目的探讨长骨牵开器在弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨干骨折中的应用效果。方法采用长骨牵开器辅助复位弹性髓内钉治疗15例儿童股骨干骨折。记录手术情况、骨折愈合情况、关节活动度及并发症发生情况,根据Flynn et al提出的下肢骨折评分标准评...目的探讨长骨牵开器在弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨干骨折中的应用效果。方法采用长骨牵开器辅助复位弹性髓内钉治疗15例儿童股骨干骨折。记录手术情况、骨折愈合情况、关节活动度及并发症发生情况,根据Flynn et al提出的下肢骨折评分标准评估疗效。结果手术时间31~65 min,术中出血量5~15 ml,术中透视7~15次,住院时间2~6 d。术中无血管神经以及肌肉牵拉伤,牵拉置入斯氏针处无骨折以及渗出感染。患儿均获得随访,时间5~18个月。骨折均愈合,时间9~18周。末次随访时,患儿均可下地完全负重行走,无跛行,内固定无失效断裂,下地负重后无大腿疼痛、局部压痛以及纵向叩击痛;髋关节屈曲130°~135°,膝关节伸直0°~5°、屈曲120°~140°;根据Flynn et al提出的下肢骨折评分标准评估疗效:优13例,良2例。结论弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨干骨折中采用长骨牵开器辅助复位操作简便,复位质量可靠,同时能维持骨折断端复位,方便弹性髓内钉的置入,疗效较好。展开更多
Shrublands serve as an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in structure and functions of alpine ecosystem.Accurate estimation of biomass is critical to examination of the producti...Shrublands serve as an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in structure and functions of alpine ecosystem.Accurate estimation of biomass is critical to examination of the productivity of alpine ecosystems, due to shrubification under climate change in past decades.In this study, 14 experimental plots and 42 quadrates of the shrubs Potentilla fruticosa and Caragana jubata were selected along altitudes gradients from 3220 to 3650 m a.s.l.(above sea level) on semi-sunny and semi-shady slope in Hulu watershed of Qilian Mountains, China.The foliage, woody component and total aboveground biomass per quadrate were examined using a selective destructive method, then the biomass were estimated via allometric equations based on measured parameters for two shrub species.The results showed that C.jubata accounted for 1–3 times more biomass(480.98 g/m2) than P.fruticosa(191.21 g/m2).The aboveground biomass of both the shrubs varied significantly with altitudinal gradient(P<0.05).Woody component accounted for the larger proportion than foliage component in the total aboveground biomass.The biomass on semi-sunnyslopes(200.27 g/m2 and 509.07 g/m2) was greater than on semi-shady slopes(182.14 g/m2 and 452.89g/m2) at the same altitude band for P.fruticosa and C.jubata.In contrast, the foliage biomass on semi-shady slopes(30.50 g/m2) was greater than on semi-sunny slopes(27.51 g/m2) for two shrubs.Biomass deceased with increasing altitude for P.fruticosa, whereas C.jubata showed a hump-shaped pattern with altitude.Allometric equations were obtained from the easily descriptive parameters of height(H), basal diameter(D) and crown area(C) for biomass of C.jubata and P.fruticosa.Although the equations type and variables comprising of the best model varied among the species, all equations related to biomass were significant(P < 0.005), with determination coefficients(R2) ranging from 0.81 to 0.96.The allometric equations satisfied the requirements of the model, and can be used to estimate the regional scale biomass of P.fruticosa and C.jubata in alpine ecosystems of the Qilian Mountains.展开更多
The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), thres...The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), threshold wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Koistinen and Saltikoff (KSS) methods. Dot graphs are plotted to acquire the threshold air temperature or the threshold wet bulb temperature using daily averaged air temperature, wet bulb temperature and precipitation data at 643 stations from 1961 to 1979 (precipitation types are not labeled in the database from 1980 to present) in China. The results indicate that the threshold AT or WBT methods are not able to differentiate rain, sleet and snow in the most regions in China; sleet is difficult to differentiate from other precipitation types based on the two threshold methods. Therefore, one threshold AT and WBT method was used in this study to differentiate rain and snow. Based on Gaussian- Kriging interpolation of threshold air temperature (To) and wet bulb temperature (Tw), the To and Tw contour lines and contour surfaces are calculated for China. Finally, a comparison between the KSS, AT and WBT methods are provided in which the KSS method is calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity. The results suggest that the KSS method is more appropriate for water phase estimation than are the other methods; the maximum precision for rain and snow is 99% and 94%, respectively. The AT method performs better than the WBT method when the critical air temperature is 2℃.展开更多
