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Structural Characterization and Effects of Helium Implantation in a New ODS Ferritic Steel
作者 Zhang Chonghong Yang Yitao +7 位作者 Sun Yin Zhang Yong Xu Chaoliang Li Jianjian a. kimura S. Kasada J.S. Jang H.D. Choe 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2011年第1期98-99,共2页
关键词 铁素体钢 ODS 结构表征 蠕变断裂强度 氧化物粒子 机械合金化法 纳米尺寸
3 - 28 Recent Progress of Study on Radiation Damage in Fusion Reactor Materials by Utilizing Ion Accelerators
作者 Zhang Chonghong Yang Yitao +5 位作者 Song Yin Zhang Liqing Chen Jiachao J. Jang a. kimura Ma Hongji 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期95-97,共3页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
2 - 8 Oblate Band Structures in Odd-odd 186Au
作者 Li Shicheng Zhang Yuhu +12 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Ding Bing Guo Song Li Guangshun Zhou Houbing M. Oshima Y. Toh M. Koizumi a. Osa a. kimura Y. Hatsukawa M. Sugawara H. Kusakari 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2010年第1期46-46,共1页
关键词 英文摘要 内容介绍 编辑工作 期刊
3-23 Research Progress in Group of Energy Materials in 2014
作者 Zhang Chonghong Song Yin +5 位作者 Yang Yitao Zhang Liqing Gou Jie Chen Jiachao J. Jang a. kimura 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期115-117,共3页
The progress of research going on in Group of Energy Materials (GEM), Material Research Center, in 2014 isin the following three aspects.1. Facility developmentIn order to push forward our study on fusion reactor mate... The progress of research going on in Group of Energy Materials (GEM), Material Research Center, in 2014 isin the following three aspects.1. Facility developmentIn order to push forward our study on fusion reactor materials, we upgraded the irradiation terminal (128#)of the sector focused cyclotron (SFC) at HIRFL, by developing a new specimen stage specific for irradiation withlow-fluence scattered ions. So far the terminal is capable of irradiation to both very low fluences (106 ions/cm2) andvery high fluences (typically 1016 ions/cm2) for various materials. Specimen temperature can be readily controlledusing the L-N2 cooling stage or the the high-T stage (up to 600 oC). Our recent investigation with transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM) of the defects produced by high-energy Ne ions in steel specimens provides a clearevidence that defects were produced uniformly along the depth in the specimen, indicating that the energy degraderof the terminal works effectively to disperse the ion energy in a wide range. A photo of the terminal together witha SRIM estimate of depth profiles of damage in an 8% Cr reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel (RAFMS) isshown in Fig. 1. 展开更多
Signature Inversion in High-j Two-quasiparticle Bands in Odd-Odd ^(174)Re
作者 Gou Song Zhang Yuhu +9 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Ma Long M. Oshima Y. Toh M. Koizumi a. Osa a. kimura Y. Hatsukawa M. Sugawara H. Kusakari 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2005年第1期46-46,共1页
High spin states in 174Re have been re-investigated via the 152Sm(27Al,5n)174 Re reaction at a bombarding energy of 14-0 MeV. The 27Al beam was provided by the JAERI tandem accelerator and impinged on an enriched 152S... High spin states in 174Re have been re-investigated via the 152Sm(27Al,5n)174 Re reaction at a bombarding energy of 14-0 MeV. The 27Al beam was provided by the JAERI tandem accelerator and impinged on an enriched 152Sm metallic foil of 2 mg/cm2 thickness. From detailed analysis ofγ-ray excitation functions, 展开更多
关键词 SIGNATURE反转 准粒子带 日本原子能研究所 串列加速器 轰击能量 高自旋 MeV 金属箔
Oblate Band Structure in Odd-odd ^(188)Au
作者 Fang Yongde Zhang Yuhu +10 位作者 M. Oshima Y. Toh Zhou Xiaohong M. Koizumi a. Osa a. kimura Y. Hatsukawa T. Morikawa M. Nakamura M. Sugawara H. Kusakari 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2004年第1期52-52,共1页
High-spin states in odd-odd 188Au has been reinvestigated via the heavy-ion 173Yb(19F, 4nγ) reactions at 86 and 90 MeV. The 19F beam was provided by the tandem accelerator at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institut... High-spin states in odd-odd 188Au has been reinvestigated via the heavy-ion 173Yb(19F, 4nγ) reactions at 86 and 90 MeV. The 19F beam was provided by the tandem accelerator at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The target was an isotopically enriched 173Yb metallic foil of 2 mg/cm2 thickness with 展开更多
关键词 日本原子能研究所 带结构 奇数 串列加速器 重离子 高自旋 MEV 同位素
High-spin Band Structures in Odd-odd ^168Ta
作者 Qiang Yunhua Zhang Yuhu +15 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Liu Yuan Hu Jun M. Oshima H. Harada M. Koizumi K. Furutaka F. Kitatani S. Nakamura Y. Toh a. kimura Y. Hatsukawa M. Ohta K. Hara T. Kin Meng Jie 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2007年第1期47-47,共1页
关键词 高自旋态 带结构 国际原子能机构 实验室 加速器
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