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钢丝磷化工艺技术研究 被引量:13
作者 戴峭峰 刘红芳 +1 位作者 蔡文祥 李国友 《金属制品》 2012年第2期15-18,共4页
介绍钢丝浸渍磷化、在线磷化与电解磷化的反应机制、工艺流程和工艺控制要点,分析影响磷化膜涂层厚度和质量的因素,控制连拉直进式拉丝机的拉拔速度为6~8 m/s,磷化膜的厚度为8~12μm。给出选择磷化处理方式的建议:(1)盘条选择浸渍磷化... 介绍钢丝浸渍磷化、在线磷化与电解磷化的反应机制、工艺流程和工艺控制要点,分析影响磷化膜涂层厚度和质量的因素,控制连拉直进式拉丝机的拉拔速度为6~8 m/s,磷化膜的厚度为8~12μm。给出选择磷化处理方式的建议:(1)盘条选择浸渍磷化;(2)水箱拉拔的1.5~2.5 mm半成品钢丝选择在线磷化;(3)直进式干拉的2.5~4.0 mm半成品钢丝选择电解磷化。 展开更多
关键词 钢丝磷化工艺 浸渍磷化 在线磷化 电解磷化
作者 戴峭峰 《光电技术应用》 2010年第2期35-37,41,共4页
采用传输矩阵方法研究了二维光子晶体的热辐射性质.研究发现对于完整光子晶体,在反射带内的热辐射很弱.但通过改变光子晶体表层空气柱的半径,可以调控反射带内的热辐射谱,使得对应于部分波长的热辐射显著变大.这种热辐射的变化源于光子... 采用传输矩阵方法研究了二维光子晶体的热辐射性质.研究发现对于完整光子晶体,在反射带内的热辐射很弱.但通过改变光子晶体表层空气柱的半径,可以调控反射带内的热辐射谱,使得对应于部分波长的热辐射显著变大.这种热辐射的变化源于光子晶体表面模的激发. 展开更多
关键词 光子晶体 传输矩阵 热辐射 吸收
作者 戴峭峰 袁茂辉 《科技传播》 2010年第6期26-27,共2页
关键词 胶体悬浮液 相干背散射 光子局域
旋转双光楔折射特性与二维扫描轨迹的分析 被引量:9
作者 韦中超 熊言威 +2 位作者 莫玮 戴峭峰 梁瑞生 《应用光学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期939-943,共5页
为实现旋转双光楔二维扫描的可控操作,利用几何光学和光的标量衍射理论,对双光楔的折光特性进行了数学分析。研究发现:绕固定轴以不同角速度旋转的双光楔可等效为一个折射棱角和主截面都变化的单光楔。以该双光楔系统作为衍射屏,对通过... 为实现旋转双光楔二维扫描的可控操作,利用几何光学和光的标量衍射理论,对双光楔的折光特性进行了数学分析。研究发现:绕固定轴以不同角速度旋转的双光楔可等效为一个折射棱角和主截面都变化的单光楔。以该双光楔系统作为衍射屏,对通过双光楔的光束在观察面的衍射光场分布作了理论分析,得到了夫琅和费衍射下,光束经转动双光楔在像平面上的衍射光斑随转角变化的规律:光斑的横坐标与两光楔转角正弦值的差成正比,纵坐标与两光楔转角余弦值的和成正比。 展开更多
关键词 旋转双光楔 折射特性 扫描轨迹
基于超声波测距和PSD红外测距的智能语音导盲器 被引量:8
作者 韦中超 廖浚宏 +3 位作者 张准 戴峭峰 吕冠华 梁瑞生 《现代电子技术》 2013年第10期115-118,共4页
设计了一种以超声波测距和PSD红外测距为核心的智能语音导盲器。利用STC12C5A60S2单片机循环采样,ISD1700语音芯片作语音提示,实现导盲提示的功能。整个导盲装置将放置于使用者头部,其中,超声波探测器探测方向可随使用者头部指向变化而... 设计了一种以超声波测距和PSD红外测距为核心的智能语音导盲器。利用STC12C5A60S2单片机循环采样,ISD1700语音芯片作语音提示,实现导盲提示的功能。整个导盲装置将放置于使用者头部,其中,超声波探测器探测方向可随使用者头部指向变化而变化,探测距离为5 m,精确到百分位,通过耳机向使用者报数,实现方向与距离的精确指示。 展开更多
关键词 超声波测距 红外测距 三角测量原理 语音提示
主动红外对射式光电防盗报警器 被引量:16
作者 韦中超 廖浚宏 +3 位作者 张准 戴峭峰 吕冠华 梁瑞生 《光电技术应用》 2013年第2期1-4,31,共5页
设计了一种主动对射式红外光电探测报警系统,由红外检测和信号处理两部分组成。它采用两个对射式探测距离为3 m的LH-A型光电开关作为入侵探测器,当有物体阻挡了光电开关发射的经过调制的红外光束时,光电开关产生一个开关信号。把开关信... 设计了一种主动对射式红外光电探测报警系统,由红外检测和信号处理两部分组成。它采用两个对射式探测距离为3 m的LH-A型光电开关作为入侵探测器,当有物体阻挡了光电开关发射的经过调制的红外光束时,光电开关产生一个开关信号。把开关信号送至AT89系列单片机作信号处理,经过判断后实现对特定方向通过的物体报警,同时也可以作流量计数器使用。该系统具有可靠性高、稳定性好、抗干扰能力强等优点。 展开更多
关键词 主动 对射式 红外探测 光电开关
预张拉管式捻股机生产高速电梯用钢丝绳 被引量:5
作者 刘红芳 张春雷 +1 位作者 戴峭峰 王洪标 《金属制品》 2012年第1期1-4,共4页
预张拉管式捻股机用于高速电梯用钢丝绳的生产,能反馈钢丝绳张力的大小,实现恒张力控制。以生产8×19S+NF—8.0,1 370/1 770 MPa双强度电梯用钢丝绳为例介绍研制过程:原料选用SWRH57A盘条;热处理加热温度由960℃调整至980℃,并降低... 预张拉管式捻股机用于高速电梯用钢丝绳的生产,能反馈钢丝绳张力的大小,实现恒张力控制。以生产8×19S+NF—8.0,1 370/1 770 MPa双强度电梯用钢丝绳为例介绍研制过程:原料选用SWRH57A盘条;热处理加热温度由960℃调整至980℃,并降低收线速度;铅淬火温度选择550℃;采用水箱拉丝机多道次小压缩率的工艺进行拉拔,道次压缩率控制在15%以内;钢丝绳的捻距为钢丝绳公称直径的6.4倍,预变形中心距为钢丝绳捻距的88%,后变形中心距为7~9 mm,定径辊直径8 mm;选择含油率为10%~15%的优质麻芯。成品按GB 8903—2005《电梯用钢丝绳》检测全部合格,并能满足用户的特殊要求。 展开更多
关键词 高速电梯用钢丝绳 预张拉 结构伸长 疲劳寿命
桨板打包用镀锌钢丝工艺流程优化 被引量:1
作者 刘红芳 张春雷 +1 位作者 戴峭峰 范俊峰 《金属制品》 2011年第6期15-18,共4页
针对桨板打包用镀锌钢丝锌层附着性优良,具有一定抗拉强度和断裂伸长率的要求,制定企业标准Q/320281PF04—2008。对桨板打包用镀锌钢丝进行使用受力分析,提出原料及成品钢丝的性能要求,并优化生产工艺流程:由热镀锌替代电镀锌,表面脱脂... 针对桨板打包用镀锌钢丝锌层附着性优良,具有一定抗拉强度和断裂伸长率的要求,制定企业标准Q/320281PF04—2008。对桨板打包用镀锌钢丝进行使用受力分析,提出原料及成品钢丝的性能要求,并优化生产工艺流程:由热镀锌替代电镀锌,表面脱脂回火处理利用450~550℃的等温铅锅,加热时间为8~10 s;酸洗采用质量浓度为80~150 g/L盐酸进行常温酸洗;助镀剂氯化铵质量浓度为80~120 g/L,助镀温度不小于70℃;热镀锌锌锅温度为450℃,Dv值为90 mm.m/min,采用垫擦抹锌方式,锌层面质量不小于40 g/m2。热镀锌成品钢丝锌层表面光滑平整、直径均匀,与钢丝基体的结合力远大于电镀锌钢丝。 展开更多
