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华南晚中生代大陆变形、深部过程及动力学 被引量:1
作者 李建华 董树文 +4 位作者 赵国春 张岳桥 辛宇佳 王金铭 卢运可 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期829-861,共33页
受控古太平洋板块俯冲及后撤作用,华南晚中生代经历了强烈大陆再造,并伴随幕式岩浆活动,是研究活动大陆边缘构造-岩浆作用、壳幔过程和板块俯冲动力学的天然实验室。本文系统综述了近年来发表的构造变形、岩浆作用和深部结构等多学科成... 受控古太平洋板块俯冲及后撤作用,华南晚中生代经历了强烈大陆再造,并伴随幕式岩浆活动,是研究活动大陆边缘构造-岩浆作用、壳幔过程和板块俯冲动力学的天然实验室。本文系统综述了近年来发表的构造变形、岩浆作用和深部结构等多学科成果,以构造解析为主线,深-浅结合,在华南识别出与古太平洋板块俯冲相关的中晚侏罗世弧背缩短和白垩纪弧后伸展系统,厘定了二者的时空格架和叠加改造关系。弧背缩短系统以扬子中部的隔档-隔槽式褶皱、深部多层滑脱和双重逆冲推覆构造为特征,具SE向NW的逆冲扩展变形规律,与古太平洋板块的前进式俯冲有关。白垩纪主体以大陆伸展为主,经历了伸展和挤压变形交替,并伴随着岩浆活动的爆发、迁移和停止,其可能与板片俯冲动力学变化有关。在此基础上,我们分析了白垩纪岩石圈长距离伸展的深部过程及浅表响应,提出了岩石圈随深度变化的分层差异伸展模式。自下而上,从岩石圈地幔到上地壳,应变近一致地表现为(W)NW-(E)SE伸展,反映了垂向变形一致性。可能的垂向应力传播过程:板片后撤诱发长距离地幔流,其在岩石圈底部形成剪切牵引应力,促进下岩石圈地幔被动拉伸;上岩石圈地幔局部发育强应变剪切带,作为应力传播构造,其可有效加强壳-幔间剪切,促进下地壳韧性拉伸,将下地壳和岩石圈地幔的变形关联。我们认为岩石圈伸展、板片后撤和地幔流形成了三位一体的动力学耦合系统,将华南岩石圈长距离伸展的驱动力归结为:(1)古太平洋俯冲带海沟后撤和板片回卷诱发的远程效应,和(2)地幔流在岩石圈底部施加的剪切牵引应力。 展开更多
关键词 华南 晚中生代 大陆变形 岩石圈伸展 深部过程 浅表响应
作者 王永超 董树文 +1 位作者 陈宣华 魏丽娟 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期777-794,共18页
石拐盆地是阴山地区保存最完整的侏罗纪盆地,其沉积充填过程和碎屑物质组成为正确认识大青山侏罗纪构造地貌演化提供了重要约束。石拐盆地形成于伸展断陷环境,依次充填了下侏罗统五当沟组和中侏罗统召沟组。断陷初期,南部地貌陡峭,控制... 石拐盆地是阴山地区保存最完整的侏罗纪盆地,其沉积充填过程和碎屑物质组成为正确认识大青山侏罗纪构造地貌演化提供了重要约束。石拐盆地形成于伸展断陷环境,依次充填了下侏罗统五当沟组和中侏罗统召沟组。断陷初期,南部地貌陡峭,控制发育了冲积扇沉积体系,碎屑组分记录了近源高级变质地体的剥露过程;晚期以坳陷为主,在召沟组末期形成最大湖泛面,碎屑组分中沉积岩岩屑和砾石明显增多,指示构造平静阶段的地貌夷平。至中—晚侏罗世,大青山地区构造属性发生反转,断陷盆地南部开始卷入挤压变形,形成大青山褶皱—逆冲系统雏形。然而,这些新生的挤压构造似乎未能引起地表地形的剧烈起伏,它们主要表现为隐伏状态。相反,该时期北部地貌抬升最为显著,不仅体现在中侏罗统长汉沟组和上侏罗统大青山组边缘相沉积均分布在盆地北部,更体现在阴山地体中浅层次盖层、火山物质与深层次TTG岩套的的反复剥露抬升。这种“北高南低”地貌特征的形成与阴山地体持续抬升及其两侧先存断裂活化密切相关,也是对周缘板块向东亚大陆俯冲汇聚的远程响应。 展开更多
关键词 石拐盆地 大青山 侏罗纪 盆地充填 物源分析 构造地貌
作者 董淑文 刘宝柱 胡俊杰 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期117-125,142,共10页
为应对以风电为代表的新能源大规模接入电力系统带来的新挑战,提出了一种计及线路优化投切限流的含风电电网扩展规划模型。首先,从系统负荷变化引起常规火电机组启停的角度出发,将典型场景下的短路电流约束转化为对应机组启停状态下的约... 为应对以风电为代表的新能源大规模接入电力系统带来的新挑战,提出了一种计及线路优化投切限流的含风电电网扩展规划模型。首先,从系统负荷变化引起常规火电机组启停的角度出发,将典型场景下的短路电流约束转化为对应机组启停状态下的约束,通过对风电场集电系统的结构等值研究风电场的等效表达式,引入考虑风电接入的短路电流约束。然后,确定电网扩展规划总体思路,以总投资最小为目标函数,建立综合考虑储能、需求侧响应以及短路电流约束的电网规划混合整数线性规划模型并求解。最后,以IEEE-RTS 24节点系统为例,通过设置不同的案例对比分析,验证了所提方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 短路电流约束 风电场等效 线路投切 电网规划 机组启停状态
华北克拉通中部宁武-静乐盆地侏罗纪构造变形与燕山期造山事件的启动 被引量:11
作者 陈宣华 李江瑜 +4 位作者 董树文 施炜 白彦飞 张义平 丁伟翠 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期389-408,I0001-I0011,共31页
燕山期造山事件广泛影响东亚地区的构造演化,其启动时间与构造变形样式还存在较多的争议。侏罗纪宁武-静乐盆地位于华北克拉通中北部吕梁山地区,处在华北平原盆地与鄂尔多斯盆地之间,是吕梁山-太行山内部NE-SW走向的向斜盆地,为燕山期... 燕山期造山事件广泛影响东亚地区的构造演化,其启动时间与构造变形样式还存在较多的争议。侏罗纪宁武-静乐盆地位于华北克拉通中北部吕梁山地区,处在华北平原盆地与鄂尔多斯盆地之间,是吕梁山-太行山内部NE-SW走向的向斜盆地,为燕山期陆内造山作用的研究提供了例证。本文通过构造变形分析、平衡剖面恢复与生长地层碎屑锆石年代学分析,厘定了侏罗纪宁武-静乐盆地构造变形样式、原型盆地性质与生长地层开始形成的时间,探讨了燕山期构造变形的盆山耦合效应。其中,盆地北段西侧发育断展褶皱与对冲构造;盆地中段西侧发育断展褶皱与背冲构造,中段东侧发育断展褶皱;盆地南段西侧发育断展褶皱与叠瓦状逆冲构造。中侏罗统云岗组(J2y)与上侏罗统天池河组(J3t)为生长地层,记录了侏罗纪宁武-静乐盆地的生长与变形过程,反映了该地区燕山期造山事件的作用过程。前生长地层构造变形反映的侏罗纪宁武-静乐盆地地壳缩短率在盆地中段为26.2%,南段为58.6%。碎屑锆石定年研究限定了该地区燕山造山作用的启动时间为~168 Ma。由此认为,华北克拉通中北部是中生代燕山期造山作用最显著的地区之一,燕山期造山事件是纵贯华北吕梁山-太行山造山带崛起的主因。 展开更多
关键词 宁武-静乐盆地 侏罗纪 构造变形 生长地层 燕山期造山作用
喜马拉雅西部雅鲁藏布江缝合带地壳尺度的构造叠置 被引量:5
作者 卢占武 高锐 +4 位作者 Simon KLEMPERER 王海燕 董树文 李文辉 李洪强 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期210-217,共8页
