A laboratory-scale reaction-crystallization process of struvite synthesis from diluted water solution of Mg^2+, NH^+ 4 and PO3- ions was studied. The research covered the tests of two original constructions of conti...A laboratory-scale reaction-crystallization process of struvite synthesis from diluted water solution of Mg^2+, NH^+ 4 and PO3- ions was studied. The research covered the tests of two original constructions of continuous jet-pump Draft Tube Magma (DTM)-type crystallizers with internal circulation of suspension (upward/downward). Interactions between constructional, hydrodynamic and kinetic factors were established and discussed. Nucleation and linear growth rates of struvite crystals were calculated on the basis of population density distribution. Kinetic model of idealized Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal (MSMPR) crystallizer considering the size-dependent growth mechanism was applied (Rojkowski hyperbolic equation). For comparison purposes the kinetic data corre- sponded to a simpler, continuous draft tube-type crystallizer equipped with propeller agitator were analyzed. It was concluded that crystal product of larger size was withdrawn from the jet-pump DTM crystallizer of the descending flow of suspension in a mixing chamber.展开更多
We present an overview of some recent developments in the area of mathematical modeling of maintenance decisions for multi-unit systems. The emphasis is on three main groups of multicomponent maintenance optimization ...We present an overview of some recent developments in the area of mathematical modeling of maintenance decisions for multi-unit systems. The emphasis is on three main groups of multicomponent maintenance optimization models: the block replacement models, group maintenance models, and opportunistic maintenance models. Moreover, an example of a two-unit system maintenance process is provided in order to compare various maintenance policies.展开更多
Objective:To estimate electroporation(EP) influence on malignant and normal cells.Methods: Two cell lines including human malignant melanoma(Me-43) and normal human gingival fibroblast(HCFs) were used.EP parameters we...Objective:To estimate electroporation(EP) influence on malignant and normal cells.Methods: Two cell lines including human malignant melanoma(Me-43) and normal human gingival fibroblast(HCFs) were used.EP parameters were the following:230,1000,1 730,2 300 V/cm;30 μ s by 3 impulses for every case.The viability of cells after EP was estimated by MTT assay. The ullrastructural analysis was observed by transmission electron microscope(Zeiss EM 900). Results:In the current study we observed the intracellular effect following EP on Me-43 and HGF cells.At the conditions applied,we did not observe any significant damage of mitochondrial activity in both cell lines treated by EP.Conversely,we showed that EP in some conditions can stimulate cells to proliferation.Some changes induced by EP were only visible in electron microscopy.In fibroblast cells we observed significant changes in lower parameters of EP(230 and 1 000 V/cm).After applying higher electric field intensities(2 300 V/cm) we detected many vacuoles,myelin-like bodies and swallowed endoplasmic reticulum.In melanoma cells such strong pathological modifications after EP were not observed,in comparison with control cells. The ultrastructure of both treated cell lines was changed according to the applied parameters of EP.Conclusions:We can claim that EP conditions are cell line dependent.In terms of the intracellular morphology,human fibroblasts are more sensitive to electric field as compared with melanoma cells.Optimal conditions should be determined for each cell line.Summarizing our study,we can conclude that EP is not an invasive method for human normal and malignant cells. This technique can be safely applied in chemotherapy for delivering drugs into tumor cells.展开更多
Different strategies can be used to perform reparations and reinforcements of ancient bolted and riveted metallic bridges. As the riveting process is not currently a common practice, it requires proper equipment and s...Different strategies can be used to perform reparations and reinforcements of ancient bolted and riveted metallic bridges. As the riveting process is not currently a common practice, it requires proper equipment and skilled workers. Another solution is the use of welding. However, the weldability of old steels is poor. Bolts are very attractive alternative solutions, and are most commonly used to repair old metallic bridges. Fitted bolts are expensive solutions; the alternative is the use of resin-injected bolts. The behavior of bolted joints with preloaded resin-injected bolts has been studied using quasi-static and creep tests; however, few studies on the slip and fatigue behavior of these joints can be found in the literature. This paper presents an overview of a few experimental programs that were carried out by several authors aiming at evaluating the fatigue behavior of single and double shear resin-injected bolted connections. A comparison between the experimental data of joints with preloaded standard bolts and preloaded resin- injected bolts shows a fatigue strength reduction in the latter. Since Eurocode 3 (EC3) suggests the same fatigue strength curve for joints made of resin-injected bolts and standard bolts, this may raise some con- cerns. Furthermore, research on the feasibility of using both bonded and bolted connections is shown. This last study was performed with high-strength low-alloy structural steel plates and an acrylic struc- tural adhesive for metal bonding. For both case studies, a statistical analysis is performed on fatigue experimental data using linearized boundaries and the Castillo and Fernandez-Canteli model. Fatigue design curves are proposed and compared with the design suggestions of several European and North American standards,展开更多
