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作者 鲍文静 冯超 +9 位作者 马书妍 闫登伟 张聪 岳长乐 王崇泽 郭海玲 王继乾 孙道峰 柳云骐 卢玉坤 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期154-170,共17页
过去几十年,通过催化加氢脱硫(HDS)实现超清洁油品的生产一直是石油炼制领域的研究重点.然而,常规的HDS催化剂因金属负载量较低及金属与载体之间的强相互作用,导致其对4,6-二甲基二苯并噻吩(4,6-DMDBT)类大分子的脱除效率较低.这类大分... 过去几十年,通过催化加氢脱硫(HDS)实现超清洁油品的生产一直是石油炼制领域的研究重点.然而,常规的HDS催化剂因金属负载量较低及金属与载体之间的强相互作用,导致其对4,6-二甲基二苯并噻吩(4,6-DMDBT)类大分子的脱除效率较低.这类大分子反应物由于具有较大的空间位阻,使得其在催化剂表面活性位点上的吸附和反应更为困难,往往通过氢化反应进行脱硫反应.因此,为实现有效的脱硫反应,必须发展能高效解离和活化氢物种的催化剂.此外,通过氢化反应高效地脱除4,6-DMDBT通常需要在高温高压等苛刻条件下进行,这要求催化剂具备更高的活性、选择性和稳定性.为解决上述问题,本文通过奥斯瓦尔德熟化法制备了一种由多孔CoMoS外壳和Co_(3)S_(4)内核构成的Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS核@壳材料,并用于4,6-DMDBT类大分子的脱除.同时,通过原位表征和理论计算研究了该催化材料在HDS反应中的构效关系.SEM结果显示,制得的Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS空心球外表面粗糙,由许多小纳米颗粒组成.TEM图像直观地显示了Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS催化剂的结构,其外壳和间隙厚度分别为80和100 nm,高度多孔的球体使核@壳材料能够提供较短的氢溢流距离,从而构建了一种高效的HDS纳米反应器.EDX结果显示Co,Mo和S元素在Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS催化剂上均匀分布.其中,Mo金属仅存在于纳米球的外壳上;除外层的CoMoS相外,Co元素还形成了一个由Co-S物种组成的独立核心.结合XRD结果可以确定,该催化剂是由Co促进的MoS_(2)外壳和Co_(3)S_(4)内核组成的Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS核@壳材料.电镜图像和氮气吸脱附等结果表明,Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS纳米球的外壳由(Co)MoS_(2)纳米片交错卷曲组装而成,壳层含有丰富的活性位点和发达的孔道结构,为反应物提供了充足的吸附位点.Co金属的掺杂增加了MoS_(2)晶体的无序度,使得MoS_(2)纳米片上形成了大量的不饱和硫空位.钴原子锚定在MoS_(2)边缘还可以抑制MoS_(2)纳米片的团聚,使得Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS催化剂上的层状MoS_(2)长度较短且堆叠层数较低,有利于活性位点的充分暴露.H_(2)-程序升温脱附和WO_(3)变色实验结果证实了Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS结构中的氢溢流效应.HDS实验结果表明,仅使用30 mg Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS催化剂就能够实现99.2%的二苯并噻吩转化率和94.9%的4,6-DMDBT转化率.推测在HDS反应中,含硫大分子锚定在CoMoS外壳的硫空位上,而内核Co_(3)S_(4)相能够引发氢溢流效应,并将活性氢物种传递给CoMoS相,用于吸附和脱除含硫反应物,从而在HDS反应中使CoMoS和Co_(3)S_(4)两相起到协同作用,进而实现针对4,6-DMDBT类大分子的深度加氢脱硫.同时,反应过程中小分子H_(2)则可以自由地通过壳体扩散到内核的Co_(3)S_(4)相上,被解离成溢流氢物种后又传递给外层壳体,使得硫空位在HDS中不断地形成和再生.此外,核@壳球体内部连续的介孔通道缩短了溢流氢物种的迁移距离,提高了活性物种的利用率.致密的壳体使催化剂在多次循环反应中保留了核@壳结构,提高了催化剂的使用寿命.理论计算结果表明,CoMoS相和Co_(3)S_(4)相间的强电荷转移增加了CoMoS相中硫原子的电子云密度,有利于反应物在活性物种上的吸附.此外,得益于Co_(3)S_(4)相的氢溢流效应,在CoMoS/Co_(3)S_(4)双相结构上的氢解离能远低于单相结构,这使得H2分子能够在核@壳催化剂上被快速活化,以促进反应物分子的下一步脱硫进程.综上所述,本文制备的多组分Co_(3)S_(4)@CoMoS核@壳催化剂表现出较好的加氢脱硫性能.文章还提出了活性相结构与催化活性及反应路径选择性之间的作用机制,为进一步开发高效非负载加氢脱硫催化剂提供了新思路. 展开更多
关键词 加氢脱硫 氢溢流效应 核@壳结构 CoMoS活性相 双活性相协同
How can technology and efficiency alleviate the dilemma of economic growth and carbon emissions in China's industrial economy? A metafrontier decoupling decomposition analysis
作者 Miao Wang chao feng 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期1415-1428,共14页