陆陆碰撞过程是板块构造缺失的链条。印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞造就了喜马拉雅造山带和青藏高原的主体。然而,人们对印度板块在大陆碰撞过程中的行为尚不了解。如大陆碰撞及其碰撞后的大陆俯冲是如何进行的、印度板块是俯冲在青藏高原... 陆陆碰撞过程是板块构造缺失的链条。印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞造就了喜马拉雅造山带和青藏高原的主体。然而,人们对印度板块在大陆碰撞过程中的行为尚不了解。如大陆碰撞及其碰撞后的大陆俯冲是如何进行的、印度板块是俯冲在青藏高原之下还是回转至板块上部(喜马拉雅造山带内)以及两者比例如何,这些仍是亟待解决的问题。印度板块低角度沿喜马拉雅主逆冲断裂(MHT)俯冲在低喜马拉雅和高喜马拉雅之下已经被反射地震图像很好地揭示。然而,关于MHT如何向北延伸,前人的研究仅获得了分辨率较低的接收函数图像。因而,MHT和雅鲁藏布江缝合带之间印度板块的俯冲行为仍是一个谜。喜马拉雅造山楔增生机制,也就是印度地壳前缘的变形机制,反映出物质被临界锥形逆冲断层作用转移到板块上部,或是以韧性管道流的样式向南溢出。在本次研究中,我们给出在喜马拉雅造山带西部地区横过雅鲁藏布江缝合带的沿东经81.5°展布的高分辨率深地震反射剖面,精细揭示了地壳尺度结构构造。剖面显示,MHT以大约20°的倾斜角度延伸至大约60 km深度,接近埋深为70~75 km的Moho面。越过雅鲁藏布江缝合带运移到北面的印度地壳厚度已经不足15 km。深地震反射剖面还显示中地壳逆冲构造反射发育。我们认为,伴随着印度板块俯冲,地壳尺度的多重构造叠置作用使物质自MHT下部的板块向其上部板块转移,这一过程使印度地壳厚度减薄了,同时加厚了喜马拉雅地壳。 展开更多
关键词 构造叠置 地壳结构 深地震反射剖面 雅鲁藏布江缝合带 青藏高原
北秦岭二郎坪弧后盆地俯冲消减的构造演化时限 被引量:6
作者 李振强 任升莲 +4 位作者 董树文 李加好 宋传中 杨青亮 张刚 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期770-791,共22页
秦岭造山带早古生代发育一套完整的"沟—弧—盆"体系,其中二郎坪群作为弧后盆地的代表。为了查明二郎坪弧后盆地俯冲消减的构造演化时限,本文以二郎坪群及其相关侵入岩体为研究对象,进行了锆石U-Pb年代学研究。结果表明,火神... 秦岭造山带早古生代发育一套完整的"沟—弧—盆"体系,其中二郎坪群作为弧后盆地的代表。为了查明二郎坪弧后盆地俯冲消减的构造演化时限,本文以二郎坪群及其相关侵入岩体为研究对象,进行了锆石U-Pb年代学研究。结果表明,火神庙组斜长角闪片岩测得锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为495.2±6.9 Ma,属于原岩的结晶年龄;侵入二郎坪群内部的变形岩体主要代表板山坪岩体、张家庄岩体、郭家幔岩体,测得其结晶年龄分别为:479.9±5.6 Ma、461.5±5.4 Ma和456.5±6.3 Ma。板山坪岩体的变形特征与二郎坪群北部岩片向北俯冲消减特征相同,张家庄岩体、郭家幔岩体的变形特征与二郎坪群南部岩片向南俯冲消减特征相同。另外,在二郎坪群南部岩片内部发现顺面理面侵入的未变形岩脉,其结晶年龄为427.8±5.4 Ma,以及切穿二郎坪群南部岩片面理的未变形岩脉,给出一颗锆石结晶年龄为388 Ma。综合上述以及前人研究成果,认为二郎坪弧后盆地可能于460 Ma闭合,其俯冲消减方式为双向式俯冲,并且两侧岩片俯冲变形可能持续至427 Ma,最终岩石俯冲变形结束时间上限为388 Ma。 展开更多
关键词 北秦岭 二郎坪弧后盆地 双向式俯冲 锆石U-PB年代学 构造演化
2017年九寨沟Ms7.0地震揭示青藏高原东缘岷山地区一条新的左旋走滑断裂 被引量:6
作者 张岳桥 董树文 贾东 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2377-2387,共11页
2017年8月8日,青藏高原东缘川西九寨沟地区发生Ms7.0地震。基于震源机制解和余震分布特征,结合历史地震和区域新构造分析,揭示了一条新的左旋走滑断裂:九寨沟-虎牙断裂,该断裂斜切岷山隆起,呈弧形展布,北接塔藏罗叉断裂,南连虎牙断裂,... 2017年8月8日,青藏高原东缘川西九寨沟地区发生Ms7.0地震。基于震源机制解和余震分布特征,结合历史地震和区域新构造分析,揭示了一条新的左旋走滑断裂:九寨沟-虎牙断裂,该断裂斜切岷山隆起,呈弧形展布,北接塔藏罗叉断裂,南连虎牙断裂,是东昆仑左旋走滑断裂的最新东延。新构造研究结果表明,第四纪以来,青藏高原东部巴颜喀拉地块向东挤出,在其东缘岷山地区边界运动学性质发生了明显的转换:早-中更新世之交的昆黄运动时期(1.0~0.6Ma),向东挤出运动主要转换为地壳缩短变形和块体隆升,沿岷山隆起东西两侧发生逆冲断裂作用;而自晚更新世晚期以来(ca 120ka),地块向东挤出伴随着块体顺时针旋转,构造变形以左旋走滑活动为主,主要集中在塔藏-九寨沟-虎牙断裂带。新构造运动性质的转换使得一些早期强烈活动的断裂,如岷江断裂、漳扎断裂等,其现今活动性明显减弱,而新的左旋走滑断裂正在孕育诞生。这一活动断裂演化图像的新认识为本地区未来强震评估和预测提供了新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 九寨沟Ms7.0地震 塔藏-岷山-虎牙左旋走滑断裂 巴颜喀拉地块 地块挤出与旋转 青藏高原东缘
华北板块南缘石人山岩块晚古生代陆内变形特征及侧向挤出构造 被引量:2
作者 王静雅 任升莲 +8 位作者 董树文 李加好 宋传中 林寿发 韩旭 李振强 张刚 王莹 杨青亮 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期810-824,共15页
华北板块南缘在古生代时期经历了复杂的陆内变形过程。石人山岩块边界断裂发育大量平行于断裂带的A型褶皱和近水平的矿物生长线理,表明其经历了以走滑剪切变形为主的构造阶段。动力学研究表明石人山岩块具有南西向逆冲的运动学特征,其... 华北板块南缘在古生代时期经历了复杂的陆内变形过程。石人山岩块边界断裂发育大量平行于断裂带的A型褶皱和近水平的矿物生长线理,表明其经历了以走滑剪切变形为主的构造阶段。动力学研究表明石人山岩块具有南西向逆冲的运动学特征,其南侧洛南—栾川断裂带(洛栾断裂带)以左行剪切变形为主,北东侧鲁山断裂带以北西向逆冲兼有右行剪切变形为特征,夹于其中的石人山岩块显示为向西、向上挤出的特征。选择典型岩石样品进行同位素测年来限定断裂活动的时代,其中,洛栾断裂带内同构造花岗岩脉的锆石U-Pb定年结果为413.6±7.4 Ma,鲁山断裂带内走滑剪切特征明显的构造透镜体内变形岩石的锆石定年结果为419.3±11.2 Ma。虽然洛栾断裂与鲁山断裂的运动方向不同,但是同位素年代学研究限定了两条断裂带发生走滑变形的时间都是晚古生代泥盆纪末期,从而共同构成了石人山岩块整体向西挤出的构造特征,同时也表明,相互碰撞的大陆在碰撞之后将很快转变为以平行造山带侧向挤出与走滑位移为主的陆内变形演化阶段。 展开更多
关键词 华北板块南缘 石人山岩块 陆内变形 侧向挤出 洛栾断裂带 鲁山断裂带
北秦岭板山坪岩体锆石U-Pb年代学及岩石成因研究 被引量:2
作者 李振强 任升莲 +5 位作者 董树文 李龙明 李加好 葛粲 杨青亮 王静雅 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期973-999,共27页
