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刘燕池教授治疗肝胆疾病临证经验 被引量:3
作者 郭健 赵宇明 +2 位作者 和梦珂 张静 石静纹 《世界中医药》 CAS 2015年第6期873-875,共3页
肝胆疾病是现代社会的多发病。刘燕池教授为国家级名老中医,他认为肝胆病与情志密切有关,表现为气机的调达、血液的贮藏和胆汁疏泄功能的异常,因此组方以疏肝理气、清热利湿为主,方剂主要是大柴胡汤、小柴胡汤和温胆汤加减,常用的药物... 肝胆疾病是现代社会的多发病。刘燕池教授为国家级名老中医,他认为肝胆病与情志密切有关,表现为气机的调达、血液的贮藏和胆汁疏泄功能的异常,因此组方以疏肝理气、清热利湿为主,方剂主要是大柴胡汤、小柴胡汤和温胆汤加减,常用的药物有金钱草、鸡内金、黄芩、白芍、丹参、柴胡、海金沙、三七粉、赤芍。肝胆疾病的初期以祛邪为主,后期则辅助滋阴养血柔肝药物。 展开更多
关键词 @刘燕池 肝胆疾病 乙肝 脂肪肝 胆囊炎
刘燕池教授治疗皮肤疾病组方规律分析 被引量:3
作者 郭健 赵宇明 +2 位作者 和梦珂 张静 石静纹 《吉林中医药》 2014年第11期1099-1102,共4页
刘燕池教授认为,皮肤病多为血热、热毒和湿热郁结于皮下,因此组方以清热药为主,主要包括清热解毒的野菊花、青黛、土茯苓和败酱草,清热凉血的牡丹皮、紫草和清热燥湿的苦参、黄柏。皮肤病初期注重清热解毒、疏解郁热并保持大便通畅,后... 刘燕池教授认为,皮肤病多为血热、热毒和湿热郁结于皮下,因此组方以清热药为主,主要包括清热解毒的野菊花、青黛、土茯苓和败酱草,清热凉血的牡丹皮、紫草和清热燥湿的苦参、黄柏。皮肤病初期注重清热解毒、疏解郁热并保持大便通畅,后期则辅助滋阴和活血药物,酌加麦冬、沙参、生石斛和丹参、制乳香、制没药、红花等。刘燕池教授多用五味子和乌梅治疗瘙痒。对于皮肤病损,多采取口服中药的同时配合外洗药物,并强调日常皮肤清洁并忌食辛辣海鲜。 展开更多
关键词 刘燕池 皮肤疾病 清热解毒 清热燥湿 滋阴活血
刘燕池治疗呼吸道疾病临证经验 被引量:2
作者 郭健 赵宇明 +2 位作者 和梦珂 张静 石静纹 《环球中医药》 CAS 2014年第10期795-797,共3页
刘燕池教授认为呼吸道疾病的根本病理在于肺的宣发肃降失常,治疗重在宣肺降气。风寒束表,刘教授喜用小青龙汤和三拗汤加减。风热束肺,用银翘散加减。体虚患者则配合玉屏风散。外感失治,入里化热,则用麻杏石甘汤加减。呼吸道疾病迁延不愈... 刘燕池教授认为呼吸道疾病的根本病理在于肺的宣发肃降失常,治疗重在宣肺降气。风寒束表,刘教授喜用小青龙汤和三拗汤加减。风热束肺,用银翘散加减。体虚患者则配合玉屏风散。外感失治,入里化热,则用麻杏石甘汤加减。呼吸道疾病迁延不愈,多津伤阴亏,则用沙参麦冬汤和止嗽散加减。刘教授治疗呼吸道疾病时最常用的药物有沙参、麦冬、生石斛,生石膏,桑白皮、炙杷叶、浙贝、生牡蛎,五味子、乌梅和防风,表明滋阴清热,泻肺平喘化痰是其治疗呼吸道疾病的主要临证思路。 展开更多
关键词 刘燕池 呼吸道疾病 滋阴清热 泻肺平喘化痰
作者 郭健 张静 +1 位作者 和梦珂 石静纹 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2016年第2期253-255,259,共4页
文章通过总结刘燕池教授治疗脾胃病的用药特点及验案分析发现,刘老治疗脾胃病以"护胃气、益胃阴,疏肝郁、理气机"的诊疗思路贯穿治疗整个过程,用药大多是在理气健脾,和胃降逆的基础上,对于因寒邪客胃,饮食停滞,肝气犯胃,湿热... 文章通过总结刘燕池教授治疗脾胃病的用药特点及验案分析发现,刘老治疗脾胃病以"护胃气、益胃阴,疏肝郁、理气机"的诊疗思路贯穿治疗整个过程,用药大多是在理气健脾,和胃降逆的基础上,对于因寒邪客胃,饮食停滞,肝气犯胃,湿热中阻,脾胃虚寒等气机不畅而致的脾胃疾病,常与解表、消食、理气、清热泻火、芳香化湿、温中健脾的方药配伍,辨证运用;同时刘老用柴胡、升麻等升提药与厚朴、陈皮等和降药配伍调理脾胃气机,强调胃以和降为顺;另刘老认为北方天气干燥,且快节奏的都市生活,使很多患者紧张忧虑、饮食无规律、加班熬夜等,伤神耗阴、伤阴耗血,因此刘老强调治疗时应保护胃气,顾护胃阴,以沙参、麦冬、生石斛为其滋阴生津的必用药对,随证加减,临床疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 刘燕池 脾胃病 诊疗思路 滋阴清热
苍附导痰汤对米非司酮诱导PCOS大鼠卵巢形态及雄激素的影响 被引量:9
作者 和梦珂 张静 +3 位作者 李昕 李凌楠 石静纹 郭健 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2018年第8期862-865,共4页
目的探讨苍附导痰汤对米非司酮诱导多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovarian syndrome,PCOS)大鼠卵巢形态及雄激素的影响。方法 60只Wistar大鼠分为正常组、模型组、二甲双胍组和苍附导痰汤高、中、低剂量组。采用皮下注射米非司酮造模并以... 目的探讨苍附导痰汤对米非司酮诱导多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovarian syndrome,PCOS)大鼠卵巢形态及雄激素的影响。方法 60只Wistar大鼠分为正常组、模型组、二甲双胍组和苍附导痰汤高、中、低剂量组。采用皮下注射米非司酮造模并以阴道涂片监测大鼠发情周期,造模成功后各组灌胃干预9 d,处死动物,称量双侧卵巢质量,HE染色观察卵巢形态及卵泡发育情况,放射免疫法测定血清睾酮水平。结果和正常组比较,模型组大鼠血清睾酮水平、卵巢指数、窦前卵泡及初级卵泡数量明显增加,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);和模型组比较,中药组及二甲双胍组大鼠血清睾酮、窦前卵泡数量、初级卵泡数量都明显降低(P<0.05)。结论苍附导痰汤作用于米非司酮诱导的PCOS大鼠,可降低血清睾酮水平,使PCOS大鼠窦前卵泡、初级卵泡数量明显减少,改善卵巢多囊样改变。 展开更多
关键词 苍附导痰汤 米非司酮 多囊卵巢综合征 卵巢形态 睾酮 窦前卵泡
太极拳在脑卒中康复中的作用临床研究概述 被引量:7
作者 刘波 王嘉麟 +3 位作者 石静纹 王一帆 雷彬 李红培 《环球中医药》 CAS 2019年第4期622-627,共6页
脑卒中后常遗留不同程度的功能障碍,在一定程度上影响着患者的生活能力和生存质量。近年来,有效而循序渐进的康复治疗成为卒中患者功能恢复的重要部分。本文通过检索近10年相关文献,发现太极拳作为一种技巧性动作,不仅能改善卒中患者运... 脑卒中后常遗留不同程度的功能障碍,在一定程度上影响着患者的生活能力和生存质量。近年来,有效而循序渐进的康复治疗成为卒中患者功能恢复的重要部分。本文通过检索近10年相关文献,发现太极拳作为一种技巧性动作,不仅能改善卒中患者运动功能、平衡功能、步行能力、认知功能,缓解卒中后抑郁、焦虑情绪,还具有脑血管病一级预防作用。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 脑卒中 功能康复 认知功能 抑郁 焦虑 综述
刘燕池补肾疏肝法治疗妇科常见病临证思路 被引量:2
作者 和梦珂 赵宇明 +2 位作者 张静 石静纹 郭健 《北京中医药》 2016年第1期49-52,共4页