This paper attempts to explore the decoupling relationship and its drivers between industrial economic increase and energy-related CO_(2) emissions(ICE). Firstly, the decoupling relationship was evaluated by Tapio ind... This paper attempts to explore the decoupling relationship and its drivers between industrial economic increase and energy-related CO_(2) emissions(ICE). Firstly, the decoupling relationship was evaluated by Tapio index. Then, based on the DEA meta-frontier theory framework which taking into account the regional and industrial heterogeneity and index decomposition method, the driving factors of decoupling process were explored mainly from the view of technology and efficiency. The results show that during2000-2019, weak decoupling was the primary state. Investment scale expansion was the largest reason hindering decoupling process of industrial increase from ICE. Both energy saving and production technology achieved significant progress, which facilitated the decoupling process. Simultaneously, the energy technology gap and production technology gap among regions have been narrowed, and played a role in promoting decoupling process. On the contrary, both scale economy efficiency and pure technical efficiency have inhibiting effects on decoupling process. The former indicates that the scale economy of China's industry was not conducive to improve energy efficiency and production efficiency, while the latter indicates that resource misallocation problem may exist in both energy market and product market. 展开更多
关键词 China's industrial sector Decoupling process Meta-frontier DEA Index decomposition method Driving factors
Optimized parameters of downhole all-metal PDM based on genetic algorithm
作者 Jia-Xing Lu Ling-Rong Kong +2 位作者 Yu Wang chao feng Yu-Lin Gao 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期2663-2676,共14页
Currently,deep drilling operates under extreme conditions of high temperature and high pressure,demanding more from subterranean power motors.The all-metal positive displacement motor,known for its robust performance,... Currently,deep drilling operates under extreme conditions of high temperature and high pressure,demanding more from subterranean power motors.The all-metal positive displacement motor,known for its robust performance,is a critical choice for such drilling.The dimensions of the PDM are crucial for its performance output.To enhance this,optimization of the motor's profile using a genetic algorithm has been undertaken.The design process begins with the computation of the initial stator and rotor curves based on the equations for a screw cycloid.These curves are then refined using the least squares method for a precise fit.Following this,the PDM's mathematical model is optimized,and motor friction is assessed.The genetic algorithm process involves encoding variations and managing crossovers to optimize objective functions,including the isometric radius coefficient,eccentricity distance parameter,overflow area,and maximum slip speed.This optimization yields the ideal profile parameters that enhance the motor's output.Comparative analyses of the initial and optimized output characteristics were conducted,focusing on the effects of the isometric radius coefficient and overflow area on the motor's performance.Results indicate that the optimized motor's overflow area increased by 6.9%,while its rotational speed reduced by 6.58%.The torque,as tested by Infocus,saw substantial improvements of38.8%.This optimization provides a theoretical foundation for improving the output characteristics of allmetal PDMs and supports the ongoing development and research of PDM technology. 展开更多