板山坪岩体是北秦岭二郎坪群中的侵入岩。为了查明该岩体的成因,对该岩体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石原位Hf同位素研究以及矿物化学分析等方面的研究。研究结果表明,板山坪岩体岩性组成主要为石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩,花岗闪长岩内部存... 板山坪岩体是北秦岭二郎坪群中的侵入岩。为了查明该岩体的成因,对该岩体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石原位Hf同位素研究以及矿物化学分析等方面的研究。研究结果表明,板山坪岩体岩性组成主要为石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩,花岗闪长岩内部存在暗色包体。本次研究获得板山坪石英闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为442.7~432.2 Ma,花岗闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为436.8~432.7 Ma,暗色包体锆石U-Pb年龄为437.6 Ma。锆石176Hf/177Hf值为0.282 737~0.282 736,εHf(t)值集中分布在8.4~9.4之间,二阶段Hf模式年龄(TDM2)在876~832 Ma之间。石英闪长岩结晶温压分别为673 ℃~745 ℃和0.19~0.54 GPa,花岗闪长岩结晶温压分别为657 ℃~730 ℃和0.48~0.96 GPa,暗色包体结晶温压分别为680 ℃~734 ℃和0.69~1.65 GPa。综合分析认为板山坪岩体为复式岩体,两期结晶年龄分别为496~487 Ma和442~432 Ma。岩石来源于地幔分离出来的新生下地壳。 展开更多
关键词 板山坪岩体 锆石U-PB年代学 HF同位素 矿物化学
自体成分输血在1例Rh阴性体外循环心脏手术中的应用 被引量:3
作者 马印图 王更银 +3 位作者 李烛 张怡 董书文 李莉华 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2019年第1期76-78,共3页
目的采用自体成分输血联合急性等容血液稀释的方式在体外循环心脏手术中为患者输血,评价其安全性,为高难度外科手术开展自体输血提供参考。方法在充分了解患者的临床资料和病史的基础上,采用术前蛙跳式自体成分贮血联合术中急性等容血... 目的采用自体成分输血联合急性等容血液稀释的方式在体外循环心脏手术中为患者输血,评价其安全性,为高难度外科手术开展自体输血提供参考。方法在充分了解患者的临床资料和病史的基础上,采用术前蛙跳式自体成分贮血联合术中急性等容血液稀释的方式进行血液的采集和回输。结果患者在未输注异体血的情况下完成了体外循环下冠状动脉搭桥手术,患者在血液采集和回输过程中生命体征平稳,手术顺利,未出现输血不良反应。结论自体输血作为一种有效的血液保护手段,对于符合条件的择期手术患者应该积极开展自体成分输血,特别是稀有血型患者可以节省宝贵的血液资源,贮存式联合急性等溶血液稀释自体输血对心脏手术患者是安全、实用、经济的输血方式,值得临床上广泛使用。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 体外循环术 血液稀释 自体输血 稀有血型 循证输血
作者 崔建军 施炜 +6 位作者 董树文 张岳桥 严加永 孙东升 曲玮 王克营 李淼 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期1268-1269,共2页
1研究目标(Objective)雪峰山位于扬子克拉通的南缘,经历过多期构造叠加与改造。SinoProbe项目的深反射地震探测结果显示,雪峰山地区具有特殊的地壳结构,可能存在隐伏的古老造山带。同时,雪峰山地区也是寻找页岩气和地热资源的有利地区... 1研究目标(Objective)雪峰山位于扬子克拉通的南缘,经历过多期构造叠加与改造。SinoProbe项目的深反射地震探测结果显示,雪峰山地区具有特殊的地壳结构,可能存在隐伏的古老造山带。同时,雪峰山地区也是寻找页岩气和地热资源的有利地区。为探索雪峰山地壳结构特征(为科学深钻提供依据),评价深部资源和能源潜力,本项目组在地表地质调查和反射地震探测的基础上,部署实施了雪峰山先导孔钻探。 展开更多
关键词 构造叠加 地热资源 先导孔 反射地震 地壳结构 科学深钻 地表地质 优质烃源岩
作者 刘建民 刘晓春 +5 位作者 赵越 张拴宏 徐刚 董树文 毛骞 陈柏林 《地质力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期747-758,共12页
发育在东南极普里兹湾西南部哈姆峰地区麻粒岩相花岗质片麻岩中的假玄武玻璃沿着近东西向断裂带分布。显微构造特征表明,该地假玄武玻璃基质中普遍发育球粒结构及树枝状、放射状-针状等不同形状及组合的矿物微晶体,说明这些假玄武玻璃... 发育在东南极普里兹湾西南部哈姆峰地区麻粒岩相花岗质片麻岩中的假玄武玻璃沿着近东西向断裂带分布。显微构造特征表明,该地假玄武玻璃基质中普遍发育球粒结构及树枝状、放射状-针状等不同形状及组合的矿物微晶体,说明这些假玄武玻璃是地震断层快速滑移过程中摩擦熔融作用的产物。假玄武玻璃中的微晶体矿物组合大体分为两种,它们分布在构造带不同地段:一种是以“紫苏辉石+斜长石”组合为主,分布于构造带东北部地段;一种是以“黑云母+斜长石+钾长石+石英”的组合为主,分布于构造带西南部地段,说明沿构造带不同部位构造环境及应力分布的不均匀性。同时,微晶体中富铝紫苏辉石的存在,表明假玄武玻璃形成过程及其后期的结晶过程可能处于高温(麻粒岩相)的构造环境下。假玄武玻璃的基质全岩K-Ar年龄为878.1±16.8 Ma,全岩^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar年龄谱系中所记录的年龄值主要集中在925~626 Ma。结合区域对比看,假玄武玻璃应该形成于格林维尔期构造事件。 展开更多
关键词 显微构造 微晶体 富铝紫苏辉石 K-Ar和^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar年代学 假玄武玻璃 哈姆峰 东南极
年龄校正的D-二聚体联合简化Geneva评分对老年急性肺栓塞的诊断价值 被引量:7
作者 张奕杰 张杰 +3 位作者 王晓陶 董淑文 段宪武 王婷 《西部医学》 2021年第12期1797-1801,共5页
目的比较分析年龄校正的D-二聚体联合简化Geneva评分预测模型及包含了右心室舒张末期内径(RVED)与左心室舒张末期内径(LVED)的比值(RVED/LVED)三者联合的预测模型对老年急性肺栓塞(APE)的诊断价值。方法选取2011年9月~2019年9月首都医... 目的比较分析年龄校正的D-二聚体联合简化Geneva评分预测模型及包含了右心室舒张末期内径(RVED)与左心室舒张末期内径(LVED)的比值(RVED/LVED)三者联合的预测模型对老年急性肺栓塞(APE)的诊断价值。方法选取2011年9月~2019年9月首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院呼吸与危重症医学科收治的疑似老年APE患者136例,检测D-二聚体水平,根据年龄校正D-二聚体是否阳性进行简化Geneva评分,完善超声心动图并计算RVED/LVED。以CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)为“金标准”,分析年龄校正的D-二聚体、简化Geneva评分及RVED/LVED对老年APE的诊断价值,并比较D-二聚体联合简化Geneva评分和三者(年龄校正的D-二聚体、简化Geneva评分、RVED/LVED)联合预测模型对老年APE的诊断价值。结果年龄校正的D-二聚体诊断老年APE的灵敏度为96%,特异度为80%,阳性预测值为91%,阴性预测值为90%。简化Geneva评分诊断APE的灵敏度为84%,特异度为85%,阳性预测值为89%,阴性预测值为74%。