Paper Losses is a short story written by Lorrie Moore,an American fiction writer known for her humorous and poignant short stories,in 2006. Before do the English-Chinese translation,the author makes an analysis of the...Paper Losses is a short story written by Lorrie Moore,an American fiction writer known for her humorous and poignant short stories,in 2006. Before do the English-Chinese translation,the author makes an analysis of the source text from the point of tone and characters,then discusses the translation methods and theory that the author adopts. Moreover,problems encountering in the pro-cess of translation are listed for further progress.展开更多
文摘Paper Losses is a short story written by Lorrie Moore,an American fiction writer known for her humorous and poignant short stories,in 2006. Before do the English-Chinese translation,the author makes an analysis of the source text from the point of tone and characters,then discusses the translation methods and theory that the author adopts. Moreover,problems encountering in the pro-cess of translation are listed for further progress.