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作者 davidferraiolo 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期13-13,共1页
过去的产25年中,人们在建立符合特定策略需要的访问控制方法方面作了大量的尝试。虽然各个方法成功地满足了特定的访问需要,但最终的技术在市场上令人失望。因为一个给定的访问控制方法虽然可以符合某个特定市场范围的政策要求,但在... 过去的产25年中,人们在建立符合特定策略需要的访问控制方法方面作了大量的尝试。虽然各个方法成功地满足了特定的访问需要,但最终的技术在市场上令人失望。因为一个给定的访问控制方法虽然可以符合某个特定市场范围的政策要求,但在另一市场范囹可能完全不合适。同时,访问控制策略的变化之广泛恰如应用类型的变化。因此,在一个应用所需的保护不同于方法中的策略时,僵化产生了问题,不幸的是,唯一的解决办法只能把策略作为应用代码的一部分来实现,从而使策略容易受到篡改和绕过的攻击。为了解决这一问题,人们在把访问控制方法与策略分离方面做了大量的研究。具体的设想是如果有一个能够实现许多不同安全策略的通用方法,我们就可以采用一种策略规范语言来重新制定安全策略,不需改变整个方法。本报告将论述访问控制和授权管理技术的演变和发展,介绍从一个策略一种方法到目前尝试建立通用策略的原理。 展开更多
关键词 访问控制 安全策略 控制方法 访问控制策略 商务 方法与策略 美国国家标准 通用策略 解决办法 演变和发展
The Evolution of Access Control in Commercial Products(Abstract) 被引量:1
作者 davidferraiolo 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期13-13,共1页
over the last twenty-fivc ycars or so there have been numerous attempts to build access colltrol mechanisms to mectspecific Policy needs. Although each is successful in meeting specific access needs, the rcsulting tec... over the last twenty-fivc ycars or so there have been numerous attempts to build access colltrol mechanisms to mectspecific Policy needs. Although each is successful in meeting specific access needs, the rcsulting technology has disaPpointedthe market place. This is duc to the reality that a given access control mechanism may meet thc policy requircments within aparhcular markCt domain, while being completely inaPPropriate in an another. The reality is thatacccss contTol policies can beas diverse as the business aPPlications that need to enforce them. This rigidity creates a Problem when the protection requiredof an aPPlication is different from thc policy(ies) built into the mcchanism at hand. UnfortUnately, the only solution is toimplement the policy as pat of the aPPlicahon code, leaving the policies vulncrablc to tamPering and byPass attacks.’To meet this challenge a number of research and develoPment effortS are under way with the common themc of seParahngthe access contfol mechanism from the policy. The idea is if there is a general mechanism that is caPable of implemellting anumbcr of diffcent security POlicies we can redefine the security policy, through the use of a policy specification languagewithout requiring a changc in the mechanism.The intention of this talk is to trace the evolution of access control and authorization management techniques and theirprinciples from the onc-policy olle-mechanism approach to the Present day attcmpts to build auniversal policy machine. 展开更多
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