年龄校正的D-二聚体与简化Geneva评分联合阳性诊断老年APE的灵敏度为82%,特异度为93%,阳性预测值为96%,阴性预测值为73%;年龄校正的D-二聚体与简化Geneva评分联合阴性诊断老年APE的灵敏度为98%,特异度为72%,阳性预测值为87%,阴性预测值为94%。ROC曲线显示,年龄校正的D-二聚体诊断老年APE的AUC为0.847[95%CI(0.775,0.929),P<0.001],简化Geneva评分诊断老年APE的AUC为0.772[95%CI(0.687,0.857),P<0.001],RVED/LVED诊断老年APE的AUC为0.657[95%CI(0.560,0.754),P=0.004],REVD/LEVD cut-off值为0.46,年龄校正的D-二聚体联合简化Geneva评分诊断老年APE的AUC为0.852[95%CI(0.779,0.925),P<0.001],三者联合预测老年APE的AUC为0.857[95%CI(0.786,0.928),P<0.001]。结论年龄校正的D-二聚体与简化Geneva评分联合预测模型对老年APE患者有较高的诊断价值,尤其是包含了RVED/LVED的三者联合预测模型对老年APE的诊断价值更高;当年龄校正的D-二聚体与简化Geneva评分联合阴性时,对于排除诊断APE具有重要的临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 急性肺栓塞 年龄校正的D-二聚体 简化Geneva评分 右心室舒张末期内径 左心室舒张末期内径 诊断
中药联合血液净化早期干预治疗母婴血型不合新生儿溶血病 被引量:1
作者 马印图 陈莉 +5 位作者 贾桂丛 董书文 张怡 周景艳 杨晓亚 李莉华 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2021年第11期1209-1212,共4页
目的评价抗溶安胎中药联合血液净化技术干预治疗血型抗体高效价孕妇的有效性和安全性。方法 2018年5月~2021年4月期间来本院就诊的血型抗体高效价孕妇156例,其中ABO系统抗体效价≥512,Rh系统抗-D效价≥64的孕妇按自愿原则分成中药组(Ⅰ... 目的评价抗溶安胎中药联合血液净化技术干预治疗血型抗体高效价孕妇的有效性和安全性。方法 2018年5月~2021年4月期间来本院就诊的血型抗体高效价孕妇156例,其中ABO系统抗体效价≥512,Rh系统抗-D效价≥64的孕妇按自愿原则分成中药组(Ⅰ组)68例、中药+血液净化组(Ⅱ组)57例和对照组31例。对照组常规V;V;吸氧治疗;Ⅰ组在对照组的基础上服用抗溶安胎中药;Ⅱ组在Ⅰ组的基础上联合血浆去除治疗,每月治疗20 d,检测孕妇生化指标、血型抗体效价以及胎儿宫内发育情况,观察3种治疗方法的疗效、对孕妇的安全性以及产后新生儿溶血情况。结果Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组经过治疗后,血型抗体及IgG亚型效价下降时间和总有效率与对照组比较,P<0.05,对照组有效率18.52%(5/27),其中有4例改组而未做统计学分析,Ⅰ组72.59%(49/68)、Ⅱ组92.98%(53/57),治疗Ⅱ组产后新生儿未出现明显的溶血症状,疗效明显好于Ⅰ组和对照组。结论中药联合血液净化对早期干预治疗母婴血型不合新生儿溶血病效果明显,对孕妇和胎儿是安全的,值得临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 孕妇 血型抗体 抗体效价 中药 血液净化 新生儿溶血病
Jurassic Tectonic Revolution in China and New Interpretation of the “Yanshan Movement” 被引量:50
作者 dong shuwen ZHANG Yueqiao +5 位作者 LONG Changxing YANG Zhenyu JI Qiang WANG Tao HU Jianmin CHEN Xuanhua 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期334-347,共14页
With acquisition and accumulation of new data of structural geological investigations and high-resolution isotopic dating data, we have greatly improved our understanding of the tectonic events occurring in eastern Ch... With acquisition and accumulation of new data of structural geological investigations and high-resolution isotopic dating data, we have greatly improved our understanding of the tectonic events occurring in eastern China during the period from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and may give a new interpretation of the nature, timing and geodynamic settings of the “Yanshan Movement”. During the Mid-Late Jurassic (165±5 Ma), great readjustment of plate amalgamation kinematics took place in East Asia and the tectonic regime underwent great transformation, thus initiating a new tectonic regime in which the North China Block was the center and different plates converged toward it from the north, east and southwest and forming the “East Asia convergent” tectonic system characterized by intracontinental subduction and orogeny. As a consequence, the crustal lithosphere of the East Asian continent thickened considerably during the Late Jurassic, followed immediately by Early Cretaceous substantial lithospheric thinning and craton destruction featured by drastic lithospheric extension and widespread volcano-magmatic activities, resulting in a major biotic turnover from the Yanliao biota to Jehol Biota. Such a tremendous tectonic event that took place in the continent