spatial distributions for the sediment samples of three different depths.Vertically, the K-N and TP concentration in the sediments decreased with an increase in depth. This was evidence that eutrophication and pollution of Dianchi Lake was becoming gradually more severe. Exterior factors including uncontrolled input of domestic and industrial effluents as well as non-point pollution around the lake were the main reasons for serious eutrophication; therefore, controlling these was the first step in reducing eutrophication of Dianchi Lake.
基金Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. G1999011801) the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Acacemy of Sciences (Nos. KZCX2-413 and ISSASIP0110).
文摘In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs intropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stockswas determined in a basin of over 579 km^2 in subtropical China from 1981to 2002. ArcGIS8.l softwarewas utilized for spatial analysis of semivariance, ordinary kriging (OK), and probability kriging(PK). Grid and hierarchical approaches were employed for the sampling scenario in 2002 with 106Global Position System (GPS) established spots sampled. Bulk topsoil samples (0—30 cm) werecollected at three random sites on each spot. The SOC content for 1981 came from the SOC map of theSecond National Soil Survey. Geostatistical results of the nugget to sill ratio (0.215-0.640)in therehabilitating ecosystem indicated a moderate spatial dependence for SOC on this large scale. Therange of SOC changed from 2.04 km in 1981 to 7.15 km in 2002. The mean topsoil SOC increased by 4.6%from 10.63 g kg^(-1) (1981) to 11.12 g kg^(-1)(2002). However, during this 21-year period 25.2% ofthe total basin area experienced a decrease in SOC. Also, the probability kriging results showedthat the geometric mean probabilities of SOC <= 6.0 g kg^(-1), <= 11.0 g kg^(-1) and > 15.0 gkg^(-1) were 0.188, 0.534 and 0.378, respectively in 2002, comparing to 0.234, 0.416 and 0.234 inthat order in 1981, respectively. The SOC storage in the topsoil increased by 17.0% during this timewith the main increase occurring in forests and cultivated land,which amounted to 82.5% and 17.0%of the total increase, respectively.
文摘Ammonia volatilization was measured with a continuous air flow enclosure method from a winter wheat field in the Experimental Farm of Jurong Agricultural School to investigate its main influencing factors. The experiment with five treatments in triplicate, no N (control), 100, 200 and 300 kg N ha-1 with rice straw cover at a rate of 1500 kg ha-1 and 200 kg N ha-1 without rice straw, started when the winter wheat was sown in 1994. Sixty percent of the total amount of N applied was hasal and 40% was top-dressed. The measurement of ammonia volatilization was immediately conducted after urea was top-dressed on soil surface at wheat elongation stage in spring of 1996 and 1997. The results showed that there was a diurnal variation of ammonia volatilization rate from the winter wheat field, which synchronized with air temperature. N losses through ammonia volatilization increased with increasing N application rate, but the ratio of N lost through ammonia volatilization to applied N was not significantly affected by N application rate. The coverage of rice straw had no significant effect on ammonia volatilization. Soil moisture and rain events after urea was top-dressed affected ammonia volatilization significantly.
基金Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2003AA209030) High Technology Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province (No. BG2004320) the National Natural Science Foundation
文摘A deep understanding of crop-water eco-physiological relations is the basis for quantifying plant physiological responses to soil water stress. Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the winter wheat crop-water relations under both drought and waterlogging conditions in two sequential growing seasons from 2000 to 2002, and then the data were used to develop and validate models simulating the responses of winter wheat growth to drought and waterlogging stress. The experiment consisted of four treatments, waterlogging (keep 1 to 2 cm water layer depth above soil surface), control (70%-80% field capacity), light drought (40%-50% field capacity) and severe drought (30%-40% field capacity) with six replicates at five stages in the 2000-2001 growth season. Three soil water content treatments (waterlogging, control and drought) with two replicates were designed in the 2001-2002 growth season. Waterlogging and control treatments are the same as in the 2000-2001 growth season. For the drought treatment, no water was supplied and the soil moisture decreased from field capacity to wilting point. Leaf net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, predawn leaf water potential, soil water potential, soil water content and dry matter weight of individual organs were measured. Based on crop-water eco-physiological relations, drought and waterlogging stress factors for winter wheat growth simulation model were put forward. Drought stress factors integrated soil water availability, the sensitivity of different development stages and the difference between physiological processes (such as photosynthesis, transpiration and partitioning). The quantification of waterlogging stress factor considered different crop species, soil water status, waterlogging days and sensitivity at different growth stages. Data sets from the pot experiments revealed favorable performance reliability for the simulation sub-models with the drought and waterlogging stress factors.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 49831070 and 49973027).
