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基于临床CT数字体相关和有限元分析的股骨内部变形场研究 被引量:1
作者 王家宁 符绩智 +2 位作者 冯文天 宋霏 杨海胜 《北京生物医学工程》 2024年第1期9-14,42,共7页
目的验证基于临床CT的数字体相关(digital volume correlation,DVC)方法在测量股骨内部变形场时的准确性,并通过DVC进一步测量股骨在跌倒情况下的内部变形,验证基于临床CT的有限元分析方法(finite element analysis,FEA)在计算股骨内部... 目的验证基于临床CT的数字体相关(digital volume correlation,DVC)方法在测量股骨内部变形场时的准确性,并通过DVC进一步测量股骨在跌倒情况下的内部变形,验证基于临床CT的有限元分析方法(finite element analysis,FEA)在计算股骨内部变形场的准确性。方法使用猪股骨,模拟侧向跌倒姿态,进行分步力学加载实验,同步进行多次CT成像。通过重复扫描和虚拟位移验证DVC方法的准确性。DVC以子体积作为配准两组图像的研究对象,分别设置8、12、16和20 mm的子体积进行测试。量化误差指标包括位移系统误差-平均值(mean)、位移随机误差-标准差(standard deviation,SD)、应变准确度-平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAER)和应变精确度-标准差误差(standard deviation of the error,SDER)。基于CT图像建立股骨有限元模型,模拟实验条件,计算股骨内部位移,与DVC测量的内部变形场对比验证。结果基于临床CT的DVC方法重复扫描位移偏差小于0.013 mm,MAER和SDER均小于200με;虚拟位移偏差小于0.098 mm,MAER为1093~1687με,SDER为604~1267με,远小于骨组织屈服应变。FEA计算的位移和DVC测量的位移之间具有较强的相关性(R^(2)≥0.76,P<0.05)。结论基于临床CT的DVC方法可以准确测量股骨内部变形场,并且基于临床CT的有限元模型可以准确计算股骨内部变形场。 展开更多
关键词 CT图像 有限元分析 数字体相关 骨质疏松 股骨骨折
同轴偏视场共孔径面阵成像光学系统设计 被引量:6
作者 赵宇宸 何欣 +4 位作者 冯文田 刘强 付亮亮 谭进国 孟庆宇 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期208-215,共8页
随着对空间信息获取能力的要求不断提高,使得高分辨率动态遥感成为空间光学领域一个新的研究热点。偏视场同轴三反光学系统具有长焦距、体积小、轻量化程度和成像质量高等特点,能够满足低轨视频卫星高分辨率、多谱段、多功能性和低成本... 随着对空间信息获取能力的要求不断提高,使得高分辨率动态遥感成为空间光学领域一个新的研究热点。偏视场同轴三反光学系统具有长焦距、体积小、轻量化程度和成像质量高等特点,能够满足低轨视频卫星高分辨率、多谱段、多功能性和低成本的要求,因此在高分辨率动态遥感领域有着广泛的应用前景。以高斯光学和三反射消像差理论为基础,设计了可见光面阵成像、近红外和中红外线阵推扫成像的共孔径光学系统。可见光系统焦距4.1 m,近红外系统焦距2.6 m,中红外系统焦距1.85 m,三者孔径均为520 mm,视场均为0.6°×0.6°,成像质均接近衍射极限,成像质量良好。系统总长小于f′_(visible)/3.7,且系统的加工和装配公差较为宽松,易于实现。 展开更多
关键词 光学设计 面阵成像 同轴三反光学系统 共孔径 公差分析
深紫外光刻投影物镜的三维偏振像差 被引量:2
作者 贺文俊 贾文涛 +3 位作者 冯文田 郑阳 刘智颖 付跃刚 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期237-244,共8页
深紫外光刻投影物镜是光刻机的核心部件,然而无论是照明光场偏振态的空间分布,还是光刻投影物镜自身的偏振像差都将改变光束的紧聚焦特性,对成像质量造成不可忽略的影响。基于三维琼斯矩阵,把偏振像差函数推广到三维空间,建立了三维相... 深紫外光刻投影物镜是光刻机的核心部件,然而无论是照明光场偏振态的空间分布,还是光刻投影物镜自身的偏振像差都将改变光束的紧聚焦特性,对成像质量造成不可忽略的影响。基于三维琼斯矩阵,把偏振像差函数推广到三维空间,建立了三维相干光场中偏振像差的评价方法,并分析了典型的偏振敏感光学系统——深紫外光刻投影物镜的三维偏振像差,详细阐述了其物理意义。研究发现:三维偏振像差函数的光瞳分布与视场、光学薄膜以及光学系统的自身结构密切相关。深入讨论了光学薄膜及偏振效应对光刻投影物镜成像质量的影响,进一步研究了照明光场的偏振态分布与光学系统波像差的关系,研究表明:光学薄膜引入的附加位相将导致光刻投影物镜的像质明显下降,而采用径向矢量光场照明可以改善成像质量。 展开更多
关键词 偏振 光刻投影物镜 偏振像差 像质评价 波像差
太阳同步轨道二维变姿态空间相机的外热流计算 被引量:3
作者 李世俊 陈立恒 +1 位作者 冯文田 吴愉华 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期275-284,共10页
为了得到准确的二维变姿态空间相机外热流数据,提出了一种在J2000坐标系下进行二维变姿态空间相机的外热流算法。首先,在J2000坐标系下确定了相机的位置、太阳的位置及其辐射强度;其次,根据空间相机的视轴始终指向太阳的工作特点及太阳... 为了得到准确的二维变姿态空间相机外热流数据,提出了一种在J2000坐标系下进行二维变姿态空间相机的外热流算法。首先,在J2000坐标系下确定了相机的位置、太阳的位置及其辐射强度;其次,根据空间相机的视轴始终指向太阳的工作特点及太阳的位置,计算出其在极端情况下的二维姿态角;然后,根据得到的姿态角计算出姿态变换矩阵。最后,利用Matlab编程计算出一个轨道周期内的不变姿态以及二维变姿态条件下的复杂外热流。该方法计算得到的不变姿态外热流与I-deas/TMG软件得到的结果能够很好地吻合。与姿态不变的相机相比,相机二维姿态的变化会导致其外热流发生较大的变化,尤其是入光口所在的-Y面,其太阳直射热流的波动范围为0~1 394 W/m^2。得到的姿态角为热仿真模型姿态的调整提供了重要参考。由变姿态外热流数据可以看出,-Z面的外热流最小,其最大平均外热流小于4 W/m^2。另外±X面和+Y面的外热流也较小,±X面最大平均外热流小于80 W/m^2,+Y面最大平均外热流小于110 W/m^2。在实际应用中,由于卫星平台的遮挡,±X面和+Y面的外热流会更小,因此可以将-Z面,±X面和+Y面作为散热面,为热设计工作提拱了很好的指导。 展开更多
关键词 热设计 变姿态 热仿真 外热流 空间相机
评估椎体骨质疏松性骨折风险的生物力学CT方法 被引量:1
作者 冯文天 宋霏 +2 位作者 高兴 程晓光 杨海胜 《医用生物力学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期621-626,共6页