The research results concerning continuous removal of phosphate (V) ions from solutions containing 1.0 or 0.20 mass % of phosphate (V) ions and 0.2 or 0.5 mg/kg of copper (II) ions using magnesium and ammonium ions ad...The research results concerning continuous removal of phosphate (V) ions from solutions containing 1.0 or 0.20 mass % of phosphate (V) ions and 0.2 or 0.5 mg/kg of copper (II) ions using magnesium and ammonium ions addition are presented. Continuous reaction crystallization of struvite MgNH4PO4 × 6H2O ran both under stoichiometric conditions and at 20% excess of magnesium ions (pH 9, t 900 s). It was concluded, that presence of copper (II) ions in a process system influenced product quality moderately advantageously. Mean size of struvite crystals enlarged by ca. 6% only. Lower concentration of phosphate (V) ions and excess of magnesium ions caused, that products of ca. 9% - 13% larger crystal mean size (up to ca.40mm) were removed from the crystallizer. Presence of struvite crystals and copper (II) hydroxide were detected analytically in the products (Cu in a product varied from 6 to 90 mg/kg). Presence of copper (II) ions favored crystallization of struvite in the form of tubular crystals.展开更多
A simple model of the phase-detection autofocus device based on the partially masked sensor pixels is described. The cross-correlation function of the half-images registered by the masked pixels is proposed as a focus...A simple model of the phase-detection autofocus device based on the partially masked sensor pixels is described. The cross-correlation function of the half-images registered by the masked pixels is proposed as a focus function. It is shown that—in such setting—focusing is equivalent to searching of the cross-correlation function maximum. Application of stochastic approximation algorithms to unimodal and non-unimodal focus functions is shortly discussed.展开更多
The influence of different poly(ethylene glycol) alkyl ethers(CnH2n+1O(C2H4O)mH, CnEm) on flotation of carbonaceous copper shale mixed with quartz as a gangue mineral was investigated. The results show that all...The influence of different poly(ethylene glycol) alkyl ethers(CnH2n+1O(C2H4O)mH, CnEm) on flotation of carbonaceous copper shale mixed with quartz as a gangue mineral was investigated. The results show that all of the ethers C4E1, C4E2, C4E3, C2E2, C6E2 investigated can be used for the flotation of carbonaceous copper shale. The best selectivity of separation in the flotation of the carbonaceous copper shale and quartz mixture is obtained with the C4E2 and C2E2 ethers. The obtained data can be used for developing separation of organic carbon present in carbonaceous shale at a rougher flotation stage on an industrial scale.展开更多
Efficiency and selectivity of hydrogenating depolymerization of the coal extract benzene-insoluble part over the heterogeneous Co–Mo/Al2O3 catalyst were assessed using a mathematical model. The analytical equations o...Efficiency and selectivity of hydrogenating depolymerization of the coal extract benzene-insoluble part over the heterogeneous Co–Mo/Al2O3 catalyst were assessed using a mathematical model. The analytical equations of the mathematical model were generated based on material balance incorporating the physico-chemical phenomena(reaction and diffusion) both in the autoclave and the catalyst grain. The equations offer the possibility for predicting changes of the reactants in the autoclave during the process and for determining the distribution of reactant concentrations in the grain as a function of its radius. The analytical equations of the model serve as the basis of the algorithm for assessing the influence of restrictive diffusion on the effectiveness and selectivity of the catalyst, and also for defining the optimal radii of the catalyst's pores to enable free transport of reactants in the grain interior.展开更多
This paper describes technology of the electromagnetic pump made in a hybrid polymer-ceramic technology. The pumping mechanism is realized with a mutual excitation between an electromagnetic coil and a neodymium magne...This paper describes technology of the electromagnetic pump made in a hybrid polymer-ceramic technology. The pumping mechanism is realized with a mutual excitation between an electromagnetic coil and a neodymium magnet bonded to a flexible membrane. A PDMS (poly(dimethylsiloxane)) material was used to manufacture a membrane sufficient for the presented micropump. A fish trap construction is adapted to the ceramic technology. The bonding process of ceramics and polymer, using plasma oxidation method, is described as well. Moreover, a membrane deflection depending on magnet dimensions and applied voltage was measured.展开更多