Based on the data for meteorology, hydrology, soil, planting, vegetation, and socio-economic development of the irrigation region in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China, the model of balance o...Based on the data for meteorology, hydrology, soil, planting, vegetation, and socio-economic development of the irrigation region in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China, the model of balance of water supply and demand in the region was established, and the security of water resource was assessed, from which the results that the effects of unified management of water resources in the Heihe River basin between Gansu Province and Inner Mongolia on regional hydrology are significant with a decrease in water supply diverted from Heihe River and an increase in groundwater extracted. In addition, it was found that the groundwater level has been steadily decreasing due to over pumping and decrease in recharges. In present year (2003), the volume of potential groundwater in the irrigation districts is far small because of the groundwater overdraft; even in the particular regions, there is no availability of groundwater resources for use. By 2003, water supply is not sufficient to meet the water demand in the different irrigation districts, the sustainable development and utilization of water resources are not secured, and the water supply crisis occurs in Pingchuan irrigation district. Achieving water security for the sustainable development of society, agriculture, economy, industry, and livelihoods while maintaining or improving the abilities of the management and planning of water resources, determining of the reasonable percentage between water supply and groundwater utilization and water saving in agricultural irrigation are taken into account. If this does not occur, it is feared that the present performance of water development and planning may further aggravate the problem of scarcities of water resources and further damage the fragile ecological system.展开更多
Based on the mean yearly precipitation and the total yearly evaporation data of 295 meteorological stations in China in 1951-1999, the aridity index is calculated in this paper. According to the aridity index, the cli...Based on the mean yearly precipitation and the total yearly evaporation data of 295 meteorological stations in China in 1951-1999, the aridity index is calculated in this paper. According to the aridity index, the climatic regions in China are classified into three types, namely, arid region, semi-arid region and humid region. Dry and wet climate boundaries in China fluctuate markedly and differentiate greatly in each region in the past 50 years. The fluctuation amplitudes are 20-400 km in Northeast China, 40-400 km in North China, 30-350 km in the eastern part of Northwest China and 40-370 km in Southwest China. Before the 1980s (including 1980), the climate tended to be dry in Northeast China and North China, to be wet in the eastern part of Northwest China and very wet in Southwest China. Since the 1990s there have been dry signs in Southwest China, the eastern part of Northwest China and North China. The climate becomes wetter in Northeast China. Semi-arid region is the transitional zone between humid and arid regions, the monsoon edge belt in China, and the susceptible region of environmental evolution. At the end of the 1960s dry and wet climate in China witnessed abrupt changes, changing wetness into dryness. Dry and wet climate boundaries show the fluctuation characteristics of the whole shifts and the opposite fluctuations of eastward, westward, southward and northward directions. The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations of climate have distinctive interdecadal features.展开更多
With the popularity of the automatic precipitation gauges in national weather stations,testing their performance and adjusting their measurements are top priorities. Additionally,because different climatic conditions ...With the popularity of the automatic precipitation gauges in national weather stations,testing their performance and adjusting their measurements are top priorities. Additionally,because different climatic conditions may have different effects on the performance of the precipitation gauges, it is also necessary to test the gauges in different areas. This study mainly analyzed precipitation measurements from the single-Altershielded TRwS204 automatic weighing gauge(TRwS_(SA)) relative to the adjusted manual measurements(reference precipitation) from the Chinese standard precipitation gauge in a doublefence wind shield(CSPG_(DF)) in the Hulu watershed in the Qilian Mountains, China. The measurements were compared over the period from August 2014 to July2017, and the transfer function derived from the work by Kochendorfer et al.