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作者 方创琳 《学位与研究生教育》 北大核心 2023年第7期1-5,共5页
通过20多年培养研究生的经历,总结出了培养德才兼备研究生的“六教”路径,即:尊生重教、严管督教、以奖促教、言传身教、因材施教和互学互教。认为导师应把研究生视为良师,视育才高于一切;坚信严师出高徒;实现科研与回报双赢;用情感化... 通过20多年培养研究生的经历,总结出了培养德才兼备研究生的“六教”路径,即:尊生重教、严管督教、以奖促教、言传身教、因材施教和互学互教。认为导师应把研究生视为良师,视育才高于一切;坚信严师出高徒;实现科研与回报双赢;用情感化每一个人;把研究生的潜力发挥到极致,筑牢师生命运共同体。 展开更多
关键词 研究生教育 导师职责 “六教”路径
京津冀特大城市群生态安全格局时空演变特征及其影响因素 被引量:66
作者 王振波 梁龙武 +1 位作者 方创琳 庄汝龙 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期4132-4144,共13页
京津冀特大城市群的快速发展显著提升了地区生活水平,但也对生态环境造成了负面影响。以2000—2015年京津冀城市群面板数据为研究样本,建立"压力-状态-响应(PSR)"城市群生态安全协同会诊指标体系,采用TOPSIS和灰色关联组合方... 京津冀特大城市群的快速发展显著提升了地区生活水平,但也对生态环境造成了负面影响。以2000—2015年京津冀城市群面板数据为研究样本,建立"压力-状态-响应(PSR)"城市群生态安全协同会诊指标体系,采用TOPSIS和灰色关联组合方法计量其生态安全综合指数(Comprehensive Index of Ecological Security,CIES),运用因子分析法提取关键因素,并通过多元线性回归方法计算上述因素对生态安全的影响程度。结果表明:(1)京津冀城市群生态安全指数已经达到了预警状态,呈现"北高南低,西高东低"的空间格局,亟需建立三地协同联防联控的生态安全防治机制;(2)2000—2015年京津冀城市群的生态安全指数呈小幅波动状态,规划与政策对城市群生态安全指数具有显著影响效应;(3)13地市生态安全指数的演变趋势存在显著的差异,承德、廊坊仍呈下降趋势;(4)城镇化、社会发展以及技术进步对京津冀城市群生态安全具有显著的正相关性,开发水平、经济发展以及生态病理度则呈负相关性。由此,需要划定并严守城市群生态保护红线,控制空间开发强度与速度,以遏制生态恶化;完善并落实京津冀城市群协同发展的规划体系与相应的配套政策支撑体系,以保障城市群生态安全稳定提升;控制经济发展速度,提升社会发展水平,构建城市群一体化社会服务保障体系;提升生态技术研发水平,加大生态空间保护与修复,以降低生态安全风险,保障城市群生态安全格局。 展开更多
关键词 京津冀城市群 生态安全 时空格局 PSR指标体系 影响因素
干旱区城镇化发展与水资源利用耦合协调研究 被引量:6
作者 热孜娅·阿曼 方创琳 赵瑞东 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期67-73,共7页
随着干旱区城镇化的发展,水资源问题日益凸显,水资源永续利用成为干旱区研究的热点。分析了2003—2018年新疆15个行政区城镇化发展综合评价指数、水资源利用综合评价指数以及相对发展度的演变特征,并通过耦合协调度模型分析了城镇化发... 随着干旱区城镇化的发展,水资源问题日益凸显,水资源永续利用成为干旱区研究的热点。分析了2003—2018年新疆15个行政区城镇化发展综合评价指数、水资源利用综合评价指数以及相对发展度的演变特征,并通过耦合协调度模型分析了城镇化发展与水资源利用耦合协调关系的时空演变特征。结果表明:新疆城镇化发展综合评价指数与水资源利用综合评价指数均显著增大,但城镇化发展综合评价指数增速大于水资源利用的;新疆城镇化发展系统与水资源利用系统耦合度常年处于拮抗阶段,并向着磨合阶段发展;新疆城镇化发展系统与水资源利用系统耦合协调类型分为低度耦合协调、中度耦合协调、高度耦合协调3种。从空间上来看,虽然各行政区起点不同,但都相继达到了高度耦合协调。最后,提出了基于水资源永续利用的城镇化发展模式与水资源利用对策。 展开更多
关键词 城镇化发展 水资源利用 耦合协调度 干旱区 新疆
京津冀城市群一体化发展的战略选择 被引量:26
作者 方创琳 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期54-63,共10页
未来京津冀城市群建设的重点是推进区域性产业发展布局一体化、基础设施建设一体化、区域性市场建设一体化、城乡统筹与城乡发展一体化、环境保护与生态建设一体化、社会发展与基本公共服务一体化。推动京津冀城市群一体化协同发展,应... 未来京津冀城市群建设的重点是推进区域性产业发展布局一体化、基础设施建设一体化、区域性市场建设一体化、城乡统筹与城乡发展一体化、环境保护与生态建设一体化、社会发展与基本公共服务一体化。推动京津冀城市群一体化协同发展,应成立京津冀协同发展公共财政专业委员会,建立京津冀一体化的公共财政储备制度;彻底根治雾霾,推进环境保护一体化;实行人地指标同步转移,构建自下而上的四级建设用地一体化统筹调剂体系;建立"点对点、园对园"的产业发展与布局一体化对接机制,培育一批特色微中心。 展开更多
关键词 京津冀城市群 一体化协同发展 区域经济发展
丝绸之路经济带内外联动发展试验区创建重点与取向 被引量:3
作者 方创琳 马海涛 何伦志 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期60-70,共11页
按照"内外联动、创新驱动、重点撬动、开放带动、兵地互动"的联动思路,建议充分发挥哈密独特的地缘区位优势和交通枢纽优势,超前建设互联互通的综合运输大通道和疆能外送大通道;加快发展资源与市场互补性的外向型优势产业及... 按照"内外联动、创新驱动、重点撬动、开放带动、兵地互动"的联动思路,建议充分发挥哈密独特的地缘区位优势和交通枢纽优势,超前建设互联互通的综合运输大通道和疆能外送大通道;加快发展资源与市场互补性的外向型优势产业及特色创新园区;开辟中蒙经济走廊西部通道,合作建设中蒙国际合作区。建议多方争取将内外联动发展试验区建设上升为国家战略,科学编制总体发展规划,建立内外联动发展推进机制,积极争取各类扶持政策,申建国家重点开放开发试验区和国家边境经济合作区。 展开更多
关键词 丝绸之路经济带 内外联动发展试验区 外向型经济发展
全球城市轴核结构中心区发展门槛解析——以亚洲38个中心区为例 被引量:2
作者 胡昕宇 杨俊宴 方创琳 《城市建筑》 2017年第12期47-52,共6页
城市中心区的结构发展具有明显的阶段性,而轴核结构则代表了城市中心区空间发展的高级阶段。在全球城市的发展过程中,识别中心区空间结构成为了解全球城市发展阶段的重要视角。本文以亚洲29个国际化城市的38个中心区为例,通过城市层面... 城市中心区的结构发展具有明显的阶段性,而轴核结构则代表了城市中心区空间发展的高级阶段。在全球城市的发展过程中,识别中心区空间结构成为了解全球城市发展阶段的重要视角。本文以亚洲29个国际化城市的38个中心区为例,通过城市层面、中心区层面多个要素的量化分析,总结城市中心区轴核结构的发展门槛,进而总结全球城市发展过程中的重要阶段性特征。该结论对指导我国全球城市的建设以及认知全球城市的发展阶段具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 全球城市 轴核结构中心区 发展门槛
丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展的时空演变特征及影响机理 被引量:11
作者 高倩 方创琳 +2 位作者 张小雷 刘海猛 任宇飞 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1263-1277,共15页
将丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展作为一个时空变化系统进行分析,提取1980—2015年7个年份用地演变信息,结合10 km×10 km方格网构建,从总量趋势、分地州市级区域、分用地类型及特殊性全面认知扩展的时空演变特征,采用... 将丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展作为一个时空变化系统进行分析,提取1980—2015年7个年份用地演变信息,结合10 km×10 km方格网构建,从总量趋势、分地州市级区域、分用地类型及特殊性全面认知扩展的时空演变特征,采用地理探测器模型,在县域尺度定量诊断城镇建设用地扩展的人文要素和自然要素的影响程度及各要素间的交互影响作用,进而识别其主控要素并探讨其作用机理,对比分析天山北坡城市群和喀什都市圈两个重点发展区域的分异性。研究结果表明:近35年以来,丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地扩展约2.9倍,扩展强度波动增长且以分散小斑块为主,各地州市扩展规模和强度的时空差异性显著,次一级城镇建设用地类型扩展呈现动态变化特征,用地扩展受自然本底胁迫条件和经济社会发展过程多重影响有其特殊性;全域城镇建设用地在县域尺度以低水平扩展与各级人文要素和自然要素水平的耦合匹配关系为主;综合地理探测器因子分析模块和交互作用模块的探测结果,判定地形位指数、城镇化率、地形起伏度、二三产业比重为影响丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆县域城镇建设用地扩展的主控要素,并探寻各主控要素的作用机理;在重点发展区域天山北坡城市群和喀什都市圈的驱动要素有共性也有明显分异性。该研究为丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆城镇建设用地因地因城因类的差别化调控及区域可持续发展提供科学支撑和决策依据。 展开更多
关键词 城镇建设用地扩展 时空演变 自然要素 人文要素 地理探测器 影响机理 丝绸之路经济带核心区新疆
京津冀城市群城市化与生态环境时空分异及协同发展格局 被引量:107
作者 梁龙武 王振波 +1 位作者 方创琳 孙湛 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1212-1225,共14页
京津冀城市群在快速城市化进程中,"高耗能、高污染、高排放"的粗放型经济发展模式引发了一系列诸如雾霾、水质污染及生态体系破坏等问题。选取2000—2015年京津冀城市群13个地级以上城市作为研究对象,采用系统指数评估模型评... 京津冀城市群在快速城市化进程中,"高耗能、高污染、高排放"的粗放型经济发展模式引发了一系列诸如雾霾、水质污染及生态体系破坏等问题。选取2000—2015年京津冀城市群13个地级以上城市作为研究对象,采用系统指数评估模型评价城市化与生态环境系统及其子系统指数值,运用耦合协调度模型及其分类原则判定两者协同发展格局。结果表明:(1)北京、天津、唐山、石家庄、廊坊城市化发展较强,邯郸、秦皇岛、衡水、沧州居中,邢台、保定、张家口、承德较弱;北京、保定、张家口、承德和秦皇岛生态环境保护较好,天津、石家庄、廊坊、邯郸、沧州居中,邢台、衡水、唐山较弱。(2)2000—2007年为城市化缓慢发展阶段,2008—2015年为稳步提升阶段;2000—2010年为生态保护攻坚期,2011—2015年为生态文明建设期,环保投入剧增。(3)高城市化区的空间格局保持不变,偏高城市化区和中城市化区空间格局相对稳定,低城市化区基本不存在;优生态环境区、偏优生态环境区和中生态环境区空间格局相对稳定,劣生态环境保护区不存在。(4)京津冀城市群城市化与生态环境系统耦合协调度上升趋势显著,但是濒临失调和中度协调占主导类型,具有较大上升空间;协同发展类型整体上逐渐由城市化滞后演变为生态环境滞后,生态环境质量需要进一步提高。由此,需要以生态环境保护为抓手,坚持产业转型升级和"高科技+"的自主优化思想,打造集聚区域特色的"美丽中国"绿色城市化样板区;加大地区生态环境保护的投入和宣传,以"生态+"思想融入经济社会发展,培育区域性绿色小城镇;建立多样化生态保护园区、现代化旅游和康养基地、科技化教育培训机构,促进区域内外多维多向联动发展;保有生态环境危机意识,积极创建保障措施,杜绝重大生态破坏、环境污染等事件。 展开更多
关键词 京津冀城市群 城市化 生态环境 时空分异 协同发展格局
沿海省域旅游经济与城镇化耦合协调及时空演化——以山东省为例 被引量:32
作者 杜霞 方创琳 马海涛 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期15-26,共12页
构建旅游经济与城镇化评价指标体系,利用耦合协调度模型,对山东省2000—2017年旅游经济和城镇化耦合协调发展的时空演变特征进行了实证研究,进而对沿海省域旅游经济与城镇化耦合发展提出发展策略。研究表明:旅游经济和城镇化耦合关系正... 构建旅游经济与城镇化评价指标体系,利用耦合协调度模型,对山东省2000—2017年旅游经济和城镇化耦合协调发展的时空演变特征进行了实证研究,进而对沿海省域旅游经济与城镇化耦合发展提出发展策略。研究表明:旅游经济和城镇化耦合关系正走向良性协调,但是存在明显的空间差异性,中心城市的耦合协调性明显优于其他城市,相对发展水平从旅游滞后型向同步型转化。沿海省份旅游经济发展仍有巨大的空间,深度挖掘滨海旅游资源刻不容缓。未来应推进沿海省份高品质全域旅游和新型城镇化发展,建立旅游和城镇化耦合发展规划,因地制宜,合理发展。 展开更多
关键词 旅游经济 城镇化 耦合协调 时空演化 沿海省域
山东半岛城市群城镇化与生态环境耦合协调发展的时空格局 被引量:56
作者 杜霞 孟彦如 +1 位作者 方创琳 李聪 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第16期5546-5559,共14页
城镇化与生态环境耦合协调发展研究,是目前国际研究的热点与前沿领域。以山东半岛城市群为研究对象,建立城镇化系统和生态环境系统指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型定量分析山东半岛城市群2000—2016年城镇化与生态环境耦合协调发展时空格... 城镇化与生态环境耦合协调发展研究,是目前国际研究的热点与前沿领域。以山东半岛城市群为研究对象,建立城镇化系统和生态环境系统指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型定量分析山东半岛城市群2000—2016年城镇化与生态环境耦合协调发展时空格局。结果表明:(1)2000—2016年城镇化水平不断提高,多年平均值表现为空间城镇化>人口城镇化>经济城镇化>社会城镇化,生态环境水平呈现出波动中上升的趋势,生态压力子系统曲线下降,生态状态和生态保护子系统曲线不断上升,生态环境总体有了一定的改善和提高;(2)2000—2016年耦合协调度逐渐增强,依次经历了严重不协调、基本不协调、基本协调、中度协调、高级协调5个阶段,实现了从极度不协调向优质协调的转变,子系统耦合协调特征从严重不协调-城镇化滞后型向高级协调-生态环境滞后型演变;(3)17地市城镇化以中等水平城镇化区为主要类型,高水平城镇化区集中在济南、青岛"双核"地区和北部的东营,较低水平城镇化区范围逐渐缩小,低水平城镇化区消失;生态环境优质区主要集中在东部沿海城市带威海、青岛、烟台、日照和中部泰安,生态环境中等区从胶济城市带轴线向南北扩散,生态环境较低区主要集中在菏泽、聊城、滨州,生态环境恶劣区不存在;(4)2000—2016年城市耦合协调度不断提高,空间差异明显,呈现出由沿海城市带、济南都市圈核心城市向西南地区逐渐降低的空间分布趋势,子系统耦合协调特征由城镇化滞后型向同步型、生态环境滞后型开始转化,发达城市的集聚作用明显,落后地区的城镇化问题和生态环境问题比较严重。 展开更多