关键词 Positive displacement motor Genetic algorithm Profile optimization Matlab programming Overflow area
作者 冯超 李严波 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期158-170,共13页
随着全球经济的持续增长,人类社会对能源的需求也在不断攀升.然而,传统的化石燃料无法再生,并且由于其过度消耗而引发的环境问题日益凸显,这使得寻找清洁、可持续的能源替代品成为当务之急.其中,通过人工光合作用对太阳能进行转化和储... 随着全球经济的持续增长,人类社会对能源的需求也在不断攀升.然而,传统的化石燃料无法再生,并且由于其过度消耗而引发的环境问题日益凸显,这使得寻找清洁、可持续的能源替代品成为当务之急.其中,通过人工光合作用对太阳能进行转化和储存是一个理想的能源替代方案.光电化学(PEC)水分解技术可以将太阳能直接转化为氢能,并且在氢燃料的生产和燃烧过程中水是唯一的原料和产物,实现了“零碳”排放的紧密氢循环,整个过程被认为是绿色、可持续的.在过去几十年里,大量关于PEC水分解的研究被报道,尤其是在提高太阳能到氢气(STH)转换效率方面取得了较大的进展.然而,光电极在工况下的长期稳定性问题仍然是制约PEC水分解商业化的主要障碍.为了应对这一挑战,催化领域引入了自修复的概念,并将其扩展应用于提高光电极的稳定性,这为解决其稳定性问题提供了新的策略.因此,有必要对实现稳定PEC水分解的自修复机制进行综述.本文系统综述了不同半导体光吸收体、保护层和助催化剂在工况下的衰减机制.首先,重点探讨了窄带隙半导体材料,如硅基(n-Si或p-Si)或III-V族半导体(GaAs,InP等)在工况下的衰减机制.这些材料受到电解液化学腐蚀的影响,导致其理化性质不稳定.特别是在光照或外加偏压的作用下,腐蚀作用会进一步加剧,严重影响其性能.然后,分析了具有合适带隙的半导体材料的衰减机制.受热力学因素影响,非氧化物半导体,如金属硫化物/硒化物、氮化物、氧氮化物、磷化物等,容易被光生空穴氧化;而金属氧化物半导体,如Cu_(2)O,则容易被光生电子还原.此外,热力学上相对稳定的金属氧化物半导体,如BiVO_(4),受动力学因素影响易发生光腐蚀,导致光吸收物种的溶解和晶格结构的破坏.除了半导体材料本身,表面保护层受到寄生光吸收和针孔现象的限制,导致其保护效果降低.助催化剂同样面临着活性衰减和寄生光吸收带来的挑战,这些因素影响了光电极的整体效率和稳定性.为了应对这些挑战,本文总结了一系列具有自修复机制的损伤修复策略,包括光吸收材料和助催化剂中活性组分的内在自修复、半导体中缺陷位点的内在自修复、保护层中的外在自修复以及表面改性层中自修复薄膜的厚度自限性特征.实现这些自修复机制通常需要结合PEC水分解工况下提供的偏压或光电压,并在电解液中添加失活物种的离子源或额外的修复剂.工况下提供的偏压大小以及添加到电解质中的物种数量和浓度将直接决定PEC水分解的自修复能力.综上,自修复作为维持易腐蚀光电极稳定性的理想方式,具有极大的应用潜力.通过利用更先进的原位分析技术能够更深入地揭示光电极/电解质界面在工况下的动态演变规律,从而更好地从本质上了解PEC水分解系统的损伤机制.针对运行状态下损伤部位的针对性修复,可以建立动态稳定的损伤-修复机制,为实现人工光合作用系统的高效和长期稳定运行提供有力保障.展望未来,需要进一步深入剖析并完善自修复机制,使其成为催化系统开发的一般性设计原则,此外,还应积极探索将自修复机制扩展至更广泛的应用平台和场景中,为推动清洁能源领域的进一步发展贡献更多的解决方案. 展开更多
关键词 自修复 光电化学水分解 稳定性 半导体光吸收层 保护层 助催化剂
Boosting Electrochemical Urea Synthesis via Constructing Ordered Pd–Zn Active Pair
作者 Weiliang Zhou chao feng +12 位作者 Xuan Li Xingxing Jiang Lingyan Jing Shuai Qi Qihua Huo Miaoyuan Lv Xinbao Chen Tianchi Huang Jingwen Zhao Na Meng Hengpan Yang Qi Hu Chuanxin He 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期529-540,共12页
Electrochemical co-reduction of nitrate(NO_(3)^(-))and carbon dioxide(CO_(2))has been widely regarded as a promising route to produce urea under ambient conditions,however the yield rate of urea has remained limited.H... Electrochemical co-reduction of nitrate(NO_(3)^(-))and carbon dioxide(CO_(2))has been widely regarded as a promising route to produce urea under ambient conditions,however the yield rate of urea has remained limited.Here,we report an atomically ordered intermetallic pallium-zinc(PdZn)electrocatalyst comprising a high density of PdZn pairs for boosting urea electrosynthesis.It is found that Pd and Zn are responsible for the adsorption and activation of NO_(3)^(-)and CO_(2),respectively,and thus the co-adsorption and co-activation