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阿尔金断裂带年代学和阿尔金山隆升 被引量:84
作者 刘永江 franz neubauer +5 位作者 葛肖虹 Johann Genser 袁四化 李伟民 巩庆林 陈元忠 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期134-146,188,共14页
对阿尔金山断裂带内变形的中生代剪切带中眼球状片麻岩、糜棱岩化花岗片麻岩和新生代剪切带中强变形绿片岩系列样品中同构造新生云母矿物的^40Ar-^39Ar法定年,获得了164.3—178.4Ma和26.3—36.4Ma两组年龄。结合阿尔金走滑断裂水... 对阿尔金山断裂带内变形的中生代剪切带中眼球状片麻岩、糜棱岩化花岗片麻岩和新生代剪切带中强变形绿片岩系列样品中同构造新生云母矿物的^40Ar-^39Ar法定年,获得了164.3—178.4Ma和26.3—36.4Ma两组年龄。结合阿尔金走滑断裂水平错距的研究,认为164.3—178.4Ma的年龄代表阿尔金走滑断裂带的起始活动时间(早侏罗世末—中侏罗世),尔后分别在距今100—85Ma,40—25Ma和10—8Ma发生多次脉冲式走滑活动。新生代沉积物研究表明上干柴沟组和下干柴沟组砂岩骨架矿物成份含量明显不同,随时间变化,石英含量减少,岩屑组份和不稳定矿物含量增加,分选性逐渐变差。这表明阿尔金山在渐新世(下干柴沟组时期)开始发生明显的隆升。地震和柴达木—塔里木盆地沉积速率资料显示在晚中新世山体也发生了一次强烈的隆升。七个泉组(上新世末—早更新世初)和下伏沉积物(上新世中期)之间的角度不整合反映了最后一次强烈隆升事件发生在晚上新世。多数隆升事件和阿尔金断裂带新生代脉冲式活动的同位素年龄完全一致,表明阿尔金山的隆升和断裂带的活动具有密切的成因联系。 展开更多
关键词 ^40AR-^39AR年龄 同位素年代学 山体隆升 位移量 阿尔金断裂
柴达木盆地北缘晚中生代—新生代构造应力场——来自构造节理分析的证据 被引量:33
作者 任收麦 葛肖虹 +4 位作者 刘永江 乔德武 尹成明 franz neubauer Johann GENSER 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期877-887,共11页
柴达木盆地的构造演化,尤其是中、新生代的构造演化历史及其影响程度一直存在争议。在冷湖0号、冷湖4号、鄂博梁、结绿素等剖面开展了野外构造节理测量,应用地层恢复技术,分析了柴北缘晚中生代—新生代构造应力场的演化过程。结果表明:... 柴达木盆地的构造演化,尤其是中、新生代的构造演化历史及其影响程度一直存在争议。在冷湖0号、冷湖4号、鄂博梁、结绿素等剖面开展了野外构造节理测量,应用地层恢复技术,分析了柴北缘晚中生代—新生代构造应力场的演化过程。结果表明:晚侏罗世之后,柴北缘主要受东西方向的挤压,这与区域上的研究结果一致;早白垩世北西—南东向的挤压应力可能再次影响了侏罗系;晚白垩世受南北挤压应力的影响,地层隆升遭受剥蚀;始新世下干柴沟期至上新世狮子沟期,柴北缘处于弱活动时期,接受稳定沉积;上新统狮子沟组沉积之后,由于阿尔金山的隆升,盆地北缘主体受北西—南东向应力的影响,涉及地层包括上干柴沟组、下油砂山组和上油砂山组;早、中更新世七个泉期之后,受南北向构造应力场的强烈影响,在狮子沟组、上油砂山组和下油砂山组中都有其分量,较老地层的地表露头中也有记录,这期构造运动对柴北缘油气运聚具有破坏和二次成藏的作用。因此,围绕柴北缘其他地质剖面开展更进一步的构造节理测量和分析工作,对油气资源勘探具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 柴达木盆地北缘 晚中生代-新生代 构造演化 节理
造山带挤出构造 被引量:28
作者 曾佐勋 杨巍然 +2 位作者 franz neubauer 刘立林 郭铁鹰 《地质科技情报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期1-7,共7页
挤出构造模式已经从二维变形进入三维变形研究。在喜马拉雅造山带 ,高喜马拉雅结晶地体沿北倾的主中央逆冲断层和北倾的绒布寺正断层 ,表现为相对刚性体之间的韧性体的楔状挤出。非连续介质大变形有限元数值模拟结果为这一模式提供了力... 挤出构造模式已经从二维变形进入三维变形研究。在喜马拉雅造山带 ,高喜马拉雅结晶地体沿北倾的主中央逆冲断层和北倾的绒布寺正断层 ,表现为相对刚性体之间的韧性体的楔状挤出。非连续介质大变形有限元数值模拟结果为这一模式提供了力学依据。在前人工作的基础上 ,提出了东阿尔卑斯三维管状挤出模式。将上部脆性层划分出北部左行平移带 ,南部右行平移带和中部挤出楔。中部韧性层在南阿尔卑斯和欧洲前陆碰撞过程中 ,既有垂向挤出 ,也有侧向挤出。在平行缩短方向的剖面上 ,由箱状背形隆起演化成逆—逆断层组合的楔状挤出 ,形成三角断面的管状。在垂直缩短方向的剖面上 ,中部韧性层呈不均匀流动 ,形成管状层流——韧性层中心为纯剪切 ,上部和侧部为简单剪切。在陕甘川邻接区 ,由于祁连山—北秦岭加里东造山带向南的推挤和川西前陆的刚性阻挡 ,造成西秦岭和东松潘—甘孜复合造山体的三维滑脱挤出。以北西西向玛曲—略阳滑脱逆冲断裂和北东向青川—茂县滑脱逆冲断裂为界 ,将陕甘川邻接区的三维滑脱挤出复合造山体划分为西秦岭滑脱挤出带、摩天岭—若尔盖滑脱挤出楔和龙门山滑脱挤出逆冲推覆带。以近南北向岷江滑脱逆冲断裂为界将滑脱挤出楔进一步划分成摩天岭滑脱挤出体和若尔盖滑脱挤出体。除了不同构造单? 展开更多
关键词 挤出构造 造山带 喜马拉雅 阿尔卑斯 韧性体 数值模拟
松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带中北段尼尔基L型构造岩构造年代学及其构造意义 被引量:11
作者 韩国卿 刘永江 +4 位作者 franz neubauer Johann GENSER 梁琛岳 温泉波 赵英利 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1922-1934,共13页
