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作者 孙辉 李逢春 +4 位作者 丰江丽 谢有秀 王冰冰 徐涛 于斌 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1-10,共10页
采用原位溶剂热法在粘胶水刺非织造材料(VSN)表面合成了金属有机框架材料NH_(2)-MOF-199,制备了NH_(2)-MOF-199@粘胶水刺复合非织造材料(NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN);然后,将NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN经200℃高温煅烧,得到炭化后的NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN... 采用原位溶剂热法在粘胶水刺非织造材料(VSN)表面合成了金属有机框架材料NH_(2)-MOF-199,制备了NH_(2)-MOF-199@粘胶水刺复合非织造材料(NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN);然后,将NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN经200℃高温煅烧,得到炭化后的NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSNC。结果表明,呈八面体结构的NH_(2)-MOF-199晶体粒子被均匀、致密地固定在VSN表面。高温炭化后,NH_(2)-MOF-199粒子的表面出现小孔和裂纹。与VSN和NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSN相比,NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSNC对亚甲基蓝(MB)的吸附效果最佳。当吸附溶液的温度为30℃,pH=7时,NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSNC对MB的吸附效率最高,为98.42%,经5次重复吸附使用后,NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSNC对MB的吸附效率仍有65.76%。NH_(2)-MOF-199@VSNC对MB的吸附是吸热、熵增且自发的过程,与准一级吸附动力学模型相比,其对MB的吸附过程更适合用准二级吸附动力学模型描述,吸附机理以化学吸附为主,伴随着物理吸附。 展开更多
关键词 粘胶水刺非织造材料 NH_(2)-MOF-199 炭化 亚甲基蓝 吸附性能
作者 柯栋斌 王兵兵 +4 位作者 林宏图 张福全 李高荣 廖建和 廖禄生 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期108-117,共10页
脂肪酸是天然橡胶(NR)中重要的非胶组分之一。文中通过2种品系(热研73397和IAN873)、3种凝固方式(甲酸凝固、硫酸凝固、自然凝固)和2种标准胶工艺(全乳标准胶工艺(WF)、凝胶标准胶工艺(TSR))制备样品,研究了凝固方式对天然橡胶中脂肪酸... 脂肪酸是天然橡胶(NR)中重要的非胶组分之一。文中通过2种品系(热研73397和IAN873)、3种凝固方式(甲酸凝固、硫酸凝固、自然凝固)和2种标准胶工艺(全乳标准胶工艺(WF)、凝胶标准胶工艺(TSR))制备样品,研究了凝固方式对天然橡胶中脂肪酸含量的影响,探明脂肪酸含量变异性对NR力学性能的影响。结果表明,凝固方式会对非胶组分带来明显影响,其中硫酸凝固方式下样品脂肪酸含量保持效果最佳,而自然凝固方式下样品的下降幅度最为明显。在力学性能方面,在WF工艺下,非胶组分的适当降解有利于硫化反应的进行,这对应于自然凝固方式硫化胶具有最高的力学性能,而硫酸凝固的力学性能最低;在TSR工艺下,随熟化时间的延长,自然凝固硫化胶的力学性能降低。相同工艺下,IAN 873品系的重均分子量和凝胶含量均高于热研73397,而经过凝块熟化后甲酸和自然凝固样品的凝胶含量均不同程度的增加,但硫酸凝固的凝胶含量几乎没有变化,其TSR工艺样品的凝胶含量最低,这说明硫酸凝固阻碍了熟化过程中橡胶分子链发生结构化。 展开更多
关键词 天然橡胶 凝固方式 非胶组分 脂肪酸 力学性能
作者 谷丰收 张福全 +4 位作者 林宏图 王兵兵 李高荣 廖建和 廖禄生 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期86-91,共6页
天然橡胶(NR)加工过程中的熟化作用及后续的贮存硬化会导致橡胶烃分子链端基或异常基团与非胶组分形成交联结构产生凝胶。按照凝胶产生的3个主要阶段,可以将凝胶分为胶乳熟化凝胶、凝块熟化凝胶和贮存硬化凝胶,分别制备了含胶乳熟化凝... 天然橡胶(NR)加工过程中的熟化作用及后续的贮存硬化会导致橡胶烃分子链端基或异常基团与非胶组分形成交联结构产生凝胶。按照凝胶产生的3个主要阶段,可以将凝胶分为胶乳熟化凝胶、凝块熟化凝胶和贮存硬化凝胶,分别制备了含胶乳熟化凝胶的生胶(NR-L)、含凝块熟化凝胶的生胶(NR-C)和含贮存硬化凝胶的生胶(NR-S),研究了凝胶结构的形成方式与NR性能之间的联系。塑炼特性结果表明,门尼黏度和凝胶含量在塑炼时间2 min内快速下降,但NR-L的下降速率要明显慢于NR-C和NR-S,塑炼结束后也保持了更高的门尼黏度值和凝胶含量,说明凝胶网络结构的强度不同,NR-L的网络结构强度更高;氮含量方面,NR-L最高,NR-C最低,酯基含量方面,NR-L最高,NR-S最低。温度扫描应力松弛试验结果表明,NR-L的网络结构主要是由磷脂为枝化点的天然网络组成,NR-S的网络结构主要由以蛋白质为枝化点的天然网络组成。同时,以磷脂作为枝化点的天然网络强度高于以蛋白质作为枝化点的天然网络。 展开更多
关键词 天然橡胶 凝胶结构 天然网络 塑炼特性
Analysis of the Innovation of Zhuang Medical Culture from the Perspective of a Comprehensive Well-Off Society: Insights from Social Research and Public Engagement
作者 Jinya Chen bingbing wang +1 位作者 Xuanman Yi Wenshuang Zuo 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第8期145-152,共8页
