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含水大陆下地壳的部分熔融:大别山C型埃达克岩成因探讨 被引量:13
作者 张超 马昌前 francois holtz 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期41-51,共11页
根据大陆下地壳的成分、含水基性岩体系部分熔融的基本原理和实验岩石学资料,本文对大陆下地壳的熔融机制展开了讨论,并在此基础上对比实验熔体与大别山C型埃达克岩的成分,进而探讨约束源岩成分、熔融的温压条件和部分熔融程度。研究结... 根据大陆下地壳的成分、含水基性岩体系部分熔融的基本原理和实验岩石学资料,本文对大陆下地壳的熔融机制展开了讨论,并在此基础上对比实验熔体与大别山C型埃达克岩的成分,进而探讨约束源岩成分、熔融的温压条件和部分熔融程度。研究结果表明,大陆下地壳总体上是中-基性(SiO250%~60%)和含少量水的,在缺乏流体相条件下伴随含水矿物脱水的部分熔融是下地壳产生含水长英质熔体和无水残留体的主要机制。角闪岩在中等压力下(1.0~1.2GPa,相当于35~40km)理论上能够产生石榴石含量超过~20%的熔融残余,从而使得与之平衡的长英质熔体具有低Y,高Sr/Y和La/Yb比值等埃达克岩特征。基于水活度模型和变质基性岩p-t相图的估算显示,含有40%~60%角闪石的源岩(含水0.8%~1.2%)在~950℃能够得到最大为15%~20%的熔体,该熔体分数满足熔体分离的要求。大别山C型埃达克岩主要为高钾钙碱性系列(K2O3.5%~5%),与实验熔体成分的对比可知,其无法由低钾源岩在合理的部分熔融程度形成。根据钾在角闪岩部分熔融过程过表现为强不相容元素的原理,利用合理假设的残余体组合得到的分配系数,估算K2O含量为~1%的源岩在熔融程度为15%~20%的情况下能够得到类似大别山C型埃达克岩成分的熔体。 展开更多
关键词 C型埃达克岩 大陆下地壳 角闪岩 部分熔融 大别山
关于“含水中基性大陆下地壳部分熔融能形成C型埃达克岩吗?”的回复 被引量:1
作者 张超 马昌前 francois holtz 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期381-384,共4页
焦永玲等对笔者发表在《高校地质学报》2012年第18卷第1期的“含水大陆下地壳的部分熔融:大别山C型埃达克岩成因探讨”一文提出质疑。针对他们的问题,笔者进行了回复,并提出:(1)大别山C型埃达克岩的源岩可能是基性的(SiO2含量50... 焦永玲等对笔者发表在《高校地质学报》2012年第18卷第1期的“含水大陆下地壳的部分熔融:大别山C型埃达克岩成因探讨”一文提出质疑。针对他们的问题,笔者进行了回复,并提出:(1)大别山C型埃达克岩的源岩可能是基性的(SiO2含量50%左右),但是比较准确的成分估计还需要进一步研究(2)变质含水基性岩(角闪岩)在1.0~1.2GPa压力下(相当于35~40km)可以形成含石榴石20%以上的残余体;(3)中钾的角闪岩(K2O含量1%左右)部分熔融可以形成高钾钙碱性长英质熔体(K2O含量3.5%~5%)。 展开更多
关键词 C型埃达克岩 大陆下地壳 角闪岩 部分熔融 大别山
二云母花岗岩与含硼流体反应的实验研究:对电气石花岗岩成因的启示 被引量:2
作者 成里宁 张超 +3 位作者 杨晓松 祁冬梅 周永胜 francois holtz 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1772-1787,共16页
了解不同类型花岗岩的成因联系是认识花岗质岩浆形成和演化过程的关键.文章报道了在600~700℃、200MPa条件下,含硼(B)流体与二云母花岗岩的交代反应实验,重点研究了温度和流体B含量对交代反应产物的影响.实验结果表明,富B流体与二云母... 了解不同类型花岗岩的成因联系是认识花岗质岩浆形成和演化过程的关键.文章报道了在600~700℃、200MPa条件下,含硼(B)流体与二云母花岗岩的交代反应实验,重点研究了温度和流体B含量对交代反应产物的影响.实验结果表明,富B流体与二云母花岗岩反应可以形成电气石花岗岩.在700℃条件下,富B流体的加入会使二云母花岗岩发生部分熔融(包括黑云母和白云母含水部分熔融),电气石从部分熔融熔体中结晶.对比实验显示,增加流体的B含量能够明显促进二云母花岗岩的部分熔融以及电石气的生长. 600℃实验中未产生熔体,富B流体使黑云母发生分解,形成磁铁矿,其余Fe、Mg和Al与流体中的B结合形成电气石,黑云母分解产生的K与斜长石中Na发生Na/K离子交换,为电气石结晶提供了Na.实验产生的电气石普遍具有核-边结构,显示矿物结晶过程伴随熔体或者流体成分的改变.由实验结果可以推断,含B花岗质岩浆房结晶晚期脱挥发分作用产生的富B流体在上升运移过程中,可能与岩浆房边缘相的二云母花岗岩发生反应,形成电气石花岗岩岩株或岩脉.本研究表明,岩浆演化晚期富B流体参与的自交代反应可能是电气石花岗岩的重要成因之一. 展开更多
关键词 电气石 淡色花岗岩 水岩反应 高温高压实验 喜马拉雅
Experimental investigation of reactions between two-mica granite and boron-rich fluids: Implications for the formation of tourmaline granite 被引量:1
作者 Lining CHENG Chao ZHANG +3 位作者 Xiaosong YANG Dongmei QI Yongsheng ZHOU francois holtz 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第10期1630-1644,共15页
The genetic relationship between different types of granite is critical for understanding the formation and evolution of granitic magma. Fluid-rock interaction experiments between two-mica leucogranite and boron-rich ... The genetic relationship between different types of granite is critical for understanding the formation and evolution of granitic magma. Fluid-rock interaction experiments between two-mica leucogranite and boron-rich fluids were carried out at 600–700°C and 200 MPa to investigate the effects of boron content in fluid and temperature on the reaction products. Our experimental results show that tourmaline granite can be produced by reactions between boron-rich fluid and two-mica granite.At 700°C, the addition of boron-rich fluid resulted in partial melting of two-mica granite and crystallization of tourmaline from the boron-rich partial melt. Increasing boron concentration in fluid promotes the melting of two-mica granite and the growth of tourmaline. No melt was produced in experiments at 600°C, in which Fe, Mg and Al