松辽盆地西缘与大兴安岭东缘的边界断裂带,又称嫩江-八里罕断裂带,位于东北地区中部,中亚造山带东段。断裂带呈NNE走向,沿内蒙古自治区、黑龙江省与吉林省的交界,一直向南延伸至河北省境内与平场-桑园大断裂相接,全长1200km。该断裂带... 松辽盆地西缘与大兴安岭东缘的边界断裂带,又称嫩江-八里罕断裂带,位于东北地区中部,中亚造山带东段。断裂带呈NNE走向,沿内蒙古自治区、黑龙江省与吉林省的交界,一直向南延伸至河北省境内与平场-桑园大断裂相接,全长1200km。该断裂带传统认识上被认为是一条NNE向的大型正断层或拆离断层。目前对于断裂带性质的研究主要集中在其北段的嫩江断裂,但侧重区域地球物理方面,通过布格重力异常、航磁异常、深反射剖面研究确定了断裂带的走向、展布位置,及伸展拆离断层或大型低角度正断层的性质;其南段断裂带(红山-八里罕断裂)的研究,主要与喀喇沁隆起的形成时间、性质、演化阶段等方面相联系;然而对断裂带中段的嫩江-八里罕断裂的研究少有报道。近期,我们报导了嫩江-白令海断裂带岭下及白城地区发现的具有左旋走滑性质的韧性剪切带,并同断裂带南段的红山-八里罕断裂带楼子店地区进行系统的对比。通过对岭下地区韧性剪切带详细的野外调查、构造要素测量、显微构造研究、同构造变形岩石的有限应变分析、石英EBSD组构分析以及白云母40Ar/39Ar年代学研究,我们认为岭下韧性剪切带与楼子店韧性剪切带的变形特征一致,证实了红山-八里罕断裂带至少可以向北延伸至中段岭下地区,其性质同为左行走滑韧性剪切带,并具有相同的早期走滑时限(~130Ma)。本次,我们进一步对嫩江-白令海断裂带中北段尼尔基地区韧性剪切带进行研究,通过对带内韧性变形岩石构造要素系统测量和统计、显微构造观察、有限应变测量等方面的研究,表明其岩石类型属L型构造岩,具左行剪切特征。综合分析发现除构造岩的类型(岭下与楼子店地区发育S-L型构造岩),其余与岭下与楼子店地区韧性剪切带性质相同。另外,年代学表明L型花岗质岩石中发育的锆石,1)呈自形具有致密的韵律环带,且Th/U比值介于0.06至1.25之间,显示了岩浆成因特点;2)年龄大体分为两个区间258~403Ma(n=5)和207~174Ma(n=15,加权平均年龄为190.0±6.1Ma);3)较老年龄258~403Ma的锆石普遍具有"核-边"结构,证实了该区域存在多期古生代岩浆事件。207~174Ma的锆石中,两粒锆石呈现~190Ma核部年龄,反映了区域内曾经历了早侏罗世的一次强烈的岩浆侵入事件,此后尼尔基地区韧性剪切带形成于中侏罗世(~170Ma),而并非是前人认为的二叠纪。白云母激光40Ar/39Ar年代学显示了一个稳定的年龄坪为158.99±0.61Ma。通过显微构造的观测发现长石残斑与S-C组构指示了左行韧性剪切特征,其动态重结晶主要为膨凸式特点(BLG)。而石英颗粒边界相嵌现象明显,为亚晶粒旋转(SR)向颗粒边界迁移(GBM)重结晶过渡阶段。综合长石和石英的重结晶特征指示,其变质条件为高绿片岩相,变形温度在500℃左右,显然高于白云母的封闭温度(300~400℃),故此我们认为尼尔基左行韧性剪切带的快速隆升时间应为中晚侏罗世(158.99±0.61Ma)。结合最新发表的东北地区黑龙江蓝片岩(前人称之"黑龙江群")与郯庐断裂带北段两个分支(佳依断裂与敦密断裂)的年代学数据,以及西太平洋板块的俯冲速度和方向的相关证据,我们认为1)嫩江-八里罕断裂可能经历了三期变形演化阶段,包括中-晚侏罗世左行伸展走滑阶段(~160Ma),早白垩世中期左行走滑/斜滑剪切阶段(~130Ma)及早白垩世晚期的伸展阶段;2)两期走滑剪切阶段与郯庐断裂带及其北段两个分支具有相似性,其中早期~160Ma的走滑剪切事件相对于佳木斯地块与松嫩地块的拼合时间(~170Ma)晚近10Myr;3)松辽盆地形成早期受到中-晚侏罗世的左行走滑断裂的控制,该左行走滑断裂的成因应归功于侏罗纪时西太平洋板块向欧亚大陆下快速的斜向俯冲有关。 展开更多
关键词 L构造岩 左行剪切 尼尔基地区 松辽盆地 松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带
柴北缘-南祁连地区构造热事件 被引量:28
作者 刘永江 franz neubauer +2 位作者 李伟民 Johann Genser 李伟 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1317-1329,共13页
对柴北缘路乐河剖面新生代沉积物和山前现代河沙中碎屑的锆石U-Pb同位素热年代学研究表明:研究区物源区发育~260、~450、500~600、800~900Ma 4个主要年龄峰值和~1.8、2.5~2.6Ga 2个较小的年龄峰值。结合研究区已有的同位素年龄数... 对柴北缘路乐河剖面新生代沉积物和山前现代河沙中碎屑的锆石U-Pb同位素热年代学研究表明:研究区物源区发育~260、~450、500~600、800~900Ma 4个主要年龄峰值和~1.8、2.5~2.6Ga 2个较小的年龄峰值。结合研究区已有的同位素年龄数据提出:柴北缘—南祁连地区在二叠纪中—晚期遭受了一次较强烈的低温区域构造热事件的改造;柴北缘高压榴辉岩及其相关的地质体隆升到地表的时间晚于上新世;柴北缘—南祁连地区先后主要经历了800~900 Ma的Rodinia超大陆裂解事件,500~600 Ma的泛非区域变质事件和~450Ma的俯冲碰撞变质事件;柴北缘—南祁连地区的主要构造热事件发生在元古代,主要集中在500~600Ma和800~900Ma,表明柴北缘—南祁连地区的前寒武纪基底性质与扬子板块相似,与华北板块完全不同。 展开更多
关键词 柴北缘 南祁连 碎屑锆石 U-PB定年 构造热事件 构造
基于透射电镜的香肠构造流变计研究 被引量:2
作者 樊春 曾佐勋 +2 位作者 franz neubauer 杨光明 Johann Genser 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期41-44,共4页
采用透射电镜(TEM)对采自奥地利东阿尔卑斯和北京西山的香肠构造中的香肠体和相应基质的样品进行了超微构造分析。结果表明细粒基质中的位错密度较粗颗粒香肠体中的位错密度明显低很多。故认为香肠体的变形机制以位错蠕变为主,而基质的... 采用透射电镜(TEM)对采自奥地利东阿尔卑斯和北京西山的香肠构造中的香肠体和相应基质的样品进行了超微构造分析。结果表明细粒基质中的位错密度较粗颗粒香肠体中的位错密度明显低很多。故认为香肠体的变形机制以位错蠕变为主,而基质的变形机制则以扩散蠕变为主。这从一个侧面为香肠构造流变计的这一假设提供了超微观研究的依据。 展开更多
关键词 透射电镜 香肠构造 位错密度 位错蠕变 扩散蠕变 阿尔卑斯山 西山 变形机制
滇西哀牢山深变质杂岩新生代多期变质、剪切变形及地质意义 被引量:12
作者 王浩博 曹淑云 +4 位作者 李俊瑜 程雪梅 吕美霞 Bernroider MANFRED franz neubauer 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期2573-2596,共24页