The results of struvite reaction crystallization from diluted water solutions of phosphates (V) (0.20 mass% of PO43-) by means of magnesium and ammonium ions are presented. Continuous FB MSZ crystallizer with jet ...The results of struvite reaction crystallization from diluted water solutions of phosphates (V) (0.20 mass% of PO43-) by means of magnesium and ammonium ions are presented. Continuous FB MSZ crystallizer with jet pump driven by compressed air was used. Influence of pH and mean residence time of suspension on the crystal product quality was determined. Increase in pH from 9 to 11 resulted that mean crystal size decreased nearly two-time: from 27.1 to 15.1μm for mean residence time of suspension 900 s. Elongation of this time from 900 to 3,600 s influenced struvite crystal size advantageously-it increased from 27.1 to 41.2 μm at pH 9. From the population density distributions nucleation and growth rates of struvite were calculated based on the simplest SIG model of mass crystallization kinetics in MSMPR crystallizer. Linear growth rate ofstruvite crystals decreased nearly two-time with the increase in environment pH from 9 to 11, and more than 2.5-time with the elongation of mean residence time of crystal suspension in a crystallizer from 900 to 3,600 s from 1.34× 10-8 m/s (pH 9, τ= 900 s) to 2.60×10-9 m/s (pH 11, τ= 3,600 s).展开更多
This paper presents some results of zeta potential measurements performed into biosurfactant adsorption onto magnesite and serpentinite surface. Zeta potential and isoelectric point measurement of magnesite and serpen...This paper presents some results of zeta potential measurements performed into biosurfactant adsorption onto magnesite and serpentinite surface. Zeta potential and isoelectric point measurement of magnesite and serpentinite particles before and after interaction with biosurfactant broth solution and activator (nickel(II) ion solution) were carried out. The zeta potential results show that presence of biosurfactants changes both magnesite and serpentinite surface potential by physical adsorption which increases the hydrophobicity of mineral particles. Measurements of particles zeta potential in the presence of biosurfactant broth are relevant to the minerals flotation. Hallimod flotation response of magnesite and serpentinite as a function of collector concentration was investigated. Bioflotation test results show that at the presence of broth, the flotation separation of magnesite from serpentinite is possible.展开更多
This paper presents selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeochemical model of the Klodzko Drainage Basin, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the selec...This paper presents selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeochemical model of the Klodzko Drainage Basin, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the selected quality parameters of underground water in the Klodzko water intake area (SW part of Poland) [1-6]. The research covers the period 1977-2012. Spatial analyses of the variation in different quality parameters, between others, Fe [gFe/m3], Mn [gMn/m3], ammonium ion [gNH4+/m3] contents and oxidation capacity [gO2/m3], were carried out on the basis of the chemical determinations of the quality parameters of underground water samples taken from the wells in the water intake area [2-4]. Spatial and time variation in the parameters was analyzed on the basis of archival data (period 1977-1999) for 22 (pump and siphon) wells, later data obtained (November 2011) from tests of water taken from 14 existing wells and the latest data (January 2012) acquired from 3 new piezometers, which were made in other locations in the relevant area. Thematic databases, containing original data on coordinates X, Y (latitude, longitude) and Z (terrain elevation and time-years) and on regionalized variables, i.e. the underground water quality parameters in the Klodzko water intake area determined for different analytical configurations (22 wells, 14 wells, 14 wells + 3 piezometers), were created [2]. Both archival data (acquired in the years 1977-1999) and the latest data (collected in 2011-2012) were analyzed. These data were subjected to spatial analyses [2-6] using statistical and geostatistical methods [7-12]. The evaluation of basic statistics of the investigated quality parameters, including their histograms of distributions, scatter diagrams between these parameters and also correlation coefficients r, were presented in this article. The directional semivariogram function and the ordinary (block) kriging procedure were used to build the 3D geostatistical model. The geostatistical parameters of the theoretical models of directional semivariograms of the studied water quality parameters, calculated along the time interval and the well depth (taking into account the terrain elevation), were used in the ordinary (block) kriging estimation. The obtained results of estimation, allowed to determine the levels of increased values Z* of studied underground water quality parameters [2, 4-6]. Generally, the behaviour of the underground water quality parameters has been found to vary in space and time. Thanks to the spatial analyses of the variation in the quality parameters in the Klodzko underground water intake area some regularities (trends) in the variation in water quality have been identified.展开更多