关键词 城镇化 生态环境 耦合协调 时空格局 山东半岛城市群
天山北坡城市群城市景观时空扩张过程及多情景模拟 被引量:15
作者 张丽芳 方创琳 高倩 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1267-1279,共13页
城市群是区域经济发展的重要空间载体,探究天山北坡城市群城市景观扩张变化对边疆城市群的区域经济发展、城市规划、生态安全等有重要意义。研究借助GIS、Fragstats、Dyna-CLUE等软件,基于1990、2000、2005、2010、2015年空间分辨率30 ... 城市群是区域经济发展的重要空间载体,探究天山北坡城市群城市景观扩张变化对边疆城市群的区域经济发展、城市规划、生态安全等有重要意义。研究借助GIS、Fragstats、Dyna-CLUE等软件,基于1990、2000、2005、2010、2015年空间分辨率30 m土地利用数据,采用景观扩张指数(LEI)、扩展强度指数(UEII)、重心转移、多情景模拟等方法揭示天山北坡城市群的景观扩张模式及演变规律。主要结论为:(1)从景观指数来看,近25年来天山北坡城市群城市景观变化表现为破碎度增大、异质性增强、斑块形状趋于复杂;(2)从扩张模式来看,1990—2015年,天山北坡城市群的城市扩张模式以飞地式为主,其次为边缘式扩张,不同时期内扩张模式占比有所差异;(3)从扩张轨迹来看,城市群城市扩张重心总体由城市群的中心—乌鲁木齐的西侧向东、南移动;(4)从多情景模拟来看,Dyna-CLUE模型能够较好地模拟不同情景状态下的城市扩张与土地利用变化特征,2025年城市群扩张模式将以飞地式、边缘式为主。研究结果可为天山北坡城市群城市的未来发展和布局规划提供参考,为国土空间的管理与调控、生态环境的布局优化等提供决策依据。 展开更多
关键词 天山北坡城市群 景观扩张 时空变化 Dyna-CLUE模型 多情景模拟
A Theoretical Analysis of Interactive Coercing Effects Between Urbanization and Eco-environment 被引量:43
作者 fang chuanglin WANG Jing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期147-162,共16页
Objectively, a complex interactive coercing relationship exists between urbanization and eco-environment, and the research of this relationship is primarily divided into three schools, i.e., interactive coercion theor... Objectively, a complex interactive coercing relationship exists between urbanization and eco-environment, and the research of this relationship is primarily divided into three schools, i.e., interactive coercion theory, interactive promotion theory and coupling symbiosis theory. Harmonizing the relationship between urbanization and eco-environment is not only an important proposition for the national development plan but also the only way to promote healthy urbanization. Based on an analysis of urbanization process and its relationship with the eco-environment, this article analyzes interactive coercing effects between urbanization and eco-environment from three perspectives of population urbanization, economic urbanization and spatial urbanization, respectively, and analyzes risk effects of the interactive coercion. Further, it shows six basic laws followed by interactive coercion between urbanization and eco-environment, namely, coupling fission law, dynamic hierarchy law, stochastic fluctuation law, non-linear synergetic law, threshold value law and forewarning law, and divides the interactive coercing process into five stages, namely, low-level coordinate, antagonistic, break-in, ameliorative and high-grade coordinate. Based on the geometric derivation, the interactive coercing relationship between urbanization and eco-environment is judged to be non-linear and it can be explained by a double-exponential function formed by the combination of power and exponential functions. Then, the evolutionary types of the interactive coercing relationship are divided into nine ones: rudimentary coordinating, ecology-dominated, synchronal coordinating, urbanization lagging, stepwise