Eric R. Dursteler, Venetians In Constantinople:Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.《威尼斯人在君士坦丁堡:早期近代地中海的民族、认同和共存》由...Eric R. Dursteler, Venetians In Constantinople:Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.《威尼斯人在君士坦丁堡:早期近代地中海的民族、认同和共存》由美国杨百翰大学历史系埃里克·R.杜斯特勒(Eric. R.Dursteler)撰写。展开更多
文摘Eric R. Dursteler, Venetians In Constantinople:Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.《威尼斯人在君士坦丁堡:早期近代地中海的民族、认同和共存》由美国杨百翰大学历史系埃里克·R.杜斯特勒(Eric. R.Dursteler)撰写。