造山带内大型走滑断层带的运动、变形及变质事件的精细厘定,对研究造山带演化具有重要意义。沿着红河-哀牢山走滑断裂带出露大量深变质杂岩体,这些深变质杂岩保存了极其丰富的变形-变质以及热-构造演化信息。本文重点以红河-哀牢山走滑... 造山带内大型走滑断层带的运动、变形及变质事件的精细厘定,对研究造山带演化具有重要意义。沿着红河-哀牢山走滑断裂带出露大量深变质杂岩体,这些深变质杂岩保存了极其丰富的变形-变质以及热-构造演化信息。本文重点以红河-哀牢山走滑断层带中的变基性岩和变泥质岩为研究对象,开展了详细的宏观和显微构造、岩相矿物组合、变形温压条件及年代学的综合分析。所有的结果表明哀牢山深变质杂岩经历了至少三个阶段的变质以及依次的变形,即早期进变质阶段(M1)、峰期麻粒岩相变质阶段(M2)(T=780~840℃,P=~0. 95GPa)以及峰后近等温减压阶段(M3),具有明显的顺时针PT演化轨迹。获得片麻岩中的锆石边的变质或熔融年龄为35. 2±0. 9Ma^33. 9±0. 8Ma。同时结合EBSD变形矿物晶格优选定向分析,可以确定峰后近等温减压阶段(M3)与区域左行剪切变形阶段相一致。 展开更多
关键词 红河-哀牢山走滑断裂 哀牢山变质杂岩 变形-变质作用 麻粒岩相 部分熔融 P-T-t-D演化轨迹
Geochemistry of Sediments from the Lopare Basin(Bosnia and Herzegovina):Implications for Paleoclimate,Paleosalinity,Paleoredox and Provenance 被引量:3
作者 AleksandraŠAJNOVIĆ Nenad GRBA +4 位作者 franz neubauer Milica KAŠANIN-GRUBIN Ksenija STOJANOVIĆ Nenad PETKOVIĆ Branimir JOVANČIĆEVIĆ 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第5期1591-1618,共28页
A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin,Bosnia and Herzegovina.A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes,Pot 1(d... A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin,Bosnia and Herzegovina.A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes,Pot 1(depth of 193 m)and Pot 3(depth of 344 m),showed that element abundances like boron(B),lithium(Li),strontium(Sr),uranium(U),chromium(Cr),nickel(Ni),magnesium(Mg),sodium(Na)and calcium(Ca)are much higher than average than in the upper continental crust(UCC).Chemical composition indicates at least two sources:(i)Mesozoic ophiolites occurring in the north of the investigated area,and(ii)dacito-andesitic pyroclastics(Mesozoic to Cenozoic).Lopare Basin sedimentation was influenced by strong evaporation resulting in a partly hypersaline lake,which formed during a warm climatic period,probably during the Miocene Climatic Optimum.A brief episode of humid climate conditions resulted in the basin fillingup and deposition of felsic sediments enriched in thorium(Th).Organic geochemistry shows that the majority of studied sediments contains predominantly immature to marginally mature algal organic matter(OM).The biomarker patterns are generally in agreement with the geological history of the Lopare Basin and inorganic and mineralogical data.Conversely,the molecular distribution of n-alkanes as reliable climatic andδ-MTTC as paleosalinity indicators do not support this conclusion. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY provenance analysis paleoenvironmental conditions salinity/hypersalinity biomarker Lopare Basin Bosnia and Herzegovina
从多岛弧盆系构造看西特提斯造山系构造演化 被引量:3
作者 袁四化 刘永江 +4 位作者 常瑞虹 franz neubauer Johann Genser 关庆彬 黄倩雯 《沉积与特提斯地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期316-331,共16页
本文通过综述近年西特提斯带主要缝合带的研究进展及所代表洋盆的发育特征,提出了古特提斯缝合带可能的位置和俯冲消亡方式。结合区域资料探讨了西特提斯带古生代末-中生代洋陆构造格局,认为东、西古特提斯洋完全可以类比,自晚古生代末... 本文通过综述近年西特提斯带主要缝合带的研究进展及所代表洋盆的发育特征,提出了古特提斯缝合带可能的位置和俯冲消亡方式。结合区域资料探讨了西特提斯带古生代末-中生代洋陆构造格局,认为东、西古特提斯洋完全可以类比,自晚古生代末西特提斯带主要受古特提斯大洋双向俯冲制约,在俯冲带后缘以二叠纪裂谷带为基础逐渐发展成中生代多岛弧盆系的新特提斯构造格局,西特提斯造山系主要表现为弧后洋盆消减造山作用。 展开更多
关键词 多岛弧盆系 特提斯造山系 缝合带 洋板块地质