In this communication, we report results of running tests on standard telecommunication metropolitan network 1550 nm fiber applied to a quantum channel to EPR S405 Quelle prototype systems installed in National Labora...In this communication, we report results of running tests on standard telecommunication metropolitan network 1550 nm fiber applied to a quantum channel to EPR S405 Quelle prototype systems installed in National Laboratory for Quantum Technologies WUT and in CompSecur Wroclaw. Testing was carried out by means of the original design by us and applied special data card collecting parameters of functioning system allowing for assessment of quality of quantum channel. We have performed several trials using various configurations of standard 1550 nm fiber patch-cord up to length of 6.5 km with additional usage of various patch-cords with weldings and connectors which typically present in already installed commercial metropolitan communication networks. The implementation of this testing indicated that the rigorous maintenance of photon polarization is required for quantum information exchange upon EPR S405 Quelle functioning. The polarization of optical signal turned out to be, however, very unstable for the tested connection which resulted in very rapid QBER rise precluding practical usefulness of this connection for secure quantum exchange of cryptographic key over practically significant distances. We have identified that the main obstacle was the polarization decoherence caused by weldings and connectors in standard patch-cords and accidental strains in fibers as well as generally poor transmitting properties of 1550 nm fiber for much shorter wave-length photons used by the Quelle system. To maintain the quantum channel active, very frequent manual corrections of polarization control were required. So we expect that by design and application of an automatic polarization control module, one would stabilize visibility ratio and lower QBER to an acceptable level conditioning possible future implementation of entangled QKD system in commercial networks.展开更多
Random vertical track irregularities are one of essential vibration sources in bridge, track structure and high-speed train systems. The common model of such irregularities is a stationary and ergodic Gaussian process...Random vertical track irregularities are one of essential vibration sources in bridge, track structure and high-speed train systems. The common model of such irregularities is a stationary and ergodic Gaussian process. The study presents the results of numerical dynamic analysis of advanced virtual models of composite BTT (bridge/ballasted track structure/high-speed train) systems. The analysis has been conducted for a series of types of single-span simply-supported railway composite (steel-concrete) bridges, with a symmetric platform, located on lines with ballasted track structure adapted for high-speed trains. The bridges are designed according to Polish bridge standards. A new methodology of numerical modeling and simulation of dynamic processes in BTT systems has been applied. The methodology takes into consideration viscoelastic suspensions of rail-vehicles, nonlinear Hertz wheel-rail contact stiffness and one-side wheel-rail contact, physically nonlinear elastic-damping properties of the track structure, random vertical track irregularities, approach slabs and other features. Computer algorithms of FE (finite element) modeling and simulation were programmed in Delphi. Both static and dynamic numerical investigations of the bridges forming the series of types have been carried out. It has been proved that in the case of common structural solutions of bridges and ballasted track structures, it is necessary to put certain limitations on operating speeds, macadam ballast and vertical track roughness.展开更多
Reaction crystallization of struvite in water solutions containing 0.20 mass % of phosphate(V) ions by magnesium and ammonium ions addition was investigated experimentally. Process was carried out in DTM type crystall...Reaction crystallization of struvite in water solutions containing 0.20 mass % of phosphate(V) ions by magnesium and ammonium ions addition was investigated experimentally. Process was carried out in DTM type crystallizer with liquid jet pump device in 298 K assuming stoichiometric conditions. Struvite crystals of mean size Lm 5.2-23.0 μm were produced depending on pH (9-11) and mean residence time of suspension in a crystallizer τ (900-3600 s). Under these conditions linear growth rate of struvite crystals (SIG MSMPR kinetic model) decreased 2-time with the increase in pH and 3-time with the elongation of mean residence time of crystal suspension from 7.11×10-9 m/s (pH 9, τ900 s) to 1.65×10-9 m/s (pH 11, τ3600 s). Nucleation rate varied within the 7.9×108-1.8×1010 1/(sm3) limits. Struvite product of maximal linear size exceeded 100 μm with 10 vol. % of < 3 μm fraction corresponded to pH 9 and τ3600 s.展开更多
Phosphate (V) ions were continuously removed from synthetic wastewater containing inorganic impurities using magnesium and ammonium ions. The product was magnesium ammonium phosphate (V) hexahydrate, struvite, MgNH4PO...Phosphate (V) ions were continuously removed from synthetic wastewater containing inorganic impurities using magnesium and ammonium ions. The product was magnesium ammonium phosphate (V) hexahydrate, struvite, MgNH4PO4 × 6H2O. Research ran in stoichiometric conditions in DT MSMPR type crystallizer with internal circulation of suspension. Increase in process environment pH from 9 to 11 resulted in 3-time decrease of mean struvite crystals size (from 40.1 to12.6mm). Elongation of mean residence time of suspension in a crystallizer up to 3600 s resulted in improvement of the product quality. Mean size of struvite crystals enlarged up to50.2mm. Based on kinetic calculations results (SIG MSMPR model) it was concluded, that linear struvite crystal growth rate varied within 5.04 × 10–9 – 1.69 × 10–8 m/s range, whereas nucleation rate within 1.4 × 107 – 1.7 × 1010 1/(s m3) limits. In solid product, besides struvite, also all impurities present in wastewater were identified analytically as hydroxides, phosphates and other salts.展开更多