(2017 a) for correcting windinduced losses was applied to the TRwS_(SA) measurements. The results show that the average loss of TRwS_(SA) measurements relative to the reference precipitation decreased from 0.55 mm(10.7%) to 0.51 mm(9.9%) for rainfall events, from 0.35 mm(8.5%)to 0.22 mm(5.3%) for sleet events, and from 0.49 mm(18.9%) to 0.33 mm(12.7%) for snowfall events after adjustment. The uncorrected large biases of TRwS_(SA) measurements are considered to be mainly caused by specific errors of TRwS_(SA), different gauge orifice area and random errors. These types of errors must be considered when comparing precipitation measurements for different gauge types, especially in the mountains.展开更多
As an important soil property,saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ks)controls many hydrological processes,such as runoff generation types,soil moisture storage and water movement.Because of the extremely harsh natural en...As an important soil property,saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ks)controls many hydrological processes,such as runoff generation types,soil moisture storage and water movement.Because of the extremely harsh natural environmental conditions and soil containing a significant fraction of gravel fragments in high-elevation mountainous catchments,the measurement data of Ks and other soil properties are seriously lacking,which leads to poor understanding on its hydrological processes and water cycle.In this study,the vertical variation(0-150 cm)of Ks and other soil properties from 38 soil profiles were measured under five different land cover types(alpine barren,forest,marshy meadow,alpine shrub and alpine meadow)in a small catchment in Qilian Mountains,northwestern China.A typical characteristic of soil in mountainous areas is widespread presence of rock and gravel,and the results showed that the more rock and gravel in the soil,the higher Ks and bulk density and the lower the soil capillary porosity,field water capacity and total porosity.The Ks of the lower layer with rock and gravel(18.49±10.22 mm·min-1)was significantly higher than that of the upper layer with relatively fine textured soil(0.18±0.18 mm·min-1).The order of values of the Ks in different land cover types was alpine barren,forest,alpine shrub,marshy meadow and alpine meadow,and the values of the Ks in the alpine barren were significantly higher than those of other land covers.Most rainfall events in the research catchment had low rain intensity(<0.04 mm·min-1),and deep percolation(DP)was the dominant runoff generation type.When the rainfall intensity increased(0.11 mm·min-1),subsurface stormflow(SSF)appeared in the alpine meadow.Infiltration excess overland flow(IOF),SSF and DP existed simultaneously only when the rainfall intensity was extremely high(1.91 mm·min-1).IOF and SSF were almost never appeared in the alpine barren because of high Ks.The alpine barren was the main runoffcontributed area in the mountainous catchment because of high Ks and low water-holding capacity,and the alpine shrub and meadow showed more ecological functions such as natural water storage and replenishment pool than contribution of runoff.展开更多
The aboveground biomass allocation and water relations in alpine shrubs can provide useful information on analyzing their ecological and hydrological functions in alpine regions. The objectives of this study were to c...The aboveground biomass allocation and water relations in alpine shrubs can provide useful information on analyzing their ecological and hydrological functions in alpine regions. The objectives of this study were to compare the aboveground biomass allocation, water storage ratio and distribution between foliage/woody components,and to investigate factors affecting aboveground biomass allocation and water storage ratio in alpine willow shrubs in the Qilian Mountains, China. Three experimental sites were selected along distance gradients from the riverside in the Hulu watershed in the Qilian Mountains. The foliage, woody component biomass, and water allocation of Salix cupularis Rehd.and Salix oritrepha Schneid. shrubs were measured using the selective destructive method. The results indicated that the foliage component had higher relative water and biomass storage than the woody component in the upper part of the crown in individual shrubs. However, the woody component was the major biomass and water storage component in the whole shrub level for S. cupularis and S.oritrepha. Moreover, the foliage/woody component biomass ratio decreased from the top to the basal level of shrubs. The relative water storage allocation was significantly affected by species types, but was not affected by sites and interaction between species and sites. Meanwhile, relative water storage was affectedby sites as well as by interaction between sites and species type.展开更多
