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“有限开卷”考试在理工科专业课考核中的应用实践 被引量:3
作者 张晓梅 冯承涛 +2 位作者 马祥梅 胡劲松 邢宏龙 《安徽化工》 CAS 2018年第6期123-125,共3页
针对目前理工科专业课考核中占60%~70%的笔试部分存在重点考查学生对知识的记忆和理解,忽略学科和课程的性质和特点等问题,提出在理工科专业课考核的笔试部分采用"有限开卷"的方法,引导学生主动学习,达到提高学生综合能力和... 针对目前理工科专业课考核中占60%~70%的笔试部分存在重点考查学生对知识的记忆和理解,忽略学科和课程的性质和特点等问题,提出在理工科专业课考核的笔试部分采用"有限开卷"的方法,引导学生主动学习,达到提高学生综合能力和自主学习能力的目标。 展开更多
关键词 理工科专业课 “有限开卷”考试 主动学习 综合能力 自主学习能力
ADS-B信号交织概率仿真与分析 被引量:2
作者 朱栋 冯成涛 +1 位作者 储开斌 宦娟 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2021年第3期30-33,45,共5页
ADS-B技术自应用之初就面临与二次雷达应答信号的同频交织问题。针对ADS-B信号交织概率估计问题,在假定ADS-B信号与二次雷达应答信号在单位时间内随机到达某ADS-B地面接收站的条件下,通过仿真得到ADS-B信号交织概率的数值解。在适应离... ADS-B技术自应用之初就面临与二次雷达应答信号的同频交织问题。针对ADS-B信号交织概率估计问题,在假定ADS-B信号与二次雷达应答信号在单位时间内随机到达某ADS-B地面接收站的条件下,通过仿真得到ADS-B信号交织概率的数值解。在适应离散随机事件求解概率问题的经典泊松分布和二项分布数学模型的框架下对数值解进行分析,得到两种数学模型中关键参数的表达式,并相互印证其正确性,从而获得基于数学模型的ADS-B信号交织概率的估计算法。 展开更多
关键词 广播式自动相关监视 交织概率 仿真 参数估计
RAIU测定参数结合SPECT功能显像对甲亢^(131)I治疗剂量评估的临床价值 被引量:1
作者 郑皓 冯成涛 +5 位作者 赵继华 王梓延 章艺蓉 王学红 冯娇娇 朱高红 《中国医学装备》 2021年第5期51-55,共5页
目的:探讨甲状腺放射性碘^(131)(^(131)I)摄取(RAIU)测定参数结合单光子发射型电子计算机断层扫描(SPECT)甲状腺显像对甲状腺机能亢进症(甲亢)^(131)I治疗剂量评估的临床价值。方法:选取医院收治的132例^(131)I治疗的甲亢患者,采用SPEC... 目的:探讨甲状腺放射性碘^(131)(^(131)I)摄取(RAIU)测定参数结合单光子发射型电子计算机断层扫描(SPECT)甲状腺显像对甲状腺机能亢进症(甲亢)^(131)I治疗剂量评估的临床价值。方法:选取医院收治的132例^(131)I治疗的甲亢患者,采用SPECT常规测量甲状腺重量,并根据解剖重量、功能重量和综合评估重量3种方法进行甲状腺重量计算,依据每种方法计算的甲状腺重量将患者分为<25 g组(32例)、25~40 g组(36例)、40~60 g组(32例)和>60 g组(32例)。使用甲状腺功能测定仪(甲吸仪)测量所有患者口服^(131)I后2 h、4 h和24 h于8.5 cm、13 cm及18 cm检测距离的RAIU,采用不同重量计算方法评估甲亢^(131)I治疗活度。结果:在服用Na^(131)I后2 h、4 h和24 h的3个时间点,<25 g组、25~40 g组、40~60 g组和>60 g组4组甲吸仪在8.5 cm、13 cm和18 cm的相同工作距离参数下所测RAIU比较,差异均有统计学意义(F2 h=59.715,F=67.523,F=64.502;F4 h=67.450,F=78.270,F=65.425;F_(24 h)=48.635,F=38.307,F=43.098;P<0.01);<25 g组、>60 g组在8.5 cm、13 cm和18 cm测量工作距离参数下所测RAIU比较,差异均有统计学意义(F_(<25 g组)=3.254,F=3.824,F=7.104;F_(>60 g组)=5.604,F=4.939,F=6.931;P<0.05);<25 g组、>60 g组在甲吸仪工作距离为18 cm时所测得的RAIU均显著高于8.5 cm。在解剖重量、功能重量和综合评估重量3种计算方法下,<25 g组、25~40 g组、40~60 g组和>60 g组4组甲吸仪在8.5 cm、13 cm和18 cm的相同工作距离参数下所测RAIU计算得到^(131)I治疗活度比较,差异均有统计学意义(F_(解剖)=207.781,F=207.904,F=231.516;F_(功能)=143.475,F=136.560,F=169.575;F_(综合)=197.658,F=194.809,F=247.637;P<0.01);<25 g组、>60 g组在8.5 cm、13 cm和18 cm测量工作距离参数下计算得到的^(131)I治疗活度比较,差异均有统计学意义(F_(<25g组)=3.203,F=2.968,F=5.517;F>60g组=3.763,F=3.276,F=3.229;P<0.05),<25 g组、>60 g组在甲吸仪工作距离为18 cm时计算得到的^(131)I治疗活度均显著高于8.5 cm。解剖重量、功能重量和综合评估重量3种计算方法中25~40 g组的^(131)I活度差异均无统计学意义,综合评估重量方法中<25 g组、40~60 g组和>60 g组的^(131)I活度均大于功能重量方法,差异均有统计学意义(F_(<25 g组)=4.400,F=4.887,F=4.855;F40~60 g组=7.442,F=7.179,F=8.503;F_(>60 g组)=12.264,F=10.861,F=15.927;P<0.05),40~60 g组、>60 g组的^(131)I活度均大于解剖重量方法,且解剖重量方法在>60 g组^(131)I活度大于功能重量方法。结论:对于不同重量甲状腺应选择不同参数测定RAIU,并通过引入功能重量修正,使^(131)I治疗甲亢导致永久性甲状腺机能减退症(甲减)并发症较高的原因得到纠正。 展开更多
