Distribution of total organic carbon(TOC),total nitrogen(TN),stable isotope ratio of organic carbon and nitrogen(δ13 C andδ15 N)in 31 surface sediments were examined to quantitatively discriminate the source and bur...Distribution of total organic carbon(TOC),total nitrogen(TN),stable isotope ratio of organic carbon and nitrogen(δ13 C andδ15 N)in 31 surface sediments were examined to quantitatively discriminate the source and burial of sedimentary organic matter(SOM)in the East China Sea(ECS).Results show that high content of TOC and TN occurred in the southern inner shelf and the northeast area due to the transport of organic matter(OM)from the Changjiang(Yangtze)River southwards by the Zhejiang Fujian Coastal Current(ZFCC)and the delivery from the old Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary by the Subei Coastal Current(SbCC),respectively.The signifi cant relationship of TOC to clay provided evidence that the fi ne-grained sediment was the primary carrier for SOM from the inner shelf to open sea.The TN varied proportionally to the TOC with the neglected intercept,suggesting that most of nitrogen measured was related to the SOM and the infl uence of the sorption of inorganic nitrogen was insignifi cant.The seaward enrichment ofδ13 C and seaward depletion of C/N andδ15 N illustrated the decrease of terrestrial OM(TOM)and the increase of marine OM(MOM).The close of average C/N ratio to the Redfi eld ratio indicated the minor role of terrestrial plant debris in the SOM.Distribution of bulk OM properties was ascribed to the terrestrial and marine input by the shelf circulation and phytoplankton with the contributions of 76.1%MOM and 23.9%TOM to SOM,respectively.The burial fl ux of OC ranged within 0.34–7.56 mg/(cm 2∙a)(averaged 2.80 mg/(cm 2∙a))and enriched along the shore and in the fi ne-grained area,manifesting the signifi cant input of the land-based sources and the eff ect of shelf mud depositional process on the fate of SOM.The sharp seaward decrease of burial fl uxes of terrestrial and marine OC gave evidences that the majority of organic carbon were settled in the inner shelf with the small fraction of them further transported eastwards.展开更多
Investigating the multiple proxies involving productivity,organic geochemistry,and trace element(TE)enrichment in surface sediments could be used as paleoenvironment archives to gain insights into past and future envi...Investigating the multiple proxies involving productivity,organic geochemistry,and trace element(TE)enrichment in surface sediments could be used as paleoenvironment archives to gain insights into past and future environmental conditions changes.We present redox-sensitive TEs(Mn,Ni,Cu,U,P,Mo,Co,V,Zn,and Cd),productivity-related proxies(total organic carbon and opal),and total nitrogen and CaCO_(3) contents of bulk surface sediments of this area.The productivity proxies from the shelf and coastal regions of the Ross and the Amundsen seas showed that higher productivity was affiliated with an area of nutrient-rich deep water upwelling.The upwelling of weakly corrosive deep water may be beneficial for preserving CaCO_(3),while highly corrosive dense water,if it forms on the shelf near the coastal region(coastal polynya),could limit the preservation of CaCO_(3) in modern conditions.There were no oxic or anoxic conditions in the study area,as indicated by the enrichment factors of redox-sensitive TEs(Mn,Co,and U).The enrichment factor of Cd,which is redox-sensitive,indicated suboxic redox conditions in sediment environments because of high primary productivity and organic matter preservation/decomposition.The enrichment factors of other redox-sensitive TEs(P,Ni,Cu,V,and Zn)and the correlations between the element/Ti ratio with productivity and nutrient proxies indicated that the organic matter decomposed,and there was massive burial of phytoplankton biomass.There was variation in the enrichment,such that sediments were enriched in P,Mo,and Zn,but depleted in Ni,Cu,and V.展开更多