NO_(3)^(-)and CO_(2) are achieved in ordered PdZn pairs.More importantly,the ordered and well-defined PdZn pairs provide a dual-site geometric structure conducive to the key C-N coupling with a low kinetical barrier,as demonstrated on both operando measurements and theoretical calculations.Consequently,the PdZn electrocatalyst displays excellent performance for the co-reduction to generate urea with a maximum urea Faradaic efficiency of 62.78%and a urea yield rate of 1274.42μg mg^(-1) h^(-1),and the latter is 1.5-fold larger than disordered pairs in PdZn alloys.This work paves new pathways to boost urea electrosynthesis via constructing ordered dual-metal pairs. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical C-N coupling Urea electrosynthesis Intermetallic compounds Geometric structures Active pairs
A novel one-time-programmable memory unit based on Schottky-type p-GaN diode
作者 chao feng Xinyue Dai +4 位作者 Qimeng Jiang Sen Huang Jie Fan Xinhua Wang Xinyu Liu 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期53-57,共5页
In this work,a novel one-time-programmable memory unit based on a Schottky-type p-GaN diode is proposed.During the programming process,the junction switches from a high-resistance state to a low-resistance state throu... In this work,a novel one-time-programmable memory unit based on a Schottky-type p-GaN diode is proposed.During the programming process,the junction switches from a high-resistance state to a low-resistance state through Schottky junction breakdown,and the state is permanently preserved.The memory unit features a current ratio of more than 10^(3),a read voltage window of 6 V,a programming time of less than 10^(−4)s,a stability of more than 108 read cycles,and a lifetime of far more than 10 years.Besides,the fabrication of the device is fully compatible with commercial Si-based GaN process platforms,which is of great significance for the realization of low-cost read-only memory in all-GaN integration. 展开更多
关键词 wide-bandgap semiconductor one-time programmable Schottky-type p-GaN diode read-only memory device
作者 隈研吾 +12 位作者 吴震陵 真田太郎 罗杰殷 林孜俐 冯超 吴子怡 李思聪 徐戈畅 徐凡清 Andrea Barron Tercerost 徐磊 叶子萌 阙炜翌 《建筑实践》 2024年第6期94-101,共8页
小河公园原址为中石化小河油库,其始建于20世纪50年代,是建国后浙江省第一座油库。随着时代变迁,油库与城市发展目标的矛盾日渐突出。2019年,在省、市政府及社会各界的共同努力下,拱墅区政府与中石化达成油库搬迁协议,小河油库的改造被... 小河公园原址为中石化小河油库,其始建于20世纪50年代,是建国后浙江省第一座油库。随着时代变迁,油库与城市发展目标的矛盾日渐突出。2019年,在省、市政府及社会各界的共同努力下,拱墅区政府与中石化达成油库搬迁协议,小河油库的改造被正式提上议程。 展开更多
关键词 油库 城市发展目标 拱墅区 中石化 时代变迁 小河 公园
Amphiphilicity-driven octaphenyl polyoxyethylenes regulate soft microcapsules flexibility for better foliar adhesion and pesticide utilization
作者 Haichao Cao Xuewen Jian +7 位作者 Daxia Zhang Wenzheng Ling Guofu Zhang Yaozhong Zhang Hao Zong chao feng Dan Chen feng Liu 《Advanced Agrochem》 2024年第4期316-327,共12页
