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作者 朱思洁 李江荣 +2 位作者 付芳伟 张波 郭亮娜 《吉林林业科技》 2024年第3期34-39,共6页
由于复杂特殊的生长环境,树线交错带植物形成了独特的形态结构和生理生态学特性。本文综述了国内外学者在树线交错带植物形态适应特征、解剖结构特征、生理生态学特性等方面的研究进展,并提出研究展望,为进一步探究全球气候变化情况下... 由于复杂特殊的生长环境,树线交错带植物形成了独特的形态结构和生理生态学特性。本文综述了国内外学者在树线交错带植物形态适应特征、解剖结构特征、生理生态学特性等方面的研究进展,并提出研究展望,为进一步探究全球气候变化情况下植物对环境的响应机理及间接预测气候变化提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 树线交错带 植物 形态结构 生理生态学特性
Correlations and stoichiometric characteristics of C,N,and P contents in Juniperus saltuaria plants,litter,and soil in the Sygera Mountains,southeastern Xizang,China
作者 GUO Liangna LI Jiangrong +6 位作者 fu fangwei ZHANG Bo ZHU Sijie LIU Yuzhuo LI Jieting CHEN Ganggang ZHANG Yibo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第12期4254-4268,共15页
Research on the multicomponent synergistic relationships between plants,litter,and soil from the perspective of ecological stoichiometry helps to understand nutrient cycling and distribution mechanisms within ecosyste... Research on the multicomponent synergistic relationships between plants,litter,and soil from the perspective of ecological stoichiometry helps to understand nutrient cycling and distribution mechanisms within ecosystems.This study focused on Juniperus saltuaria,the dominant tree species in the forestline ecotone of Sygera Mountains,southeastern Xizang,China.We systematically measured and analyzed the Carbon(C),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus(P)contents and their relationships in plants(leaves,branches,trunks,fine roots),litter(undecomposed layer,partially decomposed layer,fully decomposed layer),and soil(0-10 cm,10-20 cm,20-40 cm)at different slope positions.The results showed significant differences in the C,N,and P contents and stoichiometry of plants and soil at different slope positions,while no significant differences were observed among litter layers.At the same slope position,the C,N,and P contents in leaves and surface soil were the highest,with soil nutrients significantly decreasing with increasing depth.For litter,the C content in the undecomposed layer was significantly higher than that in the partially and fully decomposed layers while the P content showed the opposite trend.Surface soil(0-20 cm)exhibited a decoupled relationship with plants but a coupled relationship with litter while deep soil(20-40 cm)showed a coupled relationship with plants.J.saltuaria showed faster growth rates on uphill slope.In this study area,J.saltuaria exhibited consistent trends of N,P,and N:P ratios homeostasis across different slope positions and organs,with leaves and fine roots both limited by N.Significant interactive effects between plants,litter,and soil nutrients were observed across different slope positions.Positive correlations were found between leaf and litter,and between fine root and leaf while the relationships between litter and soil,and between soil and fine root,varied.This study helps improve our understanding of the nutrient interactions between plants,litter,and soil in dominant species of alpine forest ecosystems,as well as their ecological adaptation mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 Leaf-litter-soil system Slope position C:N:P stoichiometry Forestline ecotone Nutritional restriction Juniperus saltuaria
色季拉山6种典型林型土壤生态化学计量特征 被引量:2
作者 肖思颖 付芳伟 +3 位作者 李江荣 陈文盛 丁慧慧 李月瑶 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期120-130,172,共12页