Macro-and Microstructural, Textural Fabrics and Deformation Mechanism of Calcite Mylonites from Xar Moron-Changchun Dextral Shear Zone, Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 LIANG Chenyue LIU Yongjiang +3 位作者 ZHENG Changqing LI Weimin franz neubauer ZHANG Qian 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1477-1499,共23页
The calcite mylonites in the Xar Moron-Changchun shear zone show a significance dextral shearing characteristics. The asymmetric(σ-structure) calcite/quartz grains or aggregates, asymmetry of calcite c-axes fabric di... The calcite mylonites in the Xar Moron-Changchun shear zone show a significance dextral shearing characteristics. The asymmetric(σ-structure) calcite/quartz grains or aggregates, asymmetry of calcite c-axes fabric diagrams and the oblique foliation of recrystallized calcite grains correspond to a top-to-E shearing. Mineral deformation behaviors, twin morphology, C-axis EBSD fabrics, and quartz grain size-frequency diagrams demonstrate that the ductile shear zone was developed under conditions of greenschist facies, with the range of deformation temperatures from 200 to 300°C. These subgrains of host grains and surrounding recrystallized grains, strong undulose extinction, and slightly curved grain boundaries are probably results of intracrystalline deformation and dynamic recrystallization implying that the deformation took place within the dislocation-creep regime at shallow crustal levels. The calculated paleo-strain rates are between 10-7.87s-1 and 10-11.49s-1 with differential stresses of 32.63-63.94 MPa lying at the higher bound of typical strain rates in shear zones at crustal levels, and may indicate a relatively rapid deformation. The S-L-calcite tectonites have undergone a component of uplift which led to subhorizontal lifting in an already non-coaxial compressional deformation regime with a bulk pure shear-dominated general shear. This E-W large-scale dextral strike-slip movement is a consequence of the eastward extrusion of the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt, and results from far-field forces associated with Late Triassic convergence domains after the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. 展开更多
关键词 CALCITE MYLONITES EBSD analysis finite-strain determination kinematic vorticity paleopiezometry Solonker- Xar Moron-Changchun-Yanji SUTURE Belt
Metamorphic stages in mountain belts during a Wilson cycle:A case study in the central Sanandaj-Sirjan zone(Zagros Mountains,Iran)
作者 Farzaneh Shakerardakani franz neubauer +5 位作者 Manfred Bernroider Fritz Finger Christoph Hauzenberger Johann Genser Michael Waitzinger Behzad Monfaredi 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第2期430-459,共30页