关键词 桨板打包 镀锌钢丝 电镀锌 热镀锌 表面处理 热处理 助镀
作者 韦中超 莫玮 +2 位作者 熊言威 戴峭峰 梁瑞生 《光电技术应用》 2009年第5期1-3,26,共4页
根据几何光学和光的标量衍射理论,对双光楔的折射特性进行了数学分析.研究发现,以相反旋向相同转速旋转的双光楔对光的折射作用等效于一个折射角随2个光楔转角变化的单光楔.在此基础上,对通过双光楔的光束在像面上的衍射光场分布作了理... 根据几何光学和光的标量衍射理论,对双光楔的折射特性进行了数学分析.研究发现,以相反旋向相同转速旋转的双光楔对光的折射作用等效于一个折射角随2个光楔转角变化的单光楔.在此基础上,对通过双光楔的光束在像面上的衍射光场分布作了理论分析,得到了在夫琅禾费衍射下,光束经转动双光楔在像平面上的衍射光斑随时间变化的规律,从而为一维扫描的可控操作提供了理论指导. 展开更多
关键词 双光楔可控扫描一维轨迹分析
基于无序金纳米棒编码的多维光信息存储 被引量:10
作者 欧阳旭 徐毅 +4 位作者 冼铭聪 曹耀宇 戴峭峰 李向平 兰胜 《光电工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期54-66,共13页
随着信息时代的到来,日益增长的海量数据对数据存储技术提出了高容量、高安全性和高存储时长等要求。常规的磁存储技术难以满足这些要求,面临着前所未有的挑战。随着激光器的发明和纳米技术的快速发展,基于金纳米棒与读写激光相互作用... 随着信息时代的到来,日益增长的海量数据对数据存储技术提出了高容量、高安全性和高存储时长等要求。常规的磁存储技术难以满足这些要求,面临着前所未有的挑战。随着激光器的发明和纳米技术的快速发展,基于金纳米棒与读写激光相互作用的五维光存储技术应运而生,其存储密度高和寿命长的特点能够满足上述要求。本文将总结如何从结构物质的角度来实现读写激光物理维度的复用和多进制存储以及如何从结构光的角度来实现超分辨存储。本文还将讨论进一步提升五维光存储容量的方法,并对这种技术的未来发展方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 光存储 金纳米棒 超分辨存储 多进制存储
双捻机生产钢丝绳过程中断丝原因分析 被引量:2
作者 束卫红 张伦 +1 位作者 唐健 戴峭峰 《金属制品》 2012年第3期26-28,共3页
捻股生产过程中细规格制绳钢丝断丝率出现较大波动。制绳钢丝生产时,选取的半成品钢丝进线直径为0.7 mm,加热温度900~1000℃,铅温550~600℃,Dv值30 mm.m/min,水箱拉丝生产出线直径0.15 mm,拉拔速度8~10 m/s,定尺长度32000 m,抗拉强度... 捻股生产过程中细规格制绳钢丝断丝率出现较大波动。制绳钢丝生产时,选取的半成品钢丝进线直径为0.7 mm,加热温度900~1000℃,铅温550~600℃,Dv值30 mm.m/min,水箱拉丝生产出线直径0.15 mm,拉拔速度8~10 m/s,定尺长度32000 m,抗拉强度2650~2850 MPa,锌层面质量12.3~15.4 g/m2,扭转值波动较大。对双捻机捻股断丝断口进行扫描电镜分析,导致断丝率高的原因是电镀锌生产时钢丝出现氢脆。改进生产设备,采用滴定添加系统,进行电镀锌H2SO4溶液的添加,精确控制电镀溶液pH,确保生产稳定进行,降低了捻制断丝率,提高生产效率。 展开更多
关键词 双捻机 捻股 制绳钢丝 电镀锌 PH 抗拉强度
Fabrication of high-quality three-dimensional photonic crystal heterostructures 被引量:3
作者 刘正奇 冯天华 +2 位作者 戴峭峰 吴立军 兰胜 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第6期2383-2388,共6页
Three-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) heterostructures with high quality are fabricated by using a pressure controlled isothermal heating vertical deposition technique. The formed heterostructures have higher qual... Three-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) heterostructures with high quality are fabricated by using a pressure controlled isothermal heating vertical deposition technique. The formed heterostructures have higher quality, such as deeper band gaps and sharper band edges, than the heterostructures reported so far. Such a significant improvement in quality is due to the introduction of a thin TiO2 buffer layer between the two constitutional PCs. It is revealed that the disorder caused by lattice mismatch is successfully removed if the buffer layer is used once. As a result, the formed heterostructures possess the main features in the band gap of constitutional PCs. The crucial role of the thin buffer layer is also verified by numerical simulations based on the finite-difference time-domain technique. 展开更多
关键词 photonic crystal heterostructure pressure controlled isothermal heating vertical deposition finite-difference time-domain technique