of China and East Asia is the basic connotation of the “Yanshan Movement”. In the paper, according to the deformation patterns, geodynamic settings and deep processes, the “Yanshan Movement” is redefined as the Late Jurassic East Asian multi-directional plate convergent tectonic regime and its associated extensive intracontinental orogeny and great tectonic change that started at -165±5 Ma. The substantial lithospheric attenuation in East China is considered the post-effect of the Yanshanian intracontinental orogeny and deformation. 展开更多
关键词 Late Jurassic Yanshan Movement East Asian multi-directional convergence intracontinental orogeny lithospheric thickening and thinning
Active Faulting Pattern,Present-day Tectonic Stress Field and Block Kinematics in the East Tibetan Plateau 被引量:34
作者 ZHANG Yueqiao dong shuwen YANG Nong 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期694-712,共19页
This paper examines major active faults and the present-day tectonic stress field in the East Tibetan Plateau by integrating available data from published literature and proposes a block kinematics model of the region... This paper examines major active faults and the present-day tectonic stress field in the East Tibetan Plateau by integrating available data from published literature and proposes a block kinematics model of the region. It shows that the East Tibetan Plateau is dominated by strike-slip and reverse faulting stress regimes and that the maximum horizontal stress is roughly consistent with the contemporary velocity field, except for the west Qinling range where it parallels the striking of the major strike-slip faults. Active tectonics in the East Tibetan Plateau is characterized by three faulting systems. The left-slip Kunlun-Qinling faulting system combines the east Kunlun fault zone, sinistral oblique reverse faults along the Minshan range and two major NEE-striking faults cutting the west Qinling range, which accommodates eastward motion, at 10--14 mm/a, of the Chuan-Qing block. The left-slip Xianshuihe faulting system accommodated clockwise rotation of the Chuan-Dian block. The Longmenshan thrust faulting system forms the eastern margin of the East Tibetan Plateau and has been propagated to the SW of the Sichuan basin. Crustal shortening across the Longmenshan range seems low (2-4 mm/a) and absorbed only a small part of the eastward motion of the Chuan-Qing block. Most of this eastward motion has been transmitted to South China, which is moving SEE-ward at 7-9 mm/a. It is suggested from geophysical data interpretation that the crust and lithosphere of the East Tibetan Plateau is considerably thickened and theologically layered. The upper crust seems to be decoupled from the lower crust through a decollement zone at a depth of 15-20 kin, which involved the Longmenshan fault belt and propagated eastward to the SW of the Sichuan basin. The Wenchuan earthquake was just formed at the bifurcated point of this decollement system. A rheological boundary should exist beneath the Longmenshan fault belt where the lower crust of the East Tibetan Plateau and the lithospheric mantle of the Yangze block are juxtaposed. 展开更多
关键词 Longmenshan fault belt active faulting pattern active tectonic stress field extrusion tectonics Wenchuan earthquake East Tibetan Plateau