Pesticide-loaded flexible carriers that allow for deformation and adhesion on crop leaves is an effective way to improve pesticide utilization.In interfacial polymerization,the addition of octaphenyl polyoxyethylene(O... Pesticide-loaded flexible carriers that allow for deformation and adhesion on crop leaves is an effective way to improve pesticide utilization.In interfacial polymerization,the addition of octaphenyl polyoxyethylene(OP)with different hydrophile lipophilic balances(HLBs)into the oil phase can regulate the flexibility of pyraclostrobinloaded microcapsules(MCs).Due to differences in amphiphilicity and molecular structure,OP redistributed on the oil-water two-phases and oil-water interface.With increasing HLB,the proportion of OP entering the aqueous phase increased.Furthermore,more OP with low HLB remained in the oil phase and occupied the oil-water interface,and these OPs participated in and regulated the interfacial polymerization to increase the thickness,reduce the compactness of the shell,and increase the hydroxyl and ether bond contents in the shell.Therefore,pyraclostrobin-loaded MCs with low HLB(11.5-12.5)OP-7 exhibited flexible deformation,strong foliar adhesion,good scouring resistance,and a high control effect on peanut leaf spot,which the disease severity was 3.67.For high HLB(16),OP-21-prepared MCs with compact shells were safer to zebrafish,which the safety index was 23.81.Using the amphiphilicity of OP molecules to drive their redistribution in an encapsulation system to regulate interfacial polymerization is an effective way to control the structure and performance of pesticideloaded MCs. 展开更多
关键词 Interfacial polymerization Deformation ADHESION Flexible microcapsules Pesticide utilization ECOTOXICITY
河南省食源性疾病暴发事故流行病学资料分析 被引量:4
作者 袁蒲 张书芳 +6 位作者 付鹏钰 詹瑄 叶冰 钞凤 周昇昇 李杉 杨丽 《系统医学》 2017年第21期4-8,共5页
目的通过研究河南省食源性疾病暴发事件的资料,进行流行病学分析,为制定食源性疾病暴发的防控策略和措施提供依据。方法对2010年1月—2015年12月之间河南省食源性疾病暴发报告系统中的上报数据按发生的时间、地区、原因食品、引发事件... 目的通过研究河南省食源性疾病暴发事件的资料,进行流行病学分析,为制定食源性疾病暴发的防控策略和措施提供依据。方法对2010年1月—2015年12月之间河南省食源性疾病暴发报告系统中的上报数据按发生的时间、地区、原因食品、引发事件原因等变量进行流行病学分析。结果 2010年1月—2015年12月期间河南省共报告食源性疾病暴发事件69起,发病人数为1 499例,住院人数1 015例,死亡人数7例,总罹患率为3.81%,总病死率约为0.47%。全省食源性疾病暴发事件数量在第二季度、第三季度最多,占总事件数的57.97%。豫北地区和豫中地区为事件高发地区,2个地区累计报告事件45起,占全省报告事件起数的65.22%。植物类(22起,31.88%)食物是致病的主要原因食品。由于加工不当所引起的发病人数最多,占总发病人数的25.42%,而导致死亡人数最多的是原因是误食误用,占死亡人数的71.43%。结论食品安全监管部门要加大食品安全监管力度,加强对食源性疾病高发季节的检查和监督,集中力量针对关键控制点及薄弱环节进行监管。 展开更多
关键词 食源性疾病 食品安全 食源性疾病暴发 食源性疾病监测
绿茶马铃薯山药曲奇饼干的研制 被引量:8
作者 迟明梅 隋新 +2 位作者 谢仁杰 晁枫 刘炳宏 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2020年第7期21-25,共5页
以绿茶粉、马铃薯粉和山药粉为主要原料,研制茶味浓郁的特色饼干。以感官评价为指标,采用单因素和Plackett-Burman试验研究影响主次因素,采用Box-Behnken试验确定产品最佳配方。结果表明:影响感官评价的主次顺序为无盐黄油>马铃薯粉&... 以绿茶粉、马铃薯粉和山药粉为主要原料,研制茶味浓郁的特色饼干。以感官评价为指标,采用单因素和Plackett-Burman试验研究影响主次因素,采用Box-Behnken试验确定产品最佳配方。结果表明:影响感官评价的主次顺序为无盐黄油>马铃薯粉>绿茶粉>山药粉>鸡蛋>白砂糖;产品最佳配方为以低筋面粉质量为基准、绿茶粉9.85%、马铃薯粉25.63%、山药粉50%、白砂糖40%、无盐黄油42.45%、鸡蛋30%和纯净水10%,此配方下制得的饼干感官评分为88.23。 展开更多
关键词 绿茶 马铃薯 山药 感官评价
Application of Finite Element Analysis in Biomechanical Research of Degenerative Diseases of Lumbar Spine
作者 Shuyu Zhang Tianyi Bai +3 位作者 Xingxu Zhang chao feng Zhengpeng Liu Yilong Zhang 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2022年第3期21-33,共13页