Diurnal cooling for continuous thermal sources under direct subtropical sunlight produced by quasi-Cantor structure 被引量:1
作者 吴嘉野 龚远志 +2 位作者 黄培然 马根骏 戴峭峰 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期213-218,共6页
In this paper, an optical radiative cooler with quasi-Cantor structure is theoretically proposed and analyzed. This simple and symmetrically designed optical structure operates upon continuous thermal sources in diurn... In this paper, an optical radiative cooler with quasi-Cantor structure is theoretically proposed and analyzed. This simple and symmetrically designed optical structure operates upon continuous thermal sources in diurnal subtropical conditions, and its efficiency is much higher than natural cooling, for instance, when operating upon a typical 323.15 K continuous thermal source with a wind speed at 3 m·s^-1, it can generate a net cooling power of 363.68 W·m^-2, which is 18.26% higher than that of non-radiative heat exchange (natural cooling) under the same conditions. Additionally, several aspects are considered in its design to ensure a low cost in application, which is of great economical and environmental significance. 展开更多
关键词 thin film photonic quasicrystal photonic crystal NANOPHOTONICS radiative cooling
Modification of the spontaneous emission of quantum dots near the surface of a three-dimensional colloidal photonic crystal 被引量:1
作者 刘正奇 冯天华 +5 位作者 戴峭峰 吴立军 兰胜 丁才蓉 汪河洲 Gopal Achanta Venu 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第11期441-447,共7页
This paper demonstrates experimentally and numerically that a significant modification of spontaneous emission rate can be achieved near the surface of a three-dimensional photonic crystal. In experiments, semiconduct... This paper demonstrates experimentally and numerically that a significant modification of spontaneous emission rate can be achieved near the surface of a three-dimensional photonic crystal. In experiments, semiconductor coreshell quantum dots are intentionally confined in a thin polymer film on which a three-dimensional colloidal photonic crystal is fabricated. The spontaneous emission rate of quantum dots is characterised by conventional and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The modification of the spontaneous emission rate, which is reflected in the change of spectral shape and PL lifetime, is clearly observed. While an obvious increase in the PL lifetime is found at most wavelengths in the band gap, a significant reduction in the PL lifetime by one order of magnitude is observed at the short-wavelength band edge. Numerical simulation reveals a periodic modulation of spontaneous emission rate with decreasing modulation strength when an emitter is moved away from the surface of the photonic crystal. It is supported by the fact that the modification of spontaneous emission rate is not pronounced for quantum dots distributed in a thick polymer film where both enhancement and suppression are present simultaneously. This finding provides a simple and effective way for improving the performance of light emitting devices. 展开更多
