本文对儿童体育运动提出了警告,很有现实意义。儿童不宜过早地投入某专项体育运动。为什么?本文有一句话,说得委婉,却值得深思: Those who participate in a variety of sports and specialize only after reachingthe age of pubergy(...本文对儿童体育运动提出了警告,很有现实意义。儿童不宜过早地投入某专项体育运动。为什么?本文有一句话,说得委婉,却值得深思: Those who participate in a variety of sports and specialize only after reachingthe age of pubergy(青春期)tend to be more consistent performers,have fewerinjuries and adhere to sports play longer than those who specialize early. 为什么会强迫儿童从事某项专门的体育训练?文章透露的原因令人悲从中来: Children and their parents are motivated to commit to such training by thelure(诱惑)of college scholarships and professional careers,the report said. 本文的另一精彩处是对为何儿童不宜过早投入专项体育训练作了生理原因的分析,令人信服。读者不妨细读。 Children need to be children.此话说得何等好啊!展开更多
阳痿是一种令人难堪,并影响人们日常生活和工作的疾病。长期以来,患此疾的男性何止千万!而且,人们对此疾的认识一直有误: ED affects millions of men of all ages aud circumstances. For decades itwas believed to be a psychologic...阳痿是一种令人难堪,并影响人们日常生活和工作的疾病。长期以来,患此疾的男性何止千万!而且,人们对此疾的认识一直有误: ED affects millions of men of all ages aud circumstances. For decades itwas believed to be a psychological rather than a physiological problem.However, in up to 80 percent of all cases tbe cause is at least partly physical. 认识的进步,带来了药物治疗的新局面。三种新药的问世,给患者带来了福音。新药的优点是并不刺激患者的性欲:These new medications do not producesexual desire; instead, they ease the pathways for normal sexual stimulation. 本文的Mark and Lucy夫妇(原文注: Names have been changed to protectprivacy.)就是一个令人信服的例子。文章出自一位年轻医生的手笔,分析深入浅出,信息丰富,读来亲切。 然而,虽然有了对付阳痿的良药,但是,作者的这句话仍当为人们记取: …few things make more of an impact on a man's sexual health than his life-style.若有疑难处,“网上一族”不妨进一步浏览有关内客。网址是:www.iiem.org.展开更多
美国20余家健康组织联合发出呼吁,号召国民从维护健康出发,改变传统的以米、面、肉、蛋、奶为主的饮食结构,改以蔬菜和水果为主。美国目前的饮食指南中也包括蔬菜和水果,但推荐的力度不够。科学家们希望在明年向国民颁布的健康指南中能...美国20余家健康组织联合发出呼吁,号召国民从维护健康出发,改变传统的以米、面、肉、蛋、奶为主的饮食结构,改以蔬菜和水果为主。美国目前的饮食指南中也包括蔬菜和水果,但推荐的力度不够。科学家们希望在明年向国民颁布的健康指南中能够大力宣传多吃蔬菜水果,蔬菜水果不应再是身体营养的补 充食品,而应该是美国人饮食结构中的主食。 在美国造成死亡率最高的6种病症中,有5种与饮食不合理有关。其中包括心脏病、癌症、中风和糖尿病。(Five of the top six causes of death in the United States are diet-related. These include heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.)多数人只知道有三分之一的癌症患者与吸烟有关,却不知道另有三分之一的癌症患者之所以得癌与饮食结构不合理有很大关系。(While one-third of all cancers is related to tobacco use, another full third are related to diet.) 饮食以蔬菜和水果为主,是否会造成营养不良?否。专家认为: People can get all the nutrients they need from fruits and vegetables. 所谓“饮食以蔬菜和水果为主”,就不能将蔬菜和水果当作“点缀”或是“旁衬”:The evidence is very strong that those who eat five or more servings of fruits展开更多
文摘本文对儿童体育运动提出了警告,很有现实意义。儿童不宜过早地投入某专项体育运动。为什么?本文有一句话,说得委婉,却值得深思: Those who participate in a variety of sports and specialize only after reachingthe age of pubergy(青春期)tend to be more consistent performers,have fewerinjuries and adhere to sports play longer than those who specialize early. 为什么会强迫儿童从事某项专门的体育训练?文章透露的原因令人悲从中来: Children and their parents are motivated to commit to such training by thelure(诱惑)of college scholarships and professional careers,the report said. 本文的另一精彩处是对为何儿童不宜过早投入专项体育训练作了生理原因的分析,令人信服。读者不妨细读。 Children need to be children.此话说得何等好啊!
文摘阳痿是一种令人难堪,并影响人们日常生活和工作的疾病。长期以来,患此疾的男性何止千万!而且,人们对此疾的认识一直有误: ED affects millions of men of all ages aud circumstances. For decades itwas believed to be a psychological rather than a physiological problem.However, in up to 80 percent of all cases tbe cause is at least partly physical. 认识的进步,带来了药物治疗的新局面。三种新药的问世,给患者带来了福音。新药的优点是并不刺激患者的性欲:These new medications do not producesexual desire; instead, they ease the pathways for normal sexual stimulation. 本文的Mark and Lucy夫妇(原文注: Names have been changed to protectprivacy.)就是一个令人信服的例子。文章出自一位年轻医生的手笔,分析深入浅出,信息丰富,读来亲切。 然而,虽然有了对付阳痿的良药,但是,作者的这句话仍当为人们记取: …few things make more of an impact on a man's sexual health than his life-style.若有疑难处,“网上一族”不妨进一步浏览有关内客。网址是:www.iiem.org.
文摘美国20余家健康组织联合发出呼吁,号召国民从维护健康出发,改变传统的以米、面、肉、蛋、奶为主的饮食结构,改以蔬菜和水果为主。美国目前的饮食指南中也包括蔬菜和水果,但推荐的力度不够。科学家们希望在明年向国民颁布的健康指南中能够大力宣传多吃蔬菜水果,蔬菜水果不应再是身体营养的补 充食品,而应该是美国人饮食结构中的主食。 在美国造成死亡率最高的6种病症中,有5种与饮食不合理有关。其中包括心脏病、癌症、中风和糖尿病。(Five of the top six causes of death in the United States are diet-related. These include heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.)多数人只知道有三分之一的癌症患者与吸烟有关,却不知道另有三分之一的癌症患者之所以得癌与饮食结构不合理有很大关系。(While one-third of all cancers is related to tobacco use, another full third are related to diet.) 饮食以蔬菜和水果为主,是否会造成营养不良?否。专家认为: People can get all the nutrients they need from fruits and vegetables. 所谓“饮食以蔬菜和水果为主”,就不能将蔬菜和水果当作“点缀”或是“旁衬”:The evidence is very strong that those who eat five or more servings of fruits