A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough,East China Sea(ECS),provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal.kaBP.A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm i...A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough,East China Sea(ECS),provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal.kaBP.A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm intervals with a time resolution of 230 a.Four pollen zones are recognized:zone I(812―715 cm,24.2―21.1 cal.kaBP),zone II(715―451 cm,21.1―15.2 cal.kaBP),zone III(451―251 cm,15.2―10.8 cal.kaBP),zone IV(251―0 cm,10.8―0.3 cal.kaBP),corresponding to Late MIS 3,Last Glacial Maximum(LGM),deglaciation and Holocene,respectively.The LGM is characterized by the dominance of herbs,mainly Artemisia,and high pollen influx,implying an open vegetation on the exposed continental shelf and a cool and dry climate.The deglaciation is a climate warming stage with Pinus percentage increased and Artemisia percentage decreased and a rapid sealevel rise.The Holo-cene is characterized by predominance of tree pollen with rapid increase in Castanea-Castanopsis in-dicating the development of mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and a warm,humid climate.Low pollen influx during the Holocene probably implies submergence of the continental shelf and retreat of the pollen source area.The vegetation indicated by pollen assemblage found in this upper zone is consistent with the present vegetation found in Kyushu,Japan.Originating from the humid mountain area of North Luzon of the Philippines,Tasmania and New Zealand,Phyllocladus with sporadic occurrence throughout PC-1 core probably suggests the influence of Palaeo-Kuroshio Current or intense summer monsoon.The observed changes in Pinus and Herbs percentage indicate fluctuations of the sea level,and high Pinus percentage corresponds to high sea level.Spectrum analysis of the pollen percentage record reveals many millennial-scale periodicities,such as periodicities of 6.8,3.8,2.2,1.6 ka.展开更多
解读末次冰消期全球水文气候演变过程对于理解气候系统对内外强迫的响应具有重要意义.以冲绳海槽中部OKI02岩心为材料,通过浮游有孔虫Globigerinodes ruber和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体Mg/Ca比值分别重建了19 ka BP以来海槽中部...解读末次冰消期全球水文气候演变过程对于理解气候系统对内外强迫的响应具有重要意义.以冲绳海槽中部OKI02岩心为材料,通过浮游有孔虫Globigerinodes ruber和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体Mg/Ca比值分别重建了19 ka BP以来海槽中部表层和温跃层海水温度(SST和TWT),结合浮游有孔虫群落组成变化重点恢复了末次冰消期(~18~11.7 ka BP)上层水体温度变化的特征和过程.结果显示SST在LGM显著偏低,末次冰消期表现为显著的千年尺度变化,清楚地记录了HS1、B/A、YD等快速气候波动事件. 19 ka BP以来重建的TWT整体呈明显的上升趋势,但波动频繁而剧烈,末次冰消期相对较低,未显示显著的千年尺度变化.对比北半球高纬和热带太平洋的记录发现,末次冰消期冲绳海槽中部SST开始上升的时间基本与前者相当,但明显滞后于热带西太平洋;冰消期其变化模式明显区别于热带西太平洋持续稳定的升温过程,而更类似于北半球高纬区的变化.与SST明显不同,海槽区温跃层的升温(~18 ka BP)明显早于北半球高纬变暖,却接近于热带西太平洋海表温度开始上升的时间;且TWT的上升和波动方式也更接近于热带太平洋海温的变化模式.对末次冰消期SST和TWT差异化演变的分析表明,AMOC对中低纬大气环流的影响可能通过东亚冬季风强度的变化控制了海槽区SST的演变,而热带太平洋ENSO过程则可能通过黑潮强度的变化决定了区域TWT的演化.末次冰消期冲绳海槽中部SST和TWT演化存在明显的脱耦现象,显示了其与高、低纬海洋和气候变化之间的密切联系.展开更多
Diatoms are one of the predominant contributors to global carbon fixation by accounting for over 40% of total oceanic primary production and dominate export production. They play a significant role in marine biogeoche...Diatoms are one of the predominant contributors to global carbon fixation by accounting for over 40% of total oceanic primary production and dominate export production. They play a significant role in marine biogeochemistry cycle. The diatom mat deposits are results of vast diatoms bloom. By analysis of diatom mats in 136°00′―140°00′E,15°00′―21°00′N, Eastern Philippines Sea, we identified the species of the diatoms as giant Ethmodiscus rex (Wallich) Hendey. AMS 14C dating shows that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16000―28600 a B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred during the last glacial period, while there are no diatom mat deposits in other layers. Preliminary analysis indicates that Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) expanded northward and brought silicate-rich water into the area, namely, silicon leakage processes caused the bloom of diatoms. In addition, the increase of iron input is one of the main reasons for the diatom bloom.展开更多
The deglacial δ~13C minimum events that originated from the ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica, have been recorded in a range of marine sediments from the southern to tropical oceans in late Ple...The deglacial δ~13C minimum events that originated from the ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica, have been recorded in a range of marine sediments from the southern to tropical oceans in late Pleistocene. However, the broad δ~13C minimum event was also reported as far as to the northern middle latitudes, in northwestern Pacific marginal sea areas, during the last deglaciation. In the northwestern Pacific, forcing from the northern high