骨质疏松症以骨强度下降和骨折风险增大为特征,其最严重的后果是引发骨折,且以椎体骨折最为常见。早期精准评估骨折风险是鉴别高风险人群进而预防骨质疏松性骨折的关键。目前临床评估椎体骨折风险主要依靠双能X射线吸收测定法(dual ener... 骨质疏松症以骨强度下降和骨折风险增大为特征,其最严重的后果是引发骨折,且以椎体骨折最为常见。早期精准评估骨折风险是鉴别高风险人群进而预防骨质疏松性骨折的关键。目前临床评估椎体骨折风险主要依靠双能X射线吸收测定法(dual energy X-ray absorptiometry,DXA)或定量计算机断层扫描(quantitative computed tomography,QCT)检测骨密度,但其不能完全体现骨强度和抗骨折特性,存在评估不准确的问题。基于CT数字建模和有限元分析的生物力学CT(biomechanical CT,BCT)技术,以无创计算椎体骨强度为目标,架起了生物力学应用于临床评价骨折风险的桥梁。椎体离体力学实验已证实,BCT较骨密度可更准确地评估椎体骨折强度。临床研究也表明,BCT在鉴别既存骨折和预测新发骨折方面显著优于DXA骨密度。本文介绍BCT技术的实现流程,以及各环节中影响计算结果的关键参数,并总结BCT离体验证和在体评估椎体骨折风险的研究进展,以期推动BCT技术在临床评估中国人椎体骨折风险中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 骨质疏松 椎体骨折 生物力学CT 骨强度 骨密度
结合光谱解混与压缩感知的高光谱图像有损压缩 被引量:1
作者 王忠良 冯文田 粘永健 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第A01期189-196,共8页
压缩传感技术可以利用远少于奈奎斯特采样定理所获得的采样数据进行信号的鲁棒性重建。因此,该技术在计算资源和存储空间均受限的高光谱图像压缩中具有很大的应用潜力。提出了一种基于压缩感知与光谱解混的高光谱图像压缩算法。在编码... 压缩传感技术可以利用远少于奈奎斯特采样定理所获得的采样数据进行信号的鲁棒性重建。因此,该技术在计算资源和存储空间均受限的高光谱图像压缩中具有很大的应用潜力。提出了一种基于压缩感知与光谱解混的高光谱图像压缩算法。在编码端,分别通过空间采样和光谱采样来实现图像采样点的压缩;然后,对采样数据的空间与谱问相关性进行了研究。为了提高压缩性能,采用谱线性预测去除采样后的谱间相关性,利用JPEG—LS对预测误差进行编码来生成最终的比特流。在解码端,首先解码比特流以获得采样数据;采用光谱解混技术对原始高光谱图像进行重构,克服了传统压缩感知重建的诸多不足。针对机载可见/红外成像光谱仪数据的实验结果表明,该算法比JPEG2000和DCT—JPEG2000具有更好的压缩性能,并具有较低的计算复杂度。 展开更多
关键词 高光谱图像 压缩感知 光谱去相关 光谱解混
Electron Capture to Continuum of Transfer Ionization in 30 keV/u He2+ on Argon Collision
作者 Zhang Ruitian Ma Xinwen +9 位作者 Zhang Shaofen Zhu Xiaolong feng wentian Guo Dalong Li Bin Liu Huiping Wang Jianguo Yan Shuncheng Zhang Pengju Wang Qian 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2011年第1期179-179,共1页
关键词 电子捕获 转移电离 碰撞 连续状态 电离过程 ECC 离子
4 - 6 Dynamics of Transfer Ionization in p-He Collisions at Intermediate Energies
作者 Guo Dalong Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 Zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong feng wentian Zhang Ruitian Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期182-182,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4 - 4 Image of Emitted Electrons in Transfer Ionization in 80 keV/u Ne8+-Helium Collision
作者 feng wentian Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 Zhu Xiaoolong Li Bin Yan Shuncheng Guo Dalong Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期180-180,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4 - 7 Experimental Investigation of Ejected Electron Azimuth Angle in 30 keV/u He2+ on Argon Collisions
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xin wen +10 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong feng wentian Zhang Ruitian Guo Dalong Li Bin Wen Weiqiang Yan Shuncheng Xu Shenyue Zhang Pengju Qian Dongbin Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2013年第1期183-183,共1页
关键词 英语 阅读 理解 物理研究
4-11 Nucleus-nucleus Interactions in Transfer Ionization of He2+ -He Collisions
作者 feng wentian Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Yan Shuncheng Zhang Ruitian Guo Dalong Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期189-189,共1页