The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the...The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the water crises occurred in the 1970s, problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becoming serious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now, 10 380ha of irrigated lands have been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded in Wuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the ecology water table level), thus about 3000ha ofElaeagnus angustifolia forest come to dead and another 5800ha become feeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the current situation, if water utilization scope was not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600×10^6m^3/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources and eco-environment safety in the basin, and also 70×10^6m^3/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water resources and eco-environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032×10^6m^3/a; or if 180×10^6m^3 of water can be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732×10^9m^3/a.展开更多
Snowline change and snow cover distribution patterns are still poorly understood in steep alpine basins of the Qilian Mountainous region because fast changes in snow cover cannot be observed by current sensing methods...Snowline change and snow cover distribution patterns are still poorly understood in steep alpine basins of the Qilian Mountainous region because fast changes in snow cover cannot be observed by current sensing methods due to their short time scale. To address this issue of daily snowline and snow cover observations, a ground- based EOS 7D camera and four infrared digital hunting video cameras (LTL5210A) were installed around the Hulugou river basin (HRB) in the Qilian Mountains along northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (38°15′54″N, 99°52′53″E) in September 2011. Pictures taken with the EOS 7D camera were georeferenced and the data from four LIL521oA cameras and snow depth sensors were used to assist snow cover estimation. The results showed that the time-lapse photography can be very useful and precise for monitoring snowline and snow cover in mountainous regions. The snowline and snow cover evolution at this basin can be precisely captured at daily scale. In HRB snow cover is mainly established after October, and the maximum snow cover appeared during February and March. The consistent rise of the snowline and decrease in snow cover appeared after middle part of March. This melt process is strongly associated with air temperature increase.展开更多
Land surface temperature(LST) causes the phase change of water, links to the partitioning of surface water and energy budget, and becomes an important parameter to hydrology, meteorology, ecohydrology, and other resea...Land surface temperature(LST) causes the phase change of water, links to the partitioning of surface water and energy budget, and becomes an important parameter to hydrology, meteorology, ecohydrology, and other researches in the high mountain cold regions. Unlike air temperature, which has common altitudinal lapse rates in the mountainous regions, the influence of terrain leads to complicated estimation for soil LST. This study presents two methods that use air temperature and solar position,to estimate bare LST with high temporal resolution over horizontal sites and mountainous terrain with a random slope azimuth. The data from three horizontal meteorological stations and fourteen LST observation fields with different aspects and slopes were used to test the proposed LST methods. The calculated and measured LST were compared in a range of statistical analysis, and the analysis showed that the average RMSE(root mean square error),MAD(mean absolute deviation), and R^2(correlation coefficient) for three horizontal sites were 5.09℃,3.66℃, 0.92, and 5.03℃, 3.52℃, 0.85 for the fourteen complex terrain sites. The proposed methods showed acceptable accuracy, provide a simple way to estimate LST, and will be helpful for simulating the water and energy cycles in alpine mountainous terrain.展开更多