Based on the inheritance and development of Zhuang medicine culture from the perspective of a comprehensive well-off society,traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese civilization.The inheritance,innovatio... Based on the inheritance and development of Zhuang medicine culture from the perspective of a comprehensive well-off society,traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese civilization.The inheritance,innovation,and development of traditional Chinese medicine are crucial to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.By engaging young people,reducing the aging of the medical team,and understanding the views and suggestions of various groups on Zhuang medicine culture,questionnaire surveys,field interviews,literature searches,and other methods were employed to gather and analyze public opinions and suggestions on Zhuang medicine.Additionally,online consultations were conducted to assess the popularity of Zhuang medicine and identify existing problems.Based on these findings,recommendations and strategies for improvement were formulated.Furthermore,the design of an online consultation app is proposed to enhance the role and effectiveness of Zhuang medicine’s inheritance and development. 展开更多
关键词 Zhuang medicine Views and suggestions INHERITANCE
耐盐耐洗涤剂海藻纤维的制备及性能 被引量:2
作者 田星 徐为 +2 位作者 沙源 王兵兵 夏延致 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期147-151,158,共6页
不耐盐和不耐洗涤剂一直是困扰海藻纤维制备的难题。针对这一问题文中采用四硼酸钠对海藻纤维进行改性,通过红外光谱、X射线衍射对改性海藻纤维进行了结构表征,并利用吸液量、纤维钙离子含量、纤维断裂强度、纤维和纺丝液微观形貌测试,... 不耐盐和不耐洗涤剂一直是困扰海藻纤维制备的难题。针对这一问题文中采用四硼酸钠对海藻纤维进行改性,通过红外光谱、X射线衍射对改性海藻纤维进行了结构表征,并利用吸液量、纤维钙离子含量、纤维断裂强度、纤维和纺丝液微观形貌测试,研究了改性海藻纤维的耐盐、耐洗涤剂性能。结果表明,利用四硼酸钠对海藻纤维进行改性可以提高海藻纤维的交联程度和结晶度,从而降低生理盐水和洗涤剂中的钙钠离子交换对海藻纤维结构的破坏,有利于保持纤维形貌。经生理盐水和洗涤剂浸泡后,海藻纤维的吸液量仅为10.2%和10.1%,断裂强度损失仅为5.1%和9.0%,显著提升了海藻纤维的耐盐、耐洗涤剂性能。 展开更多
关键词 海藻纤维 交联 耐盐耐洗涤剂
熟化过程中结构与组分的变化对天然橡胶性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 陈国靖 王兵兵 +5 位作者 林宏图 张福全 李高荣 柯栋斌 廖建和 廖禄生 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期41-48,共8页
熟化是天然橡胶加工过程中的重要工序之一,过程中往往伴随着天然橡胶的结构与组分变化,从而引起天然橡胶性能的改变。但是,天然橡胶的结构和组分随着熟化的进行而同步发生改变,因此二者各自对天然橡胶性能的影响大小尚不明确。文中采用T... 熟化是天然橡胶加工过程中的重要工序之一,过程中往往伴随着天然橡胶的结构与组分变化,从而引起天然橡胶性能的改变。但是,天然橡胶的结构和组分随着熟化的进行而同步发生改变,因此二者各自对天然橡胶性能的影响大小尚不明确。文中采用TSR 10,TSR 10CV和TSR 3CV不同样品来对比分析天然网络和非胶组分各自对NR性能的影响。结果表明,熟化过程中天然网络结构的增加对门尼黏度值和塑性初值的升高有较大的贡献,而非胶组分含量的减少则对其影响较小。对于未填充天然橡胶硫化胶而言,非胶组分的分解是力学性能提高的重要来源;而天然网络结构对有效交联密度和力学性能的贡献具有一定协同效应,但贡献幅度相对有限。对于填充炭黑天然橡胶硫化胶而言,3个样品的常规力学性能无明显差异,但TSR 10的整体动态疲劳性能最优,TSR 10CV其次,TSR 3CV最差。说明非胶组分的降解和天然网络结构的存在均有利于填充炭黑天然橡胶硫化胶动态力学性能的提高。 展开更多
关键词 天然橡胶 熟化 天然网络结构 非胶组分 炭黑颗粒
Construction of 1D Heterostructure NiCo@C/ZnO Nanorod with Enhanced Microwave Absorption 被引量:17
作者 Jianwei wang Zirui Jia +4 位作者 Xuehua Liu Jinlei Dou Binghui Xu bingbing wang Guanglei Wu 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期230-245,共16页
Layered double hydroxides(LDHs)have a special structure and atom composition,which are expected to be an excellent electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorber.However,it is still a problem that obtaining excellent EMWabsorbing ... Layered double hydroxides(LDHs)have a special structure and atom composition,which are expected to be an excellent electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorber.However,it is still a problem that obtaining excellent EMWabsorbing materials from LDHs.Herein,we designed heterostructure NiCo-LDHs@ZnO nanorod and then subsequent heat treating to derive NiCo@C/ZnO composites.Finally,with the synergy of excellent dielectric loss and magnetic loss,an outstanding absorption performance could be achieved with the reflection loss of−60.97 dB at the matching thickness of 2.3 mm,and the widest absorption bandwidth of 6.08 GHz was realized at 2.0 mm.Moreover,this research work provides a reference for the development and utilization of LDHs materials in the field of microwave absorption materials and can also provide ideas for the design of layered structural absorbers. 展开更多
