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作者 夏紫微 唐锦道 +8 位作者 蒋沁原 陈培钦 李浩 周强 尤立星 王浟 宋海智 郭光灿 邓光伟 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期322-330,共9页
基于硅基CMOS工艺,设计并制备了一维光声晶体微腔器件,在极低温(28 mK)条件下对该微腔的光学模式(光纤通信波段)和声学模式(~5.344 GHz)进行了表征,利用脉冲光驱动和单光子探测方法实现了声学模式的声子计数。其中的关键技术是利用脉冲... 基于硅基CMOS工艺,设计并制备了一维光声晶体微腔器件,在极低温(28 mK)条件下对该微腔的光学模式(光纤通信波段)和声学模式(~5.344 GHz)进行了表征,利用脉冲光驱动和单光子探测方法实现了声学模式的声子计数。其中的关键技术是利用脉冲光驱动微腔散射光子且产生(或减少)声子,这种脉冲光驱动方法可以减少光的加热效应以保持低声子占据率;再通过级联窄带宽光纤法布里-珀罗滤波器对泵浦光子进行选择滤波,之后测量得到的散射光子可以精确地计算声学模式中的声子数。实验得到的平均声子数为0.14±0.03,进入了少声子区间,为声学量子态在量子计算、量子精密测量、量子换能器等领域的应用奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 声学量子态 一维光声晶体微腔 声子计数 脉冲光激励
量子计算机研究进展 被引量:13
作者 郭光灿 陈以鹏 王琴 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2020年第5期3-10,共8页
量子计算机是未来量子技术时代最具颠覆性的技术,文中将以量子计算机的诞生、工作原理和在世界范围内的发展现状为主要阐述内容。目前阶段,量子计算机的研制已从以院校、研究所的基础性研究为主体的阶段,过渡到以公司企业为主要研发驱... 量子计算机是未来量子技术时代最具颠覆性的技术,文中将以量子计算机的诞生、工作原理和在世界范围内的发展现状为主要阐述内容。目前阶段,量子计算机的研制已从以院校、研究所的基础性研究为主体的阶段,过渡到以公司企业为主要研发驱动力的阶段,并开始逐渐进入到“量子霸权”的发展新阶段,当然,目前的量子计算机还比较初级,离可破解密码的通用量子计算机还有很长的路要走。 展开更多
关键词 量子计算机 超导量子计算 离子阱 量子比特
发挥“两弹一星”精神 拔量子信息科技头筹——在“量子信息前沿领域和战略科技力量高层次专家研讨会”上的致辞 被引量:1
作者 郭光灿 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2022年第1期8-9,共2页
为贯彻习近平总书记关于深入分析研判量子科技发展大势、找准我国量子科技发展的切入点和突破口、抢占量子科技国际竞争制高点的讲话精神,2021年9月28日,由中国科协主办、中国科学院成都文献情报中心承办的"量子信息前沿领域和战... 为贯彻习近平总书记关于深入分析研判量子科技发展大势、找准我国量子科技发展的切入点和突破口、抢占量子科技国际竞争制高点的讲话精神,2021年9月28日,由中国科协主办、中国科学院成都文献情报中心承办的"量子信息前沿领域和战略科技力量高层次专家研讨会"成功召开。《世界科技研究与发展》2022年首期推出"量子科技"专题刊,有幸获郭光灿院士应允,特摘编郭院士在"量子信息前沿领域和战略科技力量高层次专家研讨会"上的致辞,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 量子信息 中国科协 中国科学院 研究与发展 分析研判 国际竞争 前沿领域 “两弹一星”精神
作者 李锦 王丕屿 +4 位作者 王正瑜 牛睿 万帅 郭光灿 董春华 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期11-17,共7页
具有高品质因子(Q值)的光学谐振腔能够长时间将光束缚在较小的模式体积内,极大地增强了光与物质的相互作用,成为集成光学器件中具有重大潜力的重要组成部分。聚焦于目前广泛应用于集成非线性光学领域的氮化硅材料平台,为了解决大尺寸氮... 具有高品质因子(Q值)的光学谐振腔能够长时间将光束缚在较小的模式体积内,极大地增强了光与物质的相互作用,成为集成光学器件中具有重大潜力的重要组成部分。聚焦于目前广泛应用于集成非线性光学领域的氮化硅材料平台,为了解决大尺寸氮化硅微环腔由拼接误差、表面粗糙等因素导致的散射损耗较大的问题,进行了一系列的工艺改进以提高大尺寸氮化硅微环腔的品质因子。结果表明:通过薄膜再沉积工艺可以有效降低氮化硅波导的散射损耗,半径为560μm的大尺寸氮化硅微环腔的本征Q值得到了平均26%的提升。得益于提高的微腔Q值,在氮化硅微环腔中实现了重复频率40 GHz的光学频率梳。 展开更多
关键词 氮化硅微环腔 品质因子 光学频率梳
作者 郭光灿 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期641-641,共1页
二十世纪最初几十年,物理学界风云变幻却又群星璀璨,基于牛顿力学的确定性世界观在微观层面被彻底推翻,以不确定性为基础的量子力学应运而生,并带来了人类历史上一次深刻的思想和技术革命。百年来,量子力学依然像它初创时那样难以被普... 二十世纪最初几十年,物理学界风云变幻却又群星璀璨,基于牛顿力学的确定性世界观在微观层面被彻底推翻,以不确定性为基础的量子力学应运而生,并带来了人类历史上一次深刻的思想和技术革命。百年来,量子力学依然像它初创时那样难以被普通民众所理解,但它却已成为激光器、集成电路、计算机等经典信息技术的基石,对众多领域产生重大影响,并将持续为人类社会的进步提供源动力。 展开更多
关键词 信息技术 量子力学 牛顿力学 物理学界 源动力 集成电路 群星璀璨 计算机
作者 郭光灿 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期1-1,共1页
《量子电子学报》自1984年创刊以来,经历了近40年的风雨洗礼,已成为国内具有一定知名度的学术期刊。本刊侧重于报导量子电子学领域理论和实验研究成果,涵盖了光谱学、激光技术与器件、量子光学、基础光学、非线性光学、激光应用、光通... 《量子电子学报》自1984年创刊以来,经历了近40年的风雨洗礼,已成为国内具有一定知名度的学术期刊。本刊侧重于报导量子电子学领域理论和实验研究成果,涵盖了光谱学、激光技术与器件、量子光学、基础光学、非线性光学、激光应用、光通信、纤维与波导光学、图像与信息处理、半导体光电等诸多热点领域,现已成为国内广大科研人员开展学术交流的重要平台之一。这一成绩的取得离不开老一辈科学家的热情关怀和科研人员的大力支持,也离不开历届编委的辛勤劳动! 展开更多
关键词 科研人员 量子电子学 半导体光电 激光应用 基础光学 激光技术 量子光学 非线性光学
Evolution of the Density Operator in a Dissipative System--A Non-master-Equation Approach
作者 DUAN Luming guo guangcan 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第10期589-592,共4页