刘燕池教授认为妇科疾病的根本原因在于肾开阖功能和肝疏泄功能失调,导致肾不藏精,肝失调达,因此治疗时注重滋阴补肾、清肝疏肝兼以清热凉血、软坚散结,配合情绪疏导。由肾精不足导致的闭经,临床多以五子衍宗丸及二仙汤加减补肾填精;肾... 刘燕池教授认为妇科疾病的根本原因在于肾开阖功能和肝疏泄功能失调,导致肾不藏精,肝失调达,因此治疗时注重滋阴补肾、清肝疏肝兼以清热凉血、软坚散结,配合情绪疏导。由肾精不足导致的闭经,临床多以五子衍宗丸及二仙汤加减补肾填精;肾阴亏虚导致的月经先期、崩漏等,多以六味地黄丸或知柏地黄丸加减。调肝常用的方剂有丹栀逍遥散、柴胡疏肝散、清经汤等。肝气不舒,常用瓜蒌、郁金、川楝子;肝火旺盛,喜用桑叶、菊花、黄芩、栀子等;肝阳上亢,则用生地黄、玄参、女贞子、旱莲草等。 展开更多
关键词 刘燕池 妇科疾病 补肾疏肝、滋阴清热、凉血活血法 名医经验
小胶质细胞与缺血缺氧性脑损伤关系的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 刘波 王嘉麟 +4 位作者 陈师林 石静纹 雷彬 王一帆 李红培 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2019年第9期38-42,共5页
小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统的主要免疫细胞,其介导的炎性反应在缺血缺氧性脑损伤中起着重要的作用。缺血性卒中是脑血管病的常见类型,现有的治疗手段不能获得满意的临床疗效,因此研究小胶质细胞的作用机制对缺血性卒中的治疗具有重要意... 小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统的主要免疫细胞,其介导的炎性反应在缺血缺氧性脑损伤中起着重要的作用。缺血性卒中是脑血管病的常见类型,现有的治疗手段不能获得满意的临床疗效,因此研究小胶质细胞的作用机制对缺血性卒中的治疗具有重要意义。本文就近年来国内外关于小胶质细胞活化及其对缺血缺氧性脑损伤的作用、相关药物治疗等研究展开综述,为缺血性卒中的治疗提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 小胶质细胞 缺血缺氧性脑损伤 炎性反应 药物治疗
Clinical study of prevention of urine retention after subabdominal surgery by electro-acupuncture acupoints Yin Ling Quan(SP 9),Zhao Hai(KI 6) with the assistance of subarachnoid acupoint anesthesia
作者 彭登发 王联钧 +2 位作者 石静纹 蔡玲玲 吴美超 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2017年第2期9-13,共5页
OBJECTIVE:To explore the prevention of urine retention after subabdominal surgery by electro-acupuncture Yin Ling Quan(SP 9),Zhao Hai(KI 6) acupoints with the assistance of subarachnoid acupoint anesthesia by observin... OBJECTIVE:To explore the prevention of urine retention after subabdominal surgery by electro-acupuncture Yin Ling Quan(SP 9),Zhao Hai(KI 6) acupoints with the assistance of subarachnoid acupoint anesthesia by observing the postoperative voiding time and urine volume of postoperative patients undergoing Electroacupuncture plus subarachnoid block anesthesia.METHODS:60 cases of preoperative expected for subarachnoid block surgery patients were randomly divided into two groups,the treatment group and the control group,with 30 cases in each group.The control group underwent routine subarachnoid anesthesia after surgery without acupuncture treatment group;The treatment group was treated with acupuncture bilateral Yin Ling Quan and Zhaohai acupoints 15 minutes before anesthesia,and then received unilateral electric anesthesia instrument treatment,the intensity of the patient was tolerable(generally 1.5 ~ 2.0 m A),and the routine subarachnoid block anesthesia was performed;The first urination time,urine volume,lower abdominal pain and assistant catheterization were recorded in the two groups.RESULTS:The first postoperative voiding time of the treatment group was significantly earlier compared with that of the control group,there was significant difference(P<0.05);the amount of urine was significantly more than that of the control group in reservation time,there was significant difference(P<0.05);the abdominal pain was light in the treatment group,there was significant difference(P<0.05);the cases of assisted catheterization of the control group were significantly more thanthose of the treatment group,there was significant difference(P< 0.05).CONCLUSION:Electro-acupuncture Yin Ling Quan(SP 9),Zhao Hai(KI 6) acupoints with the assistance of subarachnoid acupoint anesthesia could significantly reduce the urine retention after subabdominal surgery in postoperative patients with ubarachnoid block anesthesiau,accelerate the recovery of bladder function and promote early postoperative urination in addition to relieving the abdominal symptoms after operation. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE Yin Ling Quan(SP 9) Zhao Hai(KI 6) Subarachnoid acupoint anesthesia Urinary retention
