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作者 董漫远 《当代世界》 北大核心 2023年第11期34-39,共6页
受大国力量对比深刻调整、美国在中东实施战略收缩、阿拉伯国家战略自主空间扩大等因素影响,中阿关系实现跨越式发展并呈现重要阶段性特征。美国对中东的投入续减且自身信誉大损、阿拉伯国家陆续回归发展主题寻求多方合作、中国助力阿... 受大国力量对比深刻调整、美国在中东实施战略收缩、阿拉伯国家战略自主空间扩大等因素影响,中阿关系实现跨越式发展并呈现重要阶段性特征。美国对中东的投入续减且自身信誉大损、阿拉伯国家陆续回归发展主题寻求多方合作、中国助力阿拉伯国家转型的综合实力优势明显、中东域外力量制约使美国难以全力遏压中阿合作等,这些变化构成新时代中阿关系跨越式发展的有利条件。随着中阿政治互信不断深化,双方将在捍卫各自制度安全和道路选择上加强协作,在促进共同发展、推进世界多极化、维护国际公平正义上成为相互依靠的重要力量。中东“和解潮”具有持久韧性,为中阿携手共建命运共同体注入动力。 展开更多
关键词 中阿关系 中阿命运共同体 阿拉伯国家
Main Manifestations,Causes and Prospect of Leapfrog Development of China-Arab Relations in the New Era
作者 dong manyuan 《Contemporary World》 2023年第6期25-29,共5页
Since their beginning in the 1950s,China-Arab relations have gone through stages of getting to know each other,rectifying cognition,gradually expanding friendly exchanges,steadily advancing bilateral relations and sta... Since their beginning in the 1950s,China-Arab relations have gone through stages of getting to know each other,rectifying cognition,gradually expanding friendly exchanges,steadily advancing bilateral relations and starting strategic cooperation.All of these stages laid a solid foundation for in-depth development of China-Arab friendly cooperation in the new era.From the 18th CPC National Congress on,guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy,major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics has forged ahead in the Middle East and promoted steady development of China-Arab relations. 展开更多
关键词 STARTING MIDDLE friendly
俄土伊组合的作用及前景 被引量:6
作者 董漫远 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期86-98,128,共14页
当前,俄罗斯、土耳其、伊朗三国组合成为牵动中东格局演变的重要力量,在多方向、多层面释放地缘政治作用,主要表现为主导叙利亚局势走向、推促美国地区盟友体系分化和扩大三国地区影响。俄土伊组合对特朗普政府中东战略的推行构成挑战... 当前,俄罗斯、土耳其、伊朗三国组合成为牵动中东格局演变的重要力量,在多方向、多层面释放地缘政治作用,主要表现为主导叙利亚局势走向、推促美国地区盟友体系分化和扩大三国地区影响。俄土伊组合对特朗普政府中东战略的推行构成挑战。美国不断尝试拆散该组合,但至今未果。展望未来,俄土伊组合仍有较强生命力,并将继续成为美国在中东必须应对的战略难题。 展开更多
关键词 俄土伊组合 俄罗斯 伊朗 土耳其 中东问题
利比亚代理人战争的跨地区影响及走向 被引量:3
作者 董漫远 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期96-109,共14页
近年来,在域内外大国、强国陆续介入下,利比亚战争转化为代理人战争,动荡持续至今。利比亚交战双方欲解决"谁能统一全国"问题,域外力量则聚焦"统一后的利比亚受谁影响"问题。从形势发展脉络看,利比亚代理人战争已... 近年来,在域内外大国、强国陆续介入下,利比亚战争转化为代理人战争,动荡持续至今。利比亚交战双方欲解决"谁能统一全国"问题,域外力量则聚焦"统一后的利比亚受谁影响"问题。从形势发展脉络看,利比亚代理人战争已与西亚北非热点和域内外大国、强国地缘战略角逐深度交织,助推西亚北非格局加速演变。利比亚战争既给本国人民带来苦难,又使恐怖主义扩张蔓延,威胁地区和平、稳定和发展。 展开更多
关键词 利比亚 代理人战争 西亚北非局势
拜登政府中东政策调整与中东形势新特征 被引量:2
作者 董漫远 《当代世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期45-49,共5页
受美国筹谋“大国竞争”并从中东收缩力量、俄乌冲突牵制美国资源聚拢、中东国家自主空间扩大等因素影响,当前中东形势呈现缓和面扩大、动荡面收缩的总体特征。一方面,区域内国家着手改善关系;另一方面,地区热点矛盾与冲突逐渐降温。但... 受美国筹谋“大国竞争”并从中东收缩力量、俄乌冲突牵制美国资源聚拢、中东国家自主空间扩大等因素影响,当前中东形势呈现缓和面扩大、动荡面收缩的总体特征。一方面,区域内国家着手改善关系;另一方面,地区热点矛盾与冲突逐渐降温。但这一趋势尚存变数,主要表现为恐怖主义势力卷土重来,部分国家内部社会矛盾、教派冲突加剧,国家间不同阵营分野清晰、小摩擦不断等。 展开更多
关键词 中东政策 恐怖主义 教派冲突 收缩力量 自主空间 中东国家 中东形势 地区热点
Global Expansion of the Islamic State: Influences and Prospects
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2016年第5期34-52,共19页
The global expansion of the Islamic State group has triggered strategic realignments and readjustments in international terrorism. The influence of the Islamic State now extends far beyond the territory it has seized ... The global expansion of the Islamic State group has triggered strategic realignments and readjustments in international terrorism. The influence of the Islamic State now extends far beyond the territory it has seized in Iraq and Syria. 展开更多
关键词 伊斯兰 国际恐怖主义 展望 溢出效应 恐怖组织 反恐斗争 伊拉克 叙利亚
The Rise of ISIS: Impacts and Future
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2014年第5期79-92,共14页
关键词 ISIS 伊拉克 恐怖组织 东部地区 叙利亚 地中海 伊斯兰 威胁
The United States and Iran:Battling Strategies and Prospects for the Future
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2012年第5期142-158,共17页
Ⅰ.Origins of the Strategic Games between the United States and Iran The United States and Iran are both great countries in the world.By virtue of its superb economic,technological and military,United States enjoys hu... Ⅰ.Origins of the Strategic Games between the United States and Iran The United States and Iran are both great countries in the world.By virtue of its superb economic,technological and military,United States enjoys huge influence in world trade, 展开更多
