The Pinxiang weathering profile is well developed on Early Triassic dacite lavas of the Baisi Formation. At the top of the profile is developed a red clay zone which is characterized mineralogically by kaolinite, iron...The Pinxiang weathering profile is well developed on Early Triassic dacite lavas of the Baisi Formation. At the top of the profile is developed a red clay zone which is characterized mineralogically by kaolinite, iron oxide minerals, quartz, and a small amount of illite, montmorillonite and vermiculite. In going downwards the red clay zone gives way to a saprolite zone in which plagioclase pseudomorphs have been well preserved although replaced by kaolinite. Beneath the saprolite zone is the saprock zone characterized by less weathering for dacite. At the bottom of the weathering profile is the parent material, dacite, which is composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar and biotite which have been largely altered into chlorite owing to submarine extrusion of dacite lavas. Some layers in the weathering profile show obvious sodium enrichment and potassium depletion relative to others. In the Al2O3-(CaO*+Na2O)-K2O triangular diagram, the weathering trends of these layers in the middle stage are remarkably deviated from normal ones. Both mineralogy and micro-morphology of these layers indicate such deviation resulted from sodic metasomatism of orthoclase.展开更多
新元古代"雪球地球"事件代表地球经历的极端气候条件,对其后的大气和海洋氧化、生物地球化学循环和真核生物的演化都产生了深远的影响。然而同冰期化学沉积岩的缺乏,严重制约了对冰期海洋环境的了解。笔者等在贵州松桃地区一...新元古代"雪球地球"事件代表地球经历的极端气候条件,对其后的大气和海洋氧化、生物地球化学循环和真核生物的演化都产生了深远的影响。然而同冰期化学沉积岩的缺乏,严重制约了对冰期海洋环境的了解。笔者等在贵州松桃地区一钻孔岩芯南华系南沱组中采集到一套同冰期白云岩,为南沱冰期海洋环境研究提供了理想材料。岩芯中白云岩层位于南沱组下部,夹持于两套杂砾岩、粉砂质泥岩组合中间,厚度1.61 m。偏光显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明岩性为微晶白云岩。采用Delta V Advantage稳定同位素质谱仪分析白云岩的碳、氧同位素,测定结果为:δ^18OV-PDB在-16.97‰^-8.37‰之间,δ^13CV-PDB在-9.68‰^-8.42‰之间,与冰期前后碳同位素组成对比,δ^13CV-PDB具显著低负值特征。电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)微量元素分析结果表明:白云岩样品中铁、锰含量很高,铁含量的平均值约为92867×10^-6,锰含量的平均值约为10644×10^-6;Mn/Sr值较大,平均值约为26.89。综合碳、氧同位素的相关性及微量元素特征分析表明,南沱组同冰期白云岩碳同位素组成代表了原始的沉积记录。研究结果表明:①南沱组白云岩的出现反映了南沱冰期海洋中存在着开放的水体,这些开放水体为此时真核生物提供了重要的栖息场所。②南沱冰期海洋处于富铁缺氧的环境,白云岩中碳同位素低负值主要是甲烷厌氧氧化的结果。③同位素质量平衡计算表明,冰期海洋中较高比例的有机质埋藏和极其有限的大气-海洋气体交换导致了大气中氧浓度的升高。展开更多
文摘The Pinxiang weathering profile is well developed on Early Triassic dacite lavas of the Baisi Formation. At the top of the profile is developed a red clay zone which is characterized mineralogically by kaolinite, iron oxide minerals, quartz, and a small amount of illite, montmorillonite and vermiculite. In going downwards the red clay zone gives way to a saprolite zone in which plagioclase pseudomorphs have been well preserved although replaced by kaolinite. Beneath the saprolite zone is the saprock zone characterized by less weathering for dacite. At the bottom of the weathering profile is the parent material, dacite, which is composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar and biotite which have been largely altered into chlorite owing to submarine extrusion of dacite lavas. Some layers in the weathering profile show obvious sodium enrichment and potassium depletion relative to others. In the Al2O3-(CaO*+Na2O)-K2O triangular diagram, the weathering trends of these layers in the middle stage are remarkably deviated from normal ones. Both mineralogy and micro-morphology of these layers indicate such deviation resulted from sodic metasomatism of orthoclase.
文摘新元古代"雪球地球"事件代表地球经历的极端气候条件,对其后的大气和海洋氧化、生物地球化学循环和真核生物的演化都产生了深远的影响。然而同冰期化学沉积岩的缺乏,严重制约了对冰期海洋环境的了解。笔者等在贵州松桃地区一钻孔岩芯南华系南沱组中采集到一套同冰期白云岩,为南沱冰期海洋环境研究提供了理想材料。岩芯中白云岩层位于南沱组下部,夹持于两套杂砾岩、粉砂质泥岩组合中间,厚度1.61 m。偏光显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明岩性为微晶白云岩。采用Delta V Advantage稳定同位素质谱仪分析白云岩的碳、氧同位素,测定结果为:δ^18OV-PDB在-16.97‰^-8.37‰之间,δ^13CV-PDB在-9.68‰^-8.42‰之间,与冰期前后碳同位素组成对比,δ^13CV-PDB具显著低负值特征。电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)微量元素分析结果表明:白云岩样品中铁、锰含量很高,铁含量的平均值约为92867×10^-6,锰含量的平均值约为10644×10^-6;Mn/Sr值较大,平均值约为26.89。综合碳、氧同位素的相关性及微量元素特征分析表明,南沱组同冰期白云岩碳同位素组成代表了原始的沉积记录。研究结果表明:①南沱组白云岩的出现反映了南沱冰期海洋中存在着开放的水体,这些开放水体为此时真核生物提供了重要的栖息场所。②南沱冰期海洋处于富铁缺氧的环境,白云岩中碳同位素低负值主要是甲烷厌氧氧化的结果。③同位素质量平衡计算表明,冰期海洋中较高比例的有机质埋藏和极其有限的大气-海洋气体交换导致了大气中氧浓度的升高。