关键词 Layered double hydroxides NiCo@C/ZnO Interface polarization Microwave absorption
Gecko Active Components Regulates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress to Induce the Apoptosis of KYSE150 Cells through PERK Pathway
作者 Yimeng Duan Lengxin Duan +2 位作者 Zeyue Huang bingbing wang Jiangang wang 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2018年第5期36-44,共9页
Objective: Gecko active components (GACs), extracted from the powder of whole Gecko, have been reported to be effective against esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERs) has been re... Objective: Gecko active components (GACs), extracted from the powder of whole Gecko, have been reported to be effective against esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERs) has been regarded as an important cause for pathogenesis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). In this paper, we aimed to study the effect of GACS on apoptosis of human esophageal carcinoma KYSE150 cells and to analyze the underlying signaling pathway. Methods: MTT assay was used to detect the viability of KYSE150 cells, and Flow cytometry was applied to detect reactive oxygen species (ROS), calcium generation, and the level of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Western blot analysis was applied to observe the expression of apoptosis-related proteins and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERs)-related proteins in KYSE150 cells. Results: The results showed that GACs inhibited KYSE150 cell vitality in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Not only that, GACs could up-regulated ERs-related and apoptosis-related proteins expression, and the content of ROS and calcium were significantly increased, and also, the level of MMP was significantly decreased. Conclusion: The results of this report suggested that induction of apoptosis occurs through the ERs dependent signaling pathways. 展开更多
关键词 GECKO Active Components ESOPHAGEAL SQUAMOUS Cell CARCINOMA Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress ANTI-TUMOR
Numerical simulation and parameter optimization of Coriolis force scale measurement process based on DEM
作者 Haiting Liu Yong Yang +2 位作者 Xiangliang wang Jiewen Deng bingbing wang 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期128-139,共12页
The Coriolis force method is a recently developed and highly regarded direct measurement technique that enables high-precision measurement of bulk materials.The operational parameters and variations thereof directly i... The Coriolis force method is a recently developed and highly regarded direct measurement technique that enables high-precision measurement of bulk materials.The operational parameters and variations thereof directly influence the measurement accuracy of the equipment.In this study,a measurement correction coefficient is introduced to improve the calculation method for mass flow rate of the materials.The DEM is employed