文摘Soil erosion accelerates soil degradation. Some natural soils and cultivated soils on sloping land in southern Jiangsu Province, China were chosen to study soil degradation associated with erosion. Soil erosion intensity was investigated using the 137Cs tracer method. Soil particle-size distribution, soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) were measured, and the effects of erosion on soil physical and chemical properties were analyzed statistically using SYSTAT8.0. Results indicated that erosion intensity of cultivated soils was greater than that of the natural soils, suggesting that cultivation increased soil loss. Erosion also led to an increase of coarser soil particle proportion, especially in natural soils. In addition, silt was the primary soil particle lost due to erosion. However, in cultivated fields, coarser soil particles over time were attributed not only to soil erosion but also to mechanical eluviation as a result of farming activities. Moreover, erosion caused a decrease in soil OM, TN and TP as well as thinning of the soil layer.
基金Project supported by the State Key Basic Research Foundation (No. 2002CB410808) the Director Foundation of theInstitute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. ISSASIP0102) the Knowledge Innovative Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (N
文摘To restore vegetation on metal mine tailings is very difficult because theyoften contain high concentrations of heavy metals, low nutrient content and low water retentioncapacity. This study involved 3 experiments that evaluated the effects of 4 treatment amendments:montmorillonite, rice straw, organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the growth of ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) and willow (Salix viminalis L.) with Cu and Zn mine tailings from two miningareas. The results showed that ryegrass was the most tolerant of 4 crops to Cu toxicity. Also whenorganic manure, which contained high concentrations of inorganic salts, was added to the minetailings, it significantly hindered ryegrass growth (P = 0.05). Meanwhile, with ryegrass organicmanure significantly increased (P = 0.05) the extractable Cu concentration in both mine tailings.When montmorillonite was used as a mine tailings amendment with willow, the height and tress numberat the 1st cut were significantly greater (P = 0.05) than a control without montmorillonite. Howeverthere was no significant difference for height, tress number, dry weight or root dry weight at the2nd cut. So, amendment applications to reduce metal toxicity and increase nutrients retention inmine tailings were essential during revegetation of mine tailings.
文摘A special kind of rice field exists in China that is flooded year-round. These rice fields have substantially large CH4 emissions during the rice-growing season and emit CH4 continuously in the non-rice growing season. CH4 emission factors were used to estimate the CH4 emissions from year-round flooded rice fields during the rice-growing season in China. The CH4 emissions for the year-round flooded rice fields in China for the rice growing season over a total area of 2.66 Mha were estimated to be 2.44 Tg CH…
文摘Field experiments were conducted in a maize (Zea mays L.)field of a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil in North China Plain for studying the fate and ammonia loss of urea-N applied at seedling stage,as well as the effectiveness of coated calcium carbide(CCC) in reducing N loss and in improving the yield efficiency of urea.Results show that:(1) For the surface-broadcast treatment ammonia volatilization (measured with micro-meteorological technique)took place quickly,reached the peak 20-26hr after application,and then declined gradually;the cumulative ammonia loss approached the maximum 188hr after application (30% of the N applied),and increased only to 32% 284 hr after application;the latter accounted for 71% of the total loss (45% of applied N).(2) In the case of point placement at a depth of 5-10 cm,ammonia loss 188hr after application was only 12% of the N applied,accounting for 40% of the total loss.(3) There was no difference in total loss between the application depths of 6cm and 10 cm,the loss of them was 30% and 29%,respectively.(4) Total loss of N applied at lower rate (40kg N/ha)with point deep placement at 6cm depth was found only 4% of the N applied,it rose up to 30% when the rate of application increased to 80kg N/ ha.(5) The nitrification inhibitor,CCC,seemed to enhance N loss of urea rather than reduce it,and did not show any benefit effect in improving the yield efficiency of urea,which is presumably due to the high potential of ammonia volatilization in the soil and climatic conditions under investigation.
