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附睾降解性不活动精子症的研究 被引量:4
作者 朱伟杰 P.Tzvetkova +2 位作者 d.tzvetkov 李菁 梁蔚波 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期208-211,F004,共5页
目的 :探讨精子不活动是否由附睾降解引起。方法 :本文选择 5例精液中无活动精子的不育患者 ,应用睾丸精子活力检测、精子头 -尾膜完整性结合试验和透射电镜观察 ,探讨其精子不活动的原因。结果 :5例患者睾丸活检组织所分离的睾丸精子 ... 目的 :探讨精子不活动是否由附睾降解引起。方法 :本文选择 5例精液中无活动精子的不育患者 ,应用睾丸精子活力检测、精子头 -尾膜完整性结合试验和透射电镜观察 ,探讨其精子不活动的原因。结果 :5例患者睾丸活检组织所分离的睾丸精子 ,经孵育后的活动率为 2 %~ 1 1 %。睾丸精子组中头膜 -尾膜均完整的精子率显著高于射出精子组 ( P<0 .0 1 )。睾丸精子未见明显的降解 ,但透射电镜显示射出精子的浆膜、核等结构表现显著的降解变化。结论 :本组患者的精子可能经历了病理性附睾降解 ,引致精子丧失活动性 ,对这类患者采用活动的睾丸精子作辅助生育治疗有可能改善成功率。 展开更多
关键词 男性不育症 附睾降解 不活动精子症
作者 朱伟杰 P.Tzvetkova +2 位作者 d.tzvetkov M.Georgiev L.Imchinetskaja 《暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)》 CAS CSCD 1998年第S1期44-47,共4页
应用放射免疫法,检测了不同年龄感染腮腺炎合并睾丸炎患者的生殖激素水平变化。结果表明,3组患者均存在不同程度的生殖激素紊乱,尤其以青春期发生感染的组Ⅱ有显著性改变。与对照组比较,组Ⅱ的睾酮(T)水平显著降低,促卵泡刺激素... 应用放射免疫法,检测了不同年龄感染腮腺炎合并睾丸炎患者的生殖激素水平变化。结果表明,3组患者均存在不同程度的生殖激素紊乱,尤其以青春期发生感染的组Ⅱ有显著性改变。与对照组比较,组Ⅱ的睾酮(T)水平显著降低,促卵泡刺激素(FSH)和黄体生成素(LH)分别升高2.87和1.97倍,催乳素(PRL)和雌二醇(E2)分别增加1.81和1.98倍。提示感染腮腺炎性睾丸炎患者的生殖激素有明显改变,且与感染时患者的年龄密切相关,这类患者存在生育障碍。 展开更多
关键词 激素 血浆 睾丸炎
Human Sperm Immotility Caused by Degeneration in the Epididymis 被引量:1
作者 朱伟杰 P.Tzvetkova +2 位作者 d.tzvetkov 李菁 梁蔚波 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2001年第1期34-40,共7页
Objective To investigate whether sperm immotility was caused by degeneration in the epididymis Methods Five patients with totally immotile sperm were selected in this study. Testicular biopsy was used to obtain tes... Objective To investigate whether sperm immotility was caused by degeneration in the epididymis Methods Five patients with totally immotile sperm were selected in this study. Testicular biopsy was used to obtain testicular sperm to evaluate sperm motility. The combined hypoosmotic swelling eosin Y exclusion test was carried out to determine the sperm head and tail membrane integrity for the ejaculated and the testicular sperm. The ultrastructure of ejaculated sperm was examined by transmission electron microscope. Results No motile sperm were found in the ejaculated semen samples from 5 patients, whereas 2% to 11% motile testicular sperm extracted from the testicular biopsy tissues were observed. The percentage of testicular sperm with intact head and tail membranes was higher than that of the ejaculated sperm (P<0.01). Ultrastructure of the ejaculated sperm showed marked degenerative features. Seminal plasma from patients did not influence the motility of normal donor sperm. Conclusion Sperm could undergo degenerative changes during transit through and /or storage in the epididymis, which led to lose sperm motility in these patients. Using motile testicular sperm would benefit the treatment for such cases. 展开更多
关键词 immotile sperm testicular sperm EPIDIDYMIS DEGENERATION
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