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6-10 Beam Commissioning Activities of CADS Superconducting Demo Facility
作者 Wang Zhijun He Yuan +7 位作者 Jia Huan dou weiping Liu Shuhui Chen Weilong Tao Yue Wu Jianqiang Zhang Shenghu Zhao Hongwei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期271-271,共1页
The demo facility of china ADS injector II was installed in the tunnel in 2014. The on-site layout of demo facility is shown in the Fig. 1. The demo faclity mainly includes ECRIS, LEBT, RFQ acclerator, MEBT and TCM6. ... The demo facility of china ADS injector II was installed in the tunnel in 2014. The on-site layout of demo facility is shown in the Fig. 1. The demo faclity mainly includes ECRIS, LEBT, RFQ acclerator, MEBT and TCM6. The TCM6 is composed by six SC HWR cavity,six SC soleniods and five BPMs. The TCM6 will be the prototype for the future 2025 MeV CADS superconducting linac. The beam commissioning of CADS Injector II started in June 2015. It mainly consists of three steps. 展开更多
6-6 Structure Design and Fabrication of CMIF RFQ
作者 Li Chenxing Wang Fengfeng +6 位作者 Xu Xianbo Zhang Zhouli dou weiping Wang Zhijun Zhang Bin Zhang Junhui He Yuan 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期267-267,共1页
A project aimed to construct an accelerator-based neutron source named CMIF (China Materials Irradiation Facility) has been carried out in IMP. In this facility, a RFQ is needed to accelerate the deuteron beam from 20... A project aimed to construct an accelerator-based neutron source named CMIF (China Materials Irradiation Facility) has been carried out in IMP. In this facility, a RFQ is needed to accelerate the deuteron beam from 20 keV/u to 1.5 MeV/u at least. The resonator, of four vanes kind, has been designed taking advantage of the experiences in CI-ADS Injector II project. The main parameters of the CMIF RFQ are listed in Table 1. 展开更多
6-14 Beam Commissioning of Superconducting Demo Facility
作者 Wang Zhijun Jia Huan +7 位作者 He Yuan dou weiping Wang Wangsheng Feng Chi Liu Shuhui Chen Weilong Tao Yue Wu Jianqiang 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期265-265,共1页
The demo facility of China ADS injector II was installed in the tunnel in 2014. The on-site layout of demofacility is shown in the Fig. 1. The demo facility mainly inculdes ECRIS, LEBT, RFQ, MEBTTCM and Dplate.The TCM... The demo facility of China ADS injector II was installed in the tunnel in 2014. The on-site layout of demofacility is shown in the Fig. 1. The demo facility mainly inculdes ECRIS, LEBT, RFQ, MEBTTCM and Dplate.The TCM is composed by one Superconducting(SC) HWR cavity and two SC solenoids.The beam tuning began at September of 2014. The beam commissioning procedure mainly includes three steps.Calibration of single hardware. In this step, buncher cavity, SC HWR cavity and BPM offset are calibrated withbeam to make sure the parameter of the hardwares agree with the off-line measured value. The beam parametersare chosen to be 10 mA, 1 Hz and less than 200 s. From the results, the voltage of HWR cavity and bunchercavities agree well with the measurement with X-ray method. The offset between BPM electric center and quadruplemagnetic center is less than 0.6 mm, which is reasonable according to the mechanical alignment result. 展开更多
IH-DTL for the Injector Linac for the HIRFL-CSR-Linac
作者 Huang Yulu Xin Yuqi +1 位作者 Zhang Zhouli dou weiping 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2022年第1期269-269,共1页
A heavy ion injector linac is now under development in the Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Science.11 Interdigital H-mode Drift Tube Linac(IH-DTL)are proposed to accelerate the heavy ions with a mass nu... A heavy ion injector linac is now under development in the Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Science.11 Interdigital H-mode Drift Tube Linac(IH-DTL)are proposed to accelerate the heavy ions with a mass number to charge ratio(A=q)of up to 7 from 350 AkeV to an energy of around 17 AMeV,which corresponds to a total e ective voltage of 119 MV,with a total length above 38 m. 展开更多
Status Report of LEAF Project