break-in, exorbitant urbanization, fragile ecology, rudimentary break-in and unsustainable types. Finally, based on an interactive coercion model, the degree of interactive coercion can be examined, and then, an evolutionary cycle can be divided into four phases, namely rudimentary symbiosis, harmonious development, utmost increasing and spiral type rising. The study results offer a scientific decision-making of healthy urbanization for achieving the goal of eco-environment protection and promoting urbanization. 展开更多
关键词 生态环境保护 健康城市化 胁迫效应 交互 双指数函数 进化类型 共生理论 城市化进程
Structure of Chinese City Network as Driven by Technological Knowledge Flows 被引量:32
作者 MA Haitao fang chuanglin +1 位作者 PANG Bo WANG Shaojian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期498-510,共13页
Based on patent cooperation data,this study used a range of city network analysis approaches in order to explore the structure of the Chinese city network which is driven by technological knowledge flows.The results r... Based on patent cooperation data,this study used a range of city network analysis approaches in order to explore the structure of the Chinese city network which is driven by technological knowledge flows.The results revealed the spatial structure,composition structure,hierarchical structure,group structure,and control structure of Chinese city network,as well as its dynamic factors.The major findings are:1) the spatial pattern presents a diamond structure,in which Wuhan is the central city;2) although the invention patent knowledge network is the main part of the broader inter-city innovative cooperation network,it is weaker than the utility model patent;3) as the senior level cities,Beijing,Shanghai and the cities in the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta Region show a strong capability of both spreading and controlling technological knowledge;4) whilst a national technology alliance has preliminarily formed,regional alliances have not been adequately established;5) even though the cooperation level amongst weak connection cities is not high,such cities still play an important role in the network as a result of their location within ′structural holes′ in the network;and 6) the major driving forces facilitating inter-city technological cooperation are geographical proximity,hierarchical proximity and technological proximity. 展开更多
关键词 中国城市 网络结构 技术知识 流驱动 珠江三角洲 网络分析方法 合作网络 实用新型专利
Urban Construction Land Suitability Evaluation Based on Improved Multi-criteria Evaluation Based on GIS(MCE-GIS): Case of New Hefei City,China 被引量:19
作者 ZHANG Xiaorui fang chuanglin +1 位作者 WANG Zhenbo MA Haitao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期740-753,共14页
Urban construction land suitability evaluation(UCLSE)is a complex system engineering and the basis for rational use of the limited urban land resources in China.It has an important practical value on urban constructio... Urban construction land suitability evaluation(UCLSE)is a complex system engineering and the basis for rational use of the limited urban land resources in China.It has an important practical value on urban construction land use planning and management from the angle of methodology.As a widely used technique,traditional multi-criteria evaluation based on GIS(MCE-GIS),is not suitable for UCLSE.This