Polymetamorphic units are important constituents of continent-continent collisional orogens,and rift metamorphic assemblages are often overprinted by subsequent metamorphism during subduction and collision.This study ... Polymetamorphic units are important constituents of continent-continent collisional orogens,and rift metamorphic assemblages are often overprinted by subsequent metamorphism during subduction and collision.This study reports the metamorphic conditions and evolution of the Dorud-Azna metamorphic units in the central part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone(SSZ),Iran.Here,new geothermobarometry results are integrated with ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar mineral and Th-U-Pb monazite and thorite ages to provide new insight of polyphase metamorphism in the two different basement units of the SSZ,the lower Galeh-Doz orthogneiss and higher Amphibolite-Metagabbro units.In the Amphibolite-Metagabbro unit,staurolite micaschist underwent a prograde P-T evolution from 640±20℃/6.2±0.8 kbar in garnet cores(M1)to 680±20℃/7.2±1.0 kbar in garnet rims(M2).Three Th-U-Pb monazite ages of 306±5 Ma,322±28 Ma and 336±39 Ma from the garnet-micaschists testify the Carboniferous age of M1 metamorphism.In the same unit,the metagabbro records P-T conditions of 4.0±0.8 kbar and 580±50℃ in the(magmatic)amphibole core(Late Carboniferous intrusion)to 7.5±0.7 kbar and 700±20℃ in the amphibole rim indicating a prograde P-T path during subsequent burial(M1).New ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar dating of white mica from the staurolite micaschist yielded a staircase pattern ranging from 36±12 Ma to 170±2 Ma.This implies polymetamorphism with a minimum Late Jurassic cooling age through the Ar retention temperature of ca.425±25℃ after M2 metamorphism and a Paleogene low-grade metamorphic overprint(M3),while ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar white mica dating of garnet micaschist yielded a plateau age of 137.84±0.65 Ma.We therefore interpret the amphibolite-grade metamorphism M2 to have predated 170 Ma and is likely between 180 and 200 Ma.Furthermore,it is overprinted at about 36 Ma under retrogressive low-grade M3 metamorphism(at temperatures of~350-240℃)during final shortening and exhumation.In the underlying Galeh-Doz unit,the Panafrican granitic orthogneiss intruded at P-T conditions of 3.2±4 kbar and 700±20℃,then it was metamorphosed and deformed at 600±50℃ and 2.0±0.8 kbar(metamorphic stage M1)prior to Late Carboniferous intrusion of mafic dikes.^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar dating of amphibole from the Galeh-Doz orthogneiss gave plateau-like steps between 260 and 270 Ma,representing the age of cooling through ca.500℃ after the M1 metamorphic event.Interestingly,the results of this study demonstrate polyphase metamorphic histories in both the Galeh-Doz orthogneiss and Amphibolite-Metagabbro units at different P-T conditions and final thickskinned Paleogene emplacement of these units over the underlying low-grade metamorphic June Complex.Our findings suggest that both units are affected by high-T/low-P Late Carboniferous orogenic metamorphism along with the bimodal magmatism,as result of rifting.We propose that the Early Jurassic amphibolite-grade M2 metamorphism of the SSZ is correlated with the initial subduction of the Neotethyan Ocean.Eventually,the investigated units reflect various stages of a Wilson cycle,from rifting to initiation of the subduction in final plate collision. 展开更多
