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The Case of the Fateful Fingerprints
作者 Michael Bowker 魏竹舫 《当代外语研究》 1997年第12期11-19,共9页
血溅卧室,可怜妇人一命呜呼;电脑鼎助,30年沉冤一朝清洗! 血突发生在1963年。当指纹专家Sauro踏入洛杉矶好莱坞的—公寓住宅时,他震惊了,眼前竟是这样一幅惨景: He had never before seen a human being so savagesyy beaten.A woman ?... 血溅卧室,可怜妇人一命呜呼;电脑鼎助,30年沉冤一朝清洗! 血突发生在1963年。当指纹专家Sauro踏入洛杉矶好莱坞的—公寓住宅时,他震惊了,眼前竟是这样一幅惨景: He had never before seen a human being so savagesyy beaten.A woman ?y on ablood-soaked bed,her skull brutall crushed,a silk stocking knotted around her n neck.A terrible quantity of blood was splashed over the walls. 被害人 Thora Rose。从现场看,这是一桩盗窃强奸未遂的杀人刑案! 作为指纹专家,他在现场收集到36个罪犯的指纹。然而,此后三年,一无所获: over the next three years,Sauro personally checked thousands of fingerprints invain. 20年过去,案子仍然未破。在80年代中期的一次警察聚会上,Sauro仍没有忘记此血案,他这样说: It was the worst crime we never solved,but we’re going to get him. 光阴荏苒,转眼 Sauro该退休了。当我们读到“After Sauro retired,the cardswith the 36 perfect fingerpints filed awat”,心不禁一沉:凶手就此永远逍遥法外了?!时间的车轮驶入 90年代,转机初现!AFIS(计算机控制的自动指纹识别系统)开始投入实际使用: It had already accumulated a database of more than a 展开更多
关键词 指纹识别系统 The Case of the Fateful Fingerprints
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