latitudes is strongly expressed, while the records of in- fluence from the southern high latitudes are few. The Kuroshio Source Region (KSR) forms a boundary between the northwestern Pacific and the southern, tropical Pacific. So, high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal records in core MD06-3054 from the KSR are well positioned to identify signals from the southern hemisphere in the northwestern Pacific. Planktonic foraminiferal tests from the upper 1030 cm of the core were subject to AMS14C, carbon and oxygen isotopic measurements. A negative excursion was found to occur from about 20.0-6.0 ka BP in δ~13C records of both surface (Globigerinoides ruber) and subsurface (Pulleni- atina obliquiloculata) dwellers, but the overall trends of the two curves have reversed since 26.5 ka BP. Moreover, the δ~13C rec- ord of G. ruber (the surface dweller) shows a robust link to the record of atmospheric CO2, and its changes precede the records of P. obliquiloculata (the subsurface dweller). According to the hydrologic conditions, the broad δ~13C minimum event recorded in the KSR is also a response to the increasing ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica during the last deglaciation. The inconsistency between the records of the surface and subsurface dwellers was possibly caused by the ways that the low δ~13C signal was transmitted. Subsurface water primarily received the low δ~13C signal from the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), whereas the surface water was probably mainly impacted by atmospheric CO2 in the KSR. The records from the KSR confirm the deduction that the broad δ~13C minimum event in the Okinawa Trough was due to the impact of tropical Pacific surface water dur- ing the last deglaciation, and suggest that signals from the southern high latitudes also can be delivered to the northern middle latitudes.展开更多
Two sediment cores, MD06-3050 and MD06-3047, were analyzed to study the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil and microtektite records. We dated bioevents and the microtektite impact event by calibrating with oxygen isoto...Two sediment cores, MD06-3050 and MD06-3047, were analyzed to study the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil and microtektite records. We dated bioevents and the microtektite impact event by calibrating with oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents were identified over the past 2.36 Ma including the last appearance of data for Discoaster brouweri, Calcidiscus macintyrei, large Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, the first appearance of data for large Gephyrocapsa and Emiliania huxleyi, and the abrupt increase in the abundance of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. In addition, we fortunately observed that Australasian microtektites were distributed in core MD06-3050 from 1340 to 1374 cm.展开更多
Transfer functions between the benthic foraminiferal fauna of seventy-one sediment surface-samples retrieved from the South Yellow Sea inner shelf and the environmental factors, including the summer bottom-water salin...Transfer functions between the benthic foraminiferal fauna of seventy-one sediment surface-samples retrieved from the South Yellow Sea inner shelf and the environmental factors, including the summer bottom-water salinity(Ss), the summer bottom-water temperature(Ts) and the winter bottom-water temperature(Tw) have been developed utilizing weighted averaging partial least square regression(WA-PLS). Subsequently, the transfer functions have been applied to a late Holocene piston core SY01 from the South Yellow Sea inner shelf, established the variation curves of the Ss, Ts, and Tw during the last 3.9 cal. ka. The Ss and Ts showed a nearly synchronous trend to the published stalagmite δ18O curve from the Jiuxian Cave, meaning they could be used as reliable indicators for the summer monsoon. Similarly, the Tw could be used as an indicator for the winter monsoon for its synchronous change to the insensitive grain size variation of the core ZY-2 retrieved from the Central Yellow Sea mud area. These results suggest that transfer functions based on benthic foraminiferal fauna can be a potentially useful tool in palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental research along the Chinese seaboard.展开更多