As an important component of cryospheric provisioning services, freshwater provisioning services of the cryosphere is particularly critical to human well-being and socio-economic sustainability. It is imperative to qu...As an important component of cryospheric provisioning services, freshwater provisioning services of the cryosphere is particularly critical to human well-being and socio-economic sustainability. It is imperative to quantitatively estimate the value of freshwater provisioning services to facilitate informed decision-making for ecosystem management and economic development. This study assessed the economic value and associated changes in benefits of freshwater provisioning services for industrial, agricultural, services and domestic water uses combining cost-based method and hydrological model in the Urumqi River during 2010–2016. The results showed that the average annual economic value of agricultural, services, domestic and industrial water uses generated from freshwater provisioning services were estimated to be 1.7, 4.4, 9.9, and 15.7 million CNY. The annual value of snowmelt provisioning services of sectorial water uses was much higher than that of glacier meltwater due to the greater contribution of snowmelt to outlet streamflow than glacier melt. The relative contributions of agricultural, services, domestic and industrial sectors to total economic value of freshwater provisioning services were 6%, 13%, 32%, and 49% respectively, depending on the meltwater supply and market prices. The benefits of freshwater provisioning services from different sectors generally increased in 2010–2016, with a significant increase in the services sector. Considering the impact of changes in freshwater supply under climate change on the assessment of cryospheric provisioning services, the results emphasize the necessity of promoting industrial structure optimization and adopting resource-efficient policies.展开更多
文摘目的探讨长骨牵开器在弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨干骨折中的应用效果。方法采用长骨牵开器辅助复位弹性髓内钉治疗15例儿童股骨干骨折。记录手术情况、骨折愈合情况、关节活动度及并发症发生情况,根据Flynn et al提出的下肢骨折评分标准评估疗效。结果手术时间31~65 min,术中出血量5~15 ml,术中透视7~15次,住院时间2~6 d。术中无血管神经以及肌肉牵拉伤,牵拉置入斯氏针处无骨折以及渗出感染。患儿均获得随访,时间5~18个月。骨折均愈合,时间9~18周。末次随访时,患儿均可下地完全负重行走,无跛行,内固定无失效断裂,下地负重后无大腿疼痛、局部压痛以及纵向叩击痛;髋关节屈曲130°~135°,膝关节伸直0°~5°、屈曲120°~140°;根据Flynn et al提出的下肢骨折评分标准评估疗效:优13例,良2例。结论弹性髓内钉治疗儿童股骨干骨折中采用长骨牵开器辅助复位操作简便,复位质量可靠,同时能维持骨折断端复位,方便弹性髓内钉的置入,疗效较好。
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.91025011,91125013,41222001)the Project for Incubation of Specialists in Glaciology and Geocryology of National Natural Science Foundation of China(J1210003/J0109)
文摘Shrublands serve as an important component of terrestrial ecosystems, and play an important role in structure and functions of alpine ecosystem.Accurate estimation of biomass is critical to examination of the productivity of alpine ecosystems, due to shrubification under climate change in past decades.In this study, 14 experimental plots and 42 quadrates of the shrubs Potentilla fruticosa and Caragana jubata were selected along altitudes gradients from 3220 to 3650 m a.s.l.(above sea level) on semi-sunny and semi-shady slope in Hulu watershed of Qilian Mountains, China.The foliage, woody component and total aboveground biomass per quadrate were examined using a selective destructive method, then the biomass were estimated via allometric equations based on measured parameters for two shrub species.The results showed that C.jubata accounted for 1–3 times more biomass(480.98 g/m2) than P.fruticosa(191.21 g/m2).The aboveground biomass of both the shrubs varied significantly with altitudinal gradient(P<0.05).Woody component accounted for the larger proportion than foliage component in the total aboveground biomass.The biomass on semi-sunnyslopes(200.27 g/m2 and 509.07 g/m2) was greater than on semi-shady slopes(182.14 g/m2 and 452.89g/m2) at the same altitude band for P.fruticosa and C.jubata.In contrast, the foliage biomass on semi-shady slopes(30.50 g/m2) was greater than on semi-sunny slopes(27.51 g/m2) for two shrubs.Biomass deceased with increasing altitude for P.fruticosa, whereas C.jubata showed a hump-shaped pattern with altitude.Allometric equations were obtained from the easily descriptive parameters of height(H), basal diameter(D) and crown area(C) for biomass of C.jubata and P.fruticosa.Although the equations type and variables comprising of the best model varied among the species, all equations related to biomass were significant(P < 0.005), with determination coefficients(R2) ranging from 0.81 to 0.96.The allometric equations satisfied the requirements of the model, and can be used to estimate the regional scale biomass of P.fruticosa and C.jubata in alpine ecosystems of the Qilian Mountains.