【目的】为探讨不同林分类型对土壤生态化学计量特征的影响,揭示藏东南色季拉山林区森林生态系统养分限制及循环规律。【方法】在藏东南色季拉山林区分布的6种典型林型(方枝柏、急尖长苞冷杉、林芝云杉、川滇高山栎、高山松、华山松)内... 【目的】为探讨不同林分类型对土壤生态化学计量特征的影响,揭示藏东南色季拉山林区森林生态系统养分限制及循环规律。【方法】在藏东南色季拉山林区分布的6种典型林型(方枝柏、急尖长苞冷杉、林芝云杉、川滇高山栎、高山松、华山松)内设置样地,采集0~10、10~20和20~40 cm土层土壤样品,对土壤pH值、有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、全钾(TK)含量进行测定,并计算土壤养分化学计量比。【结果】1)6种林型土壤pH值均呈酸性,随土层加深而增大,SOC、TN含量表现为林芝云杉林>方枝柏林>急尖长苞冷杉林>高山栎林>华山松林>高山松林,分别为10.48~54.02 g/kg、0.49~2.57 g/kg,且随土层加深而降低。2)6种林型0~10 cm土层C︰P、C︰K显著高于20~40 cm土层,而C︰N、P︰K没有随土层加深而变化;川滇高山栎林、高山松林和急尖长苞冷杉林土壤N︰P、N︰K在不同土层间存在显著差异。3个土层6种林型的土壤C︰N、C︰K、N︰K差异不显著,而N︰P存在显著差异,主要表现为川滇高山栎林显著高于高山松林。3)不同林型土壤养分含量与生态化学计量比的相关关系无一致规律,土壤SOC、TN、TP之间呈极显著正相关(P <0.001),C︰P、C︰K、N︰K、N︰P与SOC、TN呈显著正相关(P <0.05、P <0.01、P <0.001),与TK呈显著负相关(P <0.05、P <0.01),而土壤C︰N与P︰K、N︰K之间不存在显著相关关系。【结论】在色季拉山林区,高山松林土壤SOC、TN含量较缺乏,其他5种林型土壤SOC、TN含量整体较高;6种林型土壤TP含量较低,均受到P限制。 展开更多
关键词 色季拉山 典型林型 土壤养分 化学计量特征
金属硫酸盐预处理增强小麦秸秆的酶解糖化特性 被引量:1
作者 徐双 王凯晴 +3 位作者 霍丹 付方伟 杨秋林 张凤山 《天津造纸》 2020年第4期20-24,共5页
将不同类型的金属硫酸盐用于小麦秸秆预处理,探索其对木质纤维原料的降解及后续酶解糖化的影响机制。结果表明:金属硫酸盐预处理能够高效降解和溶出小麦秸秆中的半纤维素(聚戊糖)和酸溶木素,而纤维素和酸不溶木素的降解损失较小。经金... 将不同类型的金属硫酸盐用于小麦秸秆预处理,探索其对木质纤维原料的降解及后续酶解糖化的影响机制。结果表明:金属硫酸盐预处理能够高效降解和溶出小麦秸秆中的半纤维素(聚戊糖)和酸溶木素,而纤维素和酸不溶木素的降解损失较小。经金属硫酸盐预处理后,固体基质中纤维素的酶解转化率显著提高,特别是采用Fe_2(SO_4)_3预处理时的纤维素酶解转化率高达88.3%。此外,金属硫酸盐中金属离子的化合价对其预处理效果和固体基质的酶解糖化有重要影响,其中三价金属硫酸盐的影响最强,一价金属硫酸盐的影响最弱。 展开更多
关键词 金属硫酸盐 预处理 半纤维素 酶解糖化
作者 陈文盛 丁慧慧 +3 位作者 李江荣 付芳伟 李月瑶 肖思颖 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期682-693,共12页
明确色季拉高山树线交错带的小气候特征,为深入开展高山树线维持机制研究提供基础数据。基于2018—2020年色季拉山树线交错带(急尖长苞冷杉树线交错带和方枝柏树线交错带)自动气象站及不同生境空气-土壤温湿度的连续观测,分析了两种树... 明确色季拉高山树线交错带的小气候特征,为深入开展高山树线维持机制研究提供基础数据。基于2018—2020年色季拉山树线交错带(急尖长苞冷杉树线交错带和方枝柏树线交错带)自动气象站及不同生境空气-土壤温湿度的连续观测,分析了两种树线交错带的总体小气候特征及3个生境(林下、灌木、林隙)温度、水分条件的变化特征。结果表明:两种树线交错带最热月均温8.71~9.32℃,最冷月均温-7.23~-9.08℃,年均温0.55~0.88℃,气温年较差15.95~18.40℃,年生物温度2.79~3.33℃,温暖指数与寒冷指数分别为9.15~12.94℃·月-1、-60.22~-64.98℃·月-1,以空气温度定义的生长季均温和生长季长度分别为7.45~8.31℃、106~136 d,以10 cm土壤温度定义的生长季均温和生长季长度则分别为6.06~7.01℃、120~141 d;两种树线交错带不同生境的地上温度和水分条件均较为相似,而地下层面温度和水分条件最优的均是林隙,但其土壤温度日振幅大,同时林下的土壤温度均小于其他生境,出现了“凉脚”效应;以土壤温度定义的生长季要比以空气温度定义的滞后约1个月,林隙的空气均温、土壤均温、土壤含水量较大,林隙与灌木的冻害事件频率多、强度大、持续时间长。色季拉山树线交错带内不同生境的小气候特征的差异主要表现在土壤温度、生长季温度以及生长季内冻害事件的发生。 展开更多
关键词 色季拉山 树线交错带 气候指标 温度 生长季
作者 付方伟 武国芳 +1 位作者 任海青 钟永 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期198-207,共10页
锯材力学性能指标的确定方法包括清材小试件和足尺试件两种测试方法。我国传统原木方木结构体系中木材的设计指标主要是基于清材小试件获得,而基于足尺试件确定设计指标的差异性相关研究有待深入。因此,选取774根目测分级杉木锯材,开展... 锯材力学性能指标的确定方法包括清材小试件和足尺试件两种测试方法。我国传统原木方木结构体系中木材的设计指标主要是基于清材小试件获得,而基于足尺试件确定设计指标的差异性相关研究有待深入。因此,选取774根目测分级杉木锯材,开展足尺试件和清材小试件抗弯性能的力学测试、数理统计、可靠度分析和相互关系研究。研究结果表明:目测等级对足尺试件抗弯性能的影响大于其对清材小试件抗弯性能的影响;采用Lognormal分布能够较好地拟合抗弯强度尾部概率分布;清材小试件、足尺试件目测等级为Ⅰ_(c)、Ⅱ_(c)/Ⅲ_(c)、Ⅳ_(c)满足目标可靠度要求的抗弯承载力抗力分项系数分别为1.34、1.11、1.15、1.42;足尺试件目测等级为Ⅰ_(c)、Ⅱ_(c)/Ⅲ_(c)、Ⅳ_(c)的抗弯弹性模量平均值分别为清材小试件抗弯弹性模量平均值的1.16、1.13、1.08倍,抗弯强度设计值分别为清材小试件抗弯强度设计值的1.37、1.12、0.76倍。 展开更多
关键词 锯材 杉木 清材小试件 足尺试件 目测等级 抗弯性能 可靠度
Linear recurring sequences and subfield subcodes of cyclic codes 被引量:2
作者 GAO ZhiHan fu fangwei 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第7期1413-1420,共8页
Linear recurring sequences over finite fields play an important role in coding theory and cryptography. It is known that subfield subcodes of linear codes yield some good codes. In this paper, we study linear recurrin... Linear recurring sequences over finite fields play an important role in coding theory and cryptography. It is known that subfield subcodes of linear codes yield some good codes. In this paper, we study linear recurring sequences and subfield subcodes. Let Mqm(f(x)) denote the set of all linear recurring sequences over Fqm with characteristic polynomial f(x) over Fqm . Denote the restriction of Mqm(f(x)) to sequences over Fq and the set after applying trace function to each sequence in Mqm(f(x)) by Mqm(f(x)) | Fq and Tr( Mqm(f(x))), respectively. It is shown that these two sets are both complete sets of linear recurring sequences over Fq with some characteristic polynomials over Fq. In this paper, we firstly determine the characteristic polynomials for these two sets. Then, using these results, we determine the generator polynomials of subfield subcodes and trace codes of cyclic codes over Fqm . 展开更多