关键词 CARBONIFEROUS Polyphase metamorphism Petrochronology Chemical Th-U-Pb age dating ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar dating Collisional orogen
松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带中南段走滑性质、时间及其位移量 被引量:15
作者 韩国卿 刘永江 +4 位作者 franz neubauer Johann GENSER 邹运鑫 李伟 梁琛岳 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期471-482,共12页
松辽盆地的西缘边界断裂带,又称嫩江-八里罕断裂带,位于东北地区中部,大兴安岭的东缘,传统认识上认为其为一条NNE向的大型正断层或拆离断层.通过对断裂带中南段楼子店,岭下地区韧性变形岩石构造要素系统测量和统计,显微构造观察,有限应... 松辽盆地的西缘边界断裂带,又称嫩江-八里罕断裂带,位于东北地区中部,大兴安岭的东缘,传统认识上认为其为一条NNE向的大型正断层或拆离断层.通过对断裂带中南段楼子店,岭下地区韧性变形岩石构造要素系统测量和统计,显微构造观察,有限应变测量,石英组构EBSD(电子背散射衍射)分析和变形带白云母40Ar/39Ar年代学等方面的对比研究,证实断裂带南段楼子店地区与中段岭下地区变形岩石具有相同的变形组构特征,应为同一断裂带同期变形的产物,初步确定了松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带中南段在早白垩世早期(~130 Ma)曾经历左行走滑变形阶段;通过对断裂带两侧西拉木伦河缝合带和倭勒根岩群展布的研究,确定嫩江-八里罕断裂带的现今累计走滑位移量在40~50 km之间. 展开更多
关键词 松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带 楼子店地区 岭下地区 左行走滑 位移量 40Ar/39Ar测年
Characteristics,timing,and offsets of the middle-southern segment of the western boundary strike-slip fault of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China 被引量:8
作者 HAN GuoQing LIU YongJiang +4 位作者 franz neubauer Johann GENSER ZOU YunXin LI Wei LIANG ChenYue 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期464-475,共12页
As the west boundary fault of the Songliao Basin and the eastern margin of the Da Hinggan Mountains, the Nenjiang-Balihan fault is located in the central part of Northeast China. It is traditionally considered to be a... As the west boundary fault of the Songliao Basin and the eastern margin of the Da Hinggan Mountains, the Nenjiang-Balihan fault is located in the central part of Northeast China. It is traditionally considered to be a huge deep-seated NNE-striking fault, characterized by a normal fault or detachment fault displacement. The field investigation resulted in the finding of ductile shear zones in the Lingxia and Louzidian areas, the middle and southern sectors of the fault system. The authors conducted meas- urements of structural elements in the field, micro-structural studies, finite strain measurements, a study on preferred crystal orientations of quartz determined by Electron Back Scatter Diffraction and muscovite 40Ar/9Ar chronology of the deformed rocks in the ductile shear zone. The results show that the deformation features of the Lingxia and Louzidian ductile shear zones are similar, and that they represent one continuous fault, i.e., the middle-southern segment of the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault, which experienced a sinistral strike-slip ductile shearing in the Early Cretaceous (-130 Ma). By measuring the displacement of the Xar Moron River suture and Wolegen Group on both sides of the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault, it is found that the cumulative strike-slip offset of the fault is about 40-50 km. 展开更多