Changes of Late Mesozoic Tectonic Regimes around the Ordos Basin(North China)and their Geodynamic Implications 被引量:29
作者 ZHANG Yueqiao SHI Wei dong shuwen 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1254-1276,共23页
A synthesis is given in this paper on late Mesozoic deformation pattern in the zones around the Ordos Basin based on lithostratigraphic and structural analyses. A relative chronology of the late Mesozoic tectonic stre... A synthesis is given in this paper on late Mesozoic deformation pattern in the zones around the Ordos Basin based on lithostratigraphic and structural analyses. A relative chronology of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress evolution was established from the field analyses of fault kinematics and constrained by stratigraphic contact relationships. The results show alternation of tectonic compressional and extensional regimes. The Ordos Basin and its surroundings were in weak N-S to NNE-SSW extension during the Early to Middle Jurassic, which reactivated E-W-trending basement fractures. The tectonic regime changed to a multi-directional compressional one during the Late Jurassic, which resulted in crustal shortening deformation along the marginal zones of the Ordos Basin. Then it changed to an extensional one during the Early Cretaceous, which rifted the western, northwestern and southeastern margins of the Ordos Basin. A NW-SE compression occurred during the Late Cretaceous and caused the termination of sedimentation and uplift of the Ordos Basin. This phased evolution of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress regimes and associated deformation pattern around the Ordos Basin best records the changes in regional geodynamic settings in East Asia, from the Early to Middle Jurassic post-orogenic extension following the Triassic collision between the North and South China Blocks, to the Late Jurassic multi-directional compressions produced by synchronous convergence of the three plates (the Siberian Plate to the north, Paleo-Pacific Plate to the east and Lhasa Block to the west) towards the East Asian continent. Early Cretaceous extension might be the response to collapse and lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton. 展开更多
关键词 tectonic stress regime Late Jurassic multi-directional compressions Early Cretaceous extension late Mesozoic Ordos Basin North China
Geohazards Induced by the Lushan Ms7.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province, Southwest China:Typical Examples, Types and Distributional Characteristics 被引量:24
作者 ZHANG Yongshuang dong shuwen +5 位作者 HOU Chuntang GUO Changbao YAO Xin LI Bin DU Jianjun ZHANG Jiagui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期646-657,共12页
Geohazards induced by the Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 mainly have four types: collapse, landslide, slope debris flow, and sand-soil liquefaction. These geohazards mainly occurred near the epicenter, on... Geohazards induced by the Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 mainly have four types: collapse, landslide, slope debris flow, and sand-soil liquefaction. These geohazards mainly occurred near the epicenter, on steep slopes or below cliffs in high mountain and deep valley areas, and at or near fault ends. They have no obvious relationships to active faults, but their relationships to the weathering