Clinical study of Cangbai Shiduqing Granul in reversing drug resistance of ureaplasma urealyticum
作者 张颖纯 李元文 +5 位作者 李纬 周志强 赵雅静 吴美超 石静纹 蔡玲玲 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2017年第2期5-8,共4页
Ureaplasma Urealyticum(UU) can not only cause a wide range of nongonococcalinfectionsto urogenital tract,but also lead to infertility,sterility,intrauterinefetal infection,abortion or other bad consequences.For males,... Ureaplasma Urealyticum(UU) can not only cause a wide range of nongonococcalinfectionsto urogenital tract,but also lead to infertility,sterility,intrauterinefetal infection,abortion or other bad consequences.For males,UU may cause prostatitis,epididymitis and other diseases.With great harm to the human health,UU infection has been taken as one of the most important STDs in China for prevention and cure.However,the drug resistance of UU is increasingly stronger with the widespread use of antibiotics.Many nongonococcal patients with mycoplasma infection often fail to be cured after a long time of treatment,and drug sensitive tests find that,multidrug resistance brings physical and mental pains to patients all the time.Luckily,integrated Chinese traditional and western medicine greatly improves the cure rate,though the mechanism is not clear.There have been many studies on the reversion action and mechanism of TCM on the antibiotic resistance of bacteria,but studies on the reversion to UU drug resistance are deficient.Here we chose some voluntary patients with multidrug resistance as the research objects,who received treatment in my hospital in recent 3 years.They were given the oral administration of self-prescribed Cangbai Shiduqing Granule.Then,Cangbai Shiduqing Granule's reversion effect on UU drug resistance,namely,the sensitivity transformation situation of drug-resistant antibiotics,was observed.And the observation results are presented in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Ureaplasmaurealyticum(uu) Drug resistance REVERSION ANTIBIOTICS
Study and Discussion on Acupuncture Treatment of Urticaria
作者 蔡玲玲 李元文 +8 位作者 张月月 李华 殷霞 董颖 赵凤珠 方芸 孙杰 石静纹 许开拓 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2017年第2期1-4,共4页
OBJECTIVE:To explore the etiology and pathogenesis of urticaria and its characteristics,advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of it and the commonly used acupoints,with a prospect of providing clinical g... OBJECTIVE:To explore the etiology and pathogenesis of urticaria and its characteristics,advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of it and the commonly used acupoints,with a prospect of providing clinical guidance for other doctors.METHODS:Methods and views of urticaria treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion were summarized and the representative acupoints were found out by retrieving related literatures in recent years.RESULTS:Traditional Chinese medicine holds that urticaria is caused by weakness and leads to the wind stroke knot on the skin,which fights against qi and blood and generates wheal..Acupuncture