若干年前,此间曾风靡Walkman。特别对于那些年轻人,腰挎“随身听”是一种时尚 即使在数字家电大行其道的今天,兼之Diskman的篡位威胁,Walkman仍魁力不减。但说起Walkman的发明者,恐怕知情者寥寥。他就是本文的主角——Akio Morita。 读...若干年前,此间曾风靡Walkman。特别对于那些年轻人,腰挎“随身听”是一种时尚 即使在数字家电大行其道的今天,兼之Diskman的篡位威胁,Walkman仍魁力不减。但说起Walkman的发明者,恐怕知情者寥寥。他就是本文的主角——Akio Morita。 读者朋友,在您看到这篇文章的时候,Walkman之父已不再人世了,但我们不妨怀着一份崇敬,跟随作者的娓娓叙述,来看看他那传奇般的一生吧。 1.少年创业 The heir to one of Japan’s oldest sake-brewing families,Morita declined totake over the family business and…founded the firm that was to become a worldelectronic and entertainment giant. 2.勇于创新 Morita’s most famous brainchild, the Walkman,first appeared in 1979after he overrode opposition from those within his own company who saw nofuture for the product. 3.以国为荣 He made a point of flying the Japanese flag outside Sony’s U.S.showroomon Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. 读完全文,您是否觉得在这位传奇人物身上存在着让我们心动的品质?展开更多
文摘若干年前,此间曾风靡Walkman。特别对于那些年轻人,腰挎“随身听”是一种时尚 即使在数字家电大行其道的今天,兼之Diskman的篡位威胁,Walkman仍魁力不减。但说起Walkman的发明者,恐怕知情者寥寥。他就是本文的主角——Akio Morita。 读者朋友,在您看到这篇文章的时候,Walkman之父已不再人世了,但我们不妨怀着一份崇敬,跟随作者的娓娓叙述,来看看他那传奇般的一生吧。 1.少年创业 The heir to one of Japan’s oldest sake-brewing families,Morita declined totake over the family business and…founded the firm that was to become a worldelectronic and entertainment giant. 2.勇于创新 Morita’s most famous brainchild, the Walkman,first appeared in 1979after he overrode opposition from those within his own company who saw nofuture for the product. 3.以国为荣 He made a point of flying the Japanese flag outside Sony’s U.S.showroomon Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. 读完全文,您是否觉得在这位传奇人物身上存在着让我们心动的品质?