degree and structures of rock and rock mass are obvious. Compared with the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, the Lnshan earthquake is relatively little in the impact force and the throwing amount. All of these should be related to the magnitude of this earthquake, not very large but not very little. This character of the Lushan earthquake would make some processes uncompleted so as to bring about some concealed geohazards. Finally, in order to deal with challenges presented by such conceal geohazards, some brief recommendations are put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Lushan earthquake GEOHAZARD COLLAPSE LANDSLIDE slope debris flow sand-soil liquation
Jurassic Tectonics of North China:A Synthetic View 被引量:32
作者 ZHANG Yueqiao dong shuwen +1 位作者 ZHAO Yue ZHANG Tian 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期310-326,共17页
This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassic tectonics of North China, with an attempt to propose a framework for the stepwise tectonic evolution history. Jurassic sedimentation, deformation and magmatism in Nort... This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassic tectonics of North China, with an attempt to propose a framework for the stepwise tectonic evolution history. Jurassic sedimentation, deformation and magmatism in North China have been divided into three stages. The earliest Jurassic is marked by a period of magmatism quiescence (in 205-190 Ma) and regional uplift, which are considered to be the continuation of the “Indosinian movement” characterized by continent-continent collision between the North and South China blocks. The Early to Middle Jurassic (in 190-170 Ma) was predominated by weak lithospheric extension expressed by mantle-derived plutonism and volcanism along the Yanshan belt and alongside the Tan-Lu fault zone, normal faulting and graben formation along the Yinshan- Yanshan tectonic belt, depression and resuming of coal-bearing sedimentation in vast regions of the North China block (NCB). The Middle to Late Jurassic stage started at 165y.5 Ma and ended up before 136 Ma; it was dominated by intensive intraplate deformation resulting from multi-directional compressions. Two major deformation events have been identified. One is marked by stratigraphic unconformity beneath the thick Upper Jurassic molasic series in the foreland zones of the western Ordos thrust-fold belt and along the Yinshan-Yanshan belt; it was predated 160 Ma. The other one is indicated by stratigraphic unconformity at the base of the Lower Cretaceous and predated 135 Ma. During this last stage, two latitudinal tectonic belts, the Yinshan-Yanshan belt in the north and the Qinling-Dabie belt in the south, and the western margin of the Ordos basin were all activated by thrusting; the NCB itself was deformed by the NE to NNE-trending structural system involving thrusting, associated folding and sinistral strike-slip faulting, which were spatially partitioned. Foliated S-type granitic plutons aged 160-150 Ma were massively emplaced in the Jiao-Liao massif east of the Tan-Lu fault zone and indicate important crustal thickening in this part of the NCB. The Jurassic deformation patterns, different tectonic systems and multi-directional contractions in North China recorded far-field effects of synchronous convergences, toward the East Asian continent, of three different plates, the Siberian plate in the north, the paleo-Pacific oceanic plate in the east and the Lhasa block in the southwest. This Middle to Late Jurassic intraplate orogenesis and pervasive shortening deformation preceded lithospheric attenuation and thinning in East China, which most possibly started by the Early Cretaceous around 135 Ma. 展开更多