关键词 spontaneous emission colloidal photonic crystal semiconductor quantum dot time-resolved photoluminescence
伺服系统在金属制品行业中的应用 被引量:2
作者 刘军 杨晓海 +3 位作者 李志强 戴峭峰 胡金莲 陈丽艳 《设备管理与维修》 2020年第7期96-98,共3页
关键词 伺服系统 金属制品 应用
Fabrication of high-quality colloidal photonic crystals with sharp band edges for ultrafast all-optical switching
作者 冯天华 戴峭峰 +3 位作者 吴立军 郭旗 胡巍 兰胜 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第12期4533-4540,共8页
Application of the pressure controlled isothermal heating vertical deposition method to the fabrication of colloidal photonic crystals is systematically investigated in this paper. The fabricated samples are character... Application of the pressure controlled isothermal heating vertical deposition method to the fabrication of colloidal photonic crystals is systematically investigated in this paper. The fabricated samples are characterized by scanning electron microscope and transmission spectrum. High-quality samples with large transmissions in the pass bands and the sharp band edges are obtained and the optimum growth condition is determined. For the best sample, the transmission in the pass bands approaches 0.9 while that in the band gap reaches 0.1. More importantly, the maximum differential transmission as high as 0.1/nm is achieved. In addition, it is found that the number of stacking layers does not increase linearly with concentration of PS spheres in a solution, and a gradual saturation occurs when the concentration of PS spheres exceeds 1.5 wt.%. The uniformity of the fabricated samples is examined by transmission measurements on areas with different sizes. Finally, the tolerance of the fabricated samples to baking was studied. 展开更多
关键词 characterization photonic crystal dielectric materials optical switch
In-Situ Characterization of Three-Dimensional Optical Matters by Light Diffraction
作者 蒋来东 戴峭峰 +5 位作者 冯天华 刘进 吴立军 兰胜 A. V. Gopal V. A. Trofimov 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期119-122,共4页
Three-dimensional optical matters are created by combining the single beam optical trapping with the conventional Z-scan technique. Dynamic light diffraction is employed to evaluate the structure and quality of the op... Three-dimensional optical matters are created by combining the single beam optical trapping with the conventional Z-scan technique. Dynamic light diffraction is employed to evaluate the structure and quality of the optical matter formed at the optimum trapping power. The lattice constant of the optical matter is extracted based on the Bragg and Snell laws, showing that polystyrene spheres are nearly close-packed in the optical matter, confirmed by comparing the diffraction pattern of the optical matter with that of a colloidal photonic crystal fabricated by the self-assembled technique. The relatively broad diffraction peaks observed in the optical matter