For a typical dissipative system,a driven harmonic oscillator put in a heat bath,we obtain a simple and exact solution for the reduced density operator of the system,which gives the result obtained by the master equat... For a typical dissipative system,a driven harmonic oscillator put in a heat bath,we obtain a simple and exact solution for the reduced density operator of the system,which gives the result obtained by the master equation approach under the small damping approximation.This method gives a simple way to get exact solutions of many problems about dissipative systems in quantum optics. 展开更多
量子信息 被引量:2
作者 郭光灿 韩永健 史保森 《科学观察》 2022年第3期1-4,共4页
量子信息主要指利用量子力学的基本原理(特别是量子态的基本性质)来实现特定的信息任务。现阶段的研究范畴主要包括如下几方面。量子密码与量子通信:利用量子态实现信息的编码、传输、处理和解码。特别指利用量子态(单光子态和纠缠态)... 量子信息主要指利用量子力学的基本原理(特别是量子态的基本性质)来实现特定的信息任务。现阶段的研究范畴主要包括如下几方面。量子密码与量子通信:利用量子态实现信息的编码、传输、处理和解码。特别指利用量子态(单光子态和纠缠态)实现量子密钥的分配。量子计算:利用量子态的叠加性质,设计可以合理利用这种叠加特性的并行算法,并通过合适的物理体系加以实现(通用量子计算)。 展开更多
关键词 量子信息 量子计算 量子态 量子力学 纠缠态 量子通信 并行算法 量子密钥
50km无特征源的测量设备无关量子密钥分发实验 被引量:3
作者 卢奉宇 银振强 +4 位作者 王双 王泽浩 陈巍 郭光灿 韩正甫 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期232-239,共8页
测量设备无关量子密钥分发协议可以免疫所有测量端的漏洞,极大地推进量子保密通信的实用化进程。美中不足的是,该协议依然对源端有极强的安全性假设。源端设备的非完美性同样会留下多种侧信道,从而威胁系统的实际安全性。针对此问题,提... 测量设备无关量子密钥分发协议可以免疫所有测量端的漏洞,极大地推进量子保密通信的实用化进程。美中不足的是,该协议依然对源端有极强的安全性假设。源端设备的非完美性同样会留下多种侧信道,从而威胁系统的实际安全性。针对此问题,提出无特征源测量设备无关量子密钥分发协议。该协议在量子态制备不完美的情况下依然可以提取出安全的密钥,是理论无条件安全性与实际安全性的完美结合。通过三强度诱骗态方法以及自行研制的Sagnac-Asymmetric-Mach-Zehnder编码结构,成功搭建无特征源的测量设备无关量子密钥分发系统,并在长为50.4 km的光纤信道和25 MHz的系统重复频率下达到1.91×10^(-6)的安全密钥分发速率。 展开更多
关键词 量子信息 量子通信 量子加密 量子密钥分发
Field experiment on a robust hierarchical metropolitan quantum cryptography network 被引量:40
作者 XU FangXing CHEN Wei +9 位作者 WANG Shuang YIN ZhenQiang ZHANG Yang LIU Yun ZHOU Zheng ZHAO YiBo LI HongWei LIU Dong HAN ZhengFu guo guangcan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第17期2991-2997,共7页
A hierarchical metropolitan quantum cryptography network upon the inner-city commercial telecom fiber cables is reported in this paper. The seven-user network contains a four-node backbone net with one node acting as ... A hierarchical metropolitan quantum cryptography network upon the inner-city commercial telecom fiber cables is reported in this paper. The seven-user network contains a four-node backbone net with one node acting as the subnet gateway, a two-user subnet and a single-fiber access link, which is realized by the Faraday-Michelson interferometer set-ups. The techniques of the quantum router, optical switch and trusted relay are assembled here to guarantee the feasibility and expandability of the quantum cryptography network. Five nodes of the network are located in the government departments and the secure keys generated by the quantum key distribution network are utilized to encrypt the instant video, sound, text messages and confidential files transmitting between these bureaus. The whole implementation including the hierarchical quantum cryptographic communication network links and the corresponding application software shows a big step toward the practical user-oriented network with a high security level. 展开更多
关键词 量子密码通信网络 网络加密 田间试验 迈克尔逊干涉仪 用户网络 光开关技术 光纤电缆 商业通信
Active phase compensation of quantum key distribution system 被引量:24
作者 CHEN Wei HAN ZhengFu +3 位作者 MO XiaoFan XU FangXing WEI guo guo guangcan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第9期1310-1314,共5页
