The Lady and the Panda tells the story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan socialite who broughtback the first baby panda from China. Ruth was the toast of 1930s New York, a dress designer newly married to a wealthy adven...The Lady and the Panda tells the story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan socialite who broughtback the first baby panda from China. Ruth was the toast of 1930s New York, a dress designer newly married to a wealthy adventurer, Bill Harkness. Just weeks after their wedding, however, Bill decamped for China in hopes of becoming the first Westerner to capture a giant panda, a journey on which many had embarked and failed miserably. Bill was also to fail in his quest, dying horribly alone in China and leaving his widow heartbroken and adrift. Instead of mourning, Ruth Harkness set out to complete her husband's mission.展开更多
文摘The Lady and the Panda tells the story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan socialite who broughtback the first baby panda from China. Ruth was the toast of 1930s New York, a dress designer newly married to a wealthy adventurer, Bill Harkness. Just weeks after their wedding, however, Bill decamped for China in hopes of becoming the first Westerner to capture a giant panda, a journey on which many had embarked and failed miserably. Bill was also to fail in his quest, dying horribly alone in China and leaving his widow heartbroken and adrift. Instead of mourning, Ruth Harkness set out to complete her husband's mission.