to simulate the motion of particle groups within the Coriolis force scale under different parameters,and the effects of various structural and operational parameters on the measurement results are compared.The research findings indicate that a lower rotational speed leads to more stable instantaneous measurement results,although the measurement error is relatively large.When the rotational speed exceeds 300 rpm,the measurement error remains within 15%.For materials with a radius of 1–2 mm,the variation range of precision error is approximately 0.4%.Among the structural parameters,the radius of the measurement wheel has the most significant impact on the measurement results,wherein a larger measurement wheel radius corresponds to a smaller measurement error.The horizontal angle of the blades follows as the next influential parameter,with a clockwise rotation and a horizontal angle of 30°resulting in a measurement error below 2%. 展开更多
关键词 Parameter optimization Discrete element method Coriolis force scale Measurement error Numerical simulation
作者 王兵兵 魏志义 《中国科学基金》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期996-1000,共5页
2023年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了美国俄亥俄州立大学的皮埃尔·阿戈斯蒂尼(Pierre Agostini)、德国马普量子光学研究所及慕尼黑大学的费伦茨·克劳斯(Ferenc Krausz)和瑞典隆德大学的安妮·卢利尔(Anne L'Huillier)三位教... 2023年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了美国俄亥俄州立大学的皮埃尔·阿戈斯蒂尼(Pierre Agostini)、德国马普量子光学研究所及慕尼黑大学的费伦茨·克劳斯(Ferenc Krausz)和瑞典隆德大学的安妮·卢利尔(Anne L'Huillier)三位教授,以表彰他们在产生阿秒光脉冲的实验方法研究中所做出的贡献。由于物质中电子运动的时间尺度就是阿秒量级,因此阿秒光源及阿秒物理打开了人们探索微观世界超快过程的大门,并给宏观物理现象的理解带来新的希望。 展开更多
关键词 阿秒脉冲 高次谐波 三步模型 载波相位 基于双光子跃迁干涉的阿秒拍频重建技术
中国实体经济与金融的互溢效应及其政策应对 被引量:3
作者 王冰冰 赵树宽 《会计与经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期125-140,共16页
双支柱政策在应对实体经济和金融之间的复杂关系及多调控目标方面发挥重要作用。文章使用Diebold-Yilmaz溢出指数方法,分析我国实体经济和金融之间的动态溢出效应。在此基础上,构建TVP-SV-FAVAR模型,将实体经济和金融的关系划分为紧耦... 双支柱政策在应对实体经济和金融之间的复杂关系及多调控目标方面发挥重要作用。文章使用Diebold-Yilmaz溢出指数方法,分析我国实体经济和金融之间的动态溢出效应。在此基础上,构建TVP-SV-FAVAR模型,将实体经济和金融的关系划分为紧耦合溢出区制和松耦合溢出区制,实证研究双支柱政策对实体经济和金融的调控效果。研究发现,我国实体经济和金融之间表现出显著的双向溢出效应,在松耦合溢出区制下,双支柱政策对实体经济和金融的调控效果更强,货币政策对实体经济和金融的调控效果均强于宏观审慎政策,我国双支柱政策对实体经济和金融的逆周期调控效果良好。文章归纳了稳增长、防过热、防风险、防收缩相互组合的不同政策目标下货币政策和宏观审慎政策的最优政策组合形式。现阶段,我国政策目标总体属于“稳增长+防风险”的范畴,应当采取力度适中的宽松货币政策和力度适中的从紧宏观审慎政策组合,为经济高质量发展提供实体经济支撑和稳定的金融环境。 展开更多
关键词 实体经济 金融周期 双支柱调控 货币政策 宏观审慎政策
Advances in coastal ocean boundary layer detection technology and equipment in China 被引量:1
作者 Haitao Zheng Youwen Sun +13 位作者 Tao Luo Xueling Cheng Shiyong Shao Shouyin Zheng Bangyi Tao Bin Chen Qianguang Tu Kan Huang bingbing wang Mian wang Xiaoquan Song Tianshu Zhang Yin Cheng Jianguo Liu 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第1期156-168,共13页
Accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the atmospheric environment and its evolution within the coastal ocean boundary layer are necessary for understanding the sources,chemical mechanisms,and transport processes of ... Accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the atmospheric environment and its evolution within the coastal ocean boundary layer are necessary for understanding the sources,chemical mechanisms,and transport processes of air pollution in land,sea,and atmosphere.We present an overview of coastal ocean boundary layer detection technology and equipment in