The Green Party brings a breath offresh air to German politics — but to besuccessful they need to grow up.My son Christoph is 21 years old, intelligent,curious about the world, compassionate with hisfellow men and ac...The Green Party brings a breath offresh air to German politics — but to besuccessful they need to grow up.My son Christoph is 21 years old, intelligent,curious about the world, compassionate with hisfellow men and active in all kinds of causes:a marvelous kid, and we get along just fine — upto a point. That point is politics. He is greenand in his salad days. And more literally sothan Shakespeare could have dreamed of in hisphilosophy. He voted, like many others展开更多
文摘The Green Party brings a breath offresh air to German politics — but to besuccessful they need to grow up.My son Christoph is 21 years old, intelligent,curious about the world, compassionate with hisfellow men and active in all kinds of causes:a marvelous kid, and we get along just fine — upto a point. That point is politics. He is greenand in his salad days. And more literally sothan Shakespeare could have dreamed of in hisphilosophy. He voted, like many others