In theory of concrete it is assumed that concrete composites are isotropic on a macro scale. For example, it is assumed that a floor slab’s or a beam’s strength is identical in all directions and its nonhomogeneity ...In theory of concrete it is assumed that concrete composites are isotropic on a macro scale. For example, it is assumed that a floor slab’s or a beam’s strength is identical in all directions and its nonhomogeneity is random. Hence neither calculations of the load-bearing capacity of structural components nor the techniques of investigating concrete in structure in situ take into account to a sufficient degree the fact that the assumption about concrete isotropy is overly optimistic. The present research shows that variation in concrete strength along the direction of concreting has not only a qualitative effect (as is commonly believed), but also a significant quantitative effect. This indicates that concrete is a composite which has not been fully understood yet. The paper presents evaluations of ordinary concrete (OC) homogeneity along component thickness along the direction of concreting. The ultrasonic method and modified exponential heads with a point contact with concrete were used in the investigations [1-3].展开更多
文摘A laboratory-scale reaction-crystallization process of struvite synthesis from diluted water solution of Mg^2+, NH^+ 4 and PO3- ions was studied. The research covered the tests of two original constructions of continuous jet-pump Draft Tube Magma (DTM)-type crystallizers with internal circulation of suspension (upward/downward). Interactions between constructional, hydrodynamic and kinetic factors were established and discussed. Nucleation and linear growth rates of struvite crystals were calculated on the basis of population density distribution. Kinetic model of idealized Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal (MSMPR) crystallizer considering the size-dependent growth mechanism was applied (Rojkowski hyperbolic equation). For comparison purposes the kinetic data corre- sponded to a simpler, continuous draft tube-type crystallizer equipped with propeller agitator were analyzed. It was concluded that crystal product of larger size was withdrawn from the jet-pump DTM crystallizer of the descending flow of suspension in a mixing chamber.
文摘We present an overview of some recent developments in the area of mathematical modeling of maintenance decisions for multi-unit systems. The emphasis is on three main groups of multicomponent maintenance optimization models: the block replacement models, group maintenance models, and opportunistic maintenance models. Moreover, an example of a two-unit system maintenance process is provided in order to compare various maintenance policies.
基金Suppoted by statutory funds of Medical Wroelaw University andresearch Tellowship within"Development Program of Wroclaw Medical University"funded from European Social Fund.Human CapitalNational Cohesion Strategy(Contract No.UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-010/08-00)
文摘Objective:To estimate electroporation(EP) influence on malignant and normal cells.Methods: Two cell lines including human malignant melanoma(Me-43) and normal human gingival fibroblast(HCFs) were used.EP parameters were the following:230,1000,1 730,2 300 V/cm;30 μ s by 3 impulses for every case.The viability of cells after EP was estimated by MTT assay. The ullrastructural analysis was observed by transmission electron microscope(Zeiss EM 900). Results:In the current study we observed the intracellular effect following EP on Me-43 and HGF cells.At the conditions applied,we did not observe any significant damage of mitochondrial activity in both cell lines treated by EP.Conversely,we showed that EP in some conditions can stimulate cells to proliferation.Some changes induced by EP were only visible in electron microscopy.In fibroblast cells we observed significant changes in lower parameters of EP(230 and 1 000 V/cm).After applying higher electric field intensities(2 300 V/cm) we detected many vacuoles,myelin-like bodies and swallowed endoplasmic reticulum.In melanoma cells such strong pathological modifications after EP were not observed,in comparison with control cells. The ultrastructure of both treated cell lines was changed according to the applied parameters of EP.Conclusions:We can claim that EP conditions are cell line dependent.In terms of the intracellular morphology,human fibroblasts are more sensitive to electric field as compared with melanoma cells.Optimal conditions should be determined for each cell line.Summarizing our study,we can conclude that EP is not an invasive method for human normal and malignant cells. This technique can be safely applied in chemotherapy for delivering drugs into tumor cells.
