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作者 王涢 侯路遥 +3 位作者 闵雪 刘佳欣 唐国良 张冲 《中医学》 2024年第10期2543-2548,共6页
目的:研究电针各要素对耳鸣的治疗效果,以探寻较佳电针刺激参数组合。方法:从耳鸣流行病学、电针治疗优势、电针参数特点入手,整理研究并分析有关电针刺激参数要素对耳鸣的治疗效果。结果:电针治疗耳鸣效果确切,虽目前电针参数研究较前... 目的:研究电针各要素对耳鸣的治疗效果,以探寻较佳电针刺激参数组合。方法:从耳鸣流行病学、电针治疗优势、电针参数特点入手,整理研究并分析有关电针刺激参数要素对耳鸣的治疗效果。结果:电针治疗耳鸣效果确切,虽目前电针参数研究较前有长足进步,但仍集中在频率、波形方面,研究因素相对单一,对参数不同组合产生的不同效应研究较少。结论:电针治疗耳鸣临床宜选用2 Hz、疏密波、较弱刺激、留针60 min的组合为佳。Objective: To study the therapeutic effect of each element of electro-acupuncture on tinnitus, so as to explore the better combination of electro-acupuncture stimulation parameters. Methods: Starting from the epidemiology of tinnitus, the advantages of electro-acupuncture treatment and the characteristics of electro-acupuncture parameters, the therapeutic effect of electro-acupuncture stimulation parameters on tinnitus was sorted out, studied and analyzed. Results: Electro-acupuncture is effective in the treatment of tinnitus. Although the current research on electro-acupuncture parameters has made great progress, it still focuses on the frequency and waveform, the research factors are relatively single, and there are relatively few studies on the different effects of different combinations of parameters. Conclusion: The combination of 2 Hz, disperse-dense wave, weak stimulation and needle retention for 60 minutes is better for the treatment of tinnitus. 展开更多
关键词 电针 耳鸣 电针参数
作者 闵雪 刘佳欣 +5 位作者 侯路遥 王涢 韩淼 于杰 唐国良 张冲 《中医学》 2024年第10期2517-2523,共7页
目的:采用循证医学方法分析针刺治疗便秘型肠易激综合征(IBS-C)的经络取穴规律,为临床提供方案。方法:应用计算机检索截止至7月1日的文献,按照Cochrane系统文献质量评价的方法筛选随机对照研究方法文献,穴位出现采用频数和频率进行描述... 目的:采用循证医学方法分析针刺治疗便秘型肠易激综合征(IBS-C)的经络取穴规律,为临床提供方案。方法:应用计算机检索截止至7月1日的文献,按照Cochrane系统文献质量评价的方法筛选随机对照研究方法文献,穴位出现采用频数和频率进行描述,运用SPSS26.0进行统计分析。结果:共有十二篇符合纳入标准的研究;十四经筛选统计总共出现19个穴位(前8个穴位依次为:足三里、天枢、上巨虚、三阴交、太冲、印堂、百会、中脘),分属11条经脉(足阳明胃经 > 任脉 > 足太阴脾经、督脉 > 足厥阴肝经、手少阳三焦经、手厥阴心包经、手阳明大肠经、足太阳膀胱经、手少阴心经、足少阳胆经)。结论:肠易激综合征便秘型针刺治疗穴位多选用募穴、下合穴、交会穴,常选用足阳明胃经、督脉、任脉、足太阴脾经、足厥阴肝经。Objective: To analyze the rule of meridian point selection in the treatment of constipated irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C) by evidence-based medicine, and to provide clinical scheme. Methods: The literatures up to July 1 were searched by computer, and the literatures of randomized controlled studies were screened according to Cochrane systematic literature quality evaluation. The frequency of acupuncture points were described, and SPSS26.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: A total of 12 studies met the inclusion criteria;After 14 screening, a total of 19 acupoints were found (the first 8 acupoints were: Zusanli, Tianshu, Shangjuxu, Sanyinjiao, Taichong, Yintang, Baihui, Zhongwan) belonging to 11 meridians (Zyangming Stomach Channel > Ren channel > Taiyin Spleen Channel, Du Channel > Jueyin Liver channel, Shaoyang Sanjiao Channel, Jueyin myocardium Channel, Yangming large intestine channel, Yang Sun Heart Channel, Shaoyang gallbladder channel). Conclusion: Mu point, Xiaihe point and Conifing point are the main acupuncture points for irritable bowel syndrome. The stomach channel, Du vein, Ren vein, Taiyin spleen channel and Jueyin liver channel of foot Yangming are often selected. 展开更多
关键词 便秘型肠易激综合征(IBS-C) 针刺 随机对照
作者 王涢 田露 《中医文献杂志》 2023年第5期55-57,共3页
《黄帝内经》中脏腑与窍属的对应关系说法不一,《素问·阴阳应象大论》言“肾主耳……在窍为耳”。中医基础理论认为“肾在窍为耳”,后世多以此立论,然《素问·金匮真言论》亦有“心开窍于耳”之说。为辨析“心开窍于耳”的科... 《黄帝内经》中脏腑与窍属的对应关系说法不一,《素问·阴阳应象大论》言“肾主耳……在窍为耳”。中医基础理论认为“肾在窍为耳”,后世多以此立论,然《素问·金匮真言论》亦有“心开窍于耳”之说。为辨析“心开窍于耳”的科学内涵,本文从“开”和“在”二字本义,以及“心开窍于耳”的生理、病理、临床诸方面进行阐释,以期探析心、耳之间的关系,为临床辨治心系疾病提供理论依据和治疗思路。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 开窍
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