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作者 袁雅生 韩东一 +8 位作者 高志强 吴皓 黄志刚 杨仕明 王海波 殷善开 马秀岚 迟放鲁 代表面神经瘤诊治专家共识编写组 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第44期3517-3525,共9页
原发于面神经的肿瘤较罕见,主要包括面神经鞘瘤、面神经纤维瘤和面神经血管瘤三类。面神经瘤诊治专家共识编写组在检索国内外文献的基础上,结合国内实际,经过多次研讨建立了本共识。本共识系统阐述了面神经瘤的流行病学、病理特征和主... 原发于面神经的肿瘤较罕见,主要包括面神经鞘瘤、面神经纤维瘤和面神经血管瘤三类。面神经瘤诊治专家共识编写组在检索国内外文献的基础上,结合国内实际,经过多次研讨建立了本共识。本共识系统阐述了面神经瘤的流行病学、病理特征和主要临床表现,建立了面神经瘤的诊断标准,阐明了面神经瘤的解剖分类以及主要鉴别诊断。同时,本共识明确了面神经瘤常见治疗方式的应用原则,制定了面神经瘤诊治的简明流程。 展开更多
关键词 面神经疾病 面神经瘤 诊断 治疗
作者 迟放鲁 高震 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第44期3513-3516,共4页
面神经肿瘤是一种罕见但具有挑战性的疾病,准确的诊断和有效的治疗对于患者的康复至关重要。本述评旨在探讨面神经肿瘤诊断和功能性手术的现状、挑战和机遇。影像学技术如MRI和CT在面神经肿瘤的术前诊断和评估方面起着关键作用。然而,... 面神经肿瘤是一种罕见但具有挑战性的疾病,准确的诊断和有效的治疗对于患者的康复至关重要。本述评旨在探讨面神经肿瘤诊断和功能性手术的现状、挑战和机遇。影像学技术如MRI和CT在面神经肿瘤的术前诊断和评估方面起着关键作用。然而,对于孤立于内听道和腮腺的病变,影像学诊断的局限性仍然存在。外科手术治疗是面神经肿瘤的主要治疗方式,随着外科技术的不断发展,面神经肿瘤的手术目标已经从单纯全切肿瘤向尽可能保留面神经完整性和促进术后面神经功能恢复的方向发展。面神经肿瘤诊断和功能性手术面临的挑战包括影像学诊断的局限性、术中面神经的保护及术后面神经功能改善几方面。未来的发展方向包括高分辨率影像技术的应用、神经保护和功能修复技术的创新、个体化治疗和精准医学的实现以及多学科跨专业团队合作等。未来的研究和技术创新有望克服诊断中的困难,提高功能性手术的面神经保全效果,并促进术后面神经功能的恢复。 展开更多
关键词 面神经疾病 面神经肿瘤 诊断 功能性手术
大鼠前庭内侧核与前庭传出神经元间的直接投射通路及其电生理特性 被引量:1
作者 刘世杰 田亮 +2 位作者 张磊 迟放鲁 王璟 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第26期2055-2059,共5页
目的证实新生大鼠前庭内侧核(MVN)与前庭传出(VE)神经元之间的直接投射通路并观察该通路的电生理特性。方法选用新生(9±1)d的Wistar大鼠,雌雄不限。通过全细胞膜片钳记录技术,刺激MVN,记录VE的突触后电流;逆行刺激脑干面神经膝部(... 目的证实新生大鼠前庭内侧核(MVN)与前庭传出(VE)神经元之间的直接投射通路并观察该通路的电生理特性。方法选用新生(9±1)d的Wistar大鼠,雌雄不限。通过全细胞膜片钳记录技术,刺激MVN,记录VE的突触后电流;逆行刺激脑干面神经膝部(g7)内侧VE的分布区,记录MVN区域传入神经元的动作电位,并使用生物胞素染色方法明确被记录的神经元的位置和形态。结果在电流钳记录中,位于g7内侧的VE神经元静息膜电位范围为-70--55 mV。单脉冲电流(0.08 mA,0.1 Hz,100μs)刺激MVN前庭传入神经元,在同侧g7内侧的VE神经元可记录到兴奋性突触后电流,其幅度和持续时间分别为(195.6±23.7)pA和(23.9±5.9)ms。电刺激g7内侧VE神经元分布区后,MVN神经元可记录到逆行动作电位,幅度为(62.0±4.3)mV,持续时间为(94.9±4.7)ms。生物胞素染色标记也显示投射到g7内侧VE分布区的神经元胞体位于MVN内。结论MVN的前庭传入神经元存在直接投射到g7内侧VE神经元的兴奋性通路,其生理功能可能与前庭中枢对外周前庭传入的反馈调节有关。 展开更多
关键词 前庭神经 前庭内侧核 前庭传出神经元 膜片钳术 突触后电流
Reinnervation of hair cells by neural stem cell-derived neurons
作者 Yuan Yasheng Wang Yang chi fanglu 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第16期2972-2976,共5页
Background Replacement of spiral ganglion neurons would be one prioritized step in an attempt to restore sensory neuronal hearing loss.However,the possibility that transplanted neurons could regenerate new synaptic co... Background Replacement of spiral ganglion neurons would be one prioritized step in an attempt to restore sensory neuronal hearing loss.However,the possibility that transplanted neurons could regenerate new synaptic connections to hair cells has not been explored.The objective of this study was to test whether neural stem cell (NSC)-derived neurons can form synaptic connections with hair cells in vitro.Methods NSCs were mechanically separated from the hippocampus in SD rat embryos (E12-E14) and cultured in a serum-free medium containing basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor.Rat NSCs were co-cultured with explants of cochlea sensory epithelia obtained from postnatal Day 3 rats under transway filter membrane.Results At Day 3,the NSCs began to show chemotactic differentiation and grew toward cochlea sensory epithelia.After 9-day co-culture,neurites of NSC-derived neurons predominantly elongated toward hair cells.Immunohistochemical analyses revealed the fibers overlapped with synapsin and hair cells,indicating the formation of new synaptic connections.After 14-day culture,triple staining revealed the fibers overlapped with PSD95 (postsynaptic density) which is juxtaposed with CtBP2 (presynaptic vesicle),indicating the formation of new ribbon synapse.Conclusions NSC-derived neurons can make synaptic connections with hair cells and provide a model for studying synaptic plasticity and regeneration.Whether the newly forming synapse is functional merits further electrophysiological study. 展开更多
