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高密度电法与瞬变电磁法联合勘查河北承德地区基岩裂隙水 被引量:16
作者 王瑞丰 温来福 +3 位作者 程久龙 陈志 焦俊俊 申国强 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第6期784-790,共7页
缺水基岩山区的找水定井难度较大,单一地球物理方法很难达到准确找水的目的。为了弥补高密度电法探测深度浅,受地形影响较大等问题,采用高密度电法联合瞬变电磁法对基岩山区地下水进行探测,高效经济地实现山区地下水资源精准勘查。在探... 缺水基岩山区的找水定井难度较大,单一地球物理方法很难达到准确找水的目的。为了弥补高密度电法探测深度浅,受地形影响较大等问题,采用高密度电法联合瞬变电磁法对基岩山区地下水进行探测,高效经济地实现山区地下水资源精准勘查。在探讨高密度电法和瞬变电磁法的基本原理和联合探测可行性的基础上,介绍了联合探测的找水前提和依据,结合河北承德地区基岩山区地下水勘查的工程应用,讨论了地形对高密度电法的影响,分析了两种方法的联合探测结果,综合两者低阻异常对应区域最终确定了基岩裂隙含水区,并通过钻孔验证了综合地球物理技术在基岩山区找水的有效性,为今后在类似地质条件地区基岩裂隙水的勘查提供了理论和实践依据。 展开更多
关键词 高密度电法 瞬变电磁法 基岩山区 地形 联合探测 裂隙水 钻孔验证 河北
地空时间域电磁系统在陕西神木地区煤矿采空区勘查中的应用 被引量:13
作者 王振荣 程久龙 +4 位作者 宋立兵 滕飞 李果 杨茂林 陈永亮 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第6期776-783,共8页
为实现陕西神木地区哈拉沟煤矿周边小煤矿采空区的精确定位,采用地空时间域电磁系统在哈拉沟煤矿三盘区附近原小煤矿可能开采范围开展勘查工作。利用电源车集成的大功率地面发射系统,搭配基于旋翼无人机的单分量地空电磁信号接收系统,... 为实现陕西神木地区哈拉沟煤矿周边小煤矿采空区的精确定位,采用地空时间域电磁系统在哈拉沟煤矿三盘区附近原小煤矿可能开采范围开展勘查工作。利用电源车集成的大功率地面发射系统,搭配基于旋翼无人机的单分量地空电磁信号接收系统,共采集23条测线的电磁数据。经数据处理后,得到勘查区内地下视电阻率与视深度的高分辨率成像剖面,结合已知钻孔资料综合分析,推测勘查区对应地下煤层位置的低阻带是由煤层积水采空区造成,据此共圈定了8处疑似积水采空区,其中5处为相对低阻异常区域,分布于勘查区中南部、中部以及东北部区域。本次探测工作验证了地空时间域电磁系统在煤矿采空区勘查中的有效性,能够为工作面合理布置和采空区治理等提供可靠的地质信息。 展开更多
关键词 地空时间域电磁系统 小煤矿 采空区 勘查 精确定位 数据处理 高分辨率 陕西
基于矿井瞬变电磁法的侏罗系煤层顶板富水性研究 被引量:8
作者 赵家宏 程久龙 温来福 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2018年第12期97-100,共4页
为保证工作面安全回采,采用矿井瞬变电磁法对内蒙古新上海庙矿区某煤矿侏罗系煤层顶板岩层的富水性进行探测,从干扰校正后的视电阻率分布规律及对应地层的物性条件2个方面对低阻异常区进行地质解释,并利用后期疏放水钻孔对探测结果进行... 为保证工作面安全回采,采用矿井瞬变电磁法对内蒙古新上海庙矿区某煤矿侏罗系煤层顶板岩层的富水性进行探测,从干扰校正后的视电阻率分布规律及对应地层的物性条件2个方面对低阻异常区进行地质解释,并利用后期疏放水钻孔对探测结果进行了验证。研究表明:矿井瞬变电磁法可以确定煤层顶板岩层富水异常区位置及分布范围.并定性评价其富水程度、为工作面顶板水防治工作提供有效的科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 矿井瞬变电磁法 侏罗系煤层 顶板 富水性
瞬变电磁法超小线圈并联式发射回线设计实验 被引量:3
作者 吴北辰 潘洋润奕 +3 位作者 程久龙 王辉 姚娣 庞肖颖 《物探与化探》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期934-939,共6页
针对浅层或矿井瞬变电磁法探测中发射系统电源电压有限使发射磁矩受限,而发射回线的寄生电感导致电流关断时间过长的问题,设计了瞬变电磁法超小线圈并联式发射回线,通过线圈的并联来增大发射磁矩,再通过外加电阻等方式减小关断时间。从... 针对浅层或矿井瞬变电磁法探测中发射系统电源电压有限使发射磁矩受限,而发射回线的寄生电感导致电流关断时间过长的问题,设计了瞬变电磁法超小线圈并联式发射回线,通过线圈的并联来增大发射磁矩,再通过外加电阻等方式减小关断时间。从理论上对常规发射线圈与并联式发射线圈建立了等效电路模型进行分析,并对并联式发射线圈与常规发射线圈进行了实验对比测试。结果表明:并联式发射线圈能有效增大发射磁矩,进而减小关断时间。本设计对减少浅层或矿井瞬变电磁法勘探盲区、加大勘探深度具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 瞬变电磁法 并联式发射回线 关断时间 发射磁矩 超小线圈
基于钻孔电阻率法动态监测的煤层覆岩瓦斯抽采层位确定——以李雅庄煤矿为例 被引量:14
作者 侯文光 程久龙 +3 位作者 李达 张盼 秦金辉 陈涛 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2021年第17期7046-7052,共7页
高位水平钻孔瓦斯抽采技术是解决矿井瓦斯危害问题十分有效的工程技术手段。瓦斯抽采水平钻孔施工层位需要布置在覆岩采动裂隙带发育范围内,而复合顶板的采动裂隙带发育范围往往难以确定,导致钻孔施工层位不准确严重影响瓦斯抽采效率。... 高位水平钻孔瓦斯抽采技术是解决矿井瓦斯危害问题十分有效的工程技术手段。瓦斯抽采水平钻孔施工层位需要布置在覆岩采动裂隙带发育范围内,而复合顶板的采动裂隙带发育范围往往难以确定,导致钻孔施工层位不准确严重影响瓦斯抽采效率。为研究覆岩采动裂隙发育范围,精准确定水平钻孔布置层位,依据煤层开采覆岩变形破坏一般特征,采用钻孔电阻率法对李雅庄煤矿2607工作面开采覆岩裂隙发育特征进行动态监测,分析了不同采动时段的视电阻率响应特征和变化规律,得到覆岩裂隙发育分布的主要层位。研究表明:裂隙带主要发育范围位于煤层顶板26~47.5 m高度内的砂岩层,确定为瓦斯抽采的最佳层位,现场瓦斯抽采试验验证了该层位的准确性。钻孔电阻率法在覆岩裂隙动态监测方面具有较高的精度,为提高瓦斯抽采效率和降低瓦斯抽采成本提供了较重要的技术保障。 展开更多