关键词 工作距离参数 甲状腺摄^(131)I率(RAIU) 功能重量 甲亢 ^(131)I治疗活度
“电子技术”课程设计的项目化教学改革探索--以数字化超声波发生器电路为例 被引量:8
作者 朱栋 冯成涛 储开斌 《教育教学论坛》 2021年第35期57-60,共4页
为提高应用型本科院校电子工程专业学生对“电路分析”“模拟电子技术”“数字电子技术”等课程中理论知识的应用能力,在“电子技术”课程设计这门实践类课程中,以数字化超声波发生器电路为案例,引入项目化教学方法。超声波发生器涵盖... 为提高应用型本科院校电子工程专业学生对“电路分析”“模拟电子技术”“数字电子技术”等课程中理论知识的应用能力,在“电子技术”课程设计这门实践类课程中,以数字化超声波发生器电路为案例,引入项目化教学方法。超声波发生器涵盖“三电”课程、“EDA技术”课程、“数字信号处理”课程中多个重要知识点,其电路工作原理为振荡电路与超声波换能器组成RLC串联谐振电路,并利用反馈环控制振荡电路的频率以实现换能器谐振频率的跟踪。经过该项目的实践,能够极大地加深学生对电路理论的理解、提高对电路相关开发软件与常规仪器仪表的应用能力,能使学生初步具备解决复杂工程问题的能力,课程所导向的教学目标明确,契合工程教育的要求与理念。 展开更多
关键词 “电子技术”课程设计 项目化教学 数字化超声波发生器 教学改革
作者 朱栋 冯成涛 +1 位作者 储开斌 宦娟 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2021年第11期58-61,66,共5页
作为实现广播式自动相关监视的主要技术之一,1090ES信号在目标监视领域得到广泛应用。但随着民航飞行量的增加,它与二次雷达应答信号的同频交织问题日益严重。为了降低ADS-B地面站对1090ES信号误码和漏检概率,提出了利用电磁波散射的方... 作为实现广播式自动相关监视的主要技术之一,1090ES信号在目标监视领域得到广泛应用。但随着民航飞行量的增加,它与二次雷达应答信号的同频交织问题日益严重。为了降低ADS-B地面站对1090ES信号误码和漏检概率,提出了利用电磁波散射的方向性,从空间域上实现交织信号分离的技术。利用有限元差分时域法,对双介质圆形散射体进行散射电磁场仿真,由散射场的方向分布可得,两个入射角相近的电磁波信号经过散射以后其行进方向发生较大变化,从而实现交织信号空间上的分离。 展开更多
关键词 1090扩展电文 解交织 有限元差分时域仿真 电磁场散射
In silico target fishing for the potential bioactive components contained in Huanglian Jiedu Tang(HLJDD) and elucidating molecular mechanisms for the treatment of sepsis 被引量:6
作者 MA Shi-Tang feng cheng-tao +6 位作者 DAI Guo-Liang SONG Yue ZHOU Guo-Liang ZHANG Xiao-Lin MIAO Cheng-Gui YU Hao JU Wen-Zheng 《Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期30-40,共11页
The present study was designed to target fish for potential bioactive components contained in a Huang Lian Jie Du decoction(HLJDD) and identify the underlying mechanisms of action for the treatment of sepsis at the mo... The present study was designed to target fish for potential bioactive components contained in a Huang Lian Jie Du decoction(HLJDD) and identify the underlying mechanisms of action for the treatment of sepsis at the molecular level. he bioactive components database of HLJDD was constructed and the sepsis-associated targets were comprehensively investigated. The 3D structures of the PAFR and TXA2 R proteins were established using the homology modelling(HM) method, and the molecular effects for sepsis treatment were analysed by comparing the bioactive components database and the sepsis targets using computational biology methods. The results of the screening were validated with biological testing against the human oral epidermal carcinoma cell line KB in vitro. We found that multiple bioactive compounds contained in the HLJDD interacted with multiple targets. We also predicted the promising compound leads for sepsis treatment, and the first 28 compounds were characterized. Several compounds, such as berberine, berberrubine and epiberberine, dose-dependently inhibited PGE2 production in human KB cells, and the effects were similar in the presence or absence of TPA. This study demonstrates a novel approach to identifying natural chemical compounds as new leads for the treatment of sepsis. 展开更多