基金supported by National asic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 013CBA01806)National Natural Sciences oundation of China (Grant Nos. 91025011, 1222001)
文摘The results from three methods aimed at improving precipitation type (e.g., rain, sleet, and snow) estimation are presented and compared in this paper. The methods include the threshold air temperature (AT), threshold wet bulb temperature (WBT) and Koistinen and Saltikoff (KSS) methods. Dot graphs are plotted to acquire the threshold air temperature or the threshold wet bulb temperature using daily averaged air temperature, wet bulb temperature and precipitation data at 643 stations from 1961 to 1979 (precipitation types are not labeled in the database from 1980 to present) in China. The results indicate that the threshold AT or WBT methods are not able to differentiate rain, sleet and snow in the most regions in China; sleet is difficult to differentiate from other precipitation types based on the two threshold methods. Therefore, one threshold AT and WBT method was used in this study to differentiate rain and snow. Based on Gaussian- Kriging interpolation of threshold air temperature (To) and wet bulb temperature (Tw), the To and Tw contour lines and contour surfaces are calculated for China. Finally, a comparison between the KSS, AT and WBT methods are provided in which the KSS method is calculated based on air temperature and relative humidity. The results suggest that the KSS method is more appropriate for water phase estimation than are the other methods; the maximum precision for rain and snow is 99% and 94%, respectively. The AT method performs better than the WBT method when the critical air temperature is 2℃.
基金This work was supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program from the Cold and Add Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CACX2003102)the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX 1 - 10-03-01)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40401012).
文摘Based on the data for meteorology, hydrology, soil, planting, vegetation, and socio-economic development of the irrigation region in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China, the model of balance of water supply and demand in the region was established, and the security of water resource was assessed, from which the results that the effects of unified management of water resources in the Heihe River basin between Gansu Province and Inner Mongolia on regional hydrology are significant with a decrease in water supply diverted from Heihe River and an increase in groundwater extracted. In addition, it was found that the groundwater level has been steadily decreasing due to over pumping and decrease in recharges. In present year (2003), the volume of potential groundwater in the irrigation districts is far small because of the groundwater overdraft; even in the particular regions, there is no availability of groundwater resources for use. By 2003, water supply is not sufficient to meet the water demand in the different irrigation districts, the sustainable development and utilization of water resources are not secured, and the water supply crisis occurs in Pingchuan irrigation district. Achieving water security for the sustainable development of society, agriculture, economy, industry, and livelihoods while maintaining or improving the abilities of the management and planning of water resources, determining of the reasonable percentage between water supply and groundwater utilization and water saving in agricultural irrigation are taken into account. If this does not occur, it is feared that the present performance of water development and planning may further aggravate the problem of scarcities of water resources and further damage the fragile ecological system.
基金The Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS NO. KZCX1-10-06
文摘Based on the mean yearly precipitation and the total yearly evaporation data of 295 meteorological stations in China in 1951-1999, the aridity index is calculated in this paper. According to the aridity index, the climatic regions in China are classified into three types, namely, arid region, semi-arid region and humid region. Dry and wet climate boundaries in China fluctuate markedly and differentiate greatly in each region in the past 50 years. The fluctuation amplitudes are 20-400 km in Northeast China, 40-400 km in North China, 30-350 km in the eastern part of Northwest China and 40-370 km in Southwest China. Before the 1980s (including 1980), the climate tended to be dry in Northeast China and North China, to be wet in the eastern part of Northwest China and very wet in Southwest China. Since the 1990s there have been dry signs in Southwest China, the eastern part of Northwest China and North China. The climate becomes wetter in Northeast China. Semi-arid region is the transitional zone between humid and arid regions, the monsoon edge belt in China, and the susceptible region of environmental evolution. At the end of the 1960s dry and wet climate in China witnessed abrupt changes, changing wetness into dryness. Dry and wet climate boundaries show the fluctuation characteristics of the whole shifts and the opposite fluctuations of eastward, westward, southward and northward directions. The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations of climate have distinctive interdecadal features.