关键词 煤层开采 瓦斯抽采 裂隙演化 钻孔电阻率法 动态监测
矿井瞬变电磁法接收端单向屏蔽 被引量:2
作者 王雷生 程久龙 徐忠忠 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第23期9962-9967,共6页
矿井瞬变电磁法由于受到全空间效应的影响,无法实现井下的定向探测,目前尚无从根本上解决该问题的方法。对采集信号进行单向屏蔽有望从根本上突破矿井瞬变电磁法定向探测的难题。通过理论计算、仿真模拟对不同材料和不同结构单向屏蔽装... 矿井瞬变电磁法由于受到全空间效应的影响,无法实现井下的定向探测,目前尚无从根本上解决该问题的方法。对采集信号进行单向屏蔽有望从根本上突破矿井瞬变电磁法定向探测的难题。通过理论计算、仿真模拟对不同材料和不同结构单向屏蔽装置的电磁场响应特征进行定量分析,确定单向屏蔽装置材料及结构设计参数,并通过物理实验验证屏蔽装置的单向电磁屏蔽效果。研究表明:通过仿真模拟得到锥形结构的坡莫合金屏蔽罩相对其他结构屏蔽装置有更好的单向屏蔽效果,能够在有效压制非探测方向干扰信号的同时,突出探测方向的有效信号;在锥形屏蔽罩高度不变的情况下,锥形屏蔽罩顶角越大,单向屏蔽效果越好。此外,仿真模拟得到的屏蔽方案经物理实验证实具有明显的单向屏蔽效果。 展开更多
关键词 矿井瞬变电磁法 接收端 单向屏蔽 仿真 物理实验
Numerical simulations of full-wave fi elds and analysis of channel wave characteristics in 3-D coal mine roadway models 被引量:12
作者 Yang Si-Tong Wei Jiu-Chuan +2 位作者 cheng jiu-long Shi Long-Qing Wen Zhi-Jie 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期621-630,737,共11页
Currently, numerical simulations of seismic channel waves for the advance detection of geological structures in coal mine roadways focus mainly on modeling two- dimensional wave fields and therefore cannot accurately ... Currently, numerical simulations of seismic channel waves for the advance detection of geological structures in coal mine roadways focus mainly on modeling two- dimensional wave fields and therefore cannot accurately simulate three-dimensional (3-D) full-wave fields or seismic records in a full-space observation system. In this study, we use the first-order velocity-stress staggered-grid finite difference algorithm to simulate 3-D full-wave fields with P-wave sources in front of coal mine roadways. We determine the three components of velocity Vx, Vy, and Vz for the same node in 3-D staggered-grid finite difference models by calculating the average value of Vy, and Vz of the nodes around the same node. We ascertain the wave patterns and their propagation characteristics in both symmetrical and asymmetric coal mine roadway models. Our simulation results indicate that the Rayleigh channel wave is stronger than the Love channel wave in front of the roadway face. The reflected Rayleigh waves from the roadway face are concentrated in the coal seam, release less energy to the roof and floor, and propagate for a longer distance. There are surface waves and refraction head waves around the roadway. In the seismic records, the Rayleigh wave energy is stronger than that of the Love channel wave along coal walls of the roadway, and the interference of the head waves and surface waves with the Rayleigh channel wave is weaker than with the Love channel wave. It is thus difficult to identify the Love channel wave in the seismic