The transfer ionization of atom by ion impact offers a very suitable test ground of quantum many-body problem[1],because the final state involves three particles (the projectile, the emitted electron and the recoil io... The transfer ionization of atom by ion impact offers a very suitable test ground of quantum many-body problem[1],because the final state involves three particles (the projectile, the emitted electron and the recoil ion). The experimentaltechniques are available to perform kinematically complete measurements on these processes now.The experiment was performed using a reaction microscope at the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS[2]. Thedata was analyzed in terms of Dalitz spectrum which is presented in Fig. 1. In this figure, the Dalitz plot is 展开更多
4-10 Classical-trajectory Monte Carlo method for the Investigation of the Dynamics of Ion-atom Collisions
作者 Guo Dalong Ma Xinwen +4 位作者 Zhang Shaofeng Zhu Xiaolong feng wentian Zhang Ruitian Gao Yong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期188-188,共1页
The reaction microscope (COLTRIMS as well) is a novel technique for the investigation of the dynamics ofion-atoms collisions. Exploiting this technique, a large variety of kinematically complete experiments on electro... The reaction microscope (COLTRIMS as well) is a novel technique for the investigation of the dynamics ofion-atoms collisions. Exploiting this technique, a large variety of kinematically complete experiments on electrontransfer and ionization have been performed. However, the understanding of these experimental results is farfrom satisfactory, especially for collision energy in the intermediate-energy range. The classical-trajectory MonteCarlo method (CTMC) proposed by Abrines and Percival[1] shed some light on the problem. This method has ademonstrated region of applicability in the intermediate-energy range. 展开更多
4-16 Triple Coincidence (e, γ2e) Experiment for Ionization-excitation of Helium*
作者 Xu Shenyue Ma Xinwen +9 位作者 Zhao Qiushuang Yan Shuncheng Zhang Pengju Zhu Xiaolong Yang Jie feng wentian Zhao Dongmei Zhang Shaofeng Zhang Dacheng Qian Dongbing 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期193-194,共2页
Electron induced ionization-excitation (IE) of helium is a basic four-body Coulomb problem in which all thefour charged particles are actively involved. It is much more challenging to both experiment and theory in con... Electron induced ionization-excitation (IE) of helium is a basic four-body Coulomb problem in which all thefour charged particles are actively involved. It is much more challenging to both experiment and theory in contrastto direct ionization with the residual He+ ion in the ground state. The 2s or 2p separated TDCS data, especially atlow incident energy range where the high order effects are expected to play a significant role, would offer the moststringent test to theoretical models. However, only one experiment at high incident energy achieved the TDCSs for2p state till now due to the small cross section and the low detection efficiency for multi-coincidence events[1]. 展开更多
4-15 Electron Emission in the Transfer Ionization Process of Intermediate Multi-charged Ion - He Collisions