基金Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. G1999011810) the Key Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-SW01-19) the Frontier Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. ISSASIP0201
文摘Spatial distribution of organic carbon in soils is difficult to estimatebecause of inherent spatial variability and insufficient data. A soil-landscape model for a region,based on 151 samples for parent material and topographic factors, was established using a GISspatial analysis technique and a digital elevation model (DEM) to reveal spatial distributioncharacteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC). Correlations between organic carbon and topographicfactors were analyzed and a regression model was established to predict SOC content. Results forsurface soils (0-20 cm) showed that the average SOC content was 12.8 g kg^(-1), with the SOC contentbetween 6 and 12 g kg^(-1) occupying the largest area and SOC over 24 g kg^(-1) the smallest. Also,soils derived from phyllite were the highest in the SOC content and area, while soils developed onpurple shale the lowest. Although parent material, elevation, and slope exposure were allsignificant topographic variables (P < 0.01), slope exposure had the highest correlation to SOCcontent (r = 0.66). Using a multiple regression model (R^2 = 0.611) and DEM (with a 30 m X 30 mgrid), spatial distribution of SOC could be forecasted.
基金1 Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49631010).
文摘The spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, China were studied using multi-period remote sensing images and GIS. The results indicated that the soil erosion status of the region has been improving, particularly since the 1980s, with the erosion rate showing an evident decline over the past 30 years. The improvement showed not only in the decline of eroded soil area, but also with the reduction in the extent of erosion. The extent of erosion mainly changed by one level, and the change primarily occurred with the severely or moderately eroded soil types. However, in general, soil erosion was still an overriding problem in the region with some areas becoming more serious, especially those with large quantities of granite.
文摘The interaction of Pb Cd can be observed not only in the uptake process of elements by plants and in their influence on the growth, but also in rhizosphere. The changes in extractable Cd and Pb concentrations in the rhizosphere soil of rice plants, root exudates from wheat and wheat plant and their complexing capacity with Pb and Cd were investigated under different Pb and Cd treatments. Results showed that the concentration of extractable Cd in the rhizosphere of rice in red soil was markedly increased by Pb Cd interaction. It increased by 56% in the treatment with Pb and Cd added against that in the treatment with only Cd added in soil. The considerable differences in both composition and amount of root exudate from wheat and rice were found among different treatments. Pb and Cd might be complexed by root exudates. The concentrations of free Pb and Cd in the solution were increased markedly by adding root exudate from wheat and decreased by that from rice due to Pb Cd interaction. The distribution patterns of Pb and Cd in roots were affected by Pb Cd interaction, which accelerated transport of Pb into internal tissue and retarded accumulation of Cd in external tissue.
文摘A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate nitrous oxide(N 2O) emission and reduction in a paddy soil(Stagnic Anthrosol) response to the pretreatment of water regime. The paddy soil was maintained under either air dried(sample D) or submerged(sample F) conditions for 110 d before the soil was adjusted into soil moisture of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% water holding capacity(WHC) respectively, and then incubated with or without 10%(v/v) acetylene for 138 h at 25℃. At lower soil water content (≤60% WHC), N 2O emission from the sample F was 2 29 times higher than that from the sample D( P <0 01). While, N 2O emission from the sample F was only 29 and 14 percent of that from the sample D at the soil moisture of 80% and 100% WHC, respectively( P <0 01). The maximal N 2O emissions observed at soil moisture of 80% WHC were about 24 and 186 times higher than the minima obtained at the soil moisture of 20% WHC for the sample F and D, respectively. But at the soil moisture of 80% and 100% WHC, N 2O emission from the sample F with acetylene(F+ACE) was comparable to that of the sample D with acetylene (D+ACE). The results showed that the F sample produced N 2O ability in denitrification was similar to the sample D, however, the sample F was in the better reduction of N 2O to N 2 than the sample D even after the soil moisture was adjusted into the same level of 80% or 100% WHC. Therefore, the pretreatment of water regime influenced the strength and product composition of denitrification and N 2O emission from the paddy soil.