China and summarize the progress and main achievements in recent years.China has developed a series of coastal ocean boundary layer detection technologies,including Light Detection and Ranging(LIDAR),turbulent exchange analyzer,air-sea flux analyzer,stereoscopic remote sensing of air pollutants,and oceanic aerosol detection equipment to address the technical bottleneck caused by harsh environmental conditions in coastal ocean regions.Advances in these technologies and equipment have provided scientific assistance for addressing air pollution issues and understanding land-sea-atmosphere interactions over coastal ocean regions in China.In the future,routine atmospheric observations should cover the coastal ocean boundary layer of China. 展开更多
关键词 Atmospheric pollution Coastal ocean Atmospheric monitoring Environmental instrument
Flexible Vis/NIR wireless sensing system for banana monitoring
作者 Meng wang bingbing wang +2 位作者 Ruihua Zhang Zihao Wu Xinqing Xiao 《Food Quality and Safety》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期492-502,共11页
Objectives:The quality of the fruit seriously affects the economic value of the fruit.Fruit quality is related to many ripening parameters,such as soluble solid content(SSC),pH,and firmness(FM),and is a complex proces... Objectives:The quality of the fruit seriously affects the economic value of the fruit.Fruit quality is related to many ripening parameters,such as soluble solid content(SSC),pH,and firmness(FM),and is a complex process.Traditional methods are inefficient,do not guarantee quality,and do not adapt to the current rhythm of the fruit market.In this paper,a was designed and implemented for quality prediction and maturity level classification of Philippine Cavendish bananas.Materials and Methods:The quality changes of bananas in different stages were analyzed.Twelve light intensity reflectance values for each maturity stage were compared to conventionally measured SSC,FM,PH,and color space.Results:Our device can be compared with traditional forms of quality measurement.The experimental results show that the established predictive model with specific preprocessing and modeling algorithms can effectively determine various banana quality parameters(SSC,pH,FM,L^(*),a^(*),and b^(*)).The RPD values of SSC and a^(*)were greater than 3.0,the RPD values of L^(*)and b^(*)were between 2.5 and 3.0,and the pH and FM were between 2.0 and 2.5.In addition,a new banana maturity level classification method(FSC)was proposed,and the results showed that the method could effectively classify the maturity level classes(i.e.four maturity levels)with an accuracy rate of up to 97.5%.Finally,the MLR and FSC models are imported into the MCU to realize the near-range and long-range real-time display of data.Conclusions:These methods can also be applied more broadly to fruit quality detection,providing a basic framework for future research. 展开更多
关键词 BANANA Vis/NIR FLEXIBILITY ripening classification CHEMOMETRICS
薄板弯曲分析的高阶高效无网格法 被引量:4
作者 王冰冰 段庆林 +2 位作者 李锡夔 张洪武 杨迪雄 《固体力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期152-161,共10页