As the elderly population continues to grow, the number of patients with low back pain is gradually increasing. Among them, Lumbar Degenerative Diseases (LDD) is one of the major contributors to low back pain. Biomech... As the elderly population continues to grow, the number of patients with low back pain is gradually increasing. Among them, Lumbar Degenerative Diseases (LDD) is one of the major contributors to low back pain. Biomechanical in vivo studies of the lumbar spine are mainly performed by implants or imaging data to record the real-time changes of form and stress on the intervertebral disc during motion. However, the current developments are slow due to the technological and ethical limitations. In vitro experiments include animal experiments and cadaver experiments, which are difficult to operate or differ greatly from normal human structures, and the results still need to be verified repeatedly to test their accuracy. As for finite element method, it is relatively low cost and can repeat the experimental results. Therefore, we believe that finite element analysis plays an extremely important role in biomechanical research, especially in analyzing the relationship between different surgical models and the degeneration caused by different mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMECHANICS Degenerative Diseases of the Lumbar Spine Animal Specimens Human Cadaver Models Finite Element Analysis Statics Analysis STRESS Range of Motion (RoM)
基于微型营养评定法的营养评估及干预在老年住院慢性病患者中的应用 被引量:23
作者 董桂平 张朝辉 +4 位作者 胡睿 潮凤 刘柳 李瑜 虎丹丹 《中国临床保健杂志》 CAS 2019年第2期229-232,共4页
目的通过微型营养评定法(MNA)评价老年住院慢性病患者营养状况,探讨营养支持及护理干预在老年住院慢性病患者中的应用效果。方法选取慢性病患者54例,运用MNA进行营养评估,根据评估结果对于存在营养风险的患者给予营养支持和护理干预,比... 目的通过微型营养评定法(MNA)评价老年住院慢性病患者营养状况,探讨营养支持及护理干预在老年住院慢性病患者中的应用效果。方法选取慢性病患者54例,运用MNA进行营养评估,根据评估结果对于存在营养风险的患者给予营养支持和护理干预,比较干预前及干预后第2周MNA分值及日常生活能力评估分值(Barthel指数)、血清白蛋白(ALB)、前白蛋白(PAB)、血红蛋白(HGB)、体质指数(BMI)、上臂围、小腿围、患者利手握力等变化。结果运用MNA对住院老年慢性病患者进行营养风险评估并给予个性化营养支持与护理方案,结果显示:干预前后MNA总分、Barthel指数、PAB、利手握力、BMI、上臂围、小腿围结果比较差异均有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。营养总风险率由干预前68. 52%下降到干预后46. 29%。结论 MNA可及时发现老年住院慢性病患者存在的营养风险,有利于临床针对性的采取相应的营养支持与护理干预措施,可以降低住院老年慢性病患者的营养风险,提高老年住院慢性病患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 营养评价 营养支持 生活质量 慢性病 老年人
超大跨度暗挖地铁车站单层初期支护拱盖法技术研究 被引量:3
作者 姚再峰 郭小红 +2 位作者 晁峰 张宇奇 雷海波 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S02期631-637,共7页
为了研究单层初期支护拱盖法在超大断面暗挖地铁车站中的适用性及支护参数,文章以重庆地铁9号线宝圣湖站为工程依托,采用文献检索、数值模拟分析和现场监测等手段,对单层初期支护拱盖法和双侧壁导坑法开挖引起的隧道拱顶沉降和周边位移... 为了研究单层初期支护拱盖法在超大断面暗挖地铁车站中的适用性及支护参数,文章以重庆地铁9号线宝圣湖站为工程依托,采用文献检索、数值模拟分析和现场监测等手段,对单层初期支护拱盖法和双侧壁导坑法开挖引起的隧道拱顶沉降和周边位移情况、单层初期支护拱盖法支护参数以及大拱脚和侧边墙拱架的连接方式展开研究,结果表明:与双侧壁导坑法相比,宝圣湖站采用单层初期支护拱盖法拱顶沉降量较小、水平位移较大;将大拱脚和侧边墙拱架的连接方式从搭接优化为焊接,可使初期支护整体封闭成环,有利于隧道初期支护整体受力。 展开更多
关键词 单层初期支护拱盖法 数值计算 超大断面 地铁车站 监控量测
改良静脉拔针方法在老年患者留置针静脉输液中的效果 被引量:1
作者 潮凤 董桂平 +6 位作者 胡睿 张朝辉 陆玉 李瑜 王娜 虎丹丹 刘柳 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》 2020年第3期143-144,共2页