关键词 linear recurring sequences characteristic polynomial cyclic codes subfield subcodes trace codes
作者 fu fangwei SHEN Shiyi(Department Of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tiawtn 300071, China) 《Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences》 SCIE EI CSCD 1998年第2期168-174,共7页
When the error probability is less than 2--"", the minimum compression rate(r-optimal rate) of arbitrarily varying source with a fidelity criterion is determined. Thisgeneralizes the result of Arutyunyan and... When the error probability is less than 2--"", the minimum compression rate(r-optimal rate) of arbitrarily varying source with a fidelity criterion is determined. Thisgeneralizes the result of Arutyunyan and Mekaushll] for discrete memoryless source witha fidelity criterion, and is called strong coding theorem of arbitrarily varying source witha fidelity criterion. We also determine the asymptotic error exponellt for arbitrarily varying source with a fidelity criterion. This generalizes Marton’s result in [2] for discretememoryless source with a fidelity criterion. 展开更多
关键词 Arbitrarily VARYING sourcel CODING THEOREM error EXPONENT information quantity RATE-DISTORTION theory.
Construction of compressed sensing matrices based on affine symplectic space over finite fields
作者 Wang Gang Niu Minyao fu fangwei 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2018年第6期74-80,共7页
The compressed sensing matrices based on affine symplectic space are constructed. Meanwhile, a comparison is made with the compressed sensing matrices constructed by DeVore based on polynomials over finite fields. Mor... The compressed sensing matrices based on affine symplectic space are constructed. Meanwhile, a comparison is made with the compressed sensing matrices constructed by DeVore based on polynomials over finite fields. Moreover, we merge our binary matrices with other low coherence matrices such as Hadamard matrices and discrete fourier transform(DFT) matrices using the embedding operation. In the numerical simulations, our matrices and modified matrices are superior to Gaussian matrices and DeVore’s matrices in the performance of recovering original signals. 展开更多
关键词 compressed sensing COHERENCE SPARSITY affine symplectic space finite fields
Hypothesis Testing for Arbitrarily Varying Source
作者 fu fangwei Shen Shiyi Department of Mathematics Nankai University Tianjin, 300071 China 《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 SCIE CSCD 1996年第1期33-39,共7页
Hypothesis testing for arbitrarily varying source (AVS), which is to decide between the two hypotheses for the varying behavior of the distribution of AVS, is considered in this paper. We determine the best asymptotic... Hypothesis testing for arbitrarily varying source (AVS), which is to decide between the two hypotheses for the varying behavior of the distribution of AVS, is considered in this paper. We determine the best asymptotic exponent of the second kind of error probability when the first kind of error probability is fixed. This result generalizes the well-known lemma of Stein in statistics. As a corollary, Strassen’s coding theorem for AVS is obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Hypothesis testing Stein lemma Arbitrarily varying source Coding theorem
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