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世界文明奇迹 中华廿四节气
作者 王修筑 《华北国土资源》 2016年第5期41-46,共6页
在我们的地球上有一处普通地理的中国黄河中下游流域,在人类历史的发展轨迹中,诞生并至今延续几千年的中华二十四节气,留下了先人聪明的智慧和辛勤的汗水,直到今天仍然是我国历法的核心内容。如此伟大的文化工程经历了漫长的四千年以上... 在我们的地球上有一处普通地理的中国黄河中下游流域,在人类历史的发展轨迹中,诞生并至今延续几千年的中华二十四节气,留下了先人聪明的智慧和辛勤的汗水,直到今天仍然是我国历法的核心内容。如此伟大的文化工程经历了漫长的四千年以上孕育期和成熟之后的两千多年的使用期,也是世界上唯一一项、经历了近七千年历史至今还在使用的自然科学文化工程项目。它是中华民族首屈一指、最伟大的世界文化遗产;在如此巨大的中华文明的一系列文化属性特征中,成为一套可以稳定延续下去的文化基因。不能不说是世界文化地理的一个奇迹。王修筑先生多年研究中华二十四节气,并有很高的造诣,他以引据经典、通俗易懂的文字给大家介绍了世界文明奇迹——中华廿四节气。 展开更多
关键词 廿四节气 文化地理 物候特征 文化工程 文化基因 《逸周书》 农事活动 物候现象 黄河中游 西候
作者 王修筑 《天工》 2015年第6期77-79,共3页
中国陶瓷自古以来名扬四海,是国人的骄傲,与中国英文同名。陶瓷的实用性、装饰性以及其携带的文化信息是其他任何物体都难以相比的。中国的瓷器制作历史极其悠久,名窑很多,但龙泉的哥窑和青瓷却独树一帜。龙泉陶瓷的制作工艺代代相传,... 中国陶瓷自古以来名扬四海,是国人的骄傲,与中国英文同名。陶瓷的实用性、装饰性以及其携带的文化信息是其他任何物体都难以相比的。中国的瓷器制作历史极其悠久,名窑很多,但龙泉的哥窑和青瓷却独树一帜。龙泉陶瓷的制作工艺代代相传,经历了不断变化传到现在,无论在技术及艺术的层面都有很大的提升。龙泉县现在有数百家作坊在生产着各种花色品种的瓷器。 展开更多
关键词 龙泉 中国陶瓷 中国的瓷器 哥窑 文化信息 建武 花色品种 工艺美术大师 百家 高级工艺美术师
作者 王修筑 《华北国土资源》 2016年第3期8-9,共2页
漫漫长空,坦坦歧路,日月交辉,山水变数,滔滔汾河水,多情黄土地,养育了三晋古今人。人类从远古走来寻找文明,一步一步向现代迈进,逐水草而居是人类智慧的表现,有了水就有了生存的条件。山西是中华民族发祥地之一,在山西,汾河... 漫漫长空,坦坦歧路,日月交辉,山水变数,滔滔汾河水,多情黄土地,养育了三晋古今人。人类从远古走来寻找文明,一步一步向现代迈进,逐水草而居是人类智慧的表现,有了水就有了生存的条件。山西是中华民族发祥地之一,在山西,汾河就是山西人懒以生存的主要水源,因此,汾河被山西人称作母亲河。 展开更多
关键词 汾河 永久 人类智慧 中华民族 山西 黄土地 发祥地 山水
作者 王修筑 《科学之友》 2004年第2期76-79,共4页
关键词 碛口古镇 山西 临县 黄河治理 建筑特色 码头
精彩山西 魅力山西
作者 王修筑 《山西旅游》 2003年第3期38-38,共1页
关键词 山西 中国 旅游景点 绵山 古城晋祠 太行山
作者 王修筑 《山西旅游》 2003年第2期8-9,共2页
关键词 山西 旅游资源 悬空寺 壶口瀑布 云岗石窟
作者 王修筑 《今日山西》 2004年第11期28-29,共2页
The Yellow River has turned out many a wonder in its 5,464-kilometer-long river course, which has been largely shaped by natural dynamics with its channel varying in depth and width. Advancing sometimes rapidly and so... The Yellow River has turned out many a wonder in its 5,464-kilometer-long river course, which has been largely shaped by natural dynamics with its channel varying in depth and width. Advancing sometimes rapidly and sometimes slowly, the flow forms lots of tiny islets along its system. All these islets, however, can not be inhabited either because of being too small in size or because of the river’s ever shifting course. But when the Yellow River flows through Hequ, its course becomes wide and open, gradually branching out into two channels, finally forming a triangle-shaped landmass, which has become the only isle in the Yellow River with permanent human inhabitants. Then, how did the isle eventually become called Niangniangtan (Empress Beach)? According to legend, Empress Dowager Lu of the Han dynasty was so power hungry that she forced all those she considered might be potentially dangerous to her regency out of the palace or exiled to far away lands. Among those exiled, there was Consort Bo (later became Empress Dowager Bo), who was exiled to Yunzhong Prefecture. Wary of Empress Dowager Lu’s further persecution, Consort Bo escaped deep into this lush green islet smack dab in the middle of the Yellow River. Later on, she had her son (later became Emperor Wen of the Han dynasty) hidden in a smaller stone islet not far from this uninhabited islet. Having overcome untold difficulties, they stayed on and did not finish this hard life in exile until her son was crowned as Emperor Wen of the Han. So it is because of Consort Bo who had lived some time in this desolate island that it got this beautiful name Niangniangtan. 展开更多
关键词 黄河 娘娘滩 岛屿 居民生活
作者 王修筑 《今日山西》 2004年第7期30-32,共3页
The 3-year-old Pingyao International Photography Festival has brought much more international dimension to the rich and venerable culture of this ancient city of Pingyao. Three editions later, people are thinking abou... The 3-year-old Pingyao International Photography Festival has brought much more international dimension to the rich and venerable culture of this ancient city of Pingyao. Three editions later, people are thinking about not only photographic art but also given something of a sweet lingering flavor. In 2001, the bustling Old Pingyao Bar emerged as a beautiful scene, attracting an untold number of domestic and foreign photographers to this watering hole, where they talked about friendship as well as photography. The group exhibition featuring five female photographers became the most visited exhibition of the 2002 Pingyao International Photography Festival. And in 2003, visitors found a serendipitous delight at the creative venue, where rows of looms in giant workshops of a now-defunct textile factory turned into exhibiting tables, which created a brand new aesthetic touch. 展开更多
关键词 “平遥摄影大展” “老平遥酒吧” 摄影师 艺术交流
作者 王修筑 《中华活页文选(初一)》 2016年第9期52-54,共3页
每年公历9月23日或24日,节令交秋分,这时太阳运行到黄经180度,黄道与赤道相交,当日正午用圭表测日影,影长为古尺七尺二寸四分,相当于今天的1.78米,影的长度与春分节气相等,秋分当晚观测北斗七星的斗柄指向酉的方位,也就是正... 每年公历9月23日或24日,节令交秋分,这时太阳运行到黄经180度,黄道与赤道相交,当日正午用圭表测日影,影长为古尺七尺二寸四分,相当于今天的1.78米,影的长度与春分节气相等,秋分当晚观测北斗七星的斗柄指向酉的方位,也就是正西方,这个阶段一般在农历八月,又叫酉月。十二消息卦为观卦,卦象表示二阳四阴,阴长阳消,阴气居多,天气开始变凉了。 展开更多
关键词 中学教育 语文 阅读 《燕将明日去 秋向此时分》
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