1999 was a disastrous year for Shanxi,during which the province has undergone thebiggest drought in the century. As a result ofthe drought, 3294 thousand crops weredrought - stricken, while crops of 1146. 667thousan...1999 was a disastrous year for Shanxi,during which the province has undergone thebiggest drought in the century. As a result ofthe drought, 3294 thousand crops weredrought - stricken, while crops of 1146. 667thousand hectare ejected production. It showsthat half of , the provincial cultivated landwere drought - stricken, and the grain outputreduced by 24% compared with that of thevear before.Moreover, on Nov. 1, a powerful earihquake with a magnitude 7. 6 jolted the areasaround Yanggao County and Datong City,Shanxi province. The earthqrake shook fivecounties and districts, as a result of whichl5ooo houses were toppled down, 38000houses hecame unsafe, and 38000 peoplebecame homeless. The drought. together withthe earthquake brought more diffculties tothe Province.The CPC and the Central Governmentshowed deep concerns for the people in thedisaster areas and sent vice president HuJintao and deputy premier Wen Jiahao toShanxi for inspeetion.Besides, the Central Government rende red 70 million yuan HMB for the droughtfighting and earthquake relieving. Also, theMinistry of Civil Administration timely allocated 1800 tents to the quakestricken areasin Datong City. Up to Nov. 15, all kinds ofearihquake relief fund raised by the provincehad reached 12600 million yuan RMB.At present, the prohlems of food, shortage of drinking water, as well as the housingproblem have heen solved. In the mean time,the people in quakestricken areas are in acalm and unruffled mood.展开更多
文摘1999 was a disastrous year for Shanxi,during which the province has undergone thebiggest drought in the century. As a result ofthe drought, 3294 thousand crops weredrought - stricken, while crops of 1146. 667thousand hectare ejected production. It showsthat half of , the provincial cultivated landwere drought - stricken, and the grain outputreduced by 24% compared with that of thevear before.Moreover, on Nov. 1, a powerful earihquake with a magnitude 7. 6 jolted the areasaround Yanggao County and Datong City,Shanxi province. The earthqrake shook fivecounties and districts, as a result of whichl5ooo houses were toppled down, 38000houses hecame unsafe, and 38000 peoplebecame homeless. The drought. together withthe earthquake brought more diffculties tothe Province.The CPC and the Central Governmentshowed deep concerns for the people in thedisaster areas and sent vice president HuJintao and deputy premier Wen Jiahao toShanxi for inspeetion.Besides, the Central Government rende red 70 million yuan HMB for the droughtfighting and earthquake relieving. Also, theMinistry of Civil Administration timely allocated 1800 tents to the quakestricken areasin Datong City. Up to Nov. 15, all kinds ofearihquake relief fund raised by the provincehad reached 12600 million yuan RMB.At present, the prohlems of food, shortage of drinking water, as well as the housingproblem have heen solved. In the mean time,the people in quakestricken areas are in acalm and unruffled mood.