released from biotite decomposition combined with boron from the fluid to form tourmaline under subsolidus conditions. The Na required for tourmaline crystallization derived from Na/K exchange between feldspar and the K released by biotite decomposition. The produced tourmaline generally has core-rim structures, indicating that the composition of melt or fluid evolved during tourmaline crystallization.Based on the experimental results, we propose that tourmaline granite veins or dikes can be formed by the reactions between boron-rich fluids, presumably produced by devolatilization of boron-bearing granitic magma, and incompletely crystallized granite at the top of the magma chamber. This 'self-metasomatism' involving boron-rich fluid in the late stage of magma crystallization could be an important mechanism for the formation of tourmaline granite. 展开更多
关键词 TOURMALINE LEUCOGRANITE Fluid-rock REACTIONS HIGH pressure and HIGH temperature experiment HIMALAYA
Experiments on the Saturation of Fluorite in Magmatic Systems: Implications for Maximum F Concentration and Fluorine-Cation Bonding in Silicate Melt 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoyan Li Chao Zhang +2 位作者 Lianxun Wang Harald Behrens francois holtz 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期456-467,共12页
The effects of melt composition,temperature and pressure on the solubility of fluorite(CaF2),i.e.,fluorine concentration in silicate melts in equilibrium with fluorite,are summarized in this paper.The authors present ... The effects of melt composition,temperature and pressure on the solubility of fluorite(CaF2),i.e.,fluorine concentration in silicate melts in equilibrium with fluorite,are summarized in this paper.The authors present a statistic study based on experimental data in literature and propose a predictive model to estimate F concentration in melt at the saturation of fluorite(CFin melt^Fl-sat).The modeling indicates that the compositional effect of melt cations on the variation in can be expressed quantitatively as one parameter FSI(fluorite saturation index):FSI=(3Al^NM+Fe^2++6Mg+Ca+1.5Na-K)/(Si+Ti+Al^NF+Fe^3+),in which all cations are in mole,and Al^NF and Al^NM are A1 as network-forming and network-modifying cations,respectively.The dependence of CFin melt^Fl-sat on FSI is regressed as:CFin melt^Fl-sat=1.130-2.014·exp(1000/T)+2.747·exp(P/T)+0.111·CmeltH2O+17.641·FSI,in which T is temperature in Kelvin,P is pressure in MPa,CmeltH2O is melt H2O content in wt.%,and CFin melt^Fl-sat is in wt.%(normalized to anhydrous basis).The reference dataset used to establish the expression for conditions within 540-1010℃,50-500 MPa,0-7 wt.%melt H2O content,0.4 to 1.7 for A/CNK,0.3 wt.%-7.0 wt.%for CFin melt^Fl-sat.The discrepancy of CFin melt^Fl-sat between calculated and measured values is less than±0.62 wt.%with a confidence interval of 95%.The expression of FSI and its effect on CFin melt^Fl-sat indicate that fluorine incorporation in silicate melts is largely controlled by bonding with network-modifying cations,favorably with Mg,Al^NM,Na,Ca and Fe^2+in a decreasing order.The proposed model for predicting CFin melt^Fl-sat is also supported by our new experiments saturated with magmatic fluorite performed at 100-200 MPa and 800-900℃.The modeling of magma fractional crystallization emphasizes that the saturation of fluorite is dependent on both the compositions of primary magmas and their initial F contents. 展开更多
关键词 FLUORINE fluorite solubility silicate melt experimental petrology
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