在本世纪末出现了一项新的技术,其在全球范围内造成的影响丝毫不亚于曾引起轩然大波的原子弹和试管婴儿。这项人类先进文明的产物立刻受到下至平民,上达总统的广泛瞩目,众人在这项新技术面前见仁见智,褒贬不一。这究竟是何方神物呢?人...在本世纪末出现了一项新的技术,其在全球范围内造成的影响丝毫不亚于曾引起轩然大波的原子弹和试管婴儿。这项人类先进文明的产物立刻受到下至平民,上达总统的广泛瞩目,众人在这项新技术面前见仁见智,褒贬不一。这究竟是何方神物呢?人们凭借一只羊与几只猴子认识了一个新名词:克隆(cloning)。读完本篇,相信读者一定会对克隆技术有个较全面的了解:克隆并非时人新创(That’s when(1984)a scientist in Denmark separated cells from a sheep’sembryo.),也并非洪水猛兽(On a more serious note,some fertility specialists arguethat couples who have difficulty conceiving a baby could make copies of themselves );克隆也许会创造奇迹(a whole team of Michael Jordans,a scientific panel of AlbertEinsteins,a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitt),但也会闯下大祸(And howcould you prevent someone from taking a sample of your hair and making a clone ofyou?)。读到 Though they look exactly the same,clones are not necessarily carboncopies.时,可能会令人松一口气,但动物保护者们的话又令人揪心(“Next.they’llbe cloning minks and foxes to make more fur coats”)。读完全篇。展开更多
文摘在本世纪末出现了一项新的技术,其在全球范围内造成的影响丝毫不亚于曾引起轩然大波的原子弹和试管婴儿。这项人类先进文明的产物立刻受到下至平民,上达总统的广泛瞩目,众人在这项新技术面前见仁见智,褒贬不一。这究竟是何方神物呢?人们凭借一只羊与几只猴子认识了一个新名词:克隆(cloning)。读完本篇,相信读者一定会对克隆技术有个较全面的了解:克隆并非时人新创(That’s when(1984)a scientist in Denmark separated cells from a sheep’sembryo.),也并非洪水猛兽(On a more serious note,some fertility specialists arguethat couples who have difficulty conceiving a baby could make copies of themselves );克隆也许会创造奇迹(a whole team of Michael Jordans,a scientific panel of AlbertEinsteins,a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitt),但也会闯下大祸(And howcould you prevent someone from taking a sample of your hair and making a clone ofyou?)。读到 Though they look exactly the same,clones are not necessarily carboncopies.时,可能会令人松一口气,但动物保护者们的话又令人揪心(“Next.they’llbe cloning minks and foxes to make more fur coats”)。读完全篇。