study develops an improved MCE-GIS method which could be more suitable for UCLSE based on urban complex ecological system theory and the summary of the shortcomings of traditional MCE-GIS.The improvements include three aspects:a composite evaluation index system rather than natural indexes alone,an index weight calculated by using fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)method rather than the common AHP method,and the integrated overlay rule,which includes selecting the minimum value,weighted linear combination(WLC)and simple summation.The main advantage of this improved technique is that it can make UCLSE more comprehensive,more operational and more reasonable.It can provide a scientific basis for decision making in the planning and management of urban construction land use.The improved MCE-GIS system has been adopted in the New Hefei City,Anhui Province,China.Based on the results of UCLSE in New Hefei,three functional areas including construction-appropriate areas,construction-restricted areas and construction-forbidden areas could be worked out,in which 36.90%of the total study area could be developed as urban construction land and the remaining 63.10%should be protected as reserves land or as ecological land.Furthermore,the results can provide scientific decision support for spatial planning and eco-environment protection in New Hefei. 展开更多
关键词 城市建设用地 GIS系统 适宜性评价 标准评价 合肥市 中国 模糊层次分析法 综合评价指标体系
A New Approach to Measurement of Regional Inequality in Particular Directions 被引量:18
作者 WANG Yang fang chuanglin +1 位作者 XIU Chunliang LIU Daqian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期705-717,共13页
Regional inequality is a core issue in geography,and it can be measured by several approaches and indexes.However,the global inequality measures can not reflect regional characteristics in terms of spatiality and non-... Regional inequality is a core issue in geography,and it can be measured by several approaches and indexes.However,the global inequality measures can not reflect regional characteristics in terms of spatiality and non-mobility,as well as correctly explore regional inequality in particular directions.Although conventional between-group inequality indexes can measure the inequality in particular directions,they can not reflect the reversals of regional patterns and changes of within-group patterns.Therefore,we set forth a new approach to measure regional inequality in particular directions,which is applicable to geographic field.Based on grouping,we established a new index to measure regional inequality in particular directions named Particular Direction Inequality index(PDI index),which is comprised of between-group inequality of all data and between-group average gap.It can reflect regional spatiality and non-mobility,judge the main direction of regional inequality,and capture the changes and reversals of regional patterns.We used the PDI index to measure the changes of regional inequality from 1952 to 2009 in China.The results show that:1) the main direction of China's regional inequality was between coastal areas and inland areas;the increasing extent of inequality between coastal areas and inland areas was higher than the global inequality;2) the PDI index can measure the between-region average gap,and is more sensitive to evolution of within-region patterns;3) the inequality between the northern China and the southern China has been decreasing from 1952 to 2009 and was reversed in 1994 and 1995. 展开更多