关键词 neural stem cells hair cells REINNERVATION SYNAPSE
Dynamic changes in hair cell ribbon synapse induced by loss of spiral ganglion neurons in mice
作者 Yuan Yasheng chi fanglu 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期1941-1946,共6页
Background Previous studies have suggested that primary degeneration of hair cells causes secondary degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs),but the effect of SGN degeneration on hair cells has not been studie... Background Previous studies have suggested that primary degeneration of hair cells causes secondary degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs),but the effect of SGN degeneration on hair cells has not been studied.In the adult mouse inner ear ouabain can selectively and permanently induce the degeneration of type 1 SGNs while leaving type 2 SGNs,efferent fibers,and sensory hair cells relatively intact.This study aimed to investigate the dynamic changes in hair cell ribbon synapse induced by loss of SGNs using ouabain application to the round window niche of adult mice.Methods In the analysis,24 CBA/CAJ mice aged 8-10 weeks,were used,of which 6 normal mice were used as the control group.After ouabain application in the round window niche 6 times in an hour,ABR threshold shifts at least 30 dB in the three experimental groups which had six mice for 1-week group,six for 1-month group,and six for 3-month group.All 24 animals underwent function test at 1 week and then immunostaining at 1 week,1 month,and 3 months.Results The loss of neurons was followed by degeneration of postsynaptic specializations at the afferent synapse with hair cells.One week after ouabain treatment,the nerve endings of type 1 SGNs and postsynaptic densities,as measured by Na/K ATPase and PSD-95,were affected but not entirely missing,but their partial loss had consequences for synaptic ribbons that form the presynaptic specialization at the synapse between hair cells and primary afferent neurons.Ribbon numbers in inner hair cells decreased (some of them broken and the ribbon number much decreased),and the arrangement of the synaptic ribbons had undergone a dynamic reorganization:ribbons with or without associated postsynaptic densities moved from their normal location in the basal membrane of the cell to a more apical location and the neural endings alone were also found at more apical locations without associated ribbons.After 1 month,when the neural postsynaptic densities had completed their degeneration,most ribbons were lost and the remaining ribbons had no contact with postsynaptic densities; after 3 months,the ribbon synapses were gone except for an occasional remnant of a CtBP2-positive vesicle.Hair cells were intact other than the loss of ribbons (based on immunohistochemistry and DPOAE).Conclusion These findings define the effect of SGN loss on the precise spatiotemporal size and location of ribbons and the time course of synaptic degeneration and provide a model for studying plasticity and regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 auditory neurons hair cells ribbon synapse DEGENERATION
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