关键词 美国 伊朗 展望 作战 世界贸易 经济 金融 分工
Russia-US Rivalry and Accelerated Geopolitical Change in the Middle East
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2018年第4期93-110,共18页
At present,the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East is undergoing a period of accelerated transformation,distinguished by a renewed great-power rivalry between Russia and the United States and supplemented by the... At present,the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East is undergoing a period of accelerated transformation,distinguished by a renewed great-power rivalry between Russia and the United States and supplemented by the contest between Iran and Saudi Arabia.As the Arab world is no longer under a framework of“dual leadership,”divisions among regional camps have become even more distinct,making regional cohesion further unlikely.Despite its outstanding regional influence,Saudi Arabia’s capabilities still fall short of its ambitions.Although the Kurdish independence movement suffered a major setback in some areas,it has still played an important role in the evolution of regional geopolitics. 展开更多
关键词 MIDDLE EAST Kurdish SAUDI Arabia’s capabilities
New Trend of Terrorism and the International Anti-Terrorism Cooperation
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2016年第3期105-118,共14页
International terrorism started a new trend in 2015,in which the"Islamic State"(IS)became the most dangerous international terrorist group with continually expanding cross-regional influence.IS has won massi... International terrorism started a new trend in 2015,in which the"Islamic State"(IS)became the most dangerous international terrorist group with continually expanding cross-regional influence.IS has won massive submission and worship from a large number of terrorist groups as it successfully withstood the air strikes by the US and Russia,which finally affected the realignment,regrouping and strategic adjustment of 展开更多
关键词 国际恐怖主义 合作 反恐 国际恐怖组织 伊斯兰
The Yemen Crisis: Impacts and Prospects
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2015年第5期67-80,共14页
关键词 也门 展望 军事力量 权力结构 阿拉伯
Prospects for a Political Solution to the Crisis in Syria
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2013年第6期79-96,共18页
关键词 中国 国际关系 国际问题 对外关系
The Strategic Role of Major Developing Countries
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2010年第3期4-22,共19页
In recent years,major developing countries have been playing a prominent role in facilitating the recovery of the world economy, restructuring the international system and reshaping the world order.They have become a ... In recent years,major developing countries have been playing a prominent role in facilitating the recovery of the world economy, restructuring the international system and reshaping the world order.They have become a powerful driving force for rapid development and drastic changes in the world and profound restructuring of international relations.Meanwhile,they are encountering difficulties and challenges in efforts to develop their national economy and raise the living standards of their people. There are contradictions and competition among them. Nevertheless,as they have huge development potentials and their advantages outweigh disadvantages in the course of rapid development.They feel the need to strength unity and cooperation in world affairs.Major developing countries will make an even greater contribution to world peace and development and help large numbers of developing countries seek a better future through joint efforts. 展开更多
关键词 发展中国家 世界经济 国际关系 调整
China's Reform and Opening up and Its Efforts To Build Hard and Soft Powers
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2010年第1期21-37,共17页
China's reform and opening up,hailed as a great revolution,has not only transformed the country and nation in a thorough way but also produced a significant influence internationally.It has freed China's mater... China's reform and opening up,hailed as a great revolution,has not only transformed the country and nation in a thorough way but also produced a significant influence internationally.It has freed China's material as well as non-material productive 展开更多
