We have, in recent years, treated 84 cases of chronic fatigue syndrome with acupuncture therapy and Chinese patent drugs and obtained quite good clinical therapeutic effects. A report follows.
Impotence, a common disease in males, can cause infertility. Since 1990, the author has been using heavy moxibustion and point-injection of VB12 to treat impotence, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported in th...Impotence, a common disease in males, can cause infertility. Since 1990, the author has been using heavy moxibustion and point-injection of VB12 to treat impotence, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported in the following.展开更多
文摘We have, in recent years, treated 84 cases of chronic fatigue syndrome with acupuncture therapy and Chinese patent drugs and obtained quite good clinical therapeutic effects. A report follows.
文摘Impotence, a common disease in males, can cause infertility. Since 1990, the author has been using heavy moxibustion and point-injection of VB12 to treat impotence, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported in the following.