Quantum key distribution (QKD) system must be robust enough in practical communication. Besides birefringence of fiber, system performance is notably affected by phase drift. The Faraday-Michelson QKD system can auto-... Quantum key distribution (QKD) system must be robust enough in practical communication. Besides birefringence of fiber, system performance is notably affected by phase drift. The Faraday-Michelson QKD system can auto-compensate the birefringence of fiber, but phase shift is still a serious problem in its practical operation. In this paper, the major reason of phase drift and its effect on Faraday- Michel- son QKD system is analyzed and an effective active phase compensation scheme is proposed. By this means, we demonstrate a quantum key distribution system which can stably run over 37-km fiber in practical working condition with the long-time averaged quantum bit error rate of 1.59% and the stan- dard derivation of 0.46%. This result shows that the active phase compensation scheme is suitable to be used in practical QKD systems based on double asymmetric interferometers without additional de- vices and thermal controller. 展开更多
关键词 量子键分布 法拉第-迈克逊系统 相位转移 相位补偿
Quantum entanglement and quantum operation 被引量:16
作者 YE MingYong ZHANG YongSheng guo guangcan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第1期14-21,共8页
It is a simple introduction to quantum entanglement and quantum operations.The authors focus on some applications of quantum entanglement and relations between two-qubit entangled states and unitary operations.It incl... It is a simple introduction to quantum entanglement and quantum operations.The authors focus on some applications of quantum entanglement and relations between two-qubit entangled states and unitary operations.It includes remote state preparation by using any pure entangled states,nonlocal operation implementation using entangled states,entanglement capacity of two-qubit gates and two-qubit gates construction. 展开更多
A universal coherent source for quantum key distribution 被引量:15
作者 ZHANG ShengLi ZOU XuBo +2 位作者 LI ChuanFeng JIN ChenHui guo guangcan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第11期1863-1871,共9页
We propose a concept of universal coherent source for quantum key distribution. The weak coherent pulse (WCP) and heralded single photon source (HSPS) are the most common photon sources for state-of-art quantum key di... We propose a concept of universal coherent source for quantum key distribution. The weak coherent pulse (WCP) and heralded single photon source (HSPS) are the most common photon sources for state-of-art quantum key distribution (QKD). However, there exists a prominent crossover between the maximal secure distance and the secure key generating rate in short and middle distance if one applies these two sources in a practical decoy state quantum key distribution. It is shown that by combining the heralded pair coherent state (HPCS) photon source and the practical decoy state method together, one can not only strengthen the maximal secure transmission distance, but also improve key generat-ing rate at short and medium distance. Moreover, the advancement in key generating is not confined in the particular protocol utilized and can be easily checked for both BB84 and SARG protocol. Finally, we clearly demonstrate how the HPCS-based decoy method works effectively and feasibly by proposing an efficient HPCS-based "1 signal+2 decoy" state method. 展开更多
关键词 连贯源 量子密钥分配 交叉关系 安全距离
Multiple stochastic paths scheme on partially-trusted relay quantum key distribution network 被引量:17