基金Supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDB42030100)the National Special Project“Global Change and Atmosphere-ocean Interactions”(No.GASI-GEOGE-04)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41830539,41576054,41976202,41576064)the Open Fund of CAS Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment,Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,and the Open Fund Project of the Key Laboratory of Marine Sedimentology and Environmental Geology,Ministry of Natural Resources(No.MASEG201901)。
文摘Distribution of total organic carbon(TOC),total nitrogen(TN),stable isotope ratio of organic carbon and nitrogen(δ13 C andδ15 N)in 31 surface sediments were examined to quantitatively discriminate the source and burial of sedimentary organic matter(SOM)in the East China Sea(ECS).Results show that high content of TOC and TN occurred in the southern inner shelf and the northeast area due to the transport of organic matter(OM)from the Changjiang(Yangtze)River southwards by the Zhejiang Fujian Coastal Current(ZFCC)and the delivery from the old Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary by the Subei Coastal Current(SbCC),respectively.The signifi cant relationship of TOC to clay provided evidence that the fi ne-grained sediment was the primary carrier for SOM from the inner shelf to open sea.The TN varied proportionally to the TOC with the neglected intercept,suggesting that most of nitrogen measured was related to the SOM and the infl uence of the sorption of inorganic nitrogen was insignifi cant.The seaward enrichment ofδ13 C and seaward depletion of C/N andδ15 N illustrated the decrease of terrestrial OM(TOM)and the increase of marine OM(MOM).The close of average C/N ratio to the Redfi eld ratio indicated the minor role of terrestrial plant debris in the SOM.Distribution of bulk OM properties was ascribed to the terrestrial and marine input by the shelf circulation and phytoplankton with the contributions of 76.1%MOM and 23.9%TOM to SOM,respectively.The burial fl ux of OC ranged within 0.34–7.56 mg/(cm 2∙a)(averaged 2.80 mg/(cm 2∙a))and enriched along the shore and in the fi ne-grained area,manifesting the signifi cant input of the land-based sources and the eff ect of shelf mud depositional process on the fate of SOM.The sharp seaward decrease of burial fl uxes of terrestrial and marine OC gave evidences that the majority of organic carbon were settled in the inner shelf with the small fraction of them further transported eastwards.
基金financially supported by National Polar Special Program “Impact and Response of Antarctic Seas to Climate Change” (Grant nos. IRASCC 01-03-02 and 02-03)supported by the Basic Scientific Fund for National Public Research Institutes of China (Grant no. 2019Q09)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 41976080 and 41406220)。
文摘Investigating the multiple proxies involving productivity,organic geochemistry,and trace element(TE)enrichment in surface sediments could be used as paleoenvironment archives to gain insights into past and future environmental conditions changes.We present redox-sensitive TEs(Mn,Ni,Cu,U,P,Mo,Co,V,Zn,and Cd),productivity-related proxies(total organic carbon and opal),and total nitrogen and CaCO_(3) contents of bulk surface sediments of this area.The productivity proxies from the shelf and coastal regions of the Ross and the Amundsen seas showed that higher productivity was affiliated with an area of nutrient-rich deep water upwelling.The upwelling of weakly corrosive deep water may be beneficial for preserving CaCO_(3),while highly corrosive dense water,if it forms on the shelf near the coastal region(coastal polynya),could limit the preservation of CaCO_(3) in modern conditions.There were no oxic or anoxic conditions in the study area,as indicated by the enrichment factors of redox-sensitive TEs(Mn,Co,and U).The enrichment factor of Cd,which is redox-sensitive,indicated suboxic redox conditions in sediment environments because of high primary productivity and organic matter preservation/decomposition.The enrichment factors of other redox-sensitive TEs(P,Ni,Cu,V,and Zn)and the correlations between the element/Ti ratio with productivity and nutrient proxies indicated that the organic matter decomposed,and there was massive burial of phytoplankton biomass.There was variation in the enrichment,such that sediments were enriched in P,Mo,and Zn,but depleted in Ni,Cu,and V.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40671198 and 40506015)National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB815906)