基金Project supported by the Volkswagen-Foundation, Germany (No. Ⅱ/69 948) the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘The Taihu Region in eastern China is one of China's most intensive agricultural regions and also one of the economically most developed areas. High nitrogen balance surpluses in the summer rice-winter wheat double-cropping systems are leading to large-scale non-point source pollution of aquifers. In an interdisciplinary approach, four-year (1995-1998) field trials were carried out in two representative areas (Jurong County and Wuxi City) of the Taihu Region. Five farmers' field sites were chosen in each of the 2 locations, with each site divided into 'standard' (farmers' practice) and 'reduced' (by 30%-40%) N fertilization. For both fertilization intensities, N balance surpluses and monetary returns from grain sales minus fertilizer expenditures were calculated in an economic assessment. Based on the field trials, the mineral N fertilizer application rates reduced by about 10% for rice and 20%-30% for wheat were recommended in 1999. Since 1999, the research focused on the trends in N fertilizer application rates and changes in grain and agricultural commodities prices.Summer rice N fertilizer use, in Wuxi City as of 2001, dropped by roughly 25%, while for winter wheat it decreased by 10%-20%, compared to the 1995-1998 period. This has been achieved not only by grain policy and price changes, but also by an increased environmental awareness from government officials. Nitrogen balance surpluses in Anzhen Town (of Wuxi City) have consequently diminished by 50%-75% in rice and by up to 40% in wheat, with reductions being achieved without concomitant decreases in physical grain yields or returns from sales minus fertilizer costs.
文摘Ammonia volatilization losses from urea applied as a basal fertilizer and a top dressing at tillering stage in a wheat field of Taihu Region, China, were measured with a micrometeorological technique. Urea as fertilizer was surface broadcast at 81 (low N) and 135 (high N) kg N ha-1 as basal at the 3-leaf stage of the wheat seedling on December 2002, and 54 (low N) and 90 (high N) kg N ha-1 as top dressing on February 2003. Ammonia volatilization losses occurred mainly in the first week after applying N fert…
文摘Results showed that ammonia loss from urea broadcast into floodwater and incorporated into soil at transplanting was as high as 40% of applied N,and the corresponding total nitrogen (N) loss was 56%.Ammonia loss was measured with simplified micrometeorological method (ammonia sampler),and total N loss was concurrently measured using ^15N balance technique.The experiment was conducted under strong sunshine conditions on acid paddy soil derived from Quaternary red clay.The ammonia loss in this particular condition was much greater than those obtained from previous studies when urea was also applied to acid paddy soil but under cloudy conditions.It is concluded that the strong sunshine conditions with high temperature and shallow floodwater during the period of present experiment favoured ammonia volatilization.Application of stearyl alcohol on the surface of the floodwater reduced ammonia loss to 23% of applied N.However,the effect of stearyl alcohol was short-lived,probably due to the microbiological decomposition.
基金Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project in Leading Edge Fields, Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. ISSASIP0201), the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. G1999011810) and the KnowledgeInnovation Project in Resource and
文摘In order to improve the precision of soil organic carbon (SOC) estimates, the sources of uncertainty in soil organic carbon density (SOCD) estimates and SOC stocks were examined using 363 soil profiles in Hebei Province, China, with three methods: the soil profile statistics (SPS), GIS-based soil type (GST), and kriging interpolation (KI). The GST method, utilizing both pedological professional knowledge and GIS technology, was considered the most accurate method of the three estimations, with SOCD estimates for SPS 10% lower and KI 10% higher. The SOCD range for GST was 84% wider than KI as KI smoothing effect narrowed the SOCD range. Nevertheless, the coefficient of variation for SOCD with KI (41.7%) was less than GST and SPS. Comparing SOCD’s lower estimates for SPS versus GST, the major sources of uncertainty were the conflicting area of proportional relations. Meanwhile, the fewer number of soil profiles and the necessity of using the smoothing effect with KI were its sources of uncertainty. Moreover, for local detailed variations of SOCD, GST was more advantageous in reflecting the distribution pattern than KI.