关键词 Jurassic tectonics intraplate deformation North China multi-directional compression
Construction of the Continental Asia in Phanerozoic:A Review 被引量:12
作者 CHEN Xuanhua dong shuwen +5 位作者 SHI Wei DING Weicui ZHANG Yiping LI Bing SHAO Zhaogang WANG Ye 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第1期26-51,共26页
This is a review of the formation and tectonic evolution of the continental Asia in Phanerozoic.The continental Asia has formed on the bases of some pre-Cambrian cratons,such as the Siberia,India,Arabia,North China,Ta... This is a review of the formation and tectonic evolution of the continental Asia in Phanerozoic.The continental Asia has formed on the bases of some pre-Cambrian cratons,such as the Siberia,India,Arabia,North China,Tarim,South China,and Indochina,through multi-stage plate convergence and collisional collages in Phanerozoic.The north-central Asia had experienced the expansion and subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO)in the early Paleozoic and the closure of the PAO in the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic,forming the PAO regime and Central Asian orogenic belt(CAOB).In the core of the CAOB,the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean(MOO)opened with limited expansion in the Early Permian and finally closed in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous.The south-central Asia had experienced mainly multi-stage oceanic opening,subduction and collision evolution in the Tethys Ocean,forming the Tethys regime and Himalaya-Tibetan orogenic belt.In eastern Asia,the plate subduction and continental margin orogeny on western margin of the Pacific Ocean,forms the West Pacific regime and West Pacific orogenic belt.The PAO,Tethys,and West Pacific regimes,together with Precambrian cratons among or surrounding them,made up the major tectonic and dynamic systems of the continental Asia in Phanerozoic.Major tectonic events,such as the Early Paleozoic Qilian,Uralian,and Dunhuang orogeneses,the late Paleozoic East Junggar,Tianshan and West Junggar orogeneses,the Middle to Late Permian Ailaoshan orogeny and NorthSouth Lhasa collision,the early Mesozoic Indochina-South China and North-South China collisions,the late Mesozoic Mongolia-Okhotsk orogeny,Lhasa-Qiangtang collision,and intra-continental Yanshanian orogeny,and the Cenozoic IndoAsian,Arab-Asian,and West Pacific margin collisions,constrained the formation and evolution of the continental Asia.The complex dynamic systems have left large number of deformation features,such as large-scale strike-slip faults,thrustfold systems and extensional detachments on the continental Asia.Based on past tectonics,a future supercontinent,the Ameurasia,is prospected for the development of the Asia in ca.250 Myr. 展开更多
关键词 Paleo-Asian Ocean TETHYS West Pacific tectonic events geodynamic systems continental Asia PHANEROZOIC
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