基金supported primarily by the National Basic Research Program of China (2013CBA01806)the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (41671029, 41690141, 41401040 and 41501040)
文摘With the popularity of the automatic precipitation gauges in national weather stations,testing their performance and adjusting their measurements are top priorities. Additionally,because different climatic conditions may have different effects on the performance of the precipitation gauges, it is also necessary to test the gauges in different areas. This study mainly analyzed precipitation measurements from the single-Altershielded TRwS204 automatic weighing gauge(TRwS_(SA)) relative to the adjusted manual measurements(reference precipitation) from the Chinese standard precipitation gauge in a doublefence wind shield(CSPG_(DF)) in the Hulu watershed in the Qilian Mountains, China. The measurements were compared over the period from August 2014 to July2017, and the transfer function derived from the work by Kochendorfer et al.(2017 a) for correcting windinduced losses was applied to the TRwS_(SA) measurements. The results show that the average loss of TRwS_(SA) measurements relative to the reference precipitation decreased from 0.55 mm(10.7%) to 0.51 mm(9.9%) for rainfall events, from 0.35 mm(8.5%)to 0.22 mm(5.3%) for sleet events, and from 0.49 mm(18.9%) to 0.33 mm(12.7%) for snowfall events after adjustment. The uncorrected large biases of TRwS_(SA) measurements are considered to be mainly caused by specific errors of TRwS_(SA), different gauge orifice area and random errors. These types of errors must be considered when comparing precipitation measurements for different gauge types, especially in the mountains.
基金financial support from the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(Nos.41401041,41690141 and 41671029)。
文摘As an important soil property,saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ks)controls many hydrological processes,such as runoff generation types,soil moisture storage and water movement.Because of the extremely harsh natural environmental conditions and soil containing a significant fraction of gravel fragments in high-elevation mountainous catchments,the measurement data of Ks and other soil properties are seriously lacking,which leads to poor understanding on its hydrological processes and water cycle.In this study,the vertical variation(0-150 cm)of Ks and other soil properties from 38 soil profiles were measured under five different land cover types(alpine barren,forest,marshy meadow,alpine shrub and alpine meadow)in a small catchment in Qilian Mountains,northwestern China.A typical characteristic of soil in mountainous areas is widespread presence of rock and gravel,and the results showed that the more rock and gravel in the soil,the higher Ks and bulk density and the lower the soil capillary porosity,field water capacity and total porosity.The Ks of the lower layer with rock and gravel(18.49±10.22 mm·min-1)was significantly higher than that of the upper layer with relatively fine textured soil(0.18±0.18 mm·min-1).The order of values of the Ks in different land cover types was alpine barren,forest,alpine shrub,marshy meadow and alpine meadow,and the values of the Ks in the alpine barren were significantly higher than those of other land covers.Most rainfall events in the research catchment had low rain intensity(<0.04 mm·min-1),and deep percolation(DP)was the dominant runoff generation type.When the rainfall intensity increased(0.11 mm·min-1),subsurface stormflow(SSF)appeared in the alpine meadow.Infiltration excess overland flow(IOF),SSF and DP existed simultaneously only when the rainfall intensity was extremely high(1.91 mm·min-1).IOF and SSF were almost never appeared in the alpine barren because of high Ks.The alpine barren was the main runoffcontributed area in the mountainous catchment because of high Ks and low water-holding capacity,and the alpine shrub and meadow showed more ecological functions such as natural water storage and replenishment pool than contribution of runoff.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91025011, 91125013)National Science Fund for the Excellent Youth Scholars of China (Grant No. 41222001)
文摘The aboveground biomass allocation and water relations in alpine shrubs can provide useful information on analyzing their ecological and hydrological functions in alpine regions. The objectives of this study were to compare the aboveground biomass allocation, water storage ratio and distribution between foliage/woody components,and to investigate factors affecting aboveground biomass allocation and water storage ratio in alpine willow shrubs in the Qilian Mountains, China. Three experimental sites were selected along distance gradients from the riverside in the Hulu watershed in the Qilian Mountains. The foliage, woody component biomass, and water allocation of Salix cupularis Rehd.and Salix oritrepha Schneid. shrubs were measured using the selective destructive method. The results indicated that the foliage component had higher relative water and biomass storage than the woody component in the upper part of the crown in individual shrubs. However, the woody component was the major biomass and water storage component in the whole shrub level for S. cupularis and S.oritrepha. Moreover, the foliage/woody component biomass ratio decreased from the top to the basal level of shrubs. The relative water storage allocation was significantly affected by species types, but was not affected by sites and interaction between species and sites. Meanwhile, relative water storage was affectedby sites as well as by interaction between sites and species type.