therapy has its unique advantages in treating,which is worth clinical reference and promotion,however,there are still some problems in its clinical study.CONCLUSION:Acupuncture therapy should be combined with reinforcing qi and nourishing blood,detoxification dehumidification,dispelling wind and arresting itching as the principle,as according to the the principle that different symptomsmatch with the corresponding points after selecting the main point.Physiciansshould treat patients by choosing acupuncture point according to the law of syndrome differentiation in selecting,tired to choose acupuncture point,local pick acupuncture point and choosing particular points.As urticaria may attack in any season,in any place and on any person.Therefore,the prevention and treatment of urticariais a protracted war,and needs to strengthen the nursing in the treatmentto achieve the desired effect. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture and moxibustion URTICARIA Channels and collaterals TREATMENT
Clinical Observation on Brachial Plexus Block with “One Injection Two Points” Method Guiding by Ultrasound
作者 黄强 蔡玲玲 +10 位作者 石静纹 方志远 吴美超 孙朝辉 孙玉兰 李勇 卢尚亭 徐辉 黄童郁 王洪亮 张涛 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2017年第1期14-17,共4页
OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical effect of brachial plexus block with "One Injection Two Points" guided under ultrasound and the conventional method guiding by ultrasound. METHODS: 70 patients were randomi... OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical effect of brachial plexus block with "One Injection Two Points" guided under ultrasound and the conventional method guiding by ultrasound. METHODS: 70 patients were randomized evenly into 2 groups, with 35 patients in each group, while the Experiment Group(Group B) received One Injection Two Points" method, the Control Group(Group A) received the conventional method.The nerve block every 5 s, the success rate of anesthesia, the dosage of local anesthetics, second remedial anesthesia, adverse reactions, etc.were recorded. RESULTS: Group B was superior to group A in the success rate of anesthesia; There were 6 patients in group A who required constant pump injection of Remifentanil to remedy, while no patients in Group B needed remedy treatment. There were no serious adverse reactions in both groups.CONCLUSIONS: The clinical effect of brachial plexus block with "One Injection Two Points" method guided under ultrasoundguiding by ultrasound was superior to that of the conventional method. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical observation Ultrasound-guided Brachial plexus block "One Injection Two Points" method
Experience of Professor Li Yuanwen in treating psoriasis
作者 蔡玲玲 李萍 +6 位作者 王艳 许开拓 石静纹 林玮华 王东琪 吴美超 李元文 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2016年第4期16-18,共3页
Professor Li has combined TCM and modern medicine in the treatment of skin diseases for more than 30 years and has accumulated rich experience.We summarize some of his clinical experience in treating psoriasis.
关键词 中医 现代医学 皮肤病 治疗方法
The progress of research in medical-image assessment system of melasma
作者 蔡玲玲 张丰川 +4 位作者 石静纹 金艳 王瑶 张宽顺 李元文 《World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine》 2016年第1期23-26,共4页
关键词 破坏性疾病 中医 患者 治疗方法
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