关键词 Natural products Sepsis target In silico target fishing PGE2 inhibition
In Silico System Pharmacology for the Potential Bioactive Ingredients Contained in Xingnaojing Injection (醒脑静注射液) and Its Material Basis for Sepsis Treatment 被引量:4
作者 MA Shi-tang feng cheng-tao +3 位作者 XIONG You-xi ZHANG Xiao-lin MIAO Cheng-gui YU Hao 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第12期944-949,共6页
Objective: To elucidate the action mechanism of Xingnaojing Injection (醒脑静注射液, XNJI) for sepsis, and to target screen the potential bioactive ingredients. Methods: An integrated protocol that combines in sil... Objective: To elucidate the action mechanism of Xingnaojing Injection (醒脑静注射液, XNJI) for sepsis, and to target screen the potential bioactive ingredients. Methods: An integrated protocol that combines in silico target screen (molecular docking) and database mapping was employed to find the potential inhibitors from XNJI for the sepsis-related targets and to establish the compound-target (C-T) interaction network. The XNJI's bioactive components database was investigated and the sepsis-associated targets were comprehensively constructed; the 3D structure of adenosine receptor A2a and 5-1ipoxygenase proteins were established and evaluated with homology modeling method; system network pharmacology for sepsis treatment was studied between the bioactive ingredients and the sepsis targets using computational biology methods to distinguish inhibitors from non inhibitors for the selected sepsis-related targets and C-T network construction. Results: Multiple bioactive compounds in the XNJI were found to interact with multiple sepsis targets. The 32 bioactive ingredients were generated from XNJI in pharmacological system, and 21 potential targets were predicted to the sepsis disease; the biological activities for some potential inhibitors had been experimentally confirmed, highlighting the reliability of in silico target screen. Further integrated C-T network showed that these bioactive components together probably display synergistic action for sepsis treatment. Conclusions: The uncovered mechanism may offer a superior insight for understanding the theory of the Chinese herbal medicine for combating sepsis. Moreover, the potential inhibitors for the sepsis-related targets may provide a good source to find new lead compounds against sepsis disease. 展开更多
关键词 Xingnaojing Injection sepsis targets in silico system pharmacology network pharmacology
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