关键词 western boundary fault of Songliao Basin sinistral strike-slip offset 40Ar/9Ar dating
Geochemistry of Enclaves and Host Granitoids from the Kashan Granitoid Complex, Central Iran: Implications for Enclave Generation by Interaction of Cogenetic Magmas 被引量:2
作者 Maryam Honarmand Nematollah Rashidnejad Omran +5 位作者 franz neubauer Ghasem Nabatian Mohammad Hashem Emami Albrecht von Quadt Yunpeng Dong Manfred Bernroider 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期626-647,共22页
The major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of Miocene host granitoid rocks and their mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs) were studied to understand the petrogenesis of MMEs in the Kashan complex, which is par... The major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of Miocene host granitoid rocks and their mafic microgranular enclaves(MMEs) were studied to understand the petrogenesis of MMEs in the Kashan complex, which is part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt(Iran). The host rocks consist of quartz-diorite and tonalite associated with a dioritic intrusion. The enclaves show microgranular texture and the same mineralogy as their respective host with plagioclase, quartz and biotite. MMEs have a diorite to quartz-diorite composition and show geochemical characteristics mostly between their granitoid host and the diorite intrusion. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of all samples are moderately fractionated [(La/Yb)N=2.1 to 12.9]. The MMEs display in part small negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu*=0.54 to 0.99), with enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE. The enclaves show emplacement depth of -4 to 6 km which is comparable with the host rocks. Moreover, the Hornblende-plagioclase equilibrium temprature of MMEs yields average temperatures of 795℃ which is slightly higher than the host ones. Identical mineral compositions and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic features of MME-host granitoid pairs indicate interactions and parallel evolution of MME and enclosing granitoid in the Kashan plutons. Additionally, the geochemical and isotopic investigations of host and dioritic intrusions suggest a common source for their genesis. A thermal anomaly induced by underplated basic magma into a hot crust would have caused partial melting in the lower crust to generate Kashan granitoid rocks. 展开更多
关键词 magma interaction mafic microgranular enclave radiogenic isotopes granitoid rocks Kashan Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt
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