文摘A pollen record of core PC-1 from the northern Okinawa Trough,East China Sea(ECS),provides information on vegetation and climate changes since 24 cal.kaBP.A total of 103 samples were palynologically analyzed at 8 cm intervals with a time resolution of 230 a.Four pollen zones are recognized:zone I(812―715 cm,24.2―21.1 cal.kaBP),zone II(715―451 cm,21.1―15.2 cal.kaBP),zone III(451―251 cm,15.2―10.8 cal.kaBP),zone IV(251―0 cm,10.8―0.3 cal.kaBP),corresponding to Late MIS 3,Last Glacial Maximum(LGM),deglaciation and Holocene,respectively.The LGM is characterized by the dominance of herbs,mainly Artemisia,and high pollen influx,implying an open vegetation on the exposed continental shelf and a cool and dry climate.The deglaciation is a climate warming stage with Pinus percentage increased and Artemisia percentage decreased and a rapid sealevel rise.The Holo-cene is characterized by predominance of tree pollen with rapid increase in Castanea-Castanopsis in-dicating the development of mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and a warm,humid climate.Low pollen influx during the Holocene probably implies submergence of the continental shelf and retreat of the pollen source area.The vegetation indicated by pollen assemblage found in this upper zone is consistent with the present vegetation found in Kyushu,Japan.Originating from the humid mountain area of North Luzon of the Philippines,Tasmania and New Zealand,Phyllocladus with sporadic occurrence throughout PC-1 core probably suggests the influence of Palaeo-Kuroshio Current or intense summer monsoon.The observed changes in Pinus and Herbs percentage indicate fluctuations of the sea level,and high Pinus percentage corresponds to high sea level.Spectrum analysis of the pollen percentage record reveals many millennial-scale periodicities,such as periodicities of 6.8,3.8,2.2,1.6 ka.
文摘解读末次冰消期全球水文气候演变过程对于理解气候系统对内外强迫的响应具有重要意义.以冲绳海槽中部OKI02岩心为材料,通过浮游有孔虫Globigerinodes ruber和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体Mg/Ca比值分别重建了19 ka BP以来海槽中部表层和温跃层海水温度(SST和TWT),结合浮游有孔虫群落组成变化重点恢复了末次冰消期(~18~11.7 ka BP)上层水体温度变化的特征和过程.结果显示SST在LGM显著偏低,末次冰消期表现为显著的千年尺度变化,清楚地记录了HS1、B/A、YD等快速气候波动事件. 19 ka BP以来重建的TWT整体呈明显的上升趋势,但波动频繁而剧烈,末次冰消期相对较低,未显示显著的千年尺度变化.对比北半球高纬和热带太平洋的记录发现,末次冰消期冲绳海槽中部SST开始上升的时间基本与前者相当,但明显滞后于热带西太平洋;冰消期其变化模式明显区别于热带西太平洋持续稳定的升温过程,而更类似于北半球高纬区的变化.与SST明显不同,海槽区温跃层的升温(~18 ka BP)明显早于北半球高纬变暖,却接近于热带西太平洋海表温度开始上升的时间;且TWT的上升和波动方式也更接近于热带太平洋海温的变化模式.对末次冰消期SST和TWT差异化演变的分析表明,AMOC对中低纬大气环流的影响可能通过东亚冬季风强度的变化控制了海槽区SST的演变,而热带太平洋ENSO过程则可能通过黑潮强度的变化决定了区域TWT的演化.末次冰消期冲绳海槽中部SST和TWT演化存在明显的脱耦现象,显示了其与高、低纬海洋和气候变化之间的密切联系.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program (Grant No. 2007CB815903)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40776031)Pilot Project of the National Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-221)
文摘Diatoms are one of the predominant contributors to global carbon fixation by accounting for over 40% of total oceanic primary production and dominate export production. They play a significant role in marine biogeochemistry cycle. The diatom mat deposits are results of vast diatoms bloom. By analysis of diatom mats in 136°00′―140°00′E,15°00′―21°00′N, Eastern Philippines Sea, we identified the species of the diatoms as giant Ethmodiscus rex (Wallich) Hendey. AMS 14C dating shows that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16000―28600 a B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred during the last glacial period, while there are no diatom mat deposits in other layers. Preliminary analysis indicates that Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) expanded northward and brought silicate-rich water into the area, namely, silicon leakage processes caused the bloom of diatoms. In addition, the increase of iron input is one of the main reasons for the diatom bloom.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2007CB815903)the Pilot Project of the National Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-221)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41076030 and 40906038)
