昆虫经诱导盾产生灭菌肽的研究近年来已有很大进展,有关这方面的研究工作绝大多数都是以有翅亚纲内生翅类鳞翅目(主要是蚕类)昆虫和少数双翅目昆虫为材料。本文首次以有翅亚纲外生翅类蜚蠊目的美洲蜚蠊(Ptriplaneta americana L.)为实...昆虫经诱导盾产生灭菌肽的研究近年来已有很大进展,有关这方面的研究工作绝大多数都是以有翅亚纲内生翅类鳞翅目(主要是蚕类)昆虫和少数双翅目昆虫为材料。本文首次以有翅亚纲外生翅类蜚蠊目的美洲蜚蠊(Ptriplaneta americana L.)为实验昆虫,用Escherichia coil K_(12) strain D_(31)作诱导源,对不同发育期、不同性别、不同成虫期的蜚蠊进行诱导后,采用含菌培养基平板测活方法,就存在个体数及能产生抗菌物质的个体数进行了初步的研究。发现成虫日龄在10天之内的雄性蜚蠊能够产生抗菌物质的个体百分比最高。抗菌物质出现的高峰期是在诱导后第三、四天。用滴滴涕和溴氰菊酯作诱导源对雄性蜚蠊的诱导实验表明,杀虫剂也能诱导蜚蠊产生抗菌物质,而且所诱导产生抗菌物质的活性强度(用抑菌圈直径表示)高于大肠杆菌所诱导的。滴滴涕和溴氰菊酯的重复诱导可提高蜚蠊产生抗菌物质个体百分比。蜚蠊经诱导后产生的抗菌物质具有广谱性,对苏云金杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌及绿脓杆菌等有较强的抗菌活性,而对大肠杆菌D_(31)、大肠杆菌、粘质沙雷氏杆菌和溶壁微球菌等有较弱的抗菌活性。用肽类物质的指纹图谱法分离蜚蠊血淋巴抗菌物质,发现经诱导后血淋巴中确有新的肽类物质产生,该物质具抗菌活性,用DABITC法分析,?展开更多
害虫综合治理的概念 害虫综合治理(Integrated Pest Management),简称IPM,既是一个旧的概念,也是一个新的提法。在二十世纪早期,经济昆虫学家就提出过害虫防治的综合防治方针,认为各种防治方法都有其优缺点,应该取长补短,协调起来,才能...害虫综合治理的概念 害虫综合治理(Integrated Pest Management),简称IPM,既是一个旧的概念,也是一个新的提法。在二十世纪早期,经济昆虫学家就提出过害虫防治的综合防治方针,认为各种防治方法都有其优缺点,应该取长补短,协调起来,才能更有效地防治害虫。展开更多
DDT-prostrate cockroaches release, from the nerve cord into the haemolymph, a neurotoxin which is not DDT or its metabolite. Electrophy-siological studies revealed that the neurotoxin stimulates the nerve to produce
Many chemicals, such as DNA, RNA, uridine, uracil, L-leucine, and physiological saline, can induce the production of antibacterial substance ABP (possibly a peptide) in the heamolymph of many species of the pupae of l...Many chemicals, such as DNA, RNA, uridine, uracil, L-leucine, and physiological saline, can induce the production of antibacterial substance ABP (possibly a peptide) in the heamolymph of many species of the pupae of lepidopterous insects. And even physical stimuli, such as ultrasonics and mechanical injury, can also induce the production of ABP, indicating that the induction agent for the production of antibacterial substance is not specific.展开更多
文摘DDT-prostrate cockroaches release, from the nerve cord into the haemolymph, a neurotoxin which is not DDT or its metabolite. Electrophy-siological studies revealed that the neurotoxin stimulates the nerve to produce
文摘Many chemicals, such as DNA, RNA, uridine, uracil, L-leucine, and physiological saline, can induce the production of antibacterial substance ABP (possibly a peptide) in the heamolymph of many species of the pupae of lepidopterous insects. And even physical stimuli, such as ultrasonics and mechanical injury, can also induce the production of ABP, indicating that the induction agent for the production of antibacterial substance is not specific.