与传统有限元法相比,无网格法具有节点形函数高度光滑、易于形成高阶近似等优势,更适合于以薄板弯曲问题为代表的高阶偏微分方程的数值求解.然而,高阶无网格法的形函数是非多项式的有理函数,导致弱形式的区域积分难以得到精确计算,通常... 与传统有限元法相比,无网格法具有节点形函数高度光滑、易于形成高阶近似等优势,更适合于以薄板弯曲问题为代表的高阶偏微分方程的数值求解.然而,高阶无网格法的形函数是非多项式的有理函数,导致弱形式的区域积分难以得到精确计算,通常采用的高阶高斯积分方法需使用大量积分点,计算效率低且精度不高.论文针对薄板弯曲问题的高阶(三阶)无网格法分析,首次发展了与该高阶近似相一致的曲率光顺方案,并基于背景三角形积分单元建立了相应的数值积分格式,大幅度减少了所需的积分点数目.所发展方法的关键在于计算刚度阵所需的形函数的二阶导数由形函数及其一阶导数通过散度定理确定,而非对形函数直接求导获得.数值结果表明,基于标准的高斯积分方案的高阶无网格法精度不高,不能精确再现纯弯曲和线性弯曲模式,且得到的弯矩场分布存在严重的虚假数值振荡.而论文所建议的基于曲率光顺方案的高阶无网格法能够方便高效地求解薄板弯曲问题,尤其是它能精确反映纯弯曲和线性弯曲模式.与标准的高斯积分方法和目前主流的常曲率光顺方法相比,论文方法在计算效率、精度、弯矩分布等方面均展现出显著优势,因而具有较好的应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 薄板弯曲 无网格 曲率光顺 计算效率 高阶
肝素硫酸转移酶优化表达及其在动物源肝素硫酸化中的应用 被引量:1
作者 周正雄 王兵兵 +3 位作者 胥睿睿 李青 堵国成 康振 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1784-1793,共10页
肝素是一种重要的凝血药物,目前主要依赖于动物小肠粘膜的提取。动物源肝素含有的抗凝血活性五糖单位GlcNS6S-GlcA-GlcNS6S3S-Ido2S-GlcNS6S少,抗凝血活性低下。文中提出并验证了一种基于酶法催化动物源肝素,提高其硫酸化程度和抗凝血... 肝素是一种重要的凝血药物,目前主要依赖于动物小肠粘膜的提取。动物源肝素含有的抗凝血活性五糖单位GlcNS6S-GlcA-GlcNS6S3S-Ido2S-GlcNS6S少,抗凝血活性低下。文中提出并验证了一种基于酶法催化动物源肝素,提高其硫酸化程度和抗凝血活性的方法。通过比较3种硫酸转移酶肝素-2-硫酸转移酶(Heparan sulfate-2-O-sulfotransferase,HS2ST)、肝素-6-硫酸转移酶(Heparan sulfate-6-O-sulfotransferase,HS6ST)、肝素-3-硫酸转移酶(Heparan sulfate-3-O-sulfotransferase,HS3ST)在重组大肠杆菌及重组毕赤酵母中表达,确定了毕赤酵母作为3种硫酸转移酶的表达宿主;进一步通过N端融合麦芽糖融合蛋白MBP和硫氧还蛋白Trx A,HS2ST和HS6ST的酶表达水平分别提高至(839?14) U/L和(792?23) U/L。通过3种硫酸转移酶HS2ST、HS6ST和HS3ST共同催化动物源肝素,其抗凝血活性由(76?2) IU/mg提高至(189?17) IU/mg。 展开更多
关键词 肝素 抗凝血活性 硫酸转移酶 毕赤酵母 异源表达
3D Path Planning of the Solar Powered UAV in the Urban-Mountainous Environment with Multi-Objective and Multi-Constraint Based on the Enhanced Sparrow Search Algorithm Incorporating the Levy Flight Strategy
作者 Pengyang Xie Ben Ma +2 位作者 bingbing wang Jian Chen Gang Xiao 《Guidance, Navigation and Control》 2024年第1期149-175,共27页
In response to practical application challenges in utilizing solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)for remote sensing,this study presents a three-dimensional path planning method tailored for urban-mountainous env... In response to practical application challenges in utilizing solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)for remote sensing,this study presents a three-dimensional path planning method tailored for urban-mountainous environment.Taking into account constraints related to the solar-powered UAV,terrain,and mission objectives,a multi-objective trajectory optimization model is transferred into a single-objective optimization problem with weight factors and multiconstraint and is developed with a focus on three key indicators:minimizing trajectory length,maximizing energy flow efficiency,and minimizing regional risk levels.Additionally,an enhanced sparrow search algorithm incorporating the Levy flight strategy(SSA-Levy)is introduced to address trajectory planning challenges in such complex environments.Through simulation,the proposed algorithm is compared with particle swarm optimization(PSO)and the regular sparrow search algorithm(SSA)across 17 standard test functions and a simplified simulation of urban-mountainous environments.The results of the simulation demonstrate the superior effectiveness of the designed improved SSA based on the Levy flight strategy for solving the established single-objective trajectory optimization model. 展开更多
关键词 Solar powered UAV multi-objective optimization problem single-objective optimization problem multi-constraint sparrow search algorithm Levy flight strategy