作者 Zhang Ruitian feng wentian +8 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Guo Dalong Gao Yong Qian Dongbin Li Bin Yan Shuncheng Xu Shenyue Zhang Pengju Ma Xinwen 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期193-193,共1页
The momentum projecting techniques have been well applied so as to explore the mechanisms of electronemissions as well as the dynamical effects which influenced the momentum distribution of the electrons ionized inion... The momentum projecting techniques have been well applied so as to explore the mechanisms of electronemissions as well as the dynamical effects which influenced the momentum distribution of the electrons ionized inion-atom collisions[1??3]. Usually, the emitted electrons will be projected onto the scattering plane, which was definedas the plane containing the initial and the final momentum vectors of the projectile, considering the conservationlaws and rotational symmetry around the beam axis. It is well known that the ejected electrons will be influencedsimultaneously by a combined coulomb potential from the recoil ions and the projectile ions. Qualitatively, this 展开更多
4-6 Measurement of the Ratio of C3+ and O4+ Ions Produced by ECR Source to Prepare a Laser Cooling Experiment at Storage Rings
作者 Zhu Xiaolong Wen Weiqiang +16 位作者 Ma Xinwen Li Jinyu feng wentian Zhang Ruitian Yan Shuncheng Guo Dalong Hai Bang Qian Dongbin Zhang Pengju Xu Shenyue Zhao Dongmei Yang Jie Zhang Dacheng Li Bin Gao Yong Huang Zhongkui Wang Hanbing 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期184-184,共1页
The cooling of heavy ions can provide high-quality beams that are especially important for high-precisionexperimental nuclear and atomic physics. The laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at the experimental coo... The cooling of heavy ions can provide high-quality beams that are especially important for high-precisionexperimental nuclear and atomic physics. The laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at the experimental coolerstorage ring (CSRe) is being currently prepared at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) in Lanzhou. An electroncyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) will be used to produce C3+ ion beams. Meanwhile, O4+ ions could alsobe produced due to residual gas because of the same mass-to-charge ratio. Therefore, both C3+ and O4+ ion beamswill be injected and circulate in a storage ring during the laser cooling experiment at the same time. A higher ratioof C3+ ions will lead to a better result for the laser cooling experiment. 展开更多
关键词 Measurement RATIO IONS
4-14 Observation of Double Scattering of Relatively High-energy Electrons in He2+-argon Collisions
作者 Gao Yong Ma Xinwen +5 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong feng wentian Zhang Ruitian Guo Dalong Yan Shuncheng Zhao Dongmei 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期192-192,共1页