基金the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/107825/2015)the funding of Pro-Life-Prolonging the Lifetime of Old Steel and Steel-Concrete Bridges (RFSR-CT-2015-00025) by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)
文摘Different strategies can be used to perform reparations and reinforcements of ancient bolted and riveted metallic bridges. As the riveting process is not currently a common practice, it requires proper equipment and skilled workers. Another solution is the use of welding. However, the weldability of old steels is poor. Bolts are very attractive alternative solutions, and are most commonly used to repair old metallic bridges. Fitted bolts are expensive solutions; the alternative is the use of resin-injected bolts. The behavior of bolted joints with preloaded resin-injected bolts has been studied using quasi-static and creep tests; however, few studies on the slip and fatigue behavior of these joints can be found in the literature. This paper presents an overview of a few experimental programs that were carried out by several authors aiming at evaluating the fatigue behavior of single and double shear resin-injected bolted connections. A comparison between the experimental data of joints with preloaded standard bolts and preloaded resin- injected bolts shows a fatigue strength reduction in the latter. Since Eurocode 3 (EC3) suggests the same fatigue strength curve for joints made of resin-injected bolts and standard bolts, this may raise some con- cerns. Furthermore, research on the feasibility of using both bonded and bolted connections is shown. This last study was performed with high-strength low-alloy structural steel plates and an acrylic struc- tural adhesive for metal bonding. For both case studies, a statistical analysis is performed on fatigue experimental data using linearized boundaries and the Castillo and Fernandez-Canteli model. Fatigue design curves are proposed and compared with the design suggestions of several European and North American standards,
文摘The research results concerning continuous removal of phosphate (V) ions from solutions containing 1.0 or 0.20 mass % of phosphate (V) ions and 0.2 or 0.5 mg/kg of copper (II) ions using magnesium and ammonium ions addition are presented. Continuous reaction crystallization of struvite MgNH4PO4 × 6H2O ran both under stoichiometric conditions and at 20% excess of magnesium ions (pH 9, t 900 s). It was concluded, that presence of copper (II) ions in a process system influenced product quality moderately advantageously. Mean size of struvite crystals enlarged by ca. 6% only. Lower concentration of phosphate (V) ions and excess of magnesium ions caused, that products of ca. 9% - 13% larger crystal mean size (up to ca.40mm) were removed from the crystallizer. Presence of struvite crystals and copper (II) hydroxide were detected analytically in the products (Cu in a product varied from 6 to 90 mg/kg). Presence of copper (II) ions favored crystallization of struvite in the form of tubular crystals.
基金supported by the NCN grant UMO-2011/01/B/ST7/00666.
文摘A simple model of the phase-detection autofocus device based on the partially masked sensor pixels is described. The cross-correlation function of the half-images registered by the masked pixels is proposed as a focus function. It is shown that—in such setting—focusing is equivalent to searching of the cross-correlation function maximum. Application of stochastic approximation algorithms to unimodal and non-unimodal focus functions is shortly discussed.
基金support by the National Science Centre Research Grant (2012/07/D/ST8/02622)a fellowships financed by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP)the European Union within the European Social Fund
文摘The influence of different poly(ethylene glycol) alkyl ethers(CnH2n+1O(C2H4O)mH, CnEm) on flotation of carbonaceous copper shale mixed with quartz as a gangue mineral was investigated. The results show that all of the ethers C4E1, C4E2, C4E3, C2E2, C6E2 investigated can be used for the flotation of carbonaceous copper shale. The best selectivity of separation in the flotation of the carbonaceous copper shale and quartz mixture is obtained with the C4E2 and C2E2 ethers. The obtained data can be used for developing separation of organic carbon present in carbonaceous shale at a rougher flotation stage on an industrial scale.
文摘Efficiency and selectivity of hydrogenating depolymerization of the coal extract benzene-insoluble part over the heterogeneous Co–Mo/Al2O3 catalyst were assessed using a mathematical model. The analytical equations of the mathematical model were generated based on material balance incorporating the physico-chemical phenomena(reaction and diffusion) both in the autoclave and the catalyst grain. The equations offer the possibility for predicting changes of the reactants in the autoclave during the process and for determining the distribution of reactant concentrations in the grain as a function of its radius. The analytical equations of the model serve as the basis of the algorithm for assessing the influence of restrictive diffusion on the effectiveness and selectivity of the catalyst, and also for defining the optimal radii of the catalyst's pores to enable free transport of reactants in the grain interior.
文摘This paper describes technology of the electromagnetic pump made in a hybrid polymer-ceramic technology. The pumping mechanism is realized with a mutual excitation between an electromagnetic coil and a neodymium magnet bonded to a flexible membrane. A PDMS (poly(dimethylsiloxane)) material was used to manufacture a membrane sufficient for the presented micropump. A fish trap construction is adapted to the ceramic technology. The bonding process of ceramics and polymer, using plasma oxidation method, is described as well. Moreover, a membrane deflection depending on magnet dimensions and applied voltage was measured.