肝素C5异构酶的表达优化及分子改造 被引量:1
作者 王兵兵 周正雄 +3 位作者 金学荣 李江华 史仲平 康振 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期1450-1458,共9页
肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素是一类应用于临床抗凝血的糖胺聚糖。肝素葡萄糖醛酸C5异构酶(Heparosan-N-sulfate-glucuronate 5-epimerase,C5,EC是肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素合成过程中重要的修饰酶,催化N-硫酸化肝素前体(N-sulfoheparosan)... 肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素是一类应用于临床抗凝血的糖胺聚糖。肝素葡萄糖醛酸C5异构酶(Heparosan-N-sulfate-glucuronate 5-epimerase,C5,EC是肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素合成过程中重要的修饰酶,催化N-硫酸化肝素前体(N-sulfoheparosan)的D-葡萄糖醛酸(D-GlcA)上5号位羧基翻转生成L-艾杜糖醛酸(L-iduronic acid,L-IdoA)。文中以大肠杆菌Escherichia coli为宿主对斑马鱼来源的肝素葡萄糖醛酸C5异构酶基因Glce进行重组表达优化与分子改造。比较了3种不同的表达载体pET20b(+)、pET28a(+)和pColdⅢ对C5表达的差异情况,其中以嗜冷启动型载体pColdⅢ表达酶活最高,达到(1873.61±5.42)U/L。为了进一步提高C5的可溶表达量,在N端融合促溶标签SET2后,可溶蛋白表达量比对照提高了50%,酶活达到(2409.25±6.43)U/L。在此基础上,通过理性设计对底物结合口袋进行定点突变,获得最优突变体(V153R)的酶活和比酶活分别为(5804.32±5.63)U/L和(145.14±2.33)U/mg,是原始酶的2.41倍和2.28倍。肝素C5异构酶改造与表达优化为酶法催化合成肝素奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 肝素 葡萄糖醛酸-C5-异构化酶 异源表达 理性设计 底物结合口袋
Metal-organic framework-derived CoSn/NC nanocubes as absorbers for electromagnetic wave attenuation 被引量:8
作者 Chenxi wang Zirui Jia +5 位作者 Shuangqiao He Jixi Zhou Shuo Zhang Mengli Tian bingbing wang Guanglei Wu 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第13期236-243,共8页
Metal-organic framework-derived composites have been widely used in electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorption,but the traditional synthetic strategy greatly limits the structure and species of MOFs.This research provided a ... Metal-organic framework-derived composites have been widely used in electromagnetic wave(EMW)absorption,but the traditional synthetic strategy greatly limits the structure and species of MOFs.This research provided a solvent-free method to synthesize Co-MOF and its derivatives.Using CoSnO_(3)as the precursor,the preparation of Co-MOF is achieved by bridging the cobalt(II)ion of CoSnO_(3)and the 2-methylimidazole skeleton.The CoSn/N-doped carbon(CoSn/NC)composites derived from CoSnO_(3)-MOF(Co-MOF with CoSnO_(3)as Co source)retain the original morphology of CoSnO_(3).Besides,the polarization effect produced by the N-doped carbon layers also benefits the excellent EMW absorption performance of the CoSn/NC composites.It is reflected in the minimum reflection loss(RL)of-48.2 dB at 2.2 mm and the effective bandwidth(EBA)of 5.84 GHz.This work provides a new channel to the construction of Co-MOFs,which could be extended to other Co-based oxides and vastly expand the species of MOFs based on metallic Co. 展开更多
关键词 Hollow nanocubes structure N-doped carbon CoSnO_(3)-MOF Electromagnetic wave absorption
Synthesis of MnxOy@C hybrid composites for optimal electromagnetic wave absorption capacity and wideband absorption 被引量:8
作者 Yue Liu Xuehua Liu +4 位作者 Xinyu E bingbing wang Zirui Jia Qingguo Chi Guanglei Wu 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期157-164,共8页