作者 Sun Liangting Yang Yao +40 位作者 Lu Liang Guo Yuhui Liu Xiaojun Jing Long Li Libin Sun Liepeng Gao Zheng Ma Hongyi Jin Xiaofeng Zhai Yuhan Xu Xianbo Shi Longbo Xing Chaochao Liu Yuting Zhu Tieming Hu Qiang Zhang Peng Zhang Xuezhen Fang Xing Jia Huan Zhang Bin Liu Chaodong Ma Yingming Zhao Bo Wu Beimin Zhu Li Li Jiaqing Lu Wang Guo Junwei Li Chenxing Wang Zhijun dou weiping Wu Junxia Zhang Zimin Yao Qinggao Wu Wei Zhou Zhongzu Zhang Junhui Ma Lizhen He Yuan Zhao Hongwei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2018年第1期240-241,共2页
LEAF or the Low Energy heavy ion Accelerator Facility is a multidiscipline heavy ion research platform under construction at IMP.It is a 5 year National Major Instruments Research Program supported by National Science... LEAF or the Low Energy heavy ion Accelerator Facility is a multidiscipline heavy ion research platform under construction at IMP.It is a 5 year National Major Instruments Research Program supported by National Science Foundation of China(NSFC)started in 2015.Oriented to the frontier research in Material Sciences,Astrophysics,Atomic Physics and Highly Charged Ion Physics,LEAF has been designed and constructed with the state of the art technologies for low energy heavy ion acceleration.This facility features a 45 GHz ECR ion source FECR,a heavy ion CW 4-vane radio frequency quadruple accelerator LRFQ,300 kV HV platform,LEBT,MEBT and several dedicated experimental terminals. 展开更多
Status Report of LEAF Project
作者 Sun Liangting Lu Liang +37 位作者 Jia Huan Yang Yao Zhang Bin Guo Yuhui Gao Zheng Ma Hongyi Jin Xiaofeng Zhu Tieming Hu Qiang Zhang Peng Zhang Xuezhen Fang Xing Jing Long Liu Chaodong Ma Yingming Zhao Bo Wu Beimin Liu Xiaojun Li Jiaqing Lu Wang Guo Junwei Yang Long Li Libin Sun Liepeng Shi Longbo Li Chenxing Ma Wei Wang Zhijun dou weiping Wu Junxia Zhang Zimin Yao Qinggao Wu Wei Zhou Zhongzu Zhang Junhui Ma Lizhen He Yuan Zhao Hongwei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2017年第1期246-247,共2页
LEAF or the Low Energy heavy ion Accelerator Facility is a multidiscipline heavy ion research platform constructing at IMP.It is a 5-year National Major Instruments Research Program supported by National Science Found... LEAF or the Low Energy heavy ion Accelerator Facility is a multidiscipline heavy ion research platform constructing at IMP.It is a 5-year National Major Instruments Research Program supported by National Science Foundation of China(NSFC)started in 2015.Oriented to the frontier research in material sciences,astrophysics,atomic physics and highly charged ion physics,LEAF has been designed and constructed with the state-of-the-art technologies for low energy heavy ion acceleration.This facility features a 45 GHz ECR ion source FECR,a heavy ion CW 4-vane radio frequency quadruple accelerator LRFQ,300 kV HV platform,LEBT,MEBT and several dedicated experimental terminals.The layout of LEAF is given in Fig.1. 展开更多
6-7 Progress of the China Material Irradiation Facility RFQ
作者 dou weiping Li Chenxing +2 位作者 Wang Zhijun He Yuan Wang Fengfeng 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期252-254,共3页
The design and low power RF measurement of the radio frequency quadruple(RFQ)for the front end of China Material Irradiation Facility(CMIF),which is an accelerator based neutron irradiation facility for fusion reactor... The design and low power RF measurement of the radio frequency quadruple(RFQ)for the front end of China Material Irradiation Facility(CMIF),which is an accelerator based neutron irradiation facility for fusion reactor material qualification,have been completed.The RFQ,which operated under CW mode,is specified to accelerate 10 mA deuteron beam from the energy of 20 keV/u to 1.5 MeV/u.To reduce the possibility of beam loss in supper conducting section,the output longitudinal emittance need be optimized.The idea of“Kick-drift”is adopted in beam dynamic design. 展开更多
作者 秦元帅 王志军 +6 位作者 冯驰 刘淑会 窦为平 陈伟龙 王旺生 谢宏明 何源 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期30-37,共8页
在C-ADS直线加速器样机中,为了描述束流相空间分布,需要精确测量束流在RFQ出口处的参数。束流横向信息已通过发射度重构测量获得,束流光学也得到了验证。采用了一种用BPM的SUM信号测量束流纵向参数的方法。在实验中,调节两台聚束器的聚... 在C-ADS直线加速器样机中,为了描述束流相空间分布,需要精确测量束流在RFQ出口处的参数。束流横向信息已通过发射度重构测量获得,束流光学也得到了验证。采用了一种用BPM的SUM信号测量束流纵向参数的方法。在实验中,调节两台聚束器的聚束腔压并记录其下游BPM上的SUM信号。通过粒子群算法和Trace Win模拟相结合的方法,得到了考虑空间电荷效应的测量结果。测得的发射度与Toutatis中的模拟值相近。 展开更多
关键词 纵向发射度测量 twiss参数 BPM 粒子群算法
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