文摘The results of struvite reaction crystallization from diluted water solutions of phosphates (V) (0.20 mass% of PO43-) by means of magnesium and ammonium ions are presented. Continuous FB MSZ crystallizer with jet pump driven by compressed air was used. Influence of pH and mean residence time of suspension on the crystal product quality was determined. Increase in pH from 9 to 11 resulted that mean crystal size decreased nearly two-time: from 27.1 to 15.1μm for mean residence time of suspension 900 s. Elongation of this time from 900 to 3,600 s influenced struvite crystal size advantageously-it increased from 27.1 to 41.2 μm at pH 9. From the population density distributions nucleation and growth rates of struvite were calculated based on the simplest SIG model of mass crystallization kinetics in MSMPR crystallizer. Linear growth rate ofstruvite crystals decreased nearly two-time with the increase in environment pH from 9 to 11, and more than 2.5-time with the elongation of mean residence time of crystal suspension in a crystallizer from 900 to 3,600 s from 1.34× 10-8 m/s (pH 9, τ= 900 s) to 2.60×10-9 m/s (pH 11, τ= 3,600 s).
文摘This paper presents some results of zeta potential measurements performed into biosurfactant adsorption onto magnesite and serpentinite surface. Zeta potential and isoelectric point measurement of magnesite and serpentinite particles before and after interaction with biosurfactant broth solution and activator (nickel(II) ion solution) were carried out. The zeta potential results show that presence of biosurfactants changes both magnesite and serpentinite surface potential by physical adsorption which increases the hydrophobicity of mineral particles. Measurements of particles zeta potential in the presence of biosurfactant broth are relevant to the minerals flotation. Hallimod flotation response of magnesite and serpentinite as a function of collector concentration was investigated. Bioflotation test results show that at the presence of broth, the flotation separation of magnesite from serpentinite is possible.
文摘This paper presents selected results of research connected with the development of a (3D) geostatistical hydrogeochemical model of the Klodzko Drainage Basin, dedicated to the spatial and time variation in the selected quality parameters of underground water in the Klodzko water intake area (SW part of Poland) [1-6]. The research covers the period 1977-2012. Spatial analyses of the variation in different quality parameters, between others, Fe [gFe/m3], Mn [gMn/m3], ammonium ion [gNH4+/m3] contents and oxidation capacity [gO2/m3], were carried out on the basis of the chemical determinations of the quality parameters of underground water samples taken from the wells in the water intake area [2-4]. Spatial and time variation in the parameters was analyzed on the basis of archival data (period 1977-1999) for 22 (pump and siphon) wells, later data obtained (November 2011) from tests of water taken from 14 existing wells and the latest data (January 2012) acquired from 3 new piezometers, which were made in other locations in the relevant area. Thematic databases, containing original data on coordinates X, Y (latitude, longitude) and Z (terrain elevation and time-years) and on regionalized variables, i.e. the underground water quality parameters in the Klodzko water intake area determined for different analytical configurations (22 wells, 14 wells, 14 wells + 3 piezometers), were created [2]. Both archival data (acquired in the years 1977-1999) and the latest data (collected in 2011-2012) were analyzed. These data were subjected to spatial analyses [2-6] using statistical and geostatistical methods [7-12]. The evaluation of basic statistics of the investigated quality parameters, including their histograms of distributions, scatter diagrams between these parameters and also correlation coefficients r, were presented in this article. The directional semivariogram function and the ordinary (block) kriging procedure were used to build the 3D geostatistical model. The geostatistical parameters of the theoretical models of directional semivariograms of the studied water quality parameters, calculated along the time interval and the well depth (taking into account the terrain elevation), were used in the ordinary (block) kriging estimation. The obtained results of estimation, allowed to determine the levels of increased values Z* of studied underground water quality parameters [2, 4-6]. Generally, the behaviour of the underground water quality parameters has been found to vary in space and time. Thanks to the spatial analyses of the variation in the quality parameters in the Klodzko underground water intake area some regularities (trends) in the variation in water quality have been identified.
文摘In this communication, we report results of running tests on standard telecommunication metropolitan network 1550 nm fiber applied to a quantum channel to EPR S405 Quelle prototype systems installed in National Laboratory for Quantum Technologies WUT and in CompSecur Wroclaw. Testing was carried out by means of the original design by us and applied special data card collecting parameters of functioning system allowing for assessment of quality of quantum channel. We have performed several trials using various configurations of standard 1550 nm fiber patch-cord up to length of 6.5 km with additional usage of various patch-cords with weldings and connectors which typically present in already installed commercial metropolitan communication networks. The implementation of this testing indicated that the rigorous maintenance of photon polarization is required for quantum information exchange upon EPR S405 Quelle functioning. The polarization of optical signal turned out to be, however, very unstable for the tested connection which resulted in very rapid QBER rise precluding practical usefulness of this connection for secure quantum exchange of cryptographic key over practically significant distances. We have identified that the main obstacle was the polarization decoherence caused by weldings and connectors in standard patch-cords and accidental strains in fibers as well as generally poor transmitting properties of 1550 nm fiber for much shorter wave-length photons used by the Quelle system. To maintain the quantum channel active, very frequent manual corrections of polarization control were required. So we expect that by design and application of an automatic polarization control module, one would stabilize visibility ratio and lower QBER to an acceptable level conditioning possible future implementation of entangled QKD system in commercial networks.