作者 WEN Hao HAN ZhengFu +2 位作者 ZHAO YiBo guo guangcan HONG PeiLin 《Science in China(Series F)》 2009年第1期18-22,共5页
Quantum key distribution (QKD) technology provides proven unconditional point-to-point security based on fundamental quantum physics. A QKD network also holds promise for secure multi-user communications over long d... Quantum key distribution (QKD) technology provides proven unconditional point-to-point security based on fundamental quantum physics. A QKD network also holds promise for secure multi-user communications over long distances at high-speed transmission rates. Although many schemes have been proposed so far, the trusted relay QKD network is still the most practical and flexible scenario. In reality, the insecurity of certain relay sections cannot be ignored, so to solve the fatal security problems of partially-trusted relay networks we suggest a multiple stochastic paths scheme. Its features are: (i) a safe probability model that may be more practical for real applications; (ii) a multi-path scheme with an upper bound for the overall safe probability; (iii) an adaptive stochastic routing algorithm to generate sufficient different paths and hidden routes. Simulation results for a typical partially-trusted relay QKD network show that this generalized scheme is effective. 展开更多
关键词 quantum key distribution quantum network trusted relay STOCHASTIC security
High-Q whispering gallery modes in a polymer microresonator with broad strain tuning 被引量:6
作者 ZHOU ZhongHao SHU FangJie +2 位作者 SHEN Zhen DONG ChunHua guo guangcan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期45-49,共5页
We have reported the high-Q whispering gallery modes(WGMs) in a polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) optical microresonators with broad tuning range. The PDMS microresonators are fabricated at the center of two collimating fibe... We have reported the high-Q whispering gallery modes(WGMs) in a polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) optical microresonators with broad tuning range. The PDMS microresonators are fabricated at the center of two collimating fiber tips, which can be controlled by the piezoelectric stage. Through stretching the fiber stem, the tuning range of WGMs are demonstrated more than 50 nm.Further investigations demonstrated that the WGM shift has a high force sensitivity(~ 19.7 pm/μN) of the gravitation when the microcavity is stretched by a weight. The theoretical analysis reveals that the high force sensitivity of polymer microresonator can be used for the weak force or height measurement. 展开更多
关键词 科学学 科学知识 物理学 力学 天文学
Simulation of the Ising model, memory for Bell states and generation of four-atom entangled states in cavity QED 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG YingJie XIA YunJie +1 位作者 MAN ZhongXiao guo guangcan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第5期700-707,共8页