records. Increasing the depth of the receivers in the coal walls can effectively weaken the interference of surface waves with the Rayleigh channel wave, but cannot weaken the interference of surface waves with the Love channel wave. Our research results also suggest that the Love channel wave, which is often used to detect geological structures in coal mine stopes, is not suitable for detecting geological structures in front of coal mine roadways. Instead, the Rayleigh channel wave can be used for the advance detection of geological structures in coal mine roadways. 展开更多
关键词 Channel wave 3-D wave field Numerical simulation Coal mine roadway Advance detection
A methodological framework of landslide quantitative risk assessment in areas with incomplete historical landslide information 被引量:1
作者 LI Xia cheng jiu-long YU De-Hao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第9期2665-2679,共15页
Landslide risk assessment(LRA)is of great significance to hazard prevention and mitigation.However,the historical landslide information is incomplete in most areas,which makes the landslide quantitative risk assessmen... Landslide risk assessment(LRA)is of great significance to hazard prevention and mitigation.However,the historical landslide information is incomplete in most areas,which makes the landslide quantitative risk assessment(LQRA)extremely difficult.This research proposed a set of frameworks for LQRA,so as to achieve LQRA in areas with incomplete historical landslide information.Firstly,we constructed the convolutional neural network(CNN)model suitable for landslide susceptibility assessment(LSA)by studying the structure and hyperparameters optimization of CNN.Secondly,we proposed a method to calculate the temporal probability by using the Poisson model based on the time range of historical landslides occurrence,and then conducted landslide hazard assessment(LHA).Then,we established a mathematical model for landslide intensity of shallow landslide based on landslide area and slope,aiming at solving the problem that it is difficult to calculate landslide intensity due to the lack of landslide volume and velocity.Based on the landslide intensity and the hazard-resistant capacity of the element at risk,we assessed the landslide vulnerability.Finally,population risk map and economic risk map are obtained based on the landslide hazard,vulnerability,and estimated value of the elements at risk.The proposed LQRA framework was applied to Tumen City,China for testing and field validation.From the results,the CNN model built can help improve the accuracy of LSA.The proposed temporal probability calculation method is conducive to the completion of LHA in areas with incomplete historical landslide information.The established landslide intensity mathematical model has certain credibility.Since the landslide risk map is obtained through appropriate simplification and substitution estimation,its final value cannot be used as an accurate prediction of future losses,but it can be used as a reference for the extent of potential losses,so as to determine the areas where hazard prevention and mitigation measures need to be taken. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Quantitative risk assessment Convolutional neural network Hazard assessment VULNERABILITY
Research on fault mode and diagnosis of methane sensor 被引量:1
作者 WANG Qi-jun cheng jiu-long 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第3期386-388,共3页
To improve the reliability of coal mine safety monitoring systems we have analyzed the characteristics of a methane sensor, an important component of the monitoring system of production safety in a coal mine and studi... To improve the reliability of coal mine safety monitoring systems we have analyzed the characteristics of a methane sensor, an important component of the monitoring system of production safety in a coal mine and studied the main type and mode of faults when the sensor was used on-line. We introduced a new method based on artificial neural network to detect faults of methane sensors. In addition, using the output information of a single methane sensor, we established a sensor output model of a dynamic non-linear neural network for on-line fault detection. Finally, the fault of the heating wire of the sensor was simulated, indicating that, when the methane sensor had a fault, the predicted output of the neural network clearly deviated from the actual output, exceeding the pre-set threshold and showing that a fault had occurred in the methane sensor. The result shows that the model has good convergence and stability, and is quite capable of meeting the requirements for on-line fault detection of methane sensors. 展开更多
关键词 methane sensor fault characteristics fault diagnosis neural network
瞬变电磁场有限差分与数字滤波双模型三维正演方法 被引量:5
作者 李飞 程久龙 +1 位作者 温来福 董毅 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期963-969,共7页
瞬变电磁场数字滤波算法计算时间短,精度高,但难以实现三维正演计算;有限差分算法可以实现三维正演计算,但计算时间长,当模型网格剖分数量不足时计算精度较低.结合三维有限差分正演算法和一维数字滤波正演算法各自优势,提出双模型三维... 瞬变电磁场数字滤波算法计算时间短,精度高,但难以实现三维正演计算;有限差分算法可以实现三维正演计算,但计算时间长,当模型网格剖分数量不足时计算精度较低.结合三维有限差分正演算法和一维数字滤波正演算法各自优势,提出双模型三维正演方法,可以减少计算时间,提高计算精度.首先,给出了瞬变电磁场三维有限差分正演算法和一维数字滤波正演算法.然后,通过理论分析和公式推导,提出了通过三维有限差分正演算法计算异常场,通过一维数字滤波算法计算背景场,然后叠加得到总场的双模型方法,并给出了具体计算公式和流程.最后,建立了经典的Newman均匀介质含低阻长方体模型,以及Commer层状介质含垂直接触带模型,分别采用双模型方法和常规三维有限差分算法进行了正演计算,对计算结果进行了对比分析.结果表明:在相同模型网格数量条件下双模型方法计算精度显著高于常规三维有限差分算法;双模型方法可以通过较少的模型网格数量取得高精度的计算结果,从而可以在保证计算精度的前提下显著提高计算效率. 展开更多
关键词 瞬变电磁法 三维正演 时域有限差分 数字滤波法 双模型方法
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