We have investigated the single capture with simultaneous single ionization in He2+ collisions with argon bymeans of reaction microscopes[1]. Here, we report the dependence of the azimuth angle (φe) of the relatively... We have investigated the single capture with simultaneous single ionization in He2+ collisions with argon bymeans of reaction microscopes[1]. Here, we report the dependence of the azimuth angle (φe) of the relatively high-energy electrons (kinetic energy > 20 eV) on the transversal recoil momentum (pr⊥) in single capture with doubleionization process for 30 keV/u He2+ collisions with Ar. It is noted that the relatively high-energy electrons mainlyresult from binary encounter (BE) between the target electrons and the projectiles for the present reaction channel. 展开更多
High Negative Ion Production Yield in 30 keV F2+ + Adenine Collisions
作者 Li Bin Ma Xinwen +10 位作者 Zhu Xiaolong Zhang Shaofeng Liu Huiping feng wentian Qian Dongbin Zhang Dacheng L. Chen R. Bredy G. Montagne J. Bernard S. Martin 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2008年第1期118-118,共1页
关键词 负离子 碰撞后 产量高 腺嘌呤 F2代 富勒烯C60 能量控制 目标产量
Heavy Ion Induced Fragmentation of Adenine Biomolecule
作者 Ma Xinwen Li Bin +8 位作者 Li Chen Richard Bredy Zhu Xiaolong Liu Huiping Zhang Shaofeng feng wentian Qian Dongbing Cao Shiping Zhang Dacheng 《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 2006年第1期99-99,共1页
关键词 腺嘌呤 生物分子 重离子 诱导 分裂 离子化放射
Introduction of Magnet Division's Key Work in 2019
作者 Yao Qinggao Wu Wei +5 位作者 Yang Wenjie Ni Dongsheng Zhang Xiang Zhang Jingjing Mei Enming feng wentian 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2019年第1期254-259,共6页
Last year,the MTG(Magnet Technology Group)undertaken the magnet development formany accelerators such as High Intensity heavy ion Accelerator Facility(HIAF),China initiative Accelerator Driven System(CiADS),Space.Envi... Last year,the MTG(Magnet Technology Group)undertaken the magnet development formany accelerators such as High Intensity heavy ion Accelerator Facility(HIAF),China initiative Accelerator Driven System(CiADS),Space.Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure(SESRI). 展开更多
A Compact,Flexible Low Energy Experimental Platform of Highly Charged Ions for Atomic Physics Experimental Research
作者 Zhu Xiaolong Ma Xinwen +17 位作者 Li Jinyu M.Schmidt feng wentian Peng Haibo Xu Jiawei G.Zschornack Liu Huiping Zhang Tongmin Zhao Dongmei Guo Dalong Huang Zhongkui Zhou Xianmin Gao Yong Cheng Rui Wang Hanbing Yang Jie Kang Long 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2019年第1期71-71,共1页
A new,compact and exible low energy experimental platform of highly charged ions(HCIs)based on an electron beam ion source of the Dresden EBIS-A type is presented.The so-called IMP EBIS-A Facility of the Institute of ... A new,compact and exible low energy experimental platform of highly charged ions(HCIs)based on an electron beam ion source of the Dresden EBIS-A type is presented.The so-called IMP EBIS-A Facility of the Institute of Modern Physics(IMP)in Lanzhou is designed as a user facility for the state-resolved charge exchange studies in HCIs with atoms and molecules collisions by cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy(COLTRIMS). 展开更多
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