关键词 收入差距 区间 测量 中国北部 地理区域 内陆地区 海岸地区 PDI
Optimization Transmission Theory and Technical Pathways that Describe Multiscale Urban Agglomeration Spaces 被引量:16
作者 fang chuanglin YANG Junyan +2 位作者 fang Jiawen HUANG Xiejun ZHOU Yi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期543-554,共12页
Urban agglomerations are spatial entities that promote the development of ‘new urbanization' processes within China. In this context, the concept of ‘multiscale urban agglomeration spaces' encompasses three ... Urban agglomerations are spatial entities that promote the development of ‘new urbanization' processes within China. In this context, the concept of ‘multiscale urban agglomeration spaces' encompasses three linked levels: macroscale urban agglomerations, mesoscale cities, and microscale urban centers. Applying a series of multidisciplinary integrated research methods drawn from geography, urban planning, and architecture, this paper reveals two intensive utilization laws that can be generalized to apply to multiscale urban agglomeration spaces, top-to-bottom ‘positive transmission' linkage and inside-to-outside ‘negative transmission' movement. This paper also proposes optimization transmission theory and policy decision technical pathways that can be applied to these three urban agglomeration spatial scales. Specific technical pathways of transmission include intensive expansion and simulated decision-making in macroscale urban agglomerations, ecology, production, and living space intensive layout and dynamic decision-making in mesoscale cities, and four cores(i.e., ‘single, ring, axis, and pole core') progressive linkage and intensive optimization decision-making in microscale urban centers. The theory and technical pathways proposed in this paper solve the technical problem of optimization and provide intensive methods that can be applied not only at the individual level but also at multiple scales in urban agglomeration spaces. This study also advances a series of comprehensive technical solutions that can be applied to both compact and smart growth cities as well as to urban agglomerations. Solid theoretical support is provided for the optimization of Chinese land development, urbanization, agricultural development, and ecological security. 展开更多
关键词 传播理论 优化决策 多尺度 城市 技术 小径 空格 综合研究方法
Comprehensive Measurement for Carrying Capacity of Resources and Environment of City Clusters in Central China 被引量:12
作者 fang chuanglin LIU Xiaoli 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期281-288,共8页
Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has important practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy, sustainable and stable development of this reg... Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has important practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy, sustainable and stable development of this region. According to their influencing factors and reciprocity mechanism, using system dynamics approaches, this paper built a SD model for measuring the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the city clusters in the central China, and through setting different development models, the comprehensive measurement analysis on the carrying capacity was carried out. The results show that the model of promoting socio-economic development under the protection of resources and environment is the optimal model for promoting the harmony development of resources, environment, society and economy in the city clusters. According to this model, the optimum population scale of the city clusters in 2020 is 42.80×106 persons, and the moderate economic development scale is 22.055×1012 yuan (RMB). In 1996-2020, the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the city clusters took on obvious phase-change characteristics. During the studied period, it is basically at the initial development stage, and will come through the development process from slow development to speedup development. 展开更多
关键词 资源承载力 环境容量 城市群 中国 综合测量 社会经济发展 环境承载能力 系统动力学方法
Mutual optimization of water utilization structure and industrial structure in arid inland river basins of Northwest China 被引量:14
作者 BAO Chao fang chuanglin CHEN Fan 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第1期87-98,共12页
Water is a key restricting factor of the economic development and eco-environmental protection in arid inland river basins of Northwest China. Although water supplies are short, the water utilization structure and the... Water is a key restricting factor of the economic development and eco-environmental protection in arid inland river basins of Northwest China. Although water supplies are short, the water utilization structure and the corresponding industrial structure are unbalanced. We constructed a System Dynamic Model for mutual optimization based on the mechanism of their interaction. This model is applied to the Heihe River Basin where the share of limited water resources among ecosystem, production and human living is optimized. Results show that, by mutual optimization, the water utilization structure and the industrial structures fit in with each other. And the relationships between the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin can be harmonized. Mutual benefits of ecology, society and economy can be reached, and a sustainable ecology-production-living system can be obtained. This study gives a new insight and method for the sustainable utilization of water resources in arid inland river basins. 展开更多
关键词 water utilization structure industrial structure mutual optimization System Dynamic Model arid inland river basins Northwest China
Evaluation of Three-dimensional Urban Expansion: A Case Study of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China 被引量:10
作者 QIN Jing fang chuanglin +2 位作者 WANG Yang LI Guangdong WANG Shaojian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期224-236,共13页
With rapid urban development in China in the last two decades, the three-dimensional(3D) characteristic has been the main feature of urban morphology. However, the vast majority of researches of urban growth have focu... With rapid urban development in China in the last two decades, the three-dimensional(3D) characteristic has been the main feature of urban morphology. However, the vast majority of researches of urban growth have focused on the planar area(two-dimensional(2D)) expansion. Few studies