The fabrication of high-performance electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption(EMA)materials is an effective strategy to deal with ever-increasing EM pollution.In this work,a series of manganese oxides/porous carbon(Mn_(x)O_(... The fabrication of high-performance electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption(EMA)materials is an effective strategy to deal with ever-increasing EM pollution.In this work,a series of manganese oxides/porous carbon(Mn_(x)O_(y)@C)hybrid composites are obtained by a two-step process.It is revealed that different manganese oxides play various influence on the dielectric properties of absorbers.Owing to the moderate complex permittivity of MnO@C hybrid composites,the optimal reflection loss could reach as high as-76.0 dB at the matching thickness of 2.0 mm with 5.2 GHz of effective absorption bandwidth at thickness of 2.1 mm.We demonstrated that the addition of porous carbon is vital for enhancing EMA performance of composites,which not only coordinates impedance matching allowing more EM waves enter the absorber,but also provides the path for electron movement,thus profiting conductive loss.Besides,different heterogeneous interfaces including porous carbon,manganese oxide and so on,are conducive to contribution of interface polarization.The most noteworthy is ingenious design of composite materials and systematic research of EM energy attenuation mechanism in this work will provide the possibility to realize high-performance EMA. 展开更多
关键词 Manganese oxide/carbon composites Dielectric loss Relaxation time Electromagnetic wave absorption
Controllable synthesis of Ni/NiO@porous carbon hybrid composites towards remarkable electromagnetic wave absorption and wide absorption bandwidth 被引量:6
作者 Xinfeng Zhou Zirui Jia +5 位作者 Xingxue Zhang bingbing wang Wei Wu Xuehua Liu Binghui Xu Guanglei Wu 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第28期120-132,共13页
The reasonable design of the composition of the composite materials is of great significance to optimized the electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption performance.Herein,the Ni/NiO@C hybrid composites with tunable Ni propor... The reasonable design of the composition of the composite materials is of great significance to optimized the electromagnetic(EM)wave absorption performance.Herein,the Ni/NiO@C hybrid composites with tunable Ni proportion were successfully synthesized through a two-step process.With the assistance of X-ray diffraction with refinement treatment,the specific proportion of Ni of as-obtained hybrid composites could be obtained.Employing controlling calcination time to adjust the Ni content of Ni/NiO@C hybrid composites,it has been found that the composite carbonized at 500℃exhibited remarkable EM wave absorption with the minimum reflection loss(RLmin)of-49.1 dB at 4.9 mm and the widest effective absorption bandwidth(EABmax)of 4.56 GHz at 2.1 mm.Moreover,by adjusting the Ni source,the optimal EM wave absorption performance could be achieved.Results illustrated that the N3PC with the Ni proportion of 13.17%showed the RLm inas low as-51.1 dB at 2.4 mm and the EABmax was 5.12 GHz at 2.7 mm.It is worth noting that this work demonstrates the relevance of the composition and EM wave absorption performance of hybrid composites,which offers a feasible reference for the absorption mechanism of absorber. 展开更多
关键词 Ni/NiO@C hybrid composites Nickel proportion Multiple-loss mechanism Electromagnetic wave absorption efficiency
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