A scheme is proposed to simulate the Ising model and preserve the maximum entangled states (Bell states) in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) driven by a classical field with large detuning. In the strong driving a... A scheme is proposed to simulate the Ising model and preserve the maximum entangled states (Bell states) in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) driven by a classical field with large detuning. In the strong driving and large-detuning regime, the effective Hamiltonian of the system is the same as the standard Ising model, and the scheme can also make the initial four Bell states of two atoms at the maximum entanglement all the time. So it is a simple memory for the maximal entangled states. The system is insensitive to the cavity decay and the thermal field and more immune to decoherence. These advantages can warrant the experimental feasibility of the current scheme. Furthermore, the genuine four-atom entanglement may be acquired via two Bell states through one-step implementation on four two-level atoms in the strong-driven model, and when two Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states are prepared in our scheme, the entangled cluster state may be acquired easily. The success probability for the scheme is 1. 展开更多
关键词 ISING model Bell states GENUINE four-party entangled STATE cluster STATE
Interconversion of photon-phonon in a silica optomechanical microresonator 被引量:3
作者 DONG ChunHua SHEN Zhen +1 位作者 ZOU ChangLing guo guangcan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期64-69,共6页
In an optomechanical resonator, the optical and mechanical excitations can be coherently converted, which induces a transparency window for a weak probe laser beam. Here, we report an experimental study of transient o... In an optomechanical resonator, the optical and mechanical excitations can be coherently converted, which induces a transparency window for a weak probe laser beam. Here, we report an experimental study of transient optomechanically induced transparency(OMIT) using the silica microsphere with the breathing modes. The transient OMIT behavior obtained are in good agreement with theoretical calculations. In addition, the coherent interconversion between optical and mechanical excitations that can be used for light storage and readout has also been studied here. Our experimental results indicate that the light storage is closely related to the process of OMIT, and the photon-phonon conversion can be further applied to optical wavelength or optical mode conversion. 展开更多
关键词 二氧化硅微球 光学机械 微谐振腔 声子 光子 机械激励 透明窗口 呼吸模式
Implementing ancilla-free phase covariant quantum cloning with atoms trapped in cavities 被引量:1
作者 YE Liu XIONG Wei +1 位作者 LI AiXia guo guangcan 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期262-267,共6页
We propose a scheme to implement ancilla-free 1 to 2 optimal phase covariant quantum cloning with atoms trapped in cavities.In the scheme the W-class state of three atoms,which are individually trapped in three spatia... We propose a scheme to implement ancilla-free 1 to 2 optimal phase covariant quantum cloning with atoms trapped in cavities.In the scheme the W-class state of three atoms,which are individually trapped in three spatially separated cavities,is deterministically generated.Then by the use of this W-class state and detection of the atomic state,an optimal ancilla-free 1 to 2 phase-covariant quantum cloning between two spatially separated trapped atoms can be realized.The scheme is robust for atomic spontaneous decay,cavity decay and photon leakage out of the fiber.In principle,an M+1-atom W-class state can be generated by using such an approach.Thus this scheme also can be generalized to implement 1 to M ancilla-free phase-covariant quantum cloning. 展开更多
关键词 量子克隆 原子状态 协变 安克 最佳相位 状态检测 原子自发辐射 空间分隔
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