have been conducted from a 3D perspective. In this paper, the 3D urban expansion of the Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China from 2003 to 2012 was evaluated based on Geographical Information System(GIS) tools and high-resolution remote sensing images. Four indices, namely weighted average height of buildings, volume of buildings, 3D expansion intensity and 3D fractal dimension are used to quantify the 3D urban expansion. The weighted average height of buildings and the volume of buildings are used to illustrate the temporal change of the 3D urban morphology, while the other two indices are used to calculate the expansion intensity and the fractal dimension of the 3D urban morphology. The results show that the spatial distribution of the high-rise buildings in Yangzhou has significantly spread and the utilization of the 3D space of Yangzhou has become more efficient and intensive. The methods proposed in this paper laid a foundation for a wide range of study of 3D urban morphology changes. 展开更多
关键词 三维空间 城市扩展 扬州市 江苏省 中国 评价 高分辨率遥感影像 城市形态
Measurement and Spatio-temporal Distribution of Urbanization Development Quality of Urban Agglomeration in China 被引量:12
作者 WANG Deli fang chuanglin +2 位作者 GAO Boyang HUANG Jinchuan YANG Qingshan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期695-707,共13页
Urbanization development quality(UDQ) of urban agglomeration(UA) is one of the important indexes to evaluate if the UA urbanization speed is reasonable,if the population urbanization process is sound,if the economic u... Urbanization development quality(UDQ) of urban agglomeration(UA) is one of the important indexes to evaluate if the UA urbanization speed is reasonable,if the population urbanization process is sound,if the economic urbanization process is efficient,if the social urbanization process is harmonious and fair,which is generally composed of three parts,including economic urbanization development quality,social urbanization development quality and spa-tial urbanization security quality.With the research of evolution rules of UDQ,through the analysis on the interactive coordination relation between UDQ and urbanization level,the paper proposes three dimensional index ball and stan-dard value of comprehensive measures of UDQ,which is composed of three categories of indexes.By introducing At-kinson model,this paper constructs the sub-element measure model and segmental measure model of UDQ,and fur-ther makes an overall evaluation on the characteristic of UDQ of UAs in China.Results show that:1) UDQ of UAs lied at optimization and upgrading phase during 1995-2008 and the quality was low.Population urbanization level did not reflect the UDQ of UAs;2) the improving speed of the spatial urbanization security quality was higher than the so-cial urbanization development quality,and the improving speed of economic urbanization development quality was the lowest;3) the coordination between UDQ and urbanization level was not so good;4) there was a weak correlation re-lation between UDQ and UA scale,and it was not true that the bigger the UA was,the better the UDQ was. 展开更多
关键词 urbanization development quality (UDQ) urbanization speed comprehensive measure model urban ag-glomeration (UA)
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