文摘Random vertical track irregularities are one of essential vibration sources in bridge, track structure and high-speed train systems. The common model of such irregularities is a stationary and ergodic Gaussian process. The study presents the results of numerical dynamic analysis of advanced virtual models of composite BTT (bridge/ballasted track structure/high-speed train) systems. The analysis has been conducted for a series of types of single-span simply-supported railway composite (steel-concrete) bridges, with a symmetric platform, located on lines with ballasted track structure adapted for high-speed trains. The bridges are designed according to Polish bridge standards. A new methodology of numerical modeling and simulation of dynamic processes in BTT systems has been applied. The methodology takes into consideration viscoelastic suspensions of rail-vehicles, nonlinear Hertz wheel-rail contact stiffness and one-side wheel-rail contact, physically nonlinear elastic-damping properties of the track structure, random vertical track irregularities, approach slabs and other features. Computer algorithms of FE (finite element) modeling and simulation were programmed in Delphi. Both static and dynamic numerical investigations of the bridges forming the series of types have been carried out. It has been proved that in the case of common structural solutions of bridges and ballasted track structures, it is necessary to put certain limitations on operating speeds, macadam ballast and vertical track roughness.
文摘Reaction crystallization of struvite in water solutions containing 0.20 mass % of phosphate(V) ions by magnesium and ammonium ions addition was investigated experimentally. Process was carried out in DTM type crystallizer with liquid jet pump device in 298 K assuming stoichiometric conditions. Struvite crystals of mean size Lm 5.2-23.0 μm were produced depending on pH (9-11) and mean residence time of suspension in a crystallizer τ (900-3600 s). Under these conditions linear growth rate of struvite crystals (SIG MSMPR kinetic model) decreased 2-time with the increase in pH and 3-time with the elongation of mean residence time of crystal suspension from 7.11×10-9 m/s (pH 9, τ900 s) to 1.65×10-9 m/s (pH 11, τ3600 s). Nucleation rate varied within the 7.9×108-1.8×1010 1/(sm3) limits. Struvite product of maximal linear size exceeded 100 μm with 10 vol. % of < 3 μm fraction corresponded to pH 9 and τ3600 s.
文摘Phosphate (V) ions were continuously removed from synthetic wastewater containing inorganic impurities using magnesium and ammonium ions. The product was magnesium ammonium phosphate (V) hexahydrate, struvite, MgNH4PO4 × 6H2O. Research ran in stoichiometric conditions in DT MSMPR type crystallizer with internal circulation of suspension. Increase in process environment pH from 9 to 11 resulted in 3-time decrease of mean struvite crystals size (from 40.1 to12.6mm). Elongation of mean residence time of suspension in a crystallizer up to 3600 s resulted in improvement of the product quality. Mean size of struvite crystals enlarged up to50.2mm. Based on kinetic calculations results (SIG MSMPR model) it was concluded, that linear struvite crystal growth rate varied within 5.04 × 10–9 – 1.69 × 10–8 m/s range, whereas nucleation rate within 1.4 × 107 – 1.7 × 1010 1/(s m3) limits. In solid product, besides struvite, also all impurities present in wastewater were identified analytically as hydroxides, phosphates and other salts.
文摘In theory of concrete it is assumed that concrete composites are isotropic on a macro scale. For example, it is assumed that a floor slab’s or a beam’s strength is identical in all directions and its nonhomogeneity is random. Hence neither calculations of the load-bearing capacity of structural components nor the techniques of investigating concrete in structure in situ take into account to a sufficient degree the fact that the assumption about concrete isotropy is overly optimistic. The present research shows that variation in concrete strength along the direction of concreting has not only a qualitative effect (as is commonly believed), but also a significant quantitative effect. This indicates that concrete is a composite which has not been fully understood yet. The paper presents evaluations of ordinary concrete (OC) homogeneity along component thickness along the direction of concreting. The ultrasonic method and modified exponential heads with a point contact with concrete were used in the investigations [1-3].