文摘The deglacial δ~13C minimum events that originated from the ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica, have been recorded in a range of marine sediments from the southern to tropical oceans in late Pleistocene. However, the broad δ~13C minimum event was also reported as far as to the northern middle latitudes, in northwestern Pacific marginal sea areas, during the last deglaciation. In the northwestern Pacific, forcing from the northern high latitudes is strongly expressed, while the records of in- fluence from the southern high latitudes are few. The Kuroshio Source Region (KSR) forms a boundary between the northwestern Pacific and the southern, tropical Pacific. So, high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal records in core MD06-3054 from the KSR are well positioned to identify signals from the southern hemisphere in the northwestern Pacific. Planktonic foraminiferal tests from the upper 1030 cm of the core were subject to AMS14C, carbon and oxygen isotopic measurements. A negative excursion was found to occur from about 20.0-6.0 ka BP in δ~13C records of both surface (Globigerinoides ruber) and subsurface (Pulleni- atina obliquiloculata) dwellers, but the overall trends of the two curves have reversed since 26.5 ka BP. Moreover, the δ~13C rec- ord of G. ruber (the surface dweller) shows a robust link to the record of atmospheric CO2, and its changes precede the records of P. obliquiloculata (the subsurface dweller). According to the hydrologic conditions, the broad δ~13C minimum event recorded in the KSR is also a response to the increasing ventilation of the deep Southern Ocean around Antarctica during the last deglaciation. The inconsistency between the records of the surface and subsurface dwellers was possibly caused by the ways that the low δ~13C signal was transmitted. Subsurface water primarily received the low δ~13C signal from the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), whereas the surface water was probably mainly impacted by atmospheric CO2 in the KSR. The records from the KSR confirm the deduction that the broad δ~13C minimum event in the Okinawa Trough was due to the impact of tropical Pacific surface water dur- ing the last deglaciation, and suggest that signals from the southern high latitudes also can be delivered to the northern middle latitudes.
基金supported by the Pilot Project of the National Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-221)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40906030,40976026and40906038)the National Basic Research Program of China (2007CB815903)
文摘Two sediment cores, MD06-3050 and MD06-3047, were analyzed to study the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil and microtektite records. We dated bioevents and the microtektite impact event by calibrating with oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents were identified over the past 2.36 Ma including the last appearance of data for Discoaster brouweri, Calcidiscus macintyrei, large Gephyrocapsa and Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, the first appearance of data for large Gephyrocapsa and Emiliania huxleyi, and the abrupt increase in the abundance of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. In addition, we fortunately observed that Australasian microtektites were distributed in core MD06-3050 from 1340 to 1374 cm.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41006021,41176132)the Western Pacific Ocean System Project(Grant No.XDA11030104)
文摘Transfer functions between the benthic foraminiferal fauna of seventy-one sediment surface-samples retrieved from the South Yellow Sea inner shelf and the environmental factors, including the summer bottom-water salinity(Ss), the summer bottom-water temperature(Ts) and the winter bottom-water temperature(Tw) have been developed utilizing weighted averaging partial least square regression(WA-PLS). Subsequently, the transfer functions have been applied to a late Holocene piston core SY01 from the South Yellow Sea inner shelf, established the variation curves of the Ss, Ts, and Tw during the last 3.9 cal. ka. The Ss and Ts showed a nearly synchronous trend to the published stalagmite δ18O curve from the Jiuxian Cave, meaning they could be used as reliable indicators for the summer monsoon. Similarly, the Tw could be used as an indicator for the winter monsoon for its synchronous change to the insensitive grain size variation of the core ZY-2 retrieved from the Central Yellow Sea mud area. These results suggest that transfer functions based on benthic foraminiferal fauna can be a potentially useful tool in palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental research along the Chinese seaboard.