目的:探讨改良静脉留置针拔针方法在老年慢性病使用留置针输液患者中的应用效果。方法:将60例老年慢性病输液患者随机分成观察组与对照组,对照组患者采用常规的留置针拔针方法,观察组患者采用改良留置针拔针新方法,比较两组患者拔针后... 目的:探讨改良静脉留置针拔针方法在老年慢性病使用留置针输液患者中的应用效果。方法:将60例老年慢性病输液患者随机分成观察组与对照组,对照组患者采用常规的留置针拔针方法,观察组患者采用改良留置针拔针新方法,比较两组患者拔针后的皮下出血、皮下淤血、静脉回血、按压时间、患者的疼痛及满意度情况。结果:观察组患者在拔针后的皮下出血、皮下淤血、静脉回血、按压时间、患者的疼痛情况均低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患者满意度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:改良后的静脉拔针按压方法明显优于常规的拔针按压方法,值得在老年科推广。 展开更多
关键词 改良 静脉拔针按压 老年患者
Review of fully coherent free-electron lasers 被引量:20
作者 chao feng Hai-Xiao Deng 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第11期214-228,共15页
Generation of intense, fully coherent radiation with wide spectral coverage has been a long-standing challenge for laser technologies. Several techniques have been developed in recent years to extend the spectral cove... Generation of intense, fully coherent radiation with wide spectral coverage has been a long-standing challenge for laser technologies. Several techniques have been developed in recent years to extend the spectral coverage in optical physics, but none of them hold the potential to produce X-ray laser pulses with very high-peak power. Urgent demands for intense X-ray light sources have prompted the development of free-electron lasers(FELs), which have been proved to be very useful tools in many scientific areas. In this paper, we give an overview of the basic principle of FELs, techniques for realizing fully coherent FELs, and the development of fully coherent FEL facilities in China. 展开更多
关键词 Free-electron LASER Fully COHERENT Seeded FEL FEL OSCILLATOR
Two-stage EEHG for coherent hard X-ray generation based on a superconducting linac 被引量:11
作者 Zhen-Tang Zhao chao feng Kai-Qing Zhang 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第8期54-60,共7页
A two-stage echo-enabled harmonic generation(EEHG)scheme is proposed for a superconducting linacdriven FEL to produce coherent hard X-rays.Electron beams of quite different bunch lengths are separately used in each st... A two-stage echo-enabled harmonic generation(EEHG)scheme is proposed for a superconducting linacdriven FEL to produce coherent hard X-rays.Electron beams of quite different bunch lengths are separately used in each stage of EEHG,and a monochromator is designed to purify the radiation from the first stage for seeding the second stage.Theoretical analysis and 3D simulations indicate that the proposed scheme can generate high-repetition-rate coherent hard X-ray pulses directly from a conventional UV seed laser. 展开更多
关键词 超导直线加速器 硬X射线 相干 自由电子激光 加速器驱动 紫外激光 高重复率 单色仪
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt with covered stents for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombosis 被引量:13
作者 Jian-Bo Zhao chao feng +3 位作者 Qiao-Hua Zhu Xiao-feng He Yan-Hao Li Yong Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第6期1602-1607,共6页
AIM: To evaluate transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) with covered stents for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with main portal vein tumor thrombus (PVTT).