文摘The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang River Basin shows that water resources and eco-environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since the water crises occurred in the 1970s, problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becoming serious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now, 10 380ha of irrigated lands have been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded in Wuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the ecology water table level), thus about 3000ha ofElaeagnus angustifolia forest come to dead and another 5800ha become feeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the current situation, if water utilization scope was not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600×10^6m^3/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources and eco-environment safety in the basin, and also 70×10^6m^3/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water resources and eco-environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032×10^6m^3/a; or if 180×10^6m^3 of water can be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732×10^9m^3/a.
基金supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41401078, 91025011, 41222001)National Basic Research Program of China (2013CBA01806)
文摘Snowline change and snow cover distribution patterns are still poorly understood in steep alpine basins of the Qilian Mountainous region because fast changes in snow cover cannot be observed by current sensing methods due to their short time scale. To address this issue of daily snowline and snow cover observations, a ground- based EOS 7D camera and four infrared digital hunting video cameras (LTL5210A) were installed around the Hulugou river basin (HRB) in the Qilian Mountains along northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (38°15′54″N, 99°52′53″E) in September 2011. Pictures taken with the EOS 7D camera were georeferenced and the data from four LIL521oA cameras and snow depth sensors were used to assist snow cover estimation. The results showed that the time-lapse photography can be very useful and precise for monitoring snowline and snow cover in mountainous regions. The snowline and snow cover evolution at this basin can be precisely captured at daily scale. In HRB snow cover is mainly established after October, and the maximum snow cover appeared during February and March. The consistent rise of the snowline and decrease in snow cover appeared after middle part of March. This melt process is strongly associated with air temperature increase.
基金supported primarily by the National Basic Research Program of China(2013CBA01806)the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(41401041)the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Cryosphere Sciences(SKLCS-OP-2013-06)
文摘Land surface temperature(LST) causes the phase change of water, links to the partitioning of surface water and energy budget, and becomes an important parameter to hydrology, meteorology, ecohydrology, and other researches in the high mountain cold regions. Unlike air temperature, which has common altitudinal lapse rates in the mountainous regions, the influence of terrain leads to complicated estimation for soil LST. This study presents two methods that use air temperature and solar position,to estimate bare LST with high temporal resolution over horizontal sites and mountainous terrain with a random slope azimuth. The data from three horizontal meteorological stations and fourteen LST observation fields with different aspects and slopes were used to test the proposed LST methods. The calculated and measured LST were compared in a range of statistical analysis, and the analysis showed that the average RMSE(root mean square error),MAD(mean absolute deviation), and R^2(correlation coefficient) for three horizontal sites were 5.09℃,3.66℃, 0.92, and 5.03℃, 3.52℃, 0.85 for the fourteen complex terrain sites. The proposed methods showed acceptable accuracy, provide a simple way to estimate LST, and will be helpful for simulating the water and energy cycles in alpine mountainous terrain.
基金This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41690141)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFC1510500).
文摘As an important component of cryospheric provisioning services, freshwater provisioning services of the cryosphere is particularly critical to human well-being and socio-economic sustainability. It is imperative to quantitatively estimate the value of freshwater provisioning services to facilitate informed decision-making for ecosystem management and economic development. This study assessed the economic value and associated changes in benefits of freshwater provisioning services for industrial, agricultural, services and domestic water uses combining cost-based method and hydrological model in the Urumqi River during 2010–2016. The results showed that the average annual economic value of agricultural, services, domestic and industrial water uses generated from freshwater provisioning services were estimated to be 1.7, 4.4, 9.9, and 15.7 million CNY. The annual value of snowmelt provisioning services of sectorial water uses was much higher than that of glacier meltwater due to the greater contribution of snowmelt to outlet streamflow than glacier melt. The relative contributions of agricultural, services, domestic and industrial sectors to total economic value of freshwater provisioning services were 6%, 13%, 32%, and 49% respectively, depending on the meltwater supply and market prices. The benefits of freshwater provisioning services from different sectors generally increased in 2010–2016, with a significant increase in the services sector. Considering the impact of changes in freshwater supply under climate change on the assessment of cryospheric provisioning services, the results emphasize the necessity of promoting industrial structure optimization and adopting resource-efficient policies.