indicate that the density of disorders in it is higher than that in the photonic crystal. It is suggested that the optical matter possesses a random close-packed structure rather than a face centered cubic one.Three-dimensional optical matters are created by combining the single beam optical trapping with the conven- tional Z-scan technique. Dynamic light diffraction is employed to evaluate the structure and quality of the optical matter formed at the optimum trapping power. The lattice constant of the optical matter is extracted based on the Bragg and Snell laws, showing that polystyrene spheres are nearly close-packed in the optical matter, confirmed by comparing the diffraction pattern of the optical matter with that of a colloidal photonic crystal fabricated by the self-assembled technique. The relatively broad diffraction peaks observed in the optical matter indicate that the density of disorders in it is higher than that in the photonic crystal. It is suggested that the optical matter possesses a random close-packed structure rather than a face centered cubic one. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface nonliear interaction numerical method
Optical switching based on the manipulation of microparticles in a colloidal liquid using strong scattering force
作者 刘进 刘正奇 +3 位作者 冯天华 戴峭峰 吴立军 兰胜 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期292-300,共9页
This paper demonstrates the realization of an optical switch by optically manipulating a large number of polystyrene spheres contained in a capillary. The strong scattering force exerted on polystyrene spheres with a ... This paper demonstrates the realization of an optical switch by optically manipulating a large number of polystyrene spheres contained in a capillary. The strong scattering force exerted on polystyrene spheres with a large diameter of 4.3 μm is employed to realize the switching operation. A transparent window is opened for the signal light when the polystyrene spheres originally located at the beam centre are driven out of the beam region by the strong scattering force induced by the control light. The switching dynamics under different incident powers is investigated and compared with that observed in the optical switch based on the formation of optical matter. It is found that a large extinction ratio of - 30 dB and fast switching-on and switching-off times can be achieved in this type of switch. 展开更多
关键词 optical switching scattering force optical matter
Response of colloidal liquids containing magnetic holes of different volume densities to magnetic field characterized by transmission measurement
作者 邓海东 孙婷 +5 位作者 赵韦人 符志成 戴峭峰 吴立军 兰胜 Achanta Venu Gopal 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期541-549,共9页
