人类是孤独的,遥望夜空,星汉灿烂!然而,茫茫宇宙,只有地球,是一个生机勃勃、各种生命繁衍不息的星球。Jupiter(木星)有一颗卫星,叫Europa(木卫二),其体积与地球相仿。从Galileo spacecraft传回的信息发现:the presence of water in liqu...人类是孤独的,遥望夜空,星汉灿烂!然而,茫茫宇宙,只有地球,是一个生机勃勃、各种生命繁衍不息的星球。Jupiter(木星)有一颗卫星,叫Europa(木卫二),其体积与地球相仿。从Galileo spacecraft传回的信息发现:the presence of water in liquid form on Europa。虽然。科学家们尚不明白whether the water was frozen or in liquid form,但是,他们已经展开了想象的双翅: Even though it is buried beneath a thick layer of ice, life forms could draw energy from heat sources below, just asdeep-sea creatures do in the Earth's oceans. 除了驰骋想象之外,美国国家航空和航天局在“囊中羞涩”之时,仍然决定:to send another spacecraft there!】展开更多
文摘人类是孤独的,遥望夜空,星汉灿烂!然而,茫茫宇宙,只有地球,是一个生机勃勃、各种生命繁衍不息的星球。Jupiter(木星)有一颗卫星,叫Europa(木卫二),其体积与地球相仿。从Galileo spacecraft传回的信息发现:the presence of water in liquid form on Europa。虽然。科学家们尚不明白whether the water was frozen or in liquid form,但是,他们已经展开了想象的双翅: Even though it is buried beneath a thick layer of ice, life forms could draw energy from heat sources below, just asdeep-sea creatures do in the Earth's oceans. 除了驰骋想象之外,美国国家航空和航天局在“囊中羞涩”之时,仍然决定:to send another spacecraft there!】