关键词 改革开放 中国 生产力 物质
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2008年第3期4-19,共16页
Recent years have seen accelerated division of developing countries,which has greatly affected world balance of power, interest patterns,North-South relations and the respective country's own future.Research on th... Recent years have seen accelerated division of developing countries,which has greatly affected world balance of power, interest patterns,North-South relations and the respective country's own future.Research on this subject will prove to be practically important for assessing the strategic trends in the world's'great transformation and adjustment',defining China's international identity and sharing China's developing opportunities,meeting challenges and achieving peaceful development and win-win results with other countries. 展开更多
关键词 发展中国家 发展战略 经济研究 工业
The Cross-Regional Impact and Direction of Proxy War in Libya
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2020年第5期65-83,共19页
Since the unrest began in Libya,leading to regime change and then to war,most related studies have limited themselves to the civil war itself,without paying attention to its distinctive feature as a proxy war.In fact,... Since the unrest began in Libya,leading to regime change and then to war,most related studies have limited themselves to the civil war itself,without paying attention to its distinctive feature as a proxy war.In fact,the two conflicting sides in Libya are the armed forces of the Government of National Accord recognized by the United Nations and openly supported by Turkey and Qatar,and commander Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National Army backed by Saudi Arabia,Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.Other extraterritorial powers such as the US,France,Italy and Russia are also involved and have placed their bets on one side or another.This paper provides a new perspective for academic research on the Libyan proxy war by analyzing its development,nature,cross-regional influence and future direction. 展开更多
作者 董漫远 《China International Studies》 2018年第6期78-96,共19页
The fate of Syria has been dominated by great-power rivalry following US and Russian involvement. Linked to their competition in Eurasia and to their intervention in other Middle East hotspots, the power plays between... The fate of Syria has been dominated by great-power rivalry following US and Russian involvement. Linked to their competition in Eurasia and to their intervention in other Middle East hotspots, the power plays between the two countries in Syria will enter a lengthy period of stalemate albeit with twists and turns. 展开更多
The Kurdish Issue in the Middle East Context
作者 dong manyuan 《China International Studies》 2017年第5期5-23,共19页
The Kurdish issue in the Middle East reflects the complex regional ethnic conflicts. The Kurdish independence movement has grown stronger in recent years and it is now an important factor driving the geopolitical evol... The Kurdish issue in the Middle East reflects the complex regional ethnic conflicts. The Kurdish independence movement has grown stronger in recent years and it is now an important factor driving the geopolitical evolution of the Middle East, which has been manipulated by both external and regional powers. 展开更多
关键词 KDP
土耳其进取性地缘政治外交析论 被引量:3
作者 董漫远 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期141-155,160,共16页
土耳其系欧亚大陆地缘政治“枢轴国家”,长期发挥跨地域战略作用。埃尔多安自掌控正发党政权以来,陆续推出“2023战略愿景”和“2053战略愿景”,其目标是使土耳其最终跃升为一支世界性力量。为此,土耳其采用突出重点、带动全方位进取性... 土耳其系欧亚大陆地缘政治“枢轴国家”,长期发挥跨地域战略作用。埃尔多安自掌控正发党政权以来,陆续推出“2023战略愿景”和“2053战略愿景”,其目标是使土耳其最终跃升为一支世界性力量。为此,土耳其采用突出重点、带动全方位进取性地缘政治的外交策略,通过政治、经济、军事、文化等领域综合施策,其进取性地缘政治外交取得诸多成效:在黑海和外高加索确立强势存在,掌握了土耳其在该地区天然气开发、输气通道、军事冲突调停等方面的主动权;依托北非、东非“桥头堡”,将影响力渗透至非洲全域;与卡塔尔、巴基斯坦“组团”介入阿富汗变局,延续了在阿富汗的长期影响力;提振了土耳其在突厥语国家的领袖地位;努力在伊斯兰世界发挥引领力;谋取北约内“特殊地位”,拓展了特立独行的外交空间。土耳其近年来的地缘政治进取虽收到明显成效,但也面临着来自美国、欧洲大国、阿拉伯国家的阻力,俄罗斯、伊朗亦对土耳其地缘政治进取怀有戒心,均需土耳其加以重视与应对。 展开更多
关键词 土耳其外交 地缘政治进取 新奥斯曼主义 “2023战略愿景” “2053战略愿景”
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