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中国“入世”对中美关系的影响 被引量:1
作者 蒋裕国 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第9期6-10,47-48,共7页
The preparing work for China’s entry into WTO has basically completed, and the date for its entry into WTO is aproaching. China’s entry into WTO and merging into the international society are not only benefitial for... The preparing work for China’s entry into WTO has basically completed, and the date for its entry into WTO is aproaching. China’s entry into WTO and merging into the international society are not only benefitial for China to deepen its reform but also helpful for China to enhance the building of new order for the international economy, and will have a positive effect for the stability of economic and trade relationship between China and the US and their long-term development. China’s entry into WTO is in line with China’s strategic interests, and is helpful for China to realize its long term aim at reforming and opening to the outside, to participate in the process of economic internationalization, and to strengthen the global multi-lateral trade system. In the meanwhile, it is also in line with the stategic interest of the United States. If so, China’s huge market will be merged into the international economic system in which the western countries play an important role, and China will paticipate in drawing up and abiding by the multi-lateral trade regulations, and merge itself into the multi-lateral system for a long time. In this case, the United States can make use of its advantage on technology and capital, can make use of the running rules of the multi- lateral system which are benefitial to the US, and can gain more interests from China. The trade relationship between China and the US is strongly mutual complementary and mutual benefit, and has a huge potentialities of development. Since the end of the cold war, the trade relationship between China and the US has become the most constructive factor in their relations, and will gradually turn to be the leading factor. It is helpful for China and the US to become important trade partners and investment objectives. Their trade relationship has recently become an important componentpart for their relaitons. China’s entry into WTO will play a positive role in the healthy development of US-China trade relationship. But we cannot make a high appraise of its effect on the Sino-US relations in such a short period. 展开更多
关键词 中美关系 政治 战略利益 美国 美利坚合众国 北美洲 中国“入世” 中美经贸 加入世贸组织
作者 蒋裕国 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第7期20-23,12,共5页
今年5月26日,德国联邦议院在万余名示威者的抗议声中,以三分之二的多数票通过决议,修改基本法中有关避难权的条款,规定凡来自欧共体国家和“安全的第三国”的难民一律予以遣返。这样,外国人进入德国要求避难将更加困难,难民大量涌入德... 今年5月26日,德国联邦议院在万余名示威者的抗议声中,以三分之二的多数票通过决议,修改基本法中有关避难权的条款,规定凡来自欧共体国家和“安全的第三国”的难民一律予以遣返。这样,外国人进入德国要求避难将更加困难,难民大量涌入德国的势头将受到控制。现将有关情况作一介绍和分析。 展开更多
关键词 德国政府 移民潮 难民 欧共体 独联体国家 东欧国家 极右势力 第二次世界大战 联邦议院 东欧剧变
作者 蒋裕国 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第2期59-62,共4页
关键词 联邦德国 基督教 总统府 民主德国 政治家 竞争对手 联盟 柏林 联邦议院 施米特
China's WTO Entry Helps Sino-US Ties
作者 蒋裕国 《Contemporary International Relations》 2000年第9期1-10,共10页
China applied for restoration of its status as the GATT founding member in1986. The country has made great endeavor in reducing customs duties, removing non-tariff barriers, enhancing protection of intellectual proper... China applied for restoration of its status as the GATT founding member in1986. The country has made great endeavor in reducing customs duties, removing non-tariff barriers, enhancing protection of intellectual property rights andservice trades, launching reform of the foreign trade regime, eliminating trade bar-riers and improving environment for foreign investment. Over the past 14 years,China has taken part in 26 relevant multilateral meetings and hundreds of bilateralnegotiations. 展开更多
关键词 WTO WILL China’s WTO Entry Helps Sino-US Ties US
作者 谢建宏 李书锋 +1 位作者 蒋裕国 梁承明 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2006年第1期53-58,62,共7页
博弈论自诞生以来已成功运用于政治、经济、军事等领域,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。本文运用博弈论的理论和方法揭示了企业全面预算管理符合不完全信息动态博弈模型,认为企业全面预算管理的过程中只有趋向于精炼贝叶斯均衡才是有效率的... 博弈论自诞生以来已成功运用于政治、经济、军事等领域,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。本文运用博弈论的理论和方法揭示了企业全面预算管理符合不完全信息动态博弈模型,认为企业全面预算管理的过程中只有趋向于精炼贝叶斯均衡才是有效率的。本文以白沙集团战略经营计划预算管理的实践为基础,分析了博弈理论与方法在提高白沙集团预算管理效率中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 博弈 全面预算管理 博弈均衡
作者 蒋裕国 《世界经济与政治》 1988年第10期63-65,共3页
1987年5月9日,马耳他举行了盛况空前的选举,全国98%的选民都参加了投票。选举结果,马耳他国民党以50.91%的微弱多数击败执政党马耳他工党。5月14日,国民党领袖爱德华·费内克——阿达米在总统府由临时总统保罗·祖埃雷布主持宣... 1987年5月9日,马耳他举行了盛况空前的选举,全国98%的选民都参加了投票。选举结果,马耳他国民党以50.91%的微弱多数击败执政党马耳他工党。5月14日,国民党领袖爱德华·费内克——阿达米在总统府由临时总统保罗·祖埃雷布主持宣誓就职,并组成由9名部长和8名国务秘书组成的新政府内阁,从而结束了马耳他工党执政长达16年的历史,由此马耳他政坛进入了独立后第三次大变化时期。 展开更多
关键词 政策主张 马耳他 发展第三产业 国民党 发展经济 新政府 旅游业 部长 民族经济 经济政策
作者 殷寿征 蒋裕国 《世界中学生文摘》 2005年第11期46-47,共2页
关键词 勃兰特 诺贝尔和平奖 波兰人 德国人 纳粹党 天地之间 我不知道 青年文摘 五人委员会 卢卑克
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