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Gapital Goods是什么?
作者 过季彤 《统计研究》 1984年第1期81-54,共2页
Capital Goods一词在西方经济文献资料上经常出现。这个词的中文译名既不统一,也不好理解。有人把它译为“资本货物”,有人把它译为“资本品”,也有人把它译为“资本财”。还有的人可能觉得这些译法都不好理解,干脆把它译为“生产资料”。
关键词 资本财 消费财 生产财 资本货物 资本品 生产资料 译法 投资财 中文译名 国民经济核算体系
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第1期44-46,共3页
The index numbers are computed bya Laspeyres type formula applying averageregional Wheat-based price relativesas weights The regional Wheat-based pricerelatives of commodities are the arithmeticaverages of the nationa... The index numbers are computed bya Laspeyres type formula applying averageregional Wheat-based price relativesas weights The regional Wheat-based pricerelatives of commodities are the arithmeticaverages of the national wheat-basedprice relatives weighted by the countryproduction of the commodities concerned.The national Wheat-based price 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 农业生产指数 生产者价格 联合国 NUMB 小麦 商品 粮农组织 等重量 加权系数
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第6期40-41,共2页
The data shown in the table arenormally derived from regular inquiries orreports on wholesale and retail trade orfrom infrequent censuses in this field andhave been collected in most cases throughdirect correspondence... The data shown in the table arenormally derived from regular inquiries orreports on wholesale and retail trade orfrom infrequent censuses in this field andhave been collected in most cases throughdirect correspondence with the countriesconcerned. For references to the relatednational sources of data,readers shouldconsult Bibliography of Industrial 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 统计单位 表列资料 雇用人员 批发贸易 国际建议 REFERENCES 零售贸易 营业所
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第3期45-46,共2页
Indices for continents,regions and theworld are computed by summing the coun-try aggregates,which for that purposeare converted into US dollars.The exchan-ge rates of national currencies for USdollars are those publi... Indices for continents,regions and theworld are computed by summing the coun-try aggregates,which for that purposeare converted into US dollars.The exchan-ge rates of national currencies for USdollars are those published by the Inter-national Monetary Fund,with the excep-tion of those of eastern European coun- 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 NUMB 定语从句 联合国 过去分词 农业生产指数 兑换率 基本汇率 粮农组织 中央计划经济国家
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第5期40-41,共2页
Retail trade (Group 6200) is definedas the resale (sale without transformation)of new and used goods to the generalpublic,for personal or household consump-tion or utilisation,by shops,departmentstores,stalls,mail-ord... Retail trade (Group 6200) is definedas the resale (sale without transformation)of new and used goods to the generalpublic,for personal or household consump-tion or utilisation,by shops,departmentstores,stalls,mail-order houses,gasoline(petrol)filling stations,retail motor 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 住户消费 零售贸易 基层商店 委托人 零售商 主语补语 H网 批发贸易
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第7期44-45,共2页
The series,published in the StatisticalYearbook,refer to the construction activityas defined by Division 5 of the Interna-tional standard Industrial Classificationof All Economic Activities (ISIC)(Statis-tical Paper... The series,published in the StatisticalYearbook,refer to the construction activityas defined by Division 5 of the Interna-tional standard Industrial Classificationof All Economic Activities (ISIC)(Statis-tical Papers,Series M,NO. 4, Rev.2).Itconsists of (1)Construction 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 CONST 联合国 建筑业 自营建筑 谓语 过去分词 主语 对外承包 水能工程
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第2期44-45,共2页
The index numbers show the relative level of the aggregate volume ofagricultural production for each year incomparison with the base poriod 1969-71.They are based on the sum of price-weighted quantities of different... The index numbers show the relative level of the aggregate volume ofagricultural production for each year incomparison with the base poriod 1969-71.They are based on the sum of price-weighted quantities of different agricul-tural commodities produced after deduc-tions of quantities used as seed andfeed weighted in a similar manner. Theresulting aggregate represents. therefore, 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 种籽 联合国 定语 NUMB 饲料使用 过去分词 现在分词 粮农组织 介词短语