This paper systematically investigates the response of colloidal liquids containing magnetic holes of different volume densities to magnetic field by conventional transmission measurements. It finds that the enhanceme... This paper systematically investigates the response of colloidal liquids containing magnetic holes of different volume densities to magnetic field by conventional transmission measurements. It finds that the enhancement in the transmission of such a colloidal liquid under a magnetic field exhibits a strong dependence on the volume density of magnetic holes. A linear increase in the maximum enhancement factor is observed when the volume density of magnetic holes is below a critical level at which a maximum enhancement factor of ~150 is achieved in the near infrared region. Once the volume density of magnetic holes exceeds the critical level, a sharp drop of the maximum enhancement factor to ~2 is observed. After that, the maximum enhancement factor increases gradually till a large volume density of ~9%. By monitoring the arrangement of magnetic holes under a magnetic field, it reveals that the colloidal liquids can be classified into three different phases, i.e., the gas-like, liquid-like and solid-like phases, depending on the volume density of magnetic holes. The response behaviour of colloidal liquids to magnetic field is determined by the interaction between magnetic holes which is governed mainly by their volume density. A phase transition, which is manifested in the dramatic reduction in the maximum enhancement factor, is clearly observed between the liquid-like and solid-like phases. The optical switching operations for colloidal liquids in different phases are compared and the underlying physical mechanisms are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic holes phases change optical switching operations
Modification of spontaneous emission rate of micrometer-sized light sources using hollow-core photonic crystal fibers
作者 卢娇华 蒙自明 +6 位作者 刘海英 冯天华 戴峭峰 吴立军 郭旗 胡巍 兰胜 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第10期4333-4338,共6页
We investigate numerically and experimentally the modification of the spontaneous emission rate for micrometersized light sources embedded in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HCPCF). The diameter of the light s... We investigate numerically and experimentally the modification of the spontaneous emission rate for micrometersized light sources embedded in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HCPCF). The diameter of the light source is deliberately chosen such that they could be easily introduced into the central hole of the hollow-core photonic crystal fiber by capillary force. The photoluminescence from the microparticles is measured by using an inverted microscope in combination with a spectrometer. The modification of the spontaneous emission rate is observed in a wavelength region where there is no band gap. The experimental observations are consistent with the simulation results obtained by the plane wave expansion and finite-difference time-domain techniques. 展开更多
关键词 hollow-core photonic crystal fiber spontaneous emission rate local density of states
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