分析化学是高校化学、药学、食品、生物等相关专业开设的一门专业基础课。目前,针对应用化学专业分析化学课程存在的教学模式传统、教学手段单一、教学内容复杂等现状,以应用型高校滁州学院为例,对分析化学课程做相应的教学探索和改革...分析化学是高校化学、药学、食品、生物等相关专业开设的一门专业基础课。目前,针对应用化学专业分析化学课程存在的教学模式传统、教学手段单一、教学内容复杂等现状,以应用型高校滁州学院为例,对分析化学课程做相应的教学探索和改革。首先,通过修订新版教学大纲,完善课程设计和任务分配,加强课程内涵建设,落实本科人才培养方案。其次,将实际生活工业存在的典型问题有机立体地融入课程思政内容,理论结合实际,学以致用,达到润物细无声的立德树人。最后,利用学习通平台,打破传统教学模式,完成师生闭环互动,调动学生积极性,完善教学方法,提高教学质量。Analytical Chemistry is a professional basic course offered by chemistry, pharmacy, food, biology and other related subjects in universities. At present, in view of the current situation of the analytical chemistry in applied chemistry major, such as the traditional teaching mode, meagre teaching methods, and complicated teaching contents, Chuzhou University, an applied university, is taken as an example to make corresponding teaching exploration and reform of analytical chemistry course. Firstly, the new version of the syllabus was revised, which improved the course design and task distribution, strengthened the construction of the curriculum connotation, and implemented the undergraduate talent training program. Secondly, the typical problems in the actual life and industry are organically integrated into the curriculum ideological and political content. Through combining theory with actual situation, it applied what had learned to solve practical problem and established morality and cultivate people in a subtle way. Finally, the learning platform is used to break the traditional teaching mode, complete the closed-loop interaction between teachers and students, mobilize the enthusiasm of students, improve the teaching method and improve the teaching quality.展开更多
采用4种同期发情方法处理哈萨克羊,比较发情和产羔性能,筛选出便捷有效的同期发情方法,提高羊繁殖率。568头成年哈萨克羊分为4组,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组阴道埋置海绵栓13 d,撤栓后分别肌肉注射100μg PG+350 IU eCG、350 IU eCG、100μg PG,Ⅳ...采用4种同期发情方法处理哈萨克羊,比较发情和产羔性能,筛选出便捷有效的同期发情方法,提高羊繁殖率。568头成年哈萨克羊分为4组,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组阴道埋置海绵栓13 d,撤栓后分别肌肉注射100μg PG+350 IU eCG、350 IU eCG、100μg PG,Ⅳ组阴道埋置CIDR栓13 d,撤栓后肌肉注射100μg PG+350 IU eCG,撤栓后12 h开始试情,每隔12 h试情一次,母羊发情后12 h采用冷冻精液腹腔镜输精。结果显示,4组之间的总发情率和受胎率没有显著差异,Ⅳ组的24 h内发情率显著高于其他3组,4组的发情时间集中在撤栓后36~48 h,Ⅱ组的双羔率显著高于其他3组。结果表明4种同期发情处理均可行,其中埋置海绵栓,撤栓后肌肉注射PG既能保证同期发情效果,又能节约成本;单独使用eCG增加了哈萨克羊的双羔率。展开更多
文摘分析化学是高校化学、药学、食品、生物等相关专业开设的一门专业基础课。目前,针对应用化学专业分析化学课程存在的教学模式传统、教学手段单一、教学内容复杂等现状,以应用型高校滁州学院为例,对分析化学课程做相应的教学探索和改革。首先,通过修订新版教学大纲,完善课程设计和任务分配,加强课程内涵建设,落实本科人才培养方案。其次,将实际生活工业存在的典型问题有机立体地融入课程思政内容,理论结合实际,学以致用,达到润物细无声的立德树人。最后,利用学习通平台,打破传统教学模式,完成师生闭环互动,调动学生积极性,完善教学方法,提高教学质量。Analytical Chemistry is a professional basic course offered by chemistry, pharmacy, food, biology and other related subjects in universities. At present, in view of the current situation of the analytical chemistry in applied chemistry major, such as the traditional teaching mode, meagre teaching methods, and complicated teaching contents, Chuzhou University, an applied university, is taken as an example to make corresponding teaching exploration and reform of analytical chemistry course. Firstly, the new version of the syllabus was revised, which improved the course design and task distribution, strengthened the construction of the curriculum connotation, and implemented the undergraduate talent training program. Secondly, the typical problems in the actual life and industry are organically integrated into the curriculum ideological and political content. Through combining theory with actual situation, it applied what had learned to solve practical problem and established morality and cultivate people in a subtle way. Finally, the learning platform is used to break the traditional teaching mode, complete the closed-loop interaction between teachers and students, mobilize the enthusiasm of students, improve the teaching method and improve the teaching quality.