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1985年第8期46-47,共2页
Special trade contractors are engagedin only part of the work of a constructionproject. Special trade contractors may workon sub-contract from the general contrac-tor or directly for the owner.They ... Special trade contractors are engagedin only part of the work of a constructionproject. Special trade contractors may workon sub-contract from the general contrac-tor or directly for the owner.They mayengage in such activities as plumbing,heating and air-conditioning installation; 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 木工作业 定语从句 基层单位 CONST 维修作业 ESTABLISHMENT 形式主语 专业承包
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1984年第10期42-,45,共2页
(续上期“Index numbers ofindusttrial production,bycountries”)The basic concepts and methodologyrecommended by the Statistical Commissionfor the construction of industrial productionindexes may be found in lndex Numbe... (续上期“Index numbers ofindusttrial production,bycountries”)The basic concepts and methodologyrecommended by the Statistical Commissionfor the construction of industrial productionindexes may be found in lndex Numbers ofIndustrial Production.With very few ex-@1ceptions,the indexes are calculated accord-ing to the Laspeyres formula using eitherthe weighted average of quantity 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 权数 固定基期 工业生产指数 INDEX 基期产量 理想公式 谓语 加权算术平均数
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1984年第11期43-44,共2页
National classifications are not adjustedwhere the divergence from the ISICdivisions is minor,but where majordifferences exist,the components of thenational index are regrouped by theStatistical Office of the United ... National classifications are not adjustedwhere the divergence from the ISICdivisions is minor,but where majordifferences exist,the components of thenational index are regrouped by theStatistical Office of the United Nations,where possible,to approximate the ISICdivisions. 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 新增价值 数列 国际标准产业分类 NUMB 生产统计 测绘名词 地点状语从句 月度资料
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1984年第12期38-39,共2页
The series are published in the Statistical Yearbook both in the“World summary”(by regions)and in the chapter“Agriculture”(by countries),and in the MonthlyBulletin of Statistics in the table entitled“Selected ser... The series are published in the Statistical Yearbook both in the“World summary”(by regions)and in the chapter“Agriculture”(by countries),and in the MonthlyBulletin of Statistics in the table entitled“Selected series of world statistics”.农业生产指数数列,发表在《统计年鉴》的“世界一览”部分(分地区)和“农业”一章(分国家),也发表在《统计月报》中题为“ 展开更多
关键词 农业生产指数 统计指标 数列 过去分词 联合国 NUMB 定语 食品生产 统计月报 及物动词
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1984年第8期38-39,共2页
Production for own consumption ofhouseholds includes all own-account pro-duction of primary commodities——i.e.,agricultural,fishing,forestry,mining andquarrying commodities—own-account pro-duction of such items as b... Production for own consumption ofhouseholds includes all own-account pro-duction of primary commodities——i.e.,agricultural,fishing,forestry,mining andquarrying commodities—own-account pro-duction of such items as butter,flour,wine,cloth or furniture made from pri-mary commodities,and furthermore othergoods and services which the producersalso sell at the market.The gross outputof the government is equal to the sum ofacquisitions for intermediate consumption。 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 已付赔款 总产值 service 准备金 增额 保险费扣除 关金 CAPITAL
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1984年第7期43-,40,共2页
1979年联合国编了一本关于统计指标涵义和计算方法的书,作为联合国《统计年鉴》和《统计月报》的增刊发行,书名就叫《统计年鉴和统计月报增刊(1977)》(1977 Supplement to The Statistical Yearbook and The MonthlyBulletin of Statist... 1979年联合国编了一本关于统计指标涵义和计算方法的书,作为联合国《统计年鉴》和《统计月报》的增刊发行,书名就叫《统计年鉴和统计月报增刊(1977)》(1977 Supplement to The Statistical Yearbook and The MonthlyBulletin of Statistics)。本刊约请有关同志从中节选一部分,译成汉语,并加必要的注释,希望能对读者学习英语和了解国际上常用的统计指标有所帮助。 展开更多
关键词 统计指标 联合国 定语 中文习惯 过去分词 可译 新增价值 统计月报 资本形成总值 房租
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1983年第7期10-10,共1页
关键词 考察团 日本国 国家统计局 统计局局长 总理府 家计调查 数据处理 住户调查 地统计 参观访问
作者 过季彤 《统计》 1983年第1期28-28,共1页
关键词 经济统计学 雷蒙德 苏联 翻译出版 国民经济平衡表 统计工作 80年 篇幅 外国经济 教授
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