关键词 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Covered stent Portal hypertension Main portal vein tumor thrombus Hepatocellular carcinoma
Generation of double pulses at the Shanghai soft X-ray free electron laser facility 被引量:4
作者 Zhen Wang chao feng +2 位作者 Qiang Gu Li-Hua Yu Zhen-Tang Zhao 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期7-12,共6页
In this article, we present the promise of a new method generating double electron pulses in picosecondscale pulse length and tunable interpulse spacing at several picoseconds. This has witnessed an impressive potenti... In this article, we present the promise of a new method generating double electron pulses in picosecondscale pulse length and tunable interpulse spacing at several picoseconds. This has witnessed an impressive potential of application in pump–probe techniques, two-color X-ray free electron laser, high-gradient witness bunch acceleration in a plasma, etc. Three-dimensional simulations are carried out to analyze the dynamic of the electron beam in a linear accelerator. Comparisons are made between the new method and existing ways. 展开更多
First commissioning results of the coherent scattering and imaging endstation at the Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser facility 被引量:4
作者 Jia-Dong Fan Ya-Jun Tong +17 位作者 Yong-Gan Nie Zi-Chen Gao Bo He Hui Luan Dong-Hao Lu Jian-Hua Zhang Di-Fei Zhang Xin-Ye Yuan Jia-Hua Chen Zhi Guo Tao Liu Meng Zhang chao feng Hai-Xiao Deng Bo Liu Zhen-Tang Zhao Zhi Liu Huai-Dong Jiang 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第9期48-58,共11页
The Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser(SXFEL)user facility project started in 2016 and is expected to be open to users by 2022.It aims to deliver ultra-intense coherent femtosecond X-ray pulses to five endstation... The Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser(SXFEL)user facility project started in 2016 and is expected to be open to users by 2022.It aims to deliver ultra-intense coherent femtosecond X-ray pulses to five endstations covering a range of 100–620 eV for ultrafast X-ray science.Two undulator lines are designed and constructed,based on different lasing modes:self-amplified spontaneous emission and echo-enabled harmonic generation.The coherent scattering and imaging(CSI)endstation is the first of five endstations to be commissioned online.It focuses on high-resolution single-shot imaging and the study of ultrafast dynamic processes using coherent forward scattering techniques.Both the single-shot holograms and coherent diffraction patterns were recorded and reconstructed for nanoscale imaging,indicating the excellent coherence and high peak power of the SXFEL and the possibility of‘‘diffraction before destruction’’experiments at the CSI endstation.In this study,we report the first commissioning results of the CSI endstation. 展开更多
关键词 X-ray free electron laser Coherent diffraction imaging Fourier transform holography Single-shot imaging Phase retrieval
作者 晁峰 油新华 +2 位作者 郭小红 刘超 姚再峰 《现代隧道技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期1107-1112,共6页
城市敏感环境条件下地下工程施工对周边环境影响需要得到足够重视,控制不当会引起经济损失和不良社会影响。文章依托某暗挖隧道下穿回填土挡墙工程,对暗挖隧道穿越回填土挡墙施工风险进行分析、给出对策,并就施工期间出现的沉降超限现象... 城市敏感环境条件下地下工程施工对周边环境影响需要得到足够重视,控制不当会引起经济损失和不良社会影响。文章依托某暗挖隧道下穿回填土挡墙工程,对暗挖隧道穿越回填土挡墙施工风险进行分析、给出对策,并就施工期间出现的沉降超限现象,在避免产生较大社会影响及经济损失的前提下,提出了针对性处理措施,保障了后续施工的进行。